All posts by Submitted Story

Self/Ngatia Take First in Debate

This weekend Fort Scott took a small group of six debaters to Shawnee Mission East High School and did quite well.
Zoe Self and Elizabeth Ngatia had an 8-0 record and took first place in the KDC division.
Hannah Vann and Kinsley Davis had a 2-3 record and learned a lot from being up north and debating bigger schools.
Shekhar Gugnani and Neil Gugnani also went 2-3 and gained some great experience.
Submitted by Angella Curran

God’s Special Forces by Pastor Jimmy Tucker

The Bottom Line

by Jimmy Tucker

God’s Special Forces

After graduating from high school I was given a white beat-up 1967 Chevelle. The transmission wasn’t working and it looked like it had been sideswiped. My dad helped me restore it. We fixed the dents, added transmission fluid, and had it painted blue. I put wide tires and air shocks in the rear to make it look cool. I had it reupholstered and bought an 8-track/cassette player with powerful speakers. However, the car just had a stock 283 engine and I wanted more power.

So I sold it and bought my brother’s 1973 Gran Torino which had a powerful 351 V8 engine. I decided to transform it into a muscle car. By definition, a muscle car is a high-performance automobile with a powerful V8 engine designed for maximum-speed driving. So I souped up the ‘73 with a Holly four-barrel carburetor, aluminum manifold, dual exhaust, a new set of wide tires in the back, jacked it up in the rear with air shocks, and added a stabilizer bar. Then I let my brother test drive it. I think he was impressed because he scared both of us by taking an S-curve faster than he intended as he slid the car through the corner like a pro.

God has blessed America with a military that’s got a lot of muscle. He’s blessed this Nation above other nations because we support Israel. God’s Word tells us that He curses the nations that are against Israel. In Genesis 12:3, God told Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.” Our Special Forces successfully completed a dangerous mission recently, letting the world see the power God has given the USA. Our veterans are America’s best and they lay their lives on the line for freedom. Our veterans represent “the land of the free and the home of the brave;“ they’re our heroes, and they deserve our respect, honor, and support.

There’s another kind of muscle that believers tend to forget about — the spiritual muscle of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has been working on this planet since the beginning of time. “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2 NKJV). As believers, it’s amazing to realize that the Holy Spirit is residing IN us. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV). We have access to His power by using the name of Jesus in faith.

God’s muscle men of the Bible demonstrated the Holy Spirit’s power. Samson single-handedly killed one thousand Philistine soldiers with a donkey’s jawbone. He was just a man who became God’s muscle man when the Holy Spirit came on him.

The prophet Elijah was also a man. But when the Holy Spirit came on him, he became a powerhouse. In one day, he called down fire from heaven, killed 450 prophets of Baal with a sword, and outran the king’s chariot (possibly drawn by the fastest horses in Israel)! Elijah was a powerful prophet because the Holy Spirit was on him.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego refused to serve King Nebuchadnezzar’s gods or worship the image set up in Babylon. They were told that they’d be executed in a furnace of fire if they didn’t fall down and worship the image. At the conclusion of the King’s threat, he asked, “And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?” He would soon find out. The three Hebrews responded with a bold declaration of faith: “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He WILL deliver us from your hand, O king“ (Daniel 3:16,17). These boys were God’s spiritual muscle men and testimonies of God’s power, and God was not about to fail them. So the King had them thrown into the fire. Then he looked and saw four men in the fire, and One looked like the Son of God. The three Hebrew boys walked right out of the fire and they didn’t even smell like smoke. However, the men who threw them in the fire were killed by the heat.

The Holy Spirit is your power source too. Develop an awareness of the Holy Spirit in you and meditate on the power of the One inside you. Build up your faith in the mighty name of Jesus.

The Bottom Line: Join God’s Special Forces and let the muscle of the Holy Spirit do mighty things through you.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

Diamond Community Church

Fort Scott, KS

Worship 10:45 a.m.

Fort Scott Holiday Open House Nov. 14

Holiday Open House: November 14th, 5-8pm

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces the Holiday Open House late night shopping event will be held this Thursday, November 14th from 5 to 8 p.m. Retailers in the Downtown Historic District and other locations will be open late to shop, snack and win.

The Holiday Open House will feature nearly 20 merchants offering holiday décor and unique gifts. “Dolly the Trolley” will provide transportation between shopping locations so attendees can shop and ride. Many of the locations will be offering drawings, treats and beverages to enjoy.

Participating retailers include the following locations in the Downtown Historic District: Bids & Dibs, Books & Grannies, Courtland Hotel & Spa, Empress Event Center Marketplace, Front Door Christmas Store, Hedgehog.INK, Here We Go Again Upholstery, Iron Star, J & W Sports Shop, Lowell Milken Center for Unsung Heroes, Main Street Gallery & Gifts, Mayco Ace Hardware, Ruddick’s Furniture, Sunshine Boutique, Trader Dave’s and Treasure Hunt Flea Market. Other locations include Bartelsmeyer Jewelry and Sekan’s Occasion Shop.

Contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce for more information on this event at 620-223-3566 or visit

The Bird by Pastor James Collins

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

A lonely lady lived alone, and she didn’t like it. Finally, she decided to do something about her loneliness. She went to a pet store and looked at all the dogs, cats, hamsters, turtles, and goldfish that were for sale, hoping to find a pet that would be good company. None of the pets really made the woman happy and she was ready to give up when the pet store owner showed her a very expensive parrot.

“Does it talk” she asked. “Yes ma’am,” the owner replied, “He’s a genuine chatterbox.” The woman was thrilled. Excitedly, she paid $2000 for the parrot and his cage.

A week later, the woman came back to the pet shop and said, “I want my money back. I paid $2000 for my talking bird and he doesn’t talk at all.” The pet store owner said, “Ma’am, he will talk if you just entice him a little bit. Put some things in his cage with him.” She agreed and the pet shop owner sold her a mirror for the bird to look at himself and a ladder for the bird to run up and down. When the items were totaled up, it cost the lady $50.

A week later, the woman returned to the pet store. She was madder than a hornet. She said, “My talking bird still will not talk.” The pet shop owner said, “Ma’am, you have to entice him a little more. What you need to do is get him a bell to ring and a swing to swing on. He will get so excited, he will talk.” She said, “Okay.” By the time she left the pet store, she had paid another $50.

A week later, the woman stomped back into the pet store. She was visibly angry.

I want you to know that my talking bird is dead. He is dead, dead, dead and I’m out $2100,” she huffed.

You’re kidding. That bird was healthy when I sold him to you 3 weeks ago,” the pet store owner said.

Well, he’s dead now. He’s deader than a hammer. He swung on his swing. He rang his bell. He looked at himself in the mirror. He ran up and down his ladder. Then he fell on his little back in the bottom of the cage. He kicked his little legs up in the air and he blew out his last breath. He’s dead. My talking bird is dead.”

“I am so sorry.”

Well, if it makes you feel any better, he finally said something before he died.”

Really? What did he say?”

Right before he died, my bird looked at me and said, ‘Hey dummy! Don’t they have any bird seed at that pet store!’”

The point is: You can have all the bells and whistles this world has to offer, but without Jesus, you will be dead. We have all sinned. As far as God is concerned, we deserve the death penalty, but He provided a way to have life. God gave His Son to die in our place, and all who believe on Him are saved.

Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, is food for your soul. There is no need to let your hunger for spiritual nourishment go unsatisfied. All you need is abundantly available in Jesus.

Don’t starve to death.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

James Collins is a pastor at First Southern Baptist Church. He can be reached through the website or by email at [email protected].

Obituary of Kenneth Holt

Kenneth Ray “Kenny” Holt, age 67, Uniontown, Kansas passed away on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, at his home after a courageous battle with cancer.

He was born on October 11, 1952, in Pensacola, Florida the son of Kent and Marilyn Hartman Holt.

Kenny graduated from Uniontown High School in the Class of 1970.  He then graduated from Fort Scott Community College and then earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Pittsburg State University.

On January 8, 1972, he was united in marriage to his high school sweetheart, Nancy Blake.  He entered the family business, Union State Bank, in 1972.  He served as President and CEO from 1990 until his retirement in 2019.  He was chairman of the board until his passing.

Kenny was an avid runner, golfer and enjoyed hunting.

He loved coaching basketball and was the assistant boys coach at UHS for a couple of seasons before becoming the head coach of the UHS girls team in 2000.  He filled the role of head coach until 2013.  His passion for coaching brought him back for one more stint as an assistant coach in 2018.

Kenny was a member of the First Missionary Baptist Church of Uniontown.  He served the church as a deacon and trustee numerous times.

He was an active member of the Uniontown community serving on many committees and organizations.

Kenny is survived by his wife, Nancy, of the home, two sons, Bryan and wife Tara of Fort Scott; Chad and wife Amy of Redfield; six grandchildren, Gabe, Xavier, Drew, Aiden, Claire and Eli; parents, Kent and Marilyn of Uniontown; brother Randall and wife Debra of Fort Scott; sisters, Debbie Likely and husband Tom, of Parker, Kansas, and Susan Eldridge and husband Ron of Uniontown; extended family and friends.

Kenny’s best role was that of Grandpa.  He devotedly attended the activities of his grandchildren, even when he was weakened from cancer treatments.  His grandkids loved spending time at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

Kenny Holt truly lived by and encouraged all his life touched to live by the motto, “Carpe Diem”.  Seize the Day.

Funeral service will be held at 10 am Monday, November 11, 2019, at the First Missionary Baptist Church, Uniontown, Kansas.

Burial will be in the Uniontown Cemetery.  Contributions are suggested to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, St. Jude’s or the American Cancer Society.  Online condolences can be left at  Arrangements:  Schneider Funeral Home and Crematory, Pleasanton Chapel.

Multi-Use Event Facility? Give Your Input

Bourbon County
requests your feedback on a possible multi-use event facility
in our county.
Please take either or both
of the following surveys:
Click here for business survey.
Click here for resident survey.
Survey will close Nov. 15th, 2019!
If you have questions on the survey or other input,
please email Jody Hoener, Bourbon County Economic Development.
Bourbon County Commission, as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance livability and quality of life for its residents and to grow our economic base and resulting job opportunities, has commissioned a feasibility study for a multi-use event facility to be located in the Fort Scott area.
Markin Consulting, a national consulting firm specializing in these types of facilities, is conducting this two-phase study. The first phase is an intense look at the market viability of this type of facility.
We are thankful for Bourbon County stakeholders Jim Keller,
of Keller Ranch, and Steve Buerge, of Buerge Farms and
Buerge Enterprises, Inc. who have made substantial contributions toward the market demand study.
By completing a rigorous cost benefit analysis, we are not only showing to be good stewards of taxpayer resources but we are also planning for the future.
We believe the feasibility study for the multi-use event facility is very important to our business community and are asking business and residents for your help by taking time to complete a very short, on-line survey for this study process.

The Missourians Concert Nov. 8


The Missourians will be live in concert tonight at Memorial Hall.

You are invited to this special faith and freedom event with a special patriotic salute to all Veterans.

Tight harmonies, upbeat concerts, soul touching songs, and the love of Jesus Christ, that’s what The Missourians are best known for. For twenty-five years they have been spreading the message of Jesus Christ through song. During that time they have recorded 16 albums and 2 videos including their latest release “Hymns & Classics.”

The group, based out of Joplin Missouri, is comprised of five talented musicians and singers who have a true desire of spreading the good news to people of all ages and locations. Whether it’s a rural church or city auditorium The Missourians have one purpose…to share the love of Jesus through music.

The Missourians have shared the stage with such greats as Gold City, Brian Free & Assurance, Ivan Parker, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers and many others. The group also hosts a weekly radio show called “Make Mine Southern” on multiple broadcast and internet radio stations.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see The Missourians live in concert at Memorial Hall tonight. Memorial Hall is located at 1 East 3rd Street in Fort Scott.

The concert will start at 7 pm.

Ticket prices are $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5 to 9, and admission is free for children 4 and under.

All proceeds from this event will go to the building fund for First Southern Baptist Church.

For more information, call (620) 223-2986 or go to the website

When Rules Don’t Apply by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

There were five tennis courts, all occupied, and usage was limited to one hour if other players were waiting. As we signed the board for an open court, Ted approached. “See those four ladies over there on Court #1?” he asked. “The rules don’t apply to them.” He shared that a few weeks ago he gave up his court to that foursome. When he returned two hours later and they still were playing, he told them their time was up. They not-so-kindly said they had been on the court only 10 minutes. Ted reminded them that it was he who had given them his court two hours before and he did not appreciate being lied to.

I like Ted.

Fast forward a month. My son, Andy, his wife Kristen and I unluckily ended up on the court next to the four dishonest women who thought they were prepping for Wimbledon. We, on the other hand, were there to have fun and laugh. When the inevitable happened and Kristen’s ball landed on the enemy’s court, my family stood frozen as, with great flair, the women played out their point and then dramatically retrieved our ball.

Fifteen minutes later, when it happened again, we were grateful they had racquets and not guns. This time, they all yelled “Let” loudly enough for everyone on all five courts to know they had been inconvenienced. That’s all it took. I knew what I needed to do. As more people arrived looking for a court, I periodically announced—rather loudly– how much time we had left. “We have twenty minutes before our hour is up.” “We have only five minutes left.” You get the point. The ladies had no choice but to exit their court since those waiting knew they had been there longer than we had. V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!

There are two treadmills in our community center gym. This is the sign hanging above every piece of equipment:

Simple, right? After 30 minutes, I am to GET OFF and let someone else use my machine. Apparently, two individuals don’t get it. The other day, I used the elliptical while they spent an hour on their treadmills. When one finally stopped, I pointed to the sign and asked her if, since I had used the elliptical for 30 minutes, I now was allowed to get on a different machine. (Yes, a little manipulative.) She became defensive. “I was only on my machine for 30 minutes.”

I repeated my question. She looked at me like I didn’t have the I.Q. to even push the start button. What she failed to realize was that she had accidently left her “Summary” on her machine–how many calories burned, maximum heart rate, etc., including her 63!!! minute time.

Where was Ted when I needed him?

Why is it some people think the rules don’t apply to them? Police arrest people who violate the law, but what do you do on a tennis court or exercise room? And yes, I know that as a Christian, whatever I do needs to be done in love. Is it possible to hit people with my tennis racquet in love or drag exercise freaks off their treadmills in love? Would Jesus appreciate that response? Uh, probably not. Even if they lie? Uh, probably not.

What Jesus wouldn’t do is ignore the offense, especially if that selfishness caused other people to be inconvenienced. When James and John requested a special place in Heaven, Jesus put them in their rightful place: “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” The message was clear. At the cross, Jesus would drink from the bitter cup of wrath in order that ALL his followers would make it to Heaven. Trying to elevate themselves above the other disciples was not Jesus’ way.

He, like Ted, just managed to do it without manipulating.

Next time, I’m going to try that.