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Obituary of Gary Dennison

Gary Wesley Dennison, 75 of Fort Scott, passed away Tuesday night, December 31, 2019 at the Overland Park Regional Medical Center. He was born January 18, 1943 in Booneville, Missouri, and became the son of Guy Wesley and Allie Faye (Maberry) Dennison.

Gary worked with Tri-Valley Developmental Center before taking up residency in the Medicalodge Nursing a few years ago.

He is survived by 4 cousins, Cheryl (Maberry) Blacklidge of Madison, Mississippi. Karen (Mabery) Atkins of Nixa, Missouri, Ray Gene Mabery and Elaine (Mabery) Marshall. He was preceded in death by his parents.

Funeral services for Gary Dennison will be 2:00 p.m. Friday, January 3, 2020 at the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Large (Pleasant View) Cemetery. Memorials may be made to either the Tri-Valley Developmental Center or the Medicalodge Activity Fund, contributions may be sent to or left in the care of the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, 15 W. Wall St., P.O. Box 309, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. Condolences may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Governor Reflects on 2019

Governor Kelly’s first year rebuilding Kansas


With 2019 drawing to a close, Governor Laura Kelly reflected on her administration’s accomplishments during her first year in office and addressed the work still to be done to keep Kansas on the path to prosperity.

“When I took office in January, I made a promise to the people of Kansas that I would do everything I could to rebuild our state and improve their quality of life,” Kelly said. “That promise has guided me over the course of the past year, and today I am pleased to say we have instituted bipartisan, meaningful change in 2019 that will help strengthen families across Kansas.

“Our state is on the road to recovery. This summer, CNBC described Kansas as ‘the comeback state of 2019,’ improving our standing in their annual rankings of top states for business by 16 spots – the largest jump of any other state.

While the Governor has made meaningful progress in restoring fiscally responsible budget practices, she knows that she must keep fighting for and investing in key priorities such as Kansas’ schools and infrastructure. 

“I’m proud of this, and all we have accomplished,” Kelly said. “But we still have so much to do. I promise to continue to work hard every day for every Kansan.”


Among the successes of Governor Kelly’s administration in 2019:



From day one, Kelly ran on the promise of restoring school funding and becoming the “Education Governor.” Kelly highlighted the importance of investing in the school system to build a future workforce pipeline and a brighter future for all Kansans. 

On April 6, Kelly signed a bipartisan school funding bill that the Kansas Supreme Court ruled adequately funded Kansas schools. In a true victory for Kansas families, the ruling finally ended many years of costly litigation over school finance and put K-12 public schools on a stronger foundation for success.

Kelly also established the Governor’s Council on Education, which is made up of stakeholders in education, child welfare, labor, advocacy and business communities across Kansas. The Council has already issued initial recommendations designed to improve education outcomes from early childhood through postsecondary attainment; enhance workforce development; and stimulate economic growth in Kansas.

Kelly also increased funding for higher education and challenged Kansas’ Regents universities to ensure that the funding would protect Kansas college students from a tuition hike for the first time in years.


Current labor market data, for November 2019, shows Kansas maintained record low unemployment, marking its lowest rate in 40 years at 3.1%. Since November of 2018, Kansas has gained 16,800 non-farm jobs and 11,800 private-sector jobs. November estimates also indicate strong wage growth in the private sector.


Fiscal Responsibility

During her first weeks in office, Kelly submitted a balanced budget to the Kansas Legislature nearly three weeks ahead of schedule. The budget paid down debt, invested in key priorities like schools, highways and health care, and provided the state with the largest ending balance in a decade — all without a tax increase, as promised.

In September, Kelly established the bipartisan Governor’s Council on Tax Reform. The Council is performing an in-depth study of the state’s current tax system. In December, the Council produced a number of recommendations for a fair and sustainable tax structure.

In calling for a return to the balanced, three-legged stool approach to taxes – income, property and sales — it recommended a food sales tax rebate and return to a tax-reduction fund that would give local governments more ability to lower property taxes. Decreasing the burden placed on Kansas families by the food sales tax has always been one of the Governor’s top priorities from the first day of her campaign. 

In addition to balancing the budget, Kelly’s administration began the process of thoroughly reviewing the state’s “no-bid” contracts. The practice of “no-bid” contracts bypassed the official state bidding process designed to ensure that contracts are transparent and in the best interests of Kansans. New measures of transparency, accountability and fairness have been established within the state procurement process. Kelly has taken exhaustive steps to ensure that Kansas taxpayer dollars go toward the most qualified bidder. 


Child Welfare

One of Kelly’s top priorities after taking office was taking steps to rebuild Kansas’ broken foster-care system.

She first appointed a nationally renowned leader to guide the Department for Children and Families. In January, Secretary Laura Howard took the lead at DCF and immediately improved transparency within the agency and efforts to locate children who were absent or had run away. Secretary Howard made meaningful progress by also hiring dozens of new social workers needed to improve response times and handle the existing caseload. 

Kelly also signed a bill allowing Kansas to leverage millions of federal dollars to benefit programs that strengthen vulnerable children and families. The bill enables Kansas to meet the requirements of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act program, which uses funds to give Kansas families access to strong, evidence-based programs – from mental health services to substance use disorder treatment – designed to prevent the need for foster care.



Kelly reduced more than $160 million in sales tax transfers from the “Bank of KDOT,” the money from the state’s transportation program. Over the past several years, more than $2 billion from this fund was used by the Legislature to pay for programs unrelated to transportation. By working toward closing the “Bank of KDOT,” the state can finally use Kansas’ infrastructure dollars to begin rebuilding deteriorated highways, complete five delayed T-WORKS projects, address critical safety needs, reinstate the local bridge repair program and create a partnership program for communities to address their infrastructure problems.   

The Governor has directed KDOT to develop a new long-term transportation plan for the state. After meeting with more than 2,000 Kansans, the proposed new FORWARD transportation plan calls for completing all T-WORKS projects, fully funding highway preservation, modernizing all modes of transportation, and providing economic development opportunities across the state.

Health Care

Kelly has made it clear that her top priority in 2020 will be expanding KanCare, the state’s Medicaid program, so that 150,000 more Kansans will have access to affordable, quality health care.

As part of Kelly’s commitment to ensuring 2020 will finally be the year we bring expansion over the finish line, Kelly established the bipartisan Governor’s Council on Medicaid Expansion.

“The group studied what worked elsewhere to help determine the best path for Kansas,” Kelly said. “The Council will submit a final report to me in early January outlining several guideposts for responsible expansion in Kansas. I call on the Legislature to carefully consider these guideposts next session as a way to pass a clean, effective bill to help the many Kansans who currently don’t have enough coverage.”


Economic Development

Kelly, in conjunction with Secretary of Commerce David Toland, established the Kansas “Framework for Growth” – a comprehensive strategy for economic growth in the state. A team of stakeholders, business leaders and economic development professionals from across the state will implement three phases: assessment and benchmarking; recommendations and best practices; and implementation planning. Key priorities of the Framework for Growth include business and workforce development, industry promotion and job creation. 

The Department of Commerce also re-launched the Main Street program, which is critical to the growth and revitalization of our rural communities. Prior to 2012, when Main Street was discontinued, the program had a 27-year history of building stronger communities and strengthening businesses by preserving historic commercial districts around the state. 


Rural Prosperity

Kelly appointed Lieutenant Governor Lynn Rogers to lead the newly-established Office of Rural Prosperity, which will develop statewide policies and initiatives for improving life in rural communities that have been neglected for far too long. 

This summer, Rogers visited 54 Kansas counties on his Office of Rural Prosperity listening tour. On the tour, he learned that key needs in rural communities include developing rural housing, investing in infrastructure and supporting hospitals. 


Kelly, along with Lt. Governor Rogers, urged Kansas’ congressional delegation to support the pending United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), due to its importance to Kansas trade and exports – and the state’s economy.

Additionally, the Kansas Department of Agriculture recently unveiled a new website to assist Kansas farmers and ranchers who are dealing with ag-related stress. The website contains resources and support to assist Kansas farmers, including help with stress management, financial and legal challenges and mental health services.


State Employees and Cabinet

This year, Kelly increased pay for state workers by 2.5%, without a tax increase. And after years of health insurance premium hikes, this year Kelly’s administration was able to decrease costs by 6% for families and spouses.


In addition, one of Kelly’s first priorities was to appoint a highly-qualified, bipartisan Cabinet focused on rebuilding state agencies that had been hollowed out over the course of the past several years.


The Cabinet has taken great strides to serve more Kansans and restore transparency and accountability in state government.



When Kelly took office in January, the state’s corrections system was in dire straits due to overcrowding and other problems. To address the crisis in state prisons and enhance public safety, Kelly increased pay for corrections workers by 15.9%.

She also appointed several members to the new, bipartisan Kansas Criminal Justice Reform Commission, which will address systemic problems in our criminal justice system and make suggestions for change that should help ease prison crowding and reduce recidivism rates. 


Inclusion and Equality

On her first day in office, Kelly signed Executive Order 19-02, reinstating protections to state employees who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

She also agreed to a court order allowing transgender Kansans to update the gender listed on their birth certificate, so it accurately reflects their identity. 


When Kelly took office, the state boards and commissions to which the governor makes appointments were composed of 37% women and 63% men. Now, due to Governor Kelly’s appointments and her commitment to gender parity throughout Kansas, state boards and commissions are composed of 51% women and 49% men. 


2020 Priorities

“There is still so much to do,” Kelly said. “I will continue traveling across the state to hear from Kansans about what is working in their communities – and what is not. Hearing from Kansans directly is how I’ve always operated. It’s the only way to get things done, and get things done right.”

“I am proud of what we accomplished, and I look forward to continuing this hard work next year.”


Home Energy Cost Assistance Available Jan. 16

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is a Federally funded program that helps eligible households pay a portion of their home energy costs by providing a one-time per year benefit.

Locally,  at Community Christian Church, January 16th from 10 a.m. -2 p.m.  Evergy will have a representative onsite to help answer questions and assist people in signing up for this program.



LIEAP Frequently Asked Questions.


The 2020 LIEAP application period is from Thursday, January 2, 2020, through Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Applications must be received prior to 5:00 PM, March 31, 2020.


  • Print application available December 16, 2019.
  • Online application available January 2, 2020.


The following summary describes basic LIEAP eligibility provisions.  Additional information may be obtained by calling 1-800-432-0043.


Persons Eligible

In order to qualify, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. An adult living at the address must be personally responsible for paying the heating costs incurred at the current residence, payable either to the landlord or the fuel vendor.
  2. Applicants must demonstrate a recent history of payments toward purchase of the primary heating energy.


The combined gross income (before deductions) of all persons living at the address may not exceed 130% of the federal poverty level according to the guidelines listed below:


2020 Income Eligibility Guidelines

Persons Living at the Address Maximum Gross Monthly Income
1 $1,354.00
2 $1,832.00
3 $2,311.00
4​ $2,790.00​​
5​ $3,269.00​
6​ $3,748.00​
7​ $4,227.00​
8​ $4,705.00​
9​ $5,184.00
10​ $5,663.00
11​ $6,142.00
12​ $6,621.00
+1    $479.00 for each additional person






















Benefit levels vary according to the following factors:

  • Household income
  • Number of persons living at the address
  • Type of dwelling
  • Type of heating fuel


Want To Host A Chamber Coffee?

Happy New Year!
We are now booking
Chamber Coffees for 2020! Chamber Coffees take place each Thursday at 8am and are a great way to promote your business or organization with approximately 40-50 people in attendance.
Click here for a current schedule and to view open dates.
Click here to email us your preferred date.
You might include a 1st & 2nd option in case your
choice is full by the time you request a date.
Click here for an overview of hosting a Coffee.
You may also call us vs. email with your preferred date or to go over any questions you may have about hosting.
Rita Schroeder, Administrative Assistant
Lindsay Madison, Executive Director
Upcoming Chamber Coffee Schedule:
* 1/9Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, at the Chamber office, 231 E. Wall St.
* 1/16 Fort Scott Compassionate Ministries, at their office located w/the Bourbon County Senior Citizen Center, 26 N. Main St.
* 1/23 Walmart, in the Vision Center
* 1/30 My1Stop, at Empress Center, 7 N. Main St.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda Dec. 31


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: December 31, 2019

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

10:00-10:30 – 2019 Budget Amendment Hearing

New Year’s Resolutions, How to Develop Fitness Goals into Good Ones

K-State Research and Extension Southwind District Agent Joy Miller


620-223-3720 or [email protected]



Just rattle off how many pounds you want to lose, what pant size you want to wear, how much weight you want to squat, or the date you need to look photo-ready and you are on your way. That is how most people set goals. Typical resolutions and goals often lead to feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, and crushed by ‘should’. Continue reading for tips on how to create your 2020 blue print to build the skills you need to reach your goal this year.

When someone is asked about their fitness goals, most people start with the outcome(s) they want: lose 20 pounds, six pack abs, binge less often, bench press a certain amount of weight. Outcome goals describe how we want things to be at the end of the process. There is nothing wrong with starting with the end in mind but we may not have control on how things turn out.

Set a behavior goal to focus on the things you do have control over. They represent your commitment to practice a particular set of actions or tasks every day, as consistently and regularly as possible. Examples: Lose weight (outcome), eat until satisfied instead of stuffed at each meal (behavior). Squat more weight (outcome), squat 3 times a week at various intensities (behavior). Want a better relationship with a partner (outcome), have a date night once a week (behavior).

Both outcome and behavior goals are trackable. Behavior goals are usually more effective because they give you something to do and track each day.

Avoidance goals, you know the ones-stop drinking soda, absolutely no sugar, stop smoking. Avoid goals are nice and straightforward, seems logical they would push you away from something bad or something that threatens what you want to achieve. This type of goal is a lot of psychological work, taking up mental and emotional real estate and energy. All you think about is what you are not doing or shouldn’t do but really want to do.

Turn avoidance goals into approach goals. Approach goals pull you toward something desirable, focus on feeling good or about doing good for ourselves. Revisiting the stop drinking soda (avoid) an approach solution could be drink a glass of water with meals each day, the benefit may be headaches are gone.

Performance goals are similar to outcome goals and usually associated with external validation such as wanting to get good grades or win a competition. Performance goals can be fun for a while, pushing yourself to be your best. It can also be demotivating if they don’t work out. Just like outcome goals, performance goals are often limited by factors outside your control. Performance goals also put our happiness and satisfaction in the hands of someone or something else. This may be pleasing a coach or parent, beating a competitor, social media likes, etc.

Instead of setting performance goals, create mastery goals that emphasize the process of getting a little bit better each day at a particular skill. Mastery is gratifying because no matter what others think or do, you can still feel good about your own personal progression. Mastery goals involve words like ‘work on’, ‘build’, and ‘practice’.

To help with your health and fitness goals this year, visit for upcoming programs such as Stay Strong Stay Health and Walk Kansas. The Southwind District has other upcoming events and resources to help you work toward your goals of health, finance, and overall well-being.

Use Me by Pastor James Collins

Use Me

“…but stand thou still a while, that I may shew thee the word of God.” 1 Samuel 9:27b

I am lonely for your company. For the past few years, you have promised to spend time with me. This year was no different. Why do you let others take your attention away from me?

Most resent being used, but I don’t. I want you to use me.

Use me and I will be many things to you.

When you are weary, I will be your strong staff.

When you sit in darkness, I will be your glorious light.

When you are hurting, I will ease your pain.

Use me.

When you are discouraged, I will whisper messages of hope.

When you are carrying a burden, I will give you rest.

When you are confused, I will offer clear advice.

Use me.

When the storms of life rage around you, I will be your anchor.

When you are alone, I will be your friend.

When you need knowledge, I will be your teacher.

Use me.

When you are afraid, I will calm your soul.

When you are lost, I will help you find your way.

Take hold of me, I will keep you from stumbling.

Use me.

Use me. I am crying out for you to use me. Use me and I will change your life. Use me and I will change the lives of those around you. Use me and I can change the world.

I am the Bible. Long ago, you put me away. Over and over, you have said that you were going to bring me back into your life. Around the beginning of each year, you come back to me. But in no time, something else has your focus and you neglect me. A day becomes a week. A week becomes a month. A month becomes a year. Until I am no longer really a part of your life.

The point is: I want you to use me. I’m only asking for a few minutes of your time each day. Start now. I am right where you left me.

Pick me up.

Open me.

Use me.

James Collins is the pastor of Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. You are invited to join him and read through the Bible in a year. For more information visit the website