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Toland to Speak at Kansas Crossing Casino Jan. 23

SEK, Inc. will host guest speaker Secretary David Toland of the Kansas Department of Commerce at its annual meeting on January 23rd at the Kansas Crossing Casino south of Pittsburg on US highway 69.

Members and non-members alike are all welcome to join SEK, Inc. as the Kansas Crossing Casino is hosting our annual meeting, dinner and social for the first time since the Casino/hotel was completed in 2017. Cost is $30 for members and $35 for non-members. Activities begin at 5 pm with a social hour followed by dinner at 6 and the Secretary’s remarks and other annual meeting items thereafter.

To register, please call, text or email Executive Director Steve Davis at 620-235-9990, [email protected]. Please register by close of business on Friday, January 17th.

Southeast Kansas, Inc (SEK, Inc.) is a regional alliance of business leaders from a diverse economy. The organization represents manufacturing, retail, and service businesses along with county and city governments from 12 counties in Southeast Kansas.

KDHE Offers Healthy Habits to Adopt this New Year


Topeka – As 2020 begins, the Kansas Department of Health and Environments (KDHE) offers 10 healthy habits to begin or to continue this new year!


“We want to help Kansans live their best lives, so we have compiled a list of simple things every one of us can do starting today,” said Dr. Lee Norman, Secretary of KDHE.


  1. Move more, sit less. Benefits of regular physical activity include maintained weight, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduced high blood pressure and reduced arthritis pain. It also reduces your risk for many long-lasting (chronic) conditions, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke and several forms of cancer.
  2. Eat healthy. Good nutrition is key to good health. It can help sicknesses from happening and assist in healthy growth. So, reach for healthy options like fruits and vegetables instead of salty or sugary treats.
  3. Lose weight or keep a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your risk for multiple, long-lasting (chronic) diseases. People who lose and keep a healthy weight can improve not only their physical health, but also their energy levels, general mood and self-confidence.
  4. Quit smoking. You are never too old to quit. Benefits include: lowered risk for lung cancer and many other types of cancer; reduced risk for heart disease and stroke; reduced heart disease risk within 1 to 2 years of quitting; reduced respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath and more money you will save! To get started, call the Kansas Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free support.
  5. Rethink your drink. You can substitute water for sugary or alcoholic drinks to reduce calories and stay safe. This simple change can reduce your risk of weight gain/obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities and gout, a type of arthritis.
  6. Get screened for cancer. Regular screenings may find breast, cervical, colorectal (colon) and other cancers early, when treatment is likely to work best. Talk with your health care provider to see which ones you should have. Women, call Early Detection Works, 1-877-277-1368 to see if you qualify for support in paying for breast and cervical cancer screenings.
  7. Keep kids healthy and safe — talk to them about the dangers of vaping. Children develop their habits and behaviors at an early age and those habits can impact their life-long health. According to the National Youth Tobacco Survey data, e-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among both high school and middle school youth. Vaping is putting young people at risk for developing lifelong nicotine addictions.
  8. Get vaccinated. The best way to prevent common illnesses is to get and stay up-to-date on vaccinations. A complete immunization schedule for children and adults can be found at For adolescent females, this includes getting vaccinated against HPV cancer.
  9. Get enough sleep. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep can be a risk factor for many long-lasting (chronic) diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and depression.
  10. Maintain mental health. Mental health is an important part of overall health and well-being. While everybody has the blues, feels anxious or gets stressed at times, if you cannot shake these feelings, it’s important to get help. Poor mental health increases the risk for long-lasting (chronic) physical conditions like heart disease, stroke and cancer. Call the National Alliance on Mental Illness for resources 1-800-539-2660.



American Legion Scuttlebutt


January 6. Post 25 meet and greet starts at 630 pm in Memorial Hall.

January 6. Post 25 general membership meeting starts at 7 pm in Memorial Hall.

January 9. American Legion Auxiliary Unit 25 meets at 600 pm in Memorial Hall. ( DATE CHANGE)

January 9. American Legion Post 25 Color Guard meets at 730 pm in Memorial Hall. All Post 25 Legion family members can join the Post 25 Color Guard. This includes Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion Squadron members. ( DATE CHANGE)

January 31 – February 2, 2020. Department of Kansas Midwinter Forum at Fort Scott.

The Voice for Today’s Veterans and Military
January 2020

Department Commander
R.C. “Chuck” Shoemaker
Department Adjutant
Jimmie L. Foster

Notes from the Department Commander
Fellow Legionnaires!

This past year saw many activities by posts and districts as the American Legion observed its’ 100th birthday. The Legion Family members joined together in holding celebratory gatherings throughout the state. Many gatherings included local dignitaries from cities and communities who expressed their appreciation to the Legion for our service to veterans and grateful citizens.  Veterans Day activities provided opportunities for inclusion in parades, remembrance ceremonies, visitations to veterans housing facilities, all of which fulfilled our mission and enabled the public to realize the Legion’s contribution to our State.

While it is important for the citizens to be mindful of what we do, as it certainly contributes to membership recruitment, it is also important, and essential, for a record of our activities to be kept and reported.  We do this by informing Congress once a year of what we are doing to support the veterans and our communities.  The information is submitted by each post, using the Consolidated Post Report (CPR), to National and ultimately reported annually to Congress.

National Commander Bill Oxford has set a goal of 100% reporting for Departments.  To ensure accurate reports, each of us must provide posts with our Legion activities that support veterans and provide service to communities.  Any and all valid activity by a member should be included.  In addition, a report without activity will not be used in the final tally for National recognition.  Let’s help the Commander make the goal.

A word about Operation North Pole, and the word is OUTSTANDING!  With the ALR and Roger Beckley, Chairman of the ALR Committee, taking point position, this year’s occasion was truly enjoyable. The volunteers traveled to Fort Riley in Junction City from all over the State.  Seeing all those children of soldiers enjoy visiting Santa (Doug Evans), receiving presents, eating cookies provided by many Legion Family members (how ‘bout that Auxiliary?), was and is worth every minute as everyone agreed.  Thanks to those that attended and to those who provided a photographic record of the fun on Facebook.  Thank you one and all for what you did for the Kansas American Legion in 2019 and what will be done in 2020. Pat and I wish everyone a prosperous and memorable New Year!

For God and Country,

RC “Chuck” Shoemaker
Department of Kansas
The American Legion
[email protected]

Notes from the Department Vice-Commander and Membership Chairman
The New Year is here, I hope each of you are finding it prosperous thus far.  I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on 2019 and the accomplishments of this great organization.  Our national website publishes a Membership Impact Report each month that keeps us up to date on what is going on in the American Legion across the nation.  You can find these impact reports at  These reports can also serve as a great recruiting tool, whenever a potential member asks what it is that The American Legion does, just bring up a recent copy of the impact report and share it with them.  In case you are wondering what kind of information you can find in these reports and are a little reluctant to look for yourself I will mention a few in an effort to tempt you into checking them out.

In January the American Legion through Temporary Financial Assistance cash grants disbursed $1,030,163.  Most of which were delivered to active-duty junior enlisted members of the U.S. Coast Guard with minor children at home who missed their mid-January paychecks due to the federal government shutdown.

Only counting those helped prior to April 30, 2019 The American Legion Temporary Financial Assistance program assisted 3,163 children.  More than 1,730 military and veteran families received over $1.05 million in emergency help to pay for shelter, utilities, food and clothing.

In April at The American Legion National Oratorical Contest $138,000 in scholarship money was awarded to competitors.  That does not consider the scholarships awarded at the Post, District, or Department levels!

During the four months that this statistic was listed, there were 38 American Legion-supported job fairs and career events.  These are only the ones reported to National to be put on the National website at  There are likely many more that are not reported to National.

Over 3,000 accredited American Legion service officers around the world provide free veterans benefits counseling and assistance for approximately 750,000 claims at any one time.

Many posts, particularly the smaller ones, but the larger ones are guilty of this too, sometimes feel that what they do isn’t important, they are wrong.  Toot your own horn, brag on yourself, let people know what we do and why.  People want to belong to an organization that makes a difference, you might be surprised at the potential members that ask to join once they know how great of an organization we are.

For God and Country,

Marri Krupco
Department Vice-Commander
The American Legion, Department of Kansas
[email protected]

Department Adjutant’s Newsletter December 2019
GOLD STAR DEADLINE — FEBRUARY 1, 2020: This is the last day to qualify for the Gold Star Club and other awards.  Membership counted for these awards must be received at Headquarters by February 1. Adjutants must report their membership awards to Department Headquarters no later than February 15, 2020.


MID-WINTER FORUM AT FORT SCOTT: January 31, February 1, 2, 2020. Hotel is the Sleep Inn and Suites, 302 E. Wall St. telephone 620-223-2555 rate is $99.00.  Other hotels are the Rodeway Inn, 101 State Street, telephone 620-223-0100 and the Travel Lodge, 2505 US Highway 69, telephone 620-955-4283. You must identify that you are with the Kansas American Legion to receive the reduced rate. A great program is being planned.  See information in the Sunflower Legionnaire for more details and a schedule.

DUES NOTICES: The January dues notice will be in the mail shortly for all members whose 2020 dues were not received at Department Headquarters by December 10, 2019. Every member who has not paid their dues should be contacted by your membership workers. As of December 20, Kansas still needs 6,146 members to reach its nationally assigned goal. We need more renewal, reinstatement and new members — remember everyone on active duty is eligible for membership.

LEGISLATIVE PARTY: Mark your calendar for January 15, 2020 as the date for the Legion’s annual Legislative Party. Location again this year is the CAPITOL PLAZA HOTEL, 1717 SW TOPEKA BLVD., TOPEKA, KS 66612. Several issues important to Veterans and Veterans Benefits are expected to be brought before the Legislature. Reservations may be sent to Department Headquarters, 1314 SW Topeka Blvd., Topeka, KS 66612.

INCORPORATION: Posts should be incorporated thereby relieving your Post Officers and members of liability incurred by the Post. Simple annual reports are required to maintain incorporated status.  If your Post is already incorporated, you should have received your annual report to be filed with the Kansas Secretary of State.  If your Post is not incorporated and it should be, or you have not received your annual report, contact the Secretary of State’s Office, 1st Floor, 120 W. 10th St., Topeka, KS 66612, phone 785-296-4564.

ORATORICAL CONTEST: Your Post should be promoting this great scholarship program for high school students. Information has been sent to all schools and has been published in the Sunflower Legionnaire. Information is also available online at

RENEWAL POST CARDS: Department Headquarters has a supply of the 2020 Membership Renewal Post Cards. These post cards can be very effective when sent to delinquent members. Contact Headquarters with the number that you need.

EMPLOYER AWARDS: Information and nominating information for National’s Employer of Veterans Awards and the Award to Enhance the Lives of Disabled Persons is available on our website and by contacting Department Headquarters. These nominations must be received at National by January 15. Headquarters relies on you to submit nominations; the winner may as well be from your community; perhaps your employer or firm. Please consider an employer in your town for this honor.

CHALLENGE: This month each Post is challenged to poll their membership asking what improvements, activities, or programs they would like to see at your Post. This challenge can be accomplished very easily through a simple letter to each member, be sure to ask how they would support their suggestions (either financially, by volunteering their services or time, or all three).  You never know until you ask, and you may increase more members’ involvement which can improve your Post.

AMERICAN LEGION SCHOOL AWARDS:  Looking for a way to establish a good working relationship with your local schools? The American Legion School Award Program provides an excellent means to recognize boys and girls in Elementary, Junior High or Middle School and High School for their courage, honor, leadership, service, scholarship and patriotism at little expense. Students are proud to receive this type of recognition and their schools often welcome the opportunity to include the program in their spring activities.  Awards are available from Emblem Sales and your Post’s membership performance can earn these awards for presentation at no cost to the Post.  Contact your schools now to schedule a presentation.

A REMINDER NOMINATIONS for National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year and National Firefighter of the Year must be received by January 15, 2020 here at Department Headquarters. These awards are presented every year to deserving officers and firefighters at National Convention.  The rules and entry information for the Law Enforcement Officer Award are available at  Rules and entry information for the Firefighter award are available at

CONGRATULATIONS:  To Robinson, Fairview, Leonardville, Lincolnville, Allen, Wichita #424, Little River, Hoisington, Phillipsburg and Agra for making QUOTA. (As of December 26)

DISTRICT STANDINGS AS OF DECEMBER 20, 2019:  District IX, 932 – 83.14%; District I, 3,506 – 82.03%; District IV, 2,662 – 80.23%; District VI, 1,238 – 79.72%; District II, 3,125 – 79.42%; District V, 2,554 – 79.10%; District VII, 1,427 – 78.93%; District III, 1,790 – 75.72 and District VIII, 743 – 75.43%.  Department Headquarters Post 58 (included in Dept. total) is 818.  Total membership is 18.795.  Membership last year this date was 19,581.  We are BEHIND 796 members.


Upcoming Events

January 15, 2020

January 31 – February 2, 2020


Bourbon County Commission Agenda Jan. 7


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: January 7, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

9:00-9:45 – Jim Harris

9:45-10:00 – Michael Hoyt – Airport Runway Expansion

10:00-10:30 – Jody Hoener & Becky Voorhies – Regional Trail Planning

(ABC Trail now Prairie Pathways) Thrive CDRR Grant

10:45-11:45 – Justin Meeks-Attorney

11:45-12:00 – Bill Martin – Sheriff Pay Raise

12:00-1:30 – Lunch

1:30-1:45 – Michael Hoyt-Discuss response received a month ago

1:45-2:15 – Jody Hoener-Market Viability Study & next steps

2:15-2:30 – Secretary of Transportation & Bourbon County Sheriffs Office

2:30-2:45 – 2020 Resolutions

Ascension Via Christi Welcomes Dr. Katrina Burke

PITTSBURG – Ascension Via Christi is pleased to welcome Katrina Burke, MD, to its medical staff.

Dr. Burke, family medicine with obstetrics, will begin seeing patients in mid-January at the new Ascension Medical Group clinic at 109 S. Main Street in Fort Scott.

Burke most recently served with Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas in Fort Scott.

She is a 2010 graduate of the University of Kansas Medical School and a 2006 graduate of the University of Kansas.

To make an appointment, please call 620-223-7008. For more information about the clinic, please visit

About us
In Kansas, Ascension Via Christi ( operates seven hospitals and 75 other sites of care and employs
6,000 associates. Across the state, Via Christi provided $68.8 million in community benefit and care of persons living in
poverty in fiscal year 2018. Serving Kansas for more than 135 years, Ascension ( is a faith-based
healthcare organization dedicated to transformation through innovation across the continuum of care. As one of the
leading non-profit and Catholic health systems in the U.S., Ascension ( is committed to delivering
compassionate, personalized care to all, with special attention to persons living in poverty and those most vulnerable.
In FY2018, Ascension provided nearly $2 billion in care of persons living in poverty and other community benefit
programs. Ascension includes approximately 156,000 associates and 34,000 aligned providers. The national health
system operates more than 2,600 sites of care – including 151 hospitals and more than 50 senior living facilities – in 21
states and the District of Columbia, while providing a variety of services including physician practice management,
venture capital investing, investment management, biomedical engineering, facilities management, clinical care
management, information services, risk management, and contracting through Ascension’s own group purchasing

Fort Scott City Commission Minutes of Special Meeting on Dec. 30



Minutes of December 30, 2019 Special Meeting #2

A special meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held December 30th, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Cheryl Adamson, Cindy Bartelsmeyer, Randy Nichols, JoLynne Mitchell and Mayor Jeanie Parker were present.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Robert Uhler, Pete Allen, Jeff Deane, Travis Shelton, Deb Needleman, Paul Ballou, Dave Bruner, Nancy Van Etten, Rachel Pruitt, Allyson Turvey, Loretta George representing FortScott.Biz, Ty Parks representing KOAM-TV, and Jason Silvers representing the Fort Scott Tribune.


Mitchell moved to recess into a 30 minute Executive Session to include the City Attorney and City Commission. This Executive Session is for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship. There is action anticipated after the Executive Session. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.



Mayor Parker asked for a motion from the Commission to accept and approve to sign the letter from the City Attorney that was discussed in Executive Session to be filed with the Attorney General’s office.

Bartelsmeyer moved to accept and authorize the signature of the letter from the City Attorney to be filed with the Attorney General’s office. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


Bartelsmeyer moved to adjourn the special meeting at 10:06 a.m. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on January 7, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.





Fort Scott City Commission Agenda for Jan. 7

Agenda for the Fort Scott City Commission, Jan.7 at 6 p.m. at city hall, 123 Main.




III. INVOCATION: Rev. Gene Payne, Minister



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of December 17th, 2019 and special meeting of December 30th, 2019.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1253-A totaling $617,401.89.

  1. Resolution 1-2020 designating the official City newspaper.

  1. Resolution 2-2020 designating the official City depositories for public funds


    1. Swearing in of new Commissioners
    2. Election of Mayor
    3. Election of Commission President
    4. Election of Bourbon County Economic Development Council Inc. Representative

    5. Election of Fort Scott Housing Authority Delegate



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)


6:00 p.m. Consideration of CDBG Grant – Mayco Ace Public Hearing

Approval of Resolution 5-2020 – to Apply for 2018 Kansas Small Cities CDBG Grant and authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit an application

Approval of Resolution 6-2020 – Declaring a building blighted with respect to the Kansas Small Cities CDBG Grant Program

Approval of Agreement for Administrative Consulting Services for a 2020 Kansas Small Cities CDBG Grant Project

6:15 p.m. Resolution 3-2020 – Resolution Directing the Repair or Removal of an Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 510 S. Heylman Street

6:15 p.m. Resolution 4-2020 – Resolution Directing the Repair or Removal of an Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 501 S. Osbun Street


  1. Consideration of Contract with Suez Treatment Solutions for SCADA upgrades to the ozone system at the Water Treatment Plant


  1. Director Updates: Robert Uhler
  1. Commission:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


Obituary of James Smith

James Randall Smith, 70, of Fort Scott passed away suddenly, Saturday evening, in Fort Scott, January 4, 2020. He was born June 24, 1949 in Chicago, Illinois the son of John Fred and Virginia Marie (Kedzior) Smith. He married Paulette Smetana, July 11, 1970 in Villa Park, Illinois, she survives of the home.

Jim was Owner/Operator of Smith and Chambers here in Fort Scott for years before retiring in 2008. After retiring he filled his time with the renovation of the Liberty Theatre and Crooner’s Lounge. He was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Fort Scott.

In addition to his wife, Paulette, he is survived by a son, Dallas Smith and his wife, Christie of Fort Scott, and a daughter, Darcy Smith and her husband, Scott of Fort Scott, a brother, David Smith of Wheaton, Illinois, three sisters, Donna Haddad of Fort Myers, Florida, Karen Smith and Kim Smith both of Plainfield, Illinois, and six granddaughters, Megan, Eleanor, Catherine, Addison, Ashley and Alyssa Smith all of Fort Scott.

Funeral services for Jim Smith will be 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 9, 2020 at the Trinity Lutheran Church with Pastor Michael Apfel officiating.

The family will receive friends from 1:30 p.m. until the service starts and again when the services are concluded, Thursday at the Church.

The family suggests memorials to the Marine Corps Scholarship Fund or The Trinity Lutheran Church. Contributions may be sent to, or left in the care of, the Konantz-Cheney Funeral Home, 15 W. Wall St., P.O. Box 309, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. Condolences may be emailed to the online guestbook at konantz-cheney,com. Introduces Live Chat Feature



TOPEKA, Kan. – KANSASWORKS and the Kansas Department of Commerce announced today the addition of the live chat feature on


The new feature allows Kansas residents unable to visit a physical Workforce Center location to interact with and seek help from the program’s qualified, professional staff. The live chat feature is maintained by employees around the state who are prepared to assist both job seekers and employers.


The feature will offer assistance with the full catalogue of KANSASWORKS services, including help with uploading resumes, locating Workforce Centers, creating job openings/job orders, helping to apply for jobs and more.


The live chat staff can also provide customers with referrals to relevant resources and services across Kansas, including other state programs which may be helpful for finding employment.


Individuals can stay connected with the KANSASWORKS program on its social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter) and the KANSASWORKS app, available on iOS and Android devices.