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City Work Session Feb. 12 To Discuss Sewer

There will be a work session of the Fort Scott City Commission held on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the City Commission meeting room at 123 S. Main Street. This work session will be held to discuss sanitary sewer in the City of Fort Scott. There will be no action taken by the City Commission at this work session. This work session is open to the public.

Legislative Update By State Senator Caryn Tyson

February 7, 2020

In the movie McClintock, John Wayne is asked if he has “a day off” and his response is “off day”.  That describes Wednesday of the fourth week of session.  Session was canceled for the Super Bowl celebration.  However, I and some of my colleagues worked on Wednesday but there were no committee meetings.


It was also an ‘off week’.  The House debated and fell 4 votes shy of putting SCR 1613, Value Them Both (mother and child) Constitutional Amendment, on the ballot.  In response, the Senate President moved all of the House bills that had passed out of Senate committees back to committee.  She threw down the gauntlet sending a message to the House – reconsider passing SCR 1613.


Hearings were held on Senate Bill (SB) 294 and SB 295 to promote transparency and fairness in our property tax system.  The only opponents to the bills were taxpayer funded lobbyist or local government employees.


SB 294 is based on the successful Utah and Tennessee property tax systems.  It would change the Kansas Truth In Taxation to require a notice of a planned property tax increase in the paper of record  and a mailed notice to each taxpayer stating the planned increase for that taxpayer.  The notices would also include a date, time, and location for a Truth In Taxation hearing at which time local government officials would vote on a property tax increase.  Yes, there would be a cost for the notices but all the taxing authorities should be in one mailing, thus cutting cost.  Utah has had a similar mailing system in place for almost 35 years.  The former President of Utah Senate Wayne Niederhauser, former Tax Chair, and a CPA spoke to Kansas legislators on the Utah program.  He said their taxpayers love it and the governing bodies have embraced it.  An example is the video posted at  He also said that he wouldn’t use the cost of the mailing as a reason not to pass the bill.  SB 294 would not stop property tax increases.  It would require local governing body actions and increases transparency to taxpayers.


SB 295 would stop your property valuation from increasing for normal maintenance.  It would still increase for remodels or additions.  It makes sense but again, taxpayer funded lobbyist testified against the bill.


The Senate passed SB 157 amending the Kansas Family Code to provide temporary equal time for parents during a divorce until a permanent agreement can be established.  The bill does have exceptions of abuse or the best interest of the child.  The bill passed the Senate 39 to 1.  I voted Yes.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


Family Succession Planning

Carla Nemecek is Southwind District Director and agent.


Finding the time to talk to your family about succession planning may be difficult. Farmers, ranchers and rural business owners may also be uncomfortable with the thought of ending their involvement with the farming business and selling or handing over control to family members. Making the time to develop a solid transition plan for your farming business may ensure that your family’s wishes are met, and emotional stress is minimized.

K-State Research & Extension, in cooperation with Community National Bank will offer a one-day conference designed to introduce succession planning and bring awareness to local resources to support families as they prepare for the future of the enterprise. On Thursday, February 20th at the Bowlus Fine Arts Center in Iola, KS we will discuss topics related to family communication, financial and legal considerations and have a panel discussion from those who have successfully navigated succession.

The transfer of ownership, management and leadership from one generation to another is an important issue for farms, ranches and rural communities across Kansas. All who are involved with a family agricultural operation are encouraged to attend. Cost is only $5, and includes lunch. Registration details can be found by visiting the Southwind Extension District webpage and following the link at .

Future sustainability of the farm or ranch depends on whether the family has planned for succession. The average age of U.S. producers continues to rise and families need to explore options for the transitional feasibility of current and future operators. Succession planning is a step-by-step process where families work together to develop a plan to incorporate the next owner and pass on knowledge and resources that will sustain the operation.

Farm and ranch families may be uncertain of how to begin developing a succession plan and need guidance moving forward. K-State Research & Extension can help the family identify strengths, barriers and opportunities as they pass the farm business on to the next generation. Facilitators will guide participants to resources and individuals who can help them find the information they need to develop an effective succession plan.

Families often do not know where to start with succession. KSU Specialists and local leaders will provide you with a step by step source to guide you in the process and answer your questions.

For further details, please call the Southwind Extension District at 620-365-2242.


Carla Nemecek
Southwind Extension District
Director & Agent
[email protected]
1 North Washington, Iola, KS 66749


Uniontown 4-H Club December Report

L to R: Tucker Sutton, Will Maycumber, Austin Maycumber, Kendyl Bloesser, Lane Minor, Calvin Walker, Hunter Minor, McKinley Sutton, Hailey Shadden, Marley Sutton, Mackinlee Bloesser, Seth Shadden, Bareigh Farrell.

By Marley Sutton, Uniontown 4-H Club Reporter


Uniontown 4-H Club members worked hard this past month not only on their individual events for the Southwind District 4-H Day, but as a club they practiced numerous times on their club skit. On February 1st the club traveled to Moran, Kansas to compete in the event. After performing their skit, “4H Feud”, the club earned a Top Blue placing and will now compete at the Regional 4H Day in Chanute on March 7th.


Several club members also received individual Top Blue Placings. Those members are:

Austin Maycumber and Will Maycumber with their Illustrated Talks, Bareigh Farrell with her Senior Solo and Reading, Marley Sutton, and McKinley Sutton and Kendyl Bloesser with their Junior Reading. Mackinlee Bloesser, Seth Shadden and Hailey Shadden all received a Blue placing with their readings.


Close The Gate by Pastor James Collins

And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.Isaiah 46:4

“Help me! Help me!” he screamed.

My friend, Bob Jackson, and I had just walked into a local assisted care home. Bob stepped around the corner and went into another room. I was left alone with the man. He screamed again, “Help me!”

He was sitting in front of a television. I glanced over and saw Michael Landon on the screen. I thought, “Maybe he doesn’t like Bonanza and wants someone to help him change the channel.” So, I walked over to where he was sitting and kneeled in front of him.

I will help you.” I said.

Close the gate.” he yelled.

What gate?”

That one. Close the gate before those calves get out.”

I pretended to close an imaginary gate.

Okay. It’s closed.”

Thank you.” He held out his hand. I took it. He had a firm handshake.

My name is James. I’m a preacher.”

I’m Otis (not his real name). This is my ranch.”

For the next few minutes Otis told me all about his place. He had Angus cattle grazing out in the back pasture. He grew milo, corn, and wheat on the rest of his acreage. His wife, Anita (also not her real name) was waiting for him with their baby at the farmhouse.

How long have you and Anita lived on this ranch?” I asked. There was a sparkle in his eye as he thought about Anita. He smiled and said, “I grew up here. I’ve lived here my whole life. Anita joined me a couple of years ago when we got married.”

Otis,” I said, “I have to go. Before I leave, would it be okay if I prayed for you?” He said, “Sure, preacher. But make it quick. I have to get back after those calves.”

He bowed his head and closed his eyes as I prayed. For just a moment, the confusion seemed to leave him. For just a second or two, he seemed to be with me there in the assisted care home. When I finished praying, we both said, “Amen,” and I could tell that in his mind, he was back on his ranch.

I stood up and walked away, but somehow Otis went with me. Oh, he didn’t physically come with me, but I have not been able to stop thinking about him. I plan to visit his ranch again next week.

Some people might question how a loving God would allow a man like Otis to spend his final days all alone in a state of mental confusion. However, I don’t believe Otis was alone. I felt the presence of Jesus in that room. Otis is far from alone in his old age.

The point is: If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, He promises to carry you when you are old and gray. You may not always be able to feel His arms beneath you, but the Lord has promised that He will never leave you. Your friends may leave. Your family may leave. Even your mind may leave. But Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.

I can’t tell you how many years you will live on this earth or what you might face as you grow old. But I can tell you one thing for certain: Christ will carry you even when you can’t carry yourself.

Soon, the sun will set on Otis’ ranch. When that final sunset comes, I believe he will hear Jesus say, “Enter into your rest, my good and faithful servant. Anita is waiting for you. Don’t worry about the calves. I will close the gate…”

James Collins is the senior pastor at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. Find out more about his ministry at the website

FSHS swimming Tigers are STATE bound

As a result of times on Thursday evening at the Parson’s swim meet, Bobby Kemmerer and Oliver Witt will be the first Fort Scott High School swimmers in school history to swim at the Kansas 1A-5A State High School Swim meet.

Oliver qualified for state in the 200 freestyle with a time of 1.56.65 and a consideration time in the 100 butterfly.

Bobby qualified in two races, the 100 free with a time of 50.98 and the 100 breaststroke with a time of 1.06.32.

In addition to qualifying for state, Bobby and Oliver took first in both of their individual races and their relay teams took two first places in the 200 Medley and the 400 Free.
Next week they travel to Osawatomie for the Southeast Kansas regional swim meet.
The state meet is in Topeka on February 20-22.
FSHS swimmers are building a winning tradition one stroke at a time. TIGER Proud!
Submitted by Angie Kemmerer

Visitation Canceled at Hutchinson Correctional Facility

Hutchinson Correctional Facility – Central Unit has been placed on lockdown with limited movement due to an inmate disturbance at the facility on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, which resulted in the battery of five correctional officers. The inmates identified in being involved in the disturbance have been placed in Restrictive Housing under investigation. The five officers that were battered, have been treated for their injuries.
Due to this, weekend visitation will be cancelled for the Central Unit only, beginning February 8, 2020.
The correctional facility is taking the proactive measure of suspending visitation privileges for the safety and security of staff and inmates. Warden Schnurr said the facility will reevaluate its ability to resume its normal visitation schedule early next week.
Visitation at Hutchinson Correctional Facility, East and South Unit will proceed as normal.

Billing Rules to Protect Consumers

KCC supports expansion of federal Truth-in-Billing rules to protect consumers


Topeka – The Kansas Corporation Commission has authorized its staff to file comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) supporting a proposal to expand Truth-in-Billing rules to internet phone providers. The rules, already apply to wireless and landline customers.


The Commission supports modernizing and strengthening the rules to ensure all consumers have the basic information to make informed choices regarding their communications services. A report released by the FCC last year showed increases in both residential and business use of Internet phone service, also known as interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP.


The KCC does not have regulatory authority over internet services, therefore expanding the current rules at the federal level is critical in order to provide VoIP customers important protections. The Truth-in-Billing rules require service providers to separate line item fees on consumer bills, clearly identifying government–mandated fees from fees a service provider uses to cover its own costs. This disclosure allows consumers to make an informed choice based on all charges and review anything beyond the price paid for service.


The FCC is taking public comments on the proposed rule change through February 12.