All posts by Submitted Story

Obituary of Minnie Wrenn

Minnie Ola Wrenn, age 90, a resident of Ft. Scott, Kansas, passed away Saturday, November 7, 2020, at the Medicalodge in Ft. Scott.

She was born September 11, 1930, in Mapleton, Kansas, the daughter of Clyde Marion Willard and Mildred G. Harris Willard.  She married Woodrow Wilson Wrenn on August 2, 1946, in Mound City, Kansas.

Minnie enjoyed sewing, cooking, and doing upholstery work.  She also loved spending time with her family.  As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, she wanted to share with people the hope and joy she had in serving Jehovah God.


Survivors include her four grandchildren, O’Leatha Wrenn, of the home in Ft. Scott, Jennifer Jackson and Gzamahna Wrenn, both of Pittsburg, Kansas and Jerry Love, of Kansas City, Missouri and three great-grandchildren, Yolanda Lovelady, Cameron and Trinity Wrenn.  Also surviving is a sister, Mary Etta Willard, of Ft. Scott; several nieces and nephews including Shelba Williams and Vincent Willard who she helped raise and a host of other relatives and friends.

Her husband, Woodrow, preceded her in death on September 25, 1992.  She was also preceded in death by a son, Woodrow W. Wrenn, Jr., two daughters, Regina Thompson Toson and Janet Leigh Wrenn who died in infancy; a grandson, Judge “Buddy” Thompson, a sister, Edith Hawkins and four brothers, Robert “Bobby”, Carl Eugene, and Melvin Willard and infant brother, James Willard.


There was cremation.

A celebration of life service may be held at a later date.  Arrangements are under the direction of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Fort Scott’s Veterans Day Parade

George Warren, Ken Lyon and Myra Jowers. Submitted photo.
Many thanks to all Post 25 Legion family members who participated in yesterday’s Fort Scott Veterans Day Parade.
George Warren and Ken Lyon. Submitted photo.
Our guest of honor was WW2 George Warren of Uniontown.  I believe that George is 96 and is still a live wire according to family and friends. George was a Naval Aviator who flew as a test pilot in Hawaii during the war. His job was to take reassembled bombers received from the States and take them for a spin.
My special thanks to Mike Hansen, Darrell Spencer and the others who assembled our float for the parade.
Also, participating were three ALR Chapter 25 members who drove their bikes and brought along their grandchildren for the parade.
Submitted photo.
For those who would like to see the parade on video, check out the Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook posting at  Post 25 is at 13.50.
“A good time was had by all.”
Photos by Post 25 Commander Carl Jowers who also rode his trike in the parade.

Volunteer Veterans Shuttle Drivers Are Needed.

The Fort Scott Veterans shuttle has been suspended since the onset of the COVID 19 outbreak.  This service provided our area Veterans reliable transportation to VA medical appointments in Kansas City, Leavenworth or Topeka. In addition to transporting our local Veterans, we also arranged to pick up Veterans in Pleasanton, Louisburg and Ottawa as there is a lack of public transportation to VA medical appointments in those areas for our Veterans as well.

Volunteer shuttle drivers are being recruited now so we can resume shuttle operations once the COVID restrictions are lifted. Drivers do not have to be Veterans, just someone willing to offer assistance to Veterans.

There is no financial impact on drivers. The shuttle, gas, liability insurance and vehicle are covered by the VA. Also, all Veterans needing appointments must be ambulatory and be able to enter and exit the shuttle without volunteer assistance.

Each volunteer driver is asked to commit two days a month driving Veterans to appointments. Most medical appointments are scheduled between 9 am and 3 pm. All volunteers must pass a VA driver physical in Topeka, which can be scheduled around your availability.

Please contact Shuttle Coordinator Carl Jowers at 620-215-1688 for more information on volunteering as a driver.

Bourbon County Agenda For Nov. 24


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: November 24, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason




9:00 – 9:30 Eric Bailey, Road & Bridge

9:30 – 9:45 Greenbush, SPARK Funds

9:45 – 10:00 Employee Holiday Meal

10:00 – 10:15 Longevity Pay

10:15 – 10:30 Omni Lockbox

10:30 – 10:40 Clint Anderson, Executive Session, Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

10:45 – 11:00 USD 234, Ted Hessong & Fort Scott NEA – Public Health

Mayhew Cemetery: Donations For A Memorial Are Sought

An artifact from the Mayhew Cemetery in Fort Scott that was found by Pete Allen. It was confirmed by the state archaeologist, Robert Hoard, PhD. Submitted photo.



Donations are needed to purchase a memorial stone for the abandoned Mayhew Cemetery.
177 names will be inscribed on the memorial stone.
The stone will be placed within the city of Fort Scott.
Some of the people buried in the cemetery include a Civil War veteran, some that were born in slavery and released after the Civil War, early Bourbon County pioneers, children, infants, family and friends of Fort Scott.

Please help fund this memorial stone.
Donations of any size welcome!

Options for donating:
1.  Mail check to the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce made out to The Mayhew Cemetery Project.
2.  Click Register on the right and donate online via the Chamber website.
3.  Click here for the GoFundMe.

The Forgotten Cemetery
The Mayhew cemetery was active from about 1883 – 1931.
There are no tombstones to mark the graves of at least 175 early Fort Scott and Bourbon County citizens buried there.
The donations will be used to build a memorial stone with all the names engraved and will be located for the public to view.

Who is buried in the Mayhew Cemetery:

Earliest burial located is in 1868:  Essex McLemore

First newspaper obituary found that has a burial in the Mayhew Cemetery is in 1883, “Old Man Nelson”

1885 property deed of Henry Mayhew, state, his son-in-law (name unknown) was buried here.

The last known burial was in 1933.

68 years of documented burials.

John Dodson was in the Civil War – Fort Scott Private Co. B, 12 Tennessee Colored Troop – 12th Regiment, United States Colored Infantry.
Thomas and Jane Dodson were married while in slavery and retained the slave owner’s name.

Winnie Keys was 104 years old – born in slavery and released following the Civil War.

Eliza Crisp was 101 years old.

Early Settlers, Family, Friends and Neighbors of Bourbon County, Kansas

It is with a combined effort of the many researchers at OFGS (Old Fort Genealogical Society), along with others that we now have an updated list of those buried in the Mayhew Cemetery.
Names recognized for many hours and years of research are:
Gerald P. Woods, Wilma Witherspoon, Shirley Hurd, Ann Rawlins, and other former members of OFGS and “Civil War Buff”, a member of Find a Grave.


Contact Ann Rawlins of OFGS with any questions or for more information:
(620) 223-3300 or 
[email protected]

Evergy’s Sustainability Plan Workshops Open To Public

The Kansas Corporation Commission schedules a workshop series to discuss the details of Evergy’s Sustainability Transformation Plan
TOPEKA – The Kansas Corporation Commission has scheduled a series of virtual workshops to learn more about Evergy’s Sustainability Transformation Plan (STP) and how it will affect electric ratepayers.  Each workshop will cover a specific set of topics related to the plan.
Evergy representatives will make a presentation at each workshop followed by questions from Commissioners and intervenors in the general investigation docket. The Commission opened the investigation to evaluate whether the STP is in the public interest.
The public is invited to view the meetings, which will be broadcast on the Commission’s YouTube Channel ( They will also be available on the site for later viewing.
The workshops schedule is as follows:
Date Time Topic
Dec. 3, 2020 10:00 AM Grid Modernization Investments
Dec. 21, 2020 10:00 AM Operational Efficiencies
Jan. 21, 2021 10:00 AM Enhanced Customer Experience
May 5, 2021 10:00 AM Evergy update presentation on STP after incorporation of feedback
The general investigation docket is available for viewing on the KCC’s website at:

Thanksgiving 2020 by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche

Nine times in the book of Philippians Paul tells his readers to “rejoice.”

Easy for him to write.

He wasn’t dealing with Covid. He wasn’t being told to cancel Thanksgiving. He wasn’t forced to wear a mask. He wasn’t reading about a potential cabinet member (Ezekiel Emanuel) addressing the life of senior citizens: “There are not that many people who continue to be active and engaged and actually creative past 75. It’s a very small number. … These people who live a vigorous life to 70, 80, 90 years of age — when I look at what those people ‘do,’ almost all of it is what I classify as play. It’s not meaningful work. They’re riding motorcycles; they’re hiking. Which can all have value — don’t get me wrong. But if it’s the main thing in your life? Ummm, that’s not probably a meaningful life.” (MIT Technology Review, 2019)

Paul did not have to deal with such foolishness. He had no idea what “troubling times” were all about.

No, wait! Most historians say that Paul and his pal Silas are writing from prison with a sadistic jailkeeper overseeing their cell. Paul’s done it this time! He just can’t stop himself. He continues to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s the same Paul who persecuted Christians not that long ago, deriving great pleasure out of capturing, beating and even killing them…until that is, he had a life-changing encounter with the One who questioned his disbelief.

He met the One who loved him more than anyone. And Paul never again was the same.

So passionate is he that he can’t help but rejoice. No matter what his circumstances are—including finding himself in a first-century, Roman Empire stock. Matt Chandler, author of To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain (clever title since these are Paul’s own words) explains Paul and Silas’s dungeon experience: “These devious contraptions would contort a prisoner’s body into all sorts of excruciating postures, locking limbs and joints in place to the point of making the entire body cramp. The prisoner’s body would sear up with excruciating pain, and then the Romans would just leave the person there for days.”

So, okay, Paul probably did know what being inconvenienced was all about. Things were not working out as he hoped. Still, his response is what blows me away. Instead of complaining, instead of having a “Why me, Lord?” attitude, instead of bribing the jailer to release them from their shackles, he and Silas hold their own little worship service and begin singing and praising God. They have a time of thanksgiving. They rejoice.

What is there to be thankful for?

Oh, I dunno. Perhaps that God has not forsaken them. Perhaps that God is in control. Perhaps that they simply love Jesus and will not be deterred, no matter how ugly their situation.

What happens next is no surprise. An earthquake cracks open the cell doors, the missionaries share the gospel with the jailer, and he and his household become followers of Christ. Well, well, well, what do you know? Paul’s purpose was to share Jesus Christ. No matter his age, no matter his predicament. (I think that if Paul lived today, he might have a few words for Mr. Emanuel.)

So, what are we to take from this? Perhaps a little gratitude. I take that back. Perhaps a LOT of gratitude. After all, we have an ample supply of toilet paper. We have funny memes about home-schooling. We have Walmart grocery-pickup. We have clean closets and utensil drawers. (Surely!) Some of us have survived the virus. We have life.

But most of all, should we choose, we have Jesus Christ.

Fundraiser for Children’s Christmas Bikes

Season’s greetings to you and yours!
Fort Scott Rotary Club #2454
Asks for you to join in and bring smiles
to children this Christmas Season.
Purchase a Tee-shirt
with proceeds going towards
purchasing bicycles for children
through coordination with the
Beacon Food Pantry program.
Deadline to order: tomorrow, Nov. 20th!
Click here to order.
$20 plus sales tax.
The Fort Scott Rotary Club has a long tradition of providing bicycles for children at Christmas.
Each year, the need continues to grow,
and this year is no exception.
Rotarians are selling tee shirts as a fundraiser. The ash grey tees feature a custom design
with a bike and Christmas lights and
come in a variety of sizes.
The gift of a bikes will also offer a great
opportunity for children to be outdoors
and active during these times with a
limited number of other activities being offered.
Shirts will be delivered by Rotarians
around the first week of December.
For more information, contact Rotarians:
Click here for the FS Rotary FB Page.
Rotary meets each Wednesday at noon
for lunch and a program.
If interested in joining Rotary or learning more contact President Tracy Dancer.
Neighbors, community leaders, and global citizens uniting for the common good.
Our motto is “service above self.”

Free Business Website Giveaway

(Bourbon County Workforce & Entrepreneur Resource Center in Downtown Fort Scott)
Our partners at the Kansas SBDC at
Pittsburg State University are giving away a
free website build to one lucky small business located in Bourbon County!
Be sure to share with your friends who
either need to get on the web or an
updated look for their business!
Click here to see all applicable contest
rules and regulations.
More information on the flyers below.
The Kansas Small Business Development Center AND Southeast KANSASWORKS are available here locally in the B-WERC, Downtown Fort Scott, daily to assist with any small business & employment needs.
Take advantage of these resources
located in the upper level of the
Kress building at 17 S. Main St.!
Click here for a flyer with B-WERC
hours & more info.
Click here for a listing of all services offered
by the Kansas SBDC!

Kansas Tax Council Extended


For Immediate Release:    
November 19, 2020

Lauren Fitzgerald, Press Secretary
[email protected]

Governor Kelly Announces Extension to Tax Council

TOPEKA –Governor Laura Kelly today announced that she will be extending the duration of the Governor’s Council on Tax Reform.

The COVID-19 crisis has not only been a crisis for our healthcare system but has created a crisis in our economy—impacting the state budget. Following the Consensus Revenue Estimating Group’s projections from last week, the state will continue to bring in less revenue. Given the current budget situation, a full and robust discussion on future tax reform proposals is not possible at this time.

“While Kansas will continue to recover from the COVID crisis, there is a continued need for a robust discussion of tax reform, and the Tax Council’s work needs to continue into next year,” Governor Kelly said. “I greatly appreciate the work the Council has done to this point, and I look forward to the Council’s report next year.”

The governor continues to recommend returning to the “three-legged stool” approach that relies on a sensible balance of income, sales, and property tax revenue. The Council will continue to review aspects of state and local finances and how best to respond to federal tax law changes, the taxation of groceries as part of sales tax revenue, and how to best provide targeted property tax relief. The Council also is charged with determining how much room will be available in future budget projections for tax relief.
