Many thanks to all Post 25 Legion family members who participated in yesterday’s Fort Scott Veterans Day Parade.

Our guest of honor was WW2 George Warren of Uniontown. I believe that George is 96 and is still a live wire according to family and friends. George was a Naval Aviator who flew as a test pilot in Hawaii during the war. His job was to take reassembled bombers received from the States and take them for a spin.
My special thanks to Mike Hansen, Darrell Spencer and the others who assembled our float for the parade.
Also, participating were three ALR Chapter 25 members who drove their bikes and brought along their grandchildren for the parade.

For those who would like to see the parade on video, check out the Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook posting at https://www.facebook.com/fortscottchamber/videos/704806887123939. Post 25 is at 13.50.
“A good time was had by all.”
Photos by Post 25 Commander Carl Jowers who also rode his trike in the parade.