April 28-29 Tornado and Flooding in Bourbon County

Graphic from the National Weather Service, Springfield, MO, which monitors Bourbon, Cherokee, and Crawford Counties in Southeast Kansas. The Bourbon County flood warning is on the left in the graphic.

Storms this weekend included a tornado and major flooding in Bourbon County.

Because of almost 10 inches of rain, area rivers have gone out of their banks.

The Marmaton River crested at  47 feet on April 28, and is predicted to go back down to 30 feet by Tuesday afternoon, according to Peyton Camden, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service at Springfield, Mo, which monitors conditions in Bourbon, Cherokee, and Crawford Counties in Kansas.

Rain is in the forecast for the rest of the week.

“Depending on how much rain we get, there could be a second crest,” she said.

County roads and city streets in low-lying areas were flooded, but as of today, almost all are passable.


A tornado touched down in rural Bourbon County on the evening of Friday, April 26.

“It touched down at about 85th and Poplar Roads on Friday evening,” Bourbon County Emergency Management Director Brian Allen said.  One home near Quail Road was also affected, he said.

The Clare George property on Poplar Road. Damage to the roof and windows of the house, left, and several outbuildings, middle and right, in the photo,  were affected by the tornado. Photo by Susan George.

Clare George’s home, northeast of Uniontown, had the windows blown out on three sides and some roof damage, plus outbuildings damaged.

Flood damage

Brad Matkin, Fort Scott City Manager said most city streets are reopened following the floods this weekend.

“20th Street from Hwy. 69 to Cooper Street is still closed because of road destruction,” Matkin said on the city’s Facebook page. Clark Street from Wall Street to Third Street is still closed until the manhole flooding stops, and the Fort Scott Lake road by the spillway is still closed, he said. Fort Scott Lake homeowners can access via Hwy. 69 to Hackberry Road.

The city crews are out working to get things back to normal, Matkin said.

This is a drone photo of Gunn Park as of this morning.

Eric  Bailey, Bourbon County Public Works Director, referred road condition questions to Fort Scott/Bourbon County Dispatch.

The dispatcher said all roads in the county are open now, but people should be aware there is some damage to the roads.


Local Ponds Were Built to Help With Floods

Dams were built in the 1980s for helping to alleviate the excess water from floods.

Frank Young,  the contracting officer for both the Marmaton and Mill Creek Watershed Districts, stated  “the watershed dams aren’t constructed with the capacity to totally control runoff from  extremely large rainfall events covering the drainage areas above each structure (pond). They will totally control the runoff from a 25 year storm which is around 4.8 inches of rainfall in a 6-hour period. The rest of the runoff from a larger rainfall event than 4.8 inches in 6 hours, will pass through the dam’s emergency spillway with some, but not total, control of that extra runoff”.

” Marmaton WSD has 28 completed structures that control roughly 25% of the total drainage area of the Marmaton River above Mill Creek. Mill Creel WSD has 14 completed dams that control roughly 28% of the Mill Creek drainage area. The two districts together control roughly 27% of the total drainage area above Ft. Scott,” Young said.

“When a huge rainfall event occurs over the entire river drainage area of just over 240,000 acres, over 70% of this area is uncontrolled,” he said. “The combined districts have plans to build structures that would control around a total of 60% of this area when completed.”

“Both Districts have planned structures awaiting permits to construct more dams from the Corps of Engineers,” Young said. Ever since Hurricane Katrina.. permits to construct dams have become increasingly difficult to obtain from these federal agencies. The last major dam construction ended for the Marmaton District in 2015. Since then no permits have been issued by the Corps to allow these Districts to continue their flood protection program.”

“The existing dams were constructed with state of Kansas grant money along with local cost share money raised from mill levies and landowner participation,” he said. “The districts both inspect their dams annually for damage caused by natural and or man-made events and conduct repairs and maintenance as needed to keep them in shape for service during flood events. The districts will again have to inspect the existing structures soon for damage caused by this flood with repairs, if needed, conducted throughout the coming months,” Young said.


Tetanus Shots For Flood/Tornado Workers

Brian Allen said he is working on getting tetanus vaccines from the State of Kansas for any workers who have worked in the flood waters that have inundated the county.

SEK Multi-County Health Department is offering free tetanus shots for individuals affected by the recent flooding.  Tetanus shots will be available to impacted residents as well as first responders, volunteers, or any others who have been or will be assisting with recovery and cleanup efforts.

Free tetanus shots will be available by appointment at the SEK Multi-County Health Department in Iola, Garnett, and Fort Scott while flood response continues.


Bourbon County (Fort Scott): 524 S. Lowman, Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tetanus vaccines are recommended for people of all ages.  Adults need a tetanus booster shot every 10 years, but health care providers may recommend a booster sooner due to an injury or other health concerns.

Tetanus bacteria are everywhere in the environment, including soil, dust, and manure. Tetanus is most commonly caused by the bacteria getting into the body through broken skin, usually through injuries from dirty objects. During evacuation and flood cleanup, residents affected by flooding, emergency responders, cleanup workers, or volunteers may be at increased risk for these injuries. For this reason, these people should be sure that they are up to date with tetanus vaccination. This can be done by talking with your health care provider or reviewing your vaccination record.

Tetanus is commonly known as “lockjaw,” and is a serious disease that affects the nervous system and causes painful muscle contractions, particularly of your jaw and neck muscles. Tetanus can cause severe breathing problems and in serious cases, lead to death. There is no cure for tetanus.







Dangerous Situation, Stay Home, Stay Safe: FS City Manager

This is the east entrance to the lake, below the spillway. The road has broken out and there’s a lot of traffic, submitted by Jason Tourtillott.

Bourbon County experienced flooding rain on Saturday evening, 10 Inches, said Brad Matkin.

This is the view  towards Wall Street from Hwy.. 69 bypass, in front of Fort Scott Munitions.

In a Facebook post on the city’s page, he said the north end of town is flooded. He contacted fortscott.biz and asked to make this known.

“It’s a bad situation,” he said. “Water rescues are going on,” he said.

Please don’t be out unless absolutely necessary, Matkin said.

Third Street,  at the Hwy. 69 bypass,  by the railway, is flooded.

The safety of the residents and the public safety personnel is of utmost importance. Sightseeing is not encouraged.


The Marmaton River, which is located on  North National Avenue, one of the city’s main thoroughfares, is expected to crest at 45 feet, possible tomorrow.

“That’s one of the highest in history,”  he said.

Looking south on NATIONAL Avenue towards the bridge over the Marmaton River.

In addition, the forecast is for more rain this week.

Brad Matkin. Submitted photo.



Get A Move On by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom By Carolyn Tucker

Get a Move On


When I was a kid, my folks would occasionally tell me to, “Get a move on.“ Where I come from this means, “hurry up” or “let’s go.” I was not one to typically sloom around but sometimes I didn’t want to comply immediately. One time after church, Dad came to me and said, “Let’s go.” I didn’t obey right away and continued to have fun hanging out  with my friends. (This wasn’t the first time I’d not been prompt to obey in this regard.) So after several minutes, I walked toward our usual parking space and discovered the car was gone and so were my parents! Fortunately, my neighbor lady attended the same church, so I just hitched a ride with her. I learned a valuable lesson that day. When Dad said it was time to go, I needed to do the right thing and say my good-byes right away.


Not everything in life happens the exact way we want or expect. When life takes a  detour, it’s normal to feel disappointed. But we need to deal quickly with feelings of disappointment in order to move on in a healthy manner. If you’re disappointed about something right now, I encourage you to push on toward better things ahead and leave the past at the train station. Paul writes to the Church in Phillipi: “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead…” (Philippians 3:13 NLT).


When believers go through times of disappointment, we have to quickly get our private thought world in agreement with God’s thoughts. His thoughts and will are found in His life-giving Word. If we have a scrambled-eggs mindset, we can‘t be overcomers or be of help to anybody else. Remaining in a negative place and continuing to stir a skillet of burnt eggs is refusing to let go of the past. God desires that all of His children keep moving forward in hope and faith.


If not dealt with promptly, disappointment can lead to depression. An excellent way to move on is to refuse to live a self-absorbed life. Find someone needy, lonely, or sad and help them move on toward a fresh outlook and new mindset. Just think of it as a three-legged race — when you help others, it will help you too. Finding someone, other than yourself, to focus on is a positive approach. King Solomon had some good advice: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer” (Ecclesiastes 4:9,10,12 NLT). We are most alive and happy when we’re loving and actively giving of ourselves because God created us be lovers and givers.


Because of our own life experiences, we can be an encouraging friend to someone who’s bearing a disappointment. The evils of isolation and the values of working together are significant. Compassion and fellowship brings helpfulness and comfort to both parties.


Do not earnestly remember the former things; neither consider the things of old” (Isaiah 43:18 AMP). We’re supposed to leave our disappointments behind and stop going over old history because it’s a waste of time to brood over what should have and could have happened. Even though disappointment can knock on your door, please don’t make it feel welcome. Don’t let disappointment hang around — act quickly and kick it to the curb.


The Key: When disappointment comes, don’t cop-out, just “get a move on.”

Backyard Birding – Tips for Attracting Hummingbirds

In the last week or so, I’ve seen several posts on social media that the hummingbirds have arrived! Feeding the hummingbirds is one of my favorite activities. If you are an avid feeder or are just thinking about getting started, here is some information to attract more to your home.

Although there are approximately 360 species of hummingbirds between North and South America, 99.99% of all hummingbirds found in our area will be the Ruby-throated. Their furious spring migration starts in April and continues until early May. Once the migration is complete, hummingbirds settle into nesting mode.

Nests are built in June, with the female determining the site location. The Ruby-throated hummingbird nests will be built near the tip of a down-sloping tree branch with a fairly open area below and the canopy above. Popular tree species for nest building include oak, yellow birch, pine and hackberry. Hummingbirds generally prefer deciduous tree species over conifers. The nesting site will be determined based upon availability of nectar sources and insects. The nests are small – no larger than the size of a quarter!

When it comes to food sources, hummingbirds are attracted to the color red. It is like a flashing neon on sign to them. To prove this point, try putting on a red cap or shirt and sit quietly near a feeder. The hummingbirds will definitely check you out! However, hummingbirds do feed on more than just red flowers.

Any flowering plant that has a trumpet-style flower and is in the red/orange sector of the color spectrum will be quite attractive to hummingbirds. In his presentation, Chuck highlighted several plants to include in your landscape to bring in the most birds. The list included: traditional red Salvia, Agastache, Scarlet runner bean, Cardinal flower, Beebalm, Trumpet Creeper (only if you have lots of space), Butterfly Bush, Hollyhock, Rose of Sharon, Cardinal Climber and Canna.

In southeastern Kansas, our feeders need to be up and open for business by the second week of April. Here are several tips for feeder management:

  • You CAN’T have too many feeders!
  • Don’t fill feeders completely full – clean at each filling
  • If hummingbirds are not emptying feeder – change nectar and clean every 2-3 days
  • Do not dye the water red – just a small amount of red on the feeder is all you need
  • Artificial nectar – 4 parts water, 1 part sugar

One eight ounce feeder will fulfill the daily energy needs of 40 to 60 hummingbirds. By having more feeders available, this will allow the hummingbirds to feed more easily with less stress. Also, it will decrease the likelihood of territorial fighting. If you’ve fed hummingbirds in the past, then I’m sure you know all about the one that seems to be the gatekeeper at the feeder!

In casual conversations, you might hear someone say that they have no hummingbirds over the summer, while others seem to be overrun with hummers. This could be due to “neighborhood feeder saturation.” Basically, this is when the number of feeders within a geographic area exceeds the biological needs of the hummingbirds present which spreads the birds out. Populations of birds can be cyclical – you can have hummers for several summers and then those birds go elsewhere or don’t survive the winter. However, in a year or two, the population will probably cycle back around.

If you have no hummingbird activity by late May or early June, you may just want to take the feeders down until early August. The south bound migration usually starts in late July or early August. Many bird watchers indicate that August and September are actually their best months.

Krista Harding is a K-State Research and Extension Horticulture agent assigned to Southwind District. She may be reached at kharding@ksu.edu or 620-244-3826


K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



KS High-Speed Internet Plan Offered to Underserved Areaas

Governor Kelly Announces Kansas Moving Forward with $451.7M High-Speed Internet
Deployment Plan

— Governor Laura Kelly today announced federal approval of the state’s Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Initial Proposal Volume 2, providing an investment of more than $450 million to expand Kansas’ high-speed internet infrastructure. Funding will be granted to areas that have been identified as underserved through a competitive application process that will begin in July.

“Kansans, no matter their zip code, deserve access to reliable, high-speed internet,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The distribution of BEAD funds will break down the barriers that have prevented some from fully participating in a thriving digital economy.”

Becoming a top 10 state for broadband and connecting every Kansan by the end of the decade is a significant goal for the Kelly-Toland administration. Today’s announcement puts Kansas on the path to reaching that goal.

“We understand the importance of providing opportunities for all Kansans by setting up our communities for success now and in the future,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “With this federal approval, we can help ensure all Kansans have the digital tools they need to find jobs, work remotely, seek out telehealth options and more. High-speed internet access is key to supporting economic initiatives that drive state and local economies alike.”

Eligible homes and businesses within the predetermined funding areas will be made public for 60 days before the application process opens. This transparency ensures that applicants have adequate time to become aware of opportunities and to prepare for the process. Preregistration for BEAD applicants is set to begin Monday, May 13.

“For communities across Kansas, this announcement provides a timeline for solutions in areas that have long languished in the digital divide,” Office of Broadband Development Director Jade Piros de Carvalho said. “We recognize that reliable broadband is the foundation of modern life, and we are eager to put these dollars to work.”

Project funding applications will be accepted in rounds to enable equitable distribution of funds. The first 30-day application window tentatively opens July 8, offering interested stakeholders the opportunity to submit their proposals for consideration.

Learn more about the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment program and dates for technical assistance webinars here.


Bo Co Coalition Agenda for May 1

Bourbon County Inter-Agency Coalition

General Membership Meeting Agenda


Wednesday, May 1, 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Scottview Apartments, 315 S. Scott. 



  1. Welcome: 



  1. Member Introductions and Announcements:



  1. Program:  Amanda Classen, K-State Research Community Vitality Agent

June program:  Tara Solomon Smith, QPR Suicide Prevention



  1. Open Forum:



  1. Adjournment:  The next General Membership meeting will be June 5, 2024.


Bourbon County Commission Agenda for April 29



Payroll 4-26-2024

Accounts Payable 4-26-2024

Bourbon County Courthouse

210 S. National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: 620-223-3800

Fax: 620-223-5832


Bourbon County, Kansas

1st District Commissioner

Jim Harris, Chairman

2nd District Commissioner

Clifton Beth

3rd District Commissioner



Bourbon County Commission Agenda 210 S. National Ave.

Fort Scott, KS 66701


April 29, 2024 5:30 p.m.




  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Flag Salute
  • Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes from 4/22/2024
    2. Approval of Accounts Payable Totaling $133,991.96
    3. Approval of Payroll Totaling $390.48
  1. Public Comments
  2. Vance Eden-PILOT Payments
  3. Department Updates
    1. Eric Bailey-Public Works
  • Jennifer Hawkins, County Clerk
    1. Executive Session KSA 75-4319 (b)(2)
  • Commission Comments
  1. Adjourn Meeting




Executive Session Justifications:


KSA 75-4319 (b)(1) to discuss personnel matters of individual nonelected personnel to protect their privacy.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the public body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the

attorney-client relationship.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(3) to discuss matters relating to employer/employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the

representative(s) of               the body or agency.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(4) to discuss data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trust and individual     proprietorships

KSA 75-4319 (b)(6) for the preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property.

KSA 75-4319 (b)(12) to discuss matters relating to the security measures, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting

would jeopardize such security measures.


Lawrence Looks to Expand His Business: 4C Lawn Care Company


Clint Lawrence, owner of 4C Lawn Care, Fort Scott. Submitted photo.

Clint Lawrence started mowing lawns at age 15 for extra gas money during high school.  He is a  2008 Fort Scott High School graduate and a Fort Scott Community College graduate.

Lawrence owns and operates 4C Lawn Care company.

“I offer all of your lawn needs, mowing, weed eating, edging, leaf and limb removal,” he said.

“Family means everything to me so I  branded my company name after our family as all of our names begin with C,” he said. “My wife is Chelsea; son is Cole, 8 years old; and son, Chase, 7 years old.”

“After college, I joined the Fort Scott Fire Department,” he said. “Given the shift schedule, I always juggled multiple part-time jobs alongside running my business.”

“This year, I’ve decided to focus solely on expanding my business to spend more time with my wife and kids,” he said.

Clint Lawrence, owner of 4C Lawn Care. Submitted photo.


“With 13 years of experience, I’ve served a wide range of clients in various counties, including commercial, residential, city, and county entities,” he said. “After three previous years of a busy schedule, this year I’m looking to expand my client base.”


“My goal is to grow my business into a reputable company known for exceptional service,” Lawrence said. “I am fully insured and no job is too big or too small. Feel free to reach out to me by phone or text at 620-215-4045 or find me on Facebook at 4C Lawn Care”








Does the Judgement Seat of Christ Resemble a Drive-In Movie? by Patty LaRoche

Patty LaRoche. 2023.
Author: A Little Faith Lift…Finding Joy Beyond Rejection
AWSA (Advanced Writers & Speakers Assoc.)

Our son Andy is a coach with a minor league baseball team in Arkansas.  The ballpark has a rule that I find bizarre: the fans may carry in only clear bags.  Not acceptable are purses or back backs or diaper bags.  This mandate has caught on at numerous ballparks, so fans bring clear bags, ranging in size from a submarine sandwich to a microwave. Think Ziploc bags with glitter.  I question how safe the stuffed, larger, see-through bags are, since it would be easy to stick a small pistol down inside the blanket that fills the cavity.  The gatekeepers do not check what’s inside the bag.

“Since your parcel is clear, enter through the turnstile, please.”

It’s sort of how God sees us, isn’t it? Only He sees through our baggage of hidden sins as we try to disguise who we really are but fail miserably at the attempt.  Do you find it as freaky as I do?  There isn’t a thought we have that He doesn’t see.  Selfish motives can’t be hidden from Him.  Judgmental opinions do not escape His notice.  A smiley face will not mask a complaining attitude.  We are incapable of stuffing anything so that it is not seen by our Heavenly Father.

Luke 12:2,3 pulls no punches. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. The thought terrifies me. Someone once described the judgment seat of Christ as a drive-in movie.  We all will be gathered to watch a big movie screen where God will show the world all our sins and failures.  Talk about a horror movie!  Should that be the case, I will be hidden in the car’s trunk, not unlike the times I did that as a teenager.  And yes, another sin that would be exposed.

The scripture is a little confusing. In 2 Corinthians 5:10 we read that we all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give an answer for the things done in the body, whether good or evil.  Would a loving God put us on the hotseat and reveal our sins to the world?   I mean, who of us would invite others over to watch a home video of every way our child disobeyed or messed up?  “And here’s Johnny being taken away in handcuffs for the third time.”  “Oh, look at Susie, sneaking out of her bedroom window at midnight.”  Absolutely not.

Instead, we would show the highlight reel, right?  The winning field goal, the ACT certificate presentation, the proposal.  Good parents don’t shame, and neither does God.  There is nothing in scripture to indicate that our behavior’s discussion is done publicly.  2 Corinthians 5:10 says nothing about our ugly nature being shared with others. (Thank you, Jesus.)

But let’s say it is.  Maybe, instead of our terrible deeds inviting shame and sorrow, they miraculously will inspire wonder and worship at the grace and forgiveness of God.  Instead of looking at each other disdainfully (“You’re really a sicko, you know it?”), our attitude might be, “How amazing is our Father who sent His son, Jesus, to cover our sins!”

There is another option, the one I prefer.  What if there is no bad report?  Instead, there will just be a grand announcement that those ugly scenes from our lives have been washed away because Jesus was made sin for us on the cross.  The same cross where Shame died.

When the day comes that we Christians enter through the pearly gate, unlike the ballpark, there will be nothing we have to hide. We will enter through the Jesus gate, and that will be enough.                                                                                                                                                         Yes, I will go with that option.