Monthly Archives: March 2023
KS Tax Collections Exceed Estimates in February
Governor Kelly Announces February Total Tax Collections Exceed Estimates by Nearly $37 Million
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that total tax-only collections for February were $549.8 million. That is $36.8 million, or 7.2%, more than the monthly estimate. Those collections were also $47.3 million, or 9.4%, more than in February 2022.
“Revenues have exceeded estimates for 30 out of the last 31 months – a clear sign that our efforts to make Kansas a place where businesses and families want to call home is paying off,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “These revenues will continue to grow our historic budget surplus, making it possible for our legislature to pass responsible tax cuts that help every Kansan, like my ‘Axing Your Taxes’ plan.”
Consistently strong revenues were one of the reasons S&P Global improved Kansas’ credit outlook, which the firm announced yesterday. In its report, S&P cited Governor Kelly’s recommended budgets for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 as indicators of continued fiscal responsibility that could lead to a credit rating upgrade and warned against irresponsible tax plans that could lead to a credit rating downgrade.
Individual income tax collections were $211.3 million in February. That is $6.3 million, or 3.1%, above the estimate and $27.9 million, or 15.2%, more than February 2022.
“The positive trend in tax receipts continues with all of the major tax types, individual income tax, corporate income tax, retailer’s sales tax, and compensating use tax, performing well,” Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart said.
Corporate income tax collections were $15.3 million, which is $324,000, or 2.2%, more than the February 2023 estimate. Those collections are $8.1 million, or 34.5%, less than in February 2022. It should be noted that February 2022 corporate income tax receipts were greater than February 2023 because of the higher-than-expected collection of nonrecurring corporate audit assessments that occurred that month.
Retail sales tax collections were $203.8 million, which is $13.8 million, or 7.3%, more than the estimate. Those collections are also $8.5 million, or 4.4%, greater than February 2022. Compensating use tax collections were $64.2 million, which is $849,000, or 1.3%, less than the estimate. Those collections were $4.7 million, or 8.0%, more than in February 2022.
Click here to view the February 2023 revenue numbers.
The Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office Daily Reports March 1
The Bourbon County Commission Agenda for March 2
Walk Kansas registration is open

The weather is warming up, which is a sign that it is almost time for Walk Kansas! Walk Kansas is an eight-week healthy lifestyle challenge that will inspire you to lead a healthier life by being more active and making better nutrition choices. You are part of a six-member team which selects a goal and supports one another in reaching it. If you don’t have a team, you can be assigned to one or you can fly solo! The cost to participate is $10 per adult. Registration is open now at WalkKansas.org, and the program will take place from March 26th through May 20th. The benefits of participating in Walk Kansas include:
- Weekly newsletters filled with motivational healthy lifestyle information, resources, and recipes;
- Access to the online tracking system, as well as the Walk Kansas app, to help keep you on track as you work to reach your goals;
- Support in working towards leading a healthier life, including support gained from your teammates and exclusive membership in a closed Walk Kansas Facebook group; and
- A new opportunity this year to participate in the online “Med Instead of Meds” class series! If you are interested in eating the Mediterranean way but not sure where to start, this is the perfect way to learn more.
There will also be a kickoff event hosted in both Chanute and Pittsburg this year in collaboration with the Wildcat Extension District. At this event, participants will be able to run or walk a 5K, 3K, or 1K. The cost to participate in the kickoff event is $25 per adult, which includes a t-shirt and your Walk Kansas registration fee. If you are interested in attending the kickoff event, please register for it first at https://bit.ly/wildwindwalkrun. Register by March 15th to ensure you will receive a shirt in your size.
For more information, contact Clara Wicoff with the Southwind Extension District at (620) 365-2242 or clarawicoff@ksu.edu.
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Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
K – State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Benefit for Austin Parks on March 12
It will be in the FSHS Cafeteria and dine-in attendees should enter through the main entrance on the west side of the school.
For drive-thru: enter from the west side of the school off Main St. and go between the high school and football field.

The menu:
Butcher Block Pulled Pork
Glen’s Taters
FFA Homestyle Beans
Homemade desserts by FS FFA
Tea and water
100% of the donations will be given to the
Parks Family, according to Casper.
For more info:
Sydney Cullison at 620-224-7290 or Katie Casper