Bourbon County Commission Minutes of May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020 Thursday 3:00 pm (Special Meeting)

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session on the front east steps of the Courthouse. Present for the meeting were all three Commissioners, the County Clerk, Justin Meeks and Jody Hoener.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune was also present.

The Commissioners met to approve the CDBG grant documents and to discuss the KAC COVID-19 funding for possible reimbursement of expenses.

FROM THE KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Nick seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the resolution.

Lynne made a motion to approve and sign the Residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan under section 104(D) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Jeff seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the document.

Lynne made a motion to sign the Statement of Assurances and Certifications, Nick seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the document.

Lynne made a motion to sign the Agreement for Administrative Consulting Services, Jeff seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the following document.

Lynne made a motion to sign the disclosure/update report, Nick seconded and all approved, and Lynne signed the document.

Jeff made a motion to approve submitting to KAC a report showing COVID-19 expenses for possible reimbursement, Nick seconded and all approved and Kendell submitted the report to KAC.

At 3:25, Lynne made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
May 19, 2020, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session in the EOC room in the basement (the meeting was posted on Facebook), present for the meeting were all three Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason (via telephone).

Lynne made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Jeff made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners, Jim Harris, Jerad Heckman, Kendell Mason and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Jim Harris met with the Commissioners; the City of Fort Scott wants the County to help lay one block of asphalt (approximately 400’) on Andrick Street between 5th & 6th. Lynne said they are putting the cost to do this together for the Interlocal agreement. Jim said if the County does this, he would want Ag Engineering or another company to do the compaction tests there.

When the asphalt season ended in 2019, the Landfill Road and Indian Road were on that list to be completed, but they weren’t done. They want to do those roads first this year. Work still needs to be done with the drainage on Indian Road before asphalting there. The Commissioners asked that they do the Landfill Road first and said to use the right mix of asphalt to accommodate the heavy traffic. Jim said while overlaying they will not be doing other jobs.

Lynne reported that 125th is falling apart and needs work done to it. Nick said they need to patch on 215th where the French drains were put in. Lynne said due to the sales tax revenue being down; they will have to be considerate of the projects they do.

Jim said they plan to blast at the Blake Quarry and then at the Thomas Quarry. He said the asphalt plant is ready for the asphalt season.

Lynne made a motion to approve Resolution 16-20, a resolution increasing the Assistant County Attorney wages to $65,000 annually, Jeff seconded and all approved, the Commissioners said they weren’t adding additional money to the Attorney’s budget to cover this raise.

Lynne said that Justin Meeks was working with the City of Fort Scott Finance Director regarding the feasibility of having an Interlocal agreement with shared services, products (chips, salt).

Lora Holdridge said she had abstractors, surveyors as well as KDOT (KDOT is planning to do work on 69 Highway (at 3rd, 6th, 12th and 25th Street in Fort Scott) and APEX needing to come to her office to review records. Due to COVID-19, she felt she could safely schedule appointments for them to come to her office to do the work they need to do. The Commissioners were all ok with allowing them in by appointment. Jeff discussed Allen County E-filing surveys; Lora said her office can distribute surveys electronically, but they don’t accept them that way. She said the software Allen County uses is Fiddler and it isn’t feasible for Bourbon County to have since we already have CIC software.

Economic Development Director Jody Hoener met with the Commissioners to discuss the CDBG CV grant; a brief description of the grant is as follows from SEKRPC… “ALL REGULAR CDBG PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS APPLY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN THESE GUIDELINES.
The State of Kansas, Community Development Block Grant – CV (CDBG-CV) program has been awarded $9,029,815 from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Awards will be made for issues triggered by the COVID-19 virus and when no other funds are available.
The CARES Act funds will be available for a City or County in the State of Kansas, which are defined as “general purpose units of government.” The entitlement Cities and Counties ineligible include Kansas City, Wichita, Topeka, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Manhattan, Overland Park and all of Johnson County.
Applications will be submitted online on a first come, first served basis until money is exhausted.
Maximum funding per county or city is $300,000 for Economic Development grants and $100,000 for meal programs.
Cost can be reimbursed from March 1, 2020 or used for future expenses.
Procedural changes with CARES Act funds include, the processing of the grantee’s Grant Agreements, Request for Release of Funds and Certification (HUD-7015.15), and Grant Close-out agreements. Based on HUD guidance from April 13, 2020, the grantee can use electronic signatures, scans or fax. These amendments would only be applied to awarded CARES Act funds. All other CDBG requirements apply.
The other requirements of the CDBG-CV are not fully described in this application. However, they still apply and include: National Objective Requirements, Pre-selection of Professional Services, Administrative Requirements for the Program, Citizen Participation Requirements (Public Hearings), Applicable Laws and Regulations – Federal Laws and Regulations, State Law Requirements, State Laws which may be available or applicable, Grant Definition, and Environmental Review Process. Details of these requirements can be found in the 2019 CDBG General Application Guidelines.
Applications will be awarded on a first come-first serve basis until funds are all distributed. Should any document be missing, incorrect or otherwise have deficiencies we will contact the applicant for corrections.
Due to the first come-first serve nature of these grants the date received will start once all items are submitted correct-y.
There are no threshold requirements.
1. Micro-Grant funds to Cities or Counties
a. The use of funds is for businesses to purchase needed inventory to reopen. This is considered working capital making the environmental level of review as Categorically Excluded not Subject to (CENST).
b. All awards are distributed as grants
c. The National Objective is Job Retention and over 51 percent of employees must meet LMI
d. Inventory purchases for 60 days after allowed to reopen to regular services
e. $25,000 maximum per job retained for businesses under 5 FTE employees, including owner, for a maximum grant of $30,000 per company
f. For profit businesses only
2. Economic Development
a. For businesses to purchase needed inventory to reopen. This is considered working capital making the environmental level of review as CENST.
b. All awards are distributed as grants
c. The National Objective is Job Retention and over 51 percent of employees must meet LMI
d. Inventory purchases for 60 days after allowed to reopen to regular services
e. $35,000 maximum per job retained for businesses with 6-50 FTE employees for a maximum grant of $50,000 per company
f. For profit businesses only
NOTE: Larger companies should look at CDBG Economic Development funds
3. Support for Meals on Wheels, replenishment of Food Banks and Food Pantries, or aid to lunch programs for kids to provide extra support through this stay home order. This is a Public Service activity and the City must meet LMI.” Jody said that the County could help businesses located outside of Fort Scott apply for the grant, she said the businesses in the City could also apply and said there is potential that the City of Fort Scott and Bourbon County businesses could each get a combined total of $600,000. She said right now she has 26 businesses for the application of the $300,000 County portion. She said the County will eventually have to pass a resolution for the CDBG grant and will have to hold a public hearing (Lynne said the Commissioners could call a special meeting if needed for the public hearing). She said she wants the grant process to be as transparent as possible.

Due to COVID-19, the revenue for the County is down and the County could see results from this for some time; Justin said due to the dramatic changes in revenue the County may have to help cover the gaps in revenue for the EMS (he said they had a good budget for the EMS, but revenue as well as calls for service are down) as well as public health. He said the Commissioners may have to use the Wind Farm money to help cover the gaps. Lynne said they are looking at downsizing some operations; he said they are working towards making things easier for the public, more viable for the County and costing the taxpayers less. Justin said the Commissioners may have to initially help subsidize the healthcare mall. He said that elected officials and department heads would have to prepare for changes. An electronic KIOSK was briefly discussed; due to COVID-19 some business operations have changed at the Courthouse.

Randy Cason with Ascension Via Christi met with the Commissioners to discuss their lease agreement for the hospital building. When they moved into the old Mercy Hospital building, they planned to be there two years, he said that time will be up in 10-11 months, he said they were looking to acquire land to build when they were approached by the County (to save the current building) about being an anchor tenant and leasing space from the County at the former Mercy Hospital building. He said that was a quicker and easier option and said they were on board with the idea; they plan to move forward with the long term lease to be a tenant. He said they need to move forward with operations and improvements and replace the existing radiology equipment (which is older equipment). He said they will be asking for approval from the landlord (Mercy is the current landlord) to change out the equipment and do renovations; they plan to purchase and install a new CT Scanner, a new digital X-ray room, as well as a portable X-ray machine. He said it will be an approximate equipment upgrade of $700,000 and approximately $300,000 worth of renovations to accommodate the changes. He said long term they would like to have Dr. Katrina Burke on campus. Justin said the Commissioners planned to move forward with the leases for the space at the hospital. Justin said he planned to have draft leases ready in the next few weeks and said the finalized leases in 30-45 days. Jeff Fischer questioned Randy Cason what impact COVID-19 had on the hospital; he said they were tremendously impacted by the pandemic, they haven’t had a lot of cases and currently have zero cases, but elective procedures had been shut down as well as standard healthcare had been cut down.

The Commissioners plan to meet on May 19th on the front steps (weather permitting) from 9:00 am – noon. They plan to allow public comment from 11:30-12:00 pm.

Lynne said they are looking at help for Shane Walker (IT department); he said Shane has taken on a lot of work over the last few years.

At 11:55, Nick made a motion to adjourn, Lynne seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
May 19, 2020, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of May 5, 2020

May 5, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session on the front East steps of the Courthouse (due to COVID-19), present for the meeting were the Commissioners, Justin Meeks and Kendell Mason.

Tammy Helm with the Fort Scott Tribune and Anne Dare were present for the morning meeting.

Jim Harris reported that Road & Bridge is hauling gravel and installing culverts around the County and is patching (near 232nd & Jewell and then south of Garland). Jim estimated that they had approximately 75% of the patching done on the asphalt roads. Jim said they need to do ditching on Hackberry and on Indian Road. He said they are crushing at the Thomas Quarry and will be doing a blast at the Blake Quarry within 30 days. Jim said they are still watching the funds before deciding on the chip/seal and asphalt plan for 2020.

Jeff discussed the FEMA grant money that Bourbon County has been working to receive regarding flood damage that occurred in 2019. The County could be eligible for funding for the reimbursement of repair cost and labor from flooding repairs. He said that KDEM needs equipment information and supporting documentation from Road & Bridge for the grant application process. Jeff said he reviewed data for materials used from May – June, but said there wasn’t a lot of data from July – September, (which could be due to the crew doing paving work during this time and not doing flood repairs). Jeff said he didn’t think all of the flood blocked structures had been cleaned out or that all of the repair work had been done. Jeff said he had sent Jim a list of grant items needed. Jeff said the grant had been stalled since we hadn’t provided the documentation requested. Jeff said they also needed information on the equipment used to produce gravel. Jim said his department is willing to provide the needed information for the grant.

There is brush that needs cut at on Xavier; Jim said if it isn’t already done, they will get it done.

Lynne briefly discussed the 2020 budgets; he said 15-20% would need to be cut from budgets due to a revenue shortfall. Jim said they have already purchased the salt for the upcoming winter

Lynne asked Jim Harris where the chips for the rock are tested; Jim said Allied in Wichita does this. Lynne asked if Ag Engineering could do this; Jim said they didn’t have the lab to do this.

Jeff said he had heard that a portion of Indian Road was closed; Jim said the County hadn’t closed it. Jim said they notify the radio and dispatch when they close a road.

Ed Murrow reported to the Commissioners a culvert plugged at the Stevenson Cemetery at 65th & Yale at the side entrance. He said he had reported this twice to Jim Harris, but it still wasn’t fixed. Lynne said he would report this to Jim Harris.

Lynne made a motion to adopt Resolution 15-20; a resolution for the financing of the two 2021 Mack dump trucks through City State Bank, for a lease amount of $223,538.00, interest rate of 2.28% and semi-annual payments of $23,567.63 for five years, Nick seconded and all approved. Lynne and Kendell signed the financing documents and the Commissioners signed the resolution.

Bourbon County Attorney Jacqie Spradling met with the Commissioners; Lynne said they previously discussed a wage increase for the Assistant County Attorney, but didn’t finalize this raise. Jeff made a motion to approve a wage increase from $55,000 – $65,000 for the Assistant County Attorney, Lynne seconded and all approved. On 5/12/2020, the Commissioners will be presented with a salary resolution with this increase on it. Lynne said they will be asking department heads to closely monitor their budgets and said they were looking at a 15-20% across the board budget cut.

Lynne said the County has purchased a disinfecting spray system that kills surface germs that is being used in the County buildings.

Bourbon County Appraiser met with the Commissioners regarding his employees and COVID-19. He said they need to get back to field work to do measurements and to do day to day operations; all of the Commissioners were ok with this. He said they need to do residential and commercial work he said his employees will be using masks, gloves and keeping a distance. His employees will be driving marked vehicles. Clint said they have been having property hearings over the phone.

Due to COVID-19 the Courthouse has been closed to the public since March 17, 2020. Lynne said he talked with Judge Harth who said the court had two options regarding re-opening; option one open the court system when the Courthouse opens and option two with only the courts open. Justin said there are access issues regarding space for the court to comply with the COVID-19 safety guidelines. They are working with the courts to address the court’s needs. Justin said they are looking into using the Annex building for court use. The Deeds office is doing business by appointment only, some offices now have drop boxes for business use and some offices are meeting outside the Courthouse doors for business. The Commissioners said the Courthouse will be closed at least through May 17th and will consider reopening of the Courthouse based on the Governors decision then.

COVID-19 has caused a decrease in revenue; Justin said there is a high possibility that we will need additional subsidies for funding the EMS, Kendell questioned if there were grants available to help fund EMS. The Commissioners said an alternative option is to use an ambulance service company such as AMS or EMR.

Justin said there was a jail issue that would be taken care of by the end of the day.

Justin and Lynne had meet with the City of Fort Scott regarding combining services between the City and County; they are waiting on May month end budget reports before discussing again.

The Commission meeting on May 12th will be held outside on the front East steps of the Courthouse. If it’s raining it will be held in the first floor lobby.

At 11:00 Lynne made a motion to break for lunch and reconvene at 1:30, Nick seconded and the motion passed.

After lunch the following were at the meeting; Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune, Mary Pemberton, Anne Dare, Kim Simons and Nancy Van Etten.

Mary Pemberton met with the Commissioners to discuss the PILOT agreement from Jayhawk Wind Farm; she said in October the Commissioners had set the goal to reduce the property tax mill levy rate by 13% by 2030. She said it had been mentioned that the PILOT money could be a contributor to reach this goal. She asked that the Commissioners adopt the following resolution… “A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE USE OF PILOT PROCEEDS RECEIVED FROM THE JAYHAWK WIND ENERGY PROJECT WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Bourbon County, Kansas has entered into a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) agreement with Jayhawk Wind, LLC dated March 13, 2020 and anticipated receiving $365,625 per year beginning on or about December 1, 2021 and continuing for 9 years followed by $182,813.00 for 1 year until the wind energy project becomes taxable under Kansas Law; and WHEREAS, the members of the Board of County Commissioners have set a goal of reducing the property tax mill levy rate by 13% by 2030 and have indicated this project will assist in achieving this goal; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BOURBON COUNTY, KANSAS that proceeds from the PILOT agreement referred to above be and hereby shall be allocated by the Board of County Commissioners, from year to year for each year in which PILOT proceeds are received, in the same manner and proportion as all other ad valorem tax revenue, to help achieve this goal of lowering the property tax mill levy. ADOPTED AND APPROVED at their regular meeting on the 5th day of May, 2020.” The Commissioners did not adopt the resolution; Lynne said they would take it under advisement when discussing the 2021 budget in June of 2020. She asked where the initial upfront payment of $407,812.50 had been allocated; Lynne said this will be discussed when doing the 2021 budget. Mrs. Pemberton asked the Commissioners if Bourbon County deserved a lower than average financial compensation from Jayhawk Wind Farm because of the limited roads they said they would be using, then why did the County sign an agreement giving them access to all of the County roads without restrictions; neither the Commissioners or Justin wanted to comment on this.

Nancy Johnson met with the Commissioners regarding an article in the Fort Scott Tribune about MRI Global COVID-19 testing; MRI Global was scheduled to be discussed during the April 28th Commission meeting, but after an executive session, Lynne made a motion to remove the presentation regarding MRI Global from the agenda, Nick seconded and the motion passed and Nick made a motion to stop everything with the MRI Global and not to support it moving forward, Lynne seconded and the motion passed. Mrs. Johnson questioned if they voted to not move forward with MRI Global why the lengthy article in the May 2nd, 2020 Fort Scott Tribune. She discussed the article in the Tribune which covered many items including “testing with same day results”, “the training and verification for a particular lab testing platform”, “the testing offers the ability to trace contacts and support communications between clinicians and patients, providing an indicator of the spread and control of COVID-19”. Jeff Fischer told the Tribune that “this is tracking the disease, not the people. The surveillance would be reporting of numbers and disease progression. The tracking, or contact tracing, would be people exposed to a positive case.” The article also discussed the pricing for testing. Mrs. Johnson questioned the HIPPA laws with regards to testing, the return to work orders and suggested they re-think forcing people into testing for COVID-19. Lynne said they took MRI Global off of the table; they had brought this up to look at the feasibility, but they are not supporting the idea. Lynne said they are following the orders of the Governor and the Public Health regarding re-opening.

At 1:49, Jeff made a motion to adjourn, Nick seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
May 12, 2020, Approved Date

Bourbon County Commission Minutes of April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020 Tuesday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session in the EOC room, the Commissioners and Justin Meeks were all present, and Kendell was present via telephone. The meeting was posted on Facebook.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 5 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). Lynne made a motion to remove the 11:00 presentation regarding MRI Global from the agenda for today, Nick seconded and the motion passed. Nick made a motion to stop everything with the MRI Global and not to support it moving forward, Lynne seconded and the motion passed.

Jim Harris reported they have been mowing, hauling gravel and installing culverts. They have done patching on Yale, near Hubert Thomas’s residence as well as Soldier Road. He said they will be pulling shoulders on 215th and will be pulling shoulders at Fort Scott Lake, they will wedge at the Lake when done, Jim said even if they don’t overlay there they could still ditch. Jim said they are waiting on the Sales Tax Revenue report before deciding the asphalt plan for the year. Lynne said he and Terry Sercer discussed the Sales Tax fund; he said they weren’t able to transfer as much as needed due to the amount collected being down and they did more overlay work in 2019 than anticipated. At the last Commission meeting the Commissioners nominated Josh Jones to chair the renewal process of the Sales Tax fund; the program is very important since the County uses the money for the hard surface road program. In the past 2 years, the County did 31 miles of asphalt. Jim said that asphalt is currently approximately $50/ton cheaper.

Jim said it was likely that a piece of equipment had hit a deck on a bridge on Unity just west of 95th.

Jim said they are waiting on a report from Ag Engineering to see what to do with a crossing at 60th & Grand Road.

Jim said they are short one person for mowing and one person for asphalt work. He said his staff is staying safe regarding COVID-19; his employees are keeping their distance, using sanitizers, masks and gloves. Lynne said the County has a sanitizer spray that can be made at a cost of .25 cents a gallon.

Jim said the City of Fort Scott wanted to meet with him; Jeff and Nick thought it was a good idea to meet.

Nick said Road & Bridge could use the pickup truck that the Appraiser wants to trade in; Jim said they don’t have the funds to buy the truck but suggested trading bulk fuel for the truck. No decision was made on the truck.

Jeff questioned the Road & Bridge department pushing a windrow of dirt against a fence; Jim said they will do this if it’s too wet and then will come back and move the dirt once it’s dry enough.

The Commissioners received bids to finance two 2021 Mack Dump trucks; City State Bank quoted a lease amount of $223,538 with 2.28% financing and no fees with semi annual payments of $23,567.63 with the first payment due 6/5/2020. U.S. Bank quoted financing $223,538 with 1.98% interest and a factor of 0.10466 for 5 years with two payments a year of $23,396.25. Jim Harris recommended financing through City State since they are a local bank. Nick made a motion to finance the trucks through City State Bank, Jeff seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners received one bid for fish food for Elm Creek Lake; Big Sugar bid $19.35 for a 50lb bag or $774/ton for Purina Catfish food. Nick made a motion to accept the bid, Jeff seconded and all approved. The County receives some funding from KDWP for the fish food.

The Commissioners briefly discussed the City asking for a portion of Indian Road being closed for the airport runway expansion; Jeff said there is a 12 month window for grievance claims if the road were closed. There are 3 possible detour routes; Jim Harris said he preferred the route that goes south to Hackberry and then west to the blacktop curve. Lynne said the closure could be considered once the new road is asphalted and open.

The Commissioners requested bids for tax sale work; Security 1st was the only bidder, but the Commissioners did not reveal their bid. Justin Meeks and the Commissioners discussed having a tax sale; Justin said he believed with people’s budget a tax sale could be more difficult due to the current economic times. He said in the past they tried to help people save their homes, Justin said there is a lot of cost with a tax sale especially since Hidden Valley properties are now included in the tax sales. Justin said he had met with Hidden Valley representatives, he said there is a high turnover of those properties on the tax sales. Justin said he is an advocate of the Land Bank. He said he hopes some landowners would sign over their properties to the Land Bank. He said if a tax sale was held it could cost $48-$50,000 for the tax sale and said the sale probably wouldn’t collect ½ of that back. He said it is difficult to get a clear title on tax sale properties. The Commissioners discussed delaying a tax sale; Jeff made a motion to postpone the title work required for a tax sale, Nick seconded and all approved.

The Commissioners discussed the current location of the Commission meetings; Justin said he had calls from a concerned citizen regarding KOMA. Justin said the current meetings meet the required standards. Currently the Courthouse building is closed to the public due to COVID-19; the Commissioners discussed how operations would work once the building opens up to the public. Currently the Commission meetings are streamed on Facebook, Jeff suggested having citizen’s schedule a time on the agenda with their subject and questions submitted prior to the meeting and the Commissioners could call them during a scheduled time. Justin said some Counties are doing Zoom meetings and some are doing their meetings the same as Bourbon County. Currently it is safer and easier to do a virtual meeting. Once the courts open up, there will be a large amount of people entering the building; visitors will be using the elevators, stairs and the entryway by the Commission room. The County will be spraying disinfectant to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Justin said the current building could be updated or we have a facility that could meet our needs. Jeff questioned if there was any potential of adapting the hospital space as the court space; Lynne said there are no easy answers.

Rachel Pruitt the Economic Development Director from the City of Fort Scott met with the Commissioners over the phone regarding the airport runway expansion. She said in June 2018 she met with the Commissioners regarding the partial closure of Indian Road should the airport runway be extended. She said she needed our current Commissioners to agree to a partial closing should the runway be extended, she said she needed Commission minutes stating if the runway was extended the Commissioners would go through the procedure to close the road. Lynne said the road closure procedure would have to be followed. Before the traffic would be impacted on Indian Road a road would be built. Nick made a motion if the runway expansion goes in they would close Indian Road after another road is built and they have gone through the road closure process, Jeff seconded and all approved. Rachel said their next step is to hold a public hearing after a 30 day notice.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 10 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel, Nick seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks). No action was taken.

At 11:41, the Commissioners went to lunch and reconvened at 1:30.

Emergency Manager William Wallis met with the Commissioners; Jeff made a motion to allow Lynne to sign an application for the Emergency Management Performance Grant Funds, Nick seconded and all approved and Lynne signed the document.

Will discussed the disaster declaration; he said they filed for 16 different mitigation projects. He submitted areas that Road & Bridge identified as areas that are always a problem. He filed for reimbursement of additional loads of gravel. Areas that were damaged during the flooding and the estimated cost to bring the area back to pre-flood damage state was submitted; if approved this cost could be reimbursed. Will estimated that more than $130,000 could be reimbursed to the County from KDEM for the flooding that occurred in the summer of 2019.

Lynne discussed the Bourbon County budgeted revenue; he said he felt that the shortfall in the budgeted revenue (both from sales tax revenue and property tax revenue) would be a problem. He felt they would have a better idea of the shortfall amount after April 2020. He felt the Commission should address this sooner rather than later. He said he was looking at an initial 15% across the board budget cut, but said it could be 20% by the end of the year. Lynne said it would be up to each department to see where to make that cut. Bourbon County needs to have sufficient funds to finish the year. Lynne will write a draft letter to the department heads to notify them of the initial 15% cut to their budget.

Lynne asked Terry Sercer to present the 2019 audit on May 5th, 2020.

Since COVID-19 and the closing of the Courthouse to the public, there have been drop boxes installed on the outside of the building. People are using the drop boxes, mail and the internet to conduct business which would have previously been done in person.

The Commissioners discussed how to hold future commission meetings once the Courthouse opens up to the public (due to COVID-19). They discussed using other larger facilities to hold the meetings in. The May 5th commission meeting will be held outside (weather permitting) on the front east steps, or if the weather doesn’t permit this, the meeting will be held in the lobby of the 1st floor. Public comment/questions will be allowed to be scheduled from 1:30-2:30, people wishing to comment or question the Commissioners will have 5 minutes each, the time needs to be scheduled and the subject/question needs to be submitted prior to the meeting. If the meeting is held outside, it will not be posted on Facebook live.

At 2:50, Nick made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded and all approved.

(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman
(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner
(ss) Nick Ruhl, Commissioner
Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk
May 5, 2020, Approved Date

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

May 22, 2020


Session 2020 Ends  May 21.  A majority of the legislation remaining during the long layoff was stuffed into this last day of session.  The session gaveled in at 8AM and ended 23 hours later.  It seemed like there were 165 legislators with differing views as leadership was determining how to proceed.


As Senate tax chair I worked hard for over a year putting together a property tax bill that would stop the ever-increasing property appraisal values from automatically increasing your property taxes.  It’s called property tax transparency, but it is more than that.  Your property taxes can still be raised, but Conference Committee Report (CCR 2702) requires a vote by the governing body to do so.  No more automatic property tax increases.  I carried this important bill on the floor.  It not only contained the property tax transparency, but the bill also removed penalties and interest on property and income taxes during the pandemic, and allows county treasurers the option to setup property tax payment plans.


While I was carrying the first bill of the day on the floor, the ranking from the minority party on the Senate Tax Committee introduced an amendment to freeze property taxes for low income seniors and disabled veterans, sometimes referred to as the Golden Years.  This is good legislation as I amended the Golden Years into a bill that passed the Senate in 2019, but it was dead in the House.  No matter how good the amendment, to add it would kill this important bill.  We had just this one day to thread the needle of what would pass the Senate, the House, and the Governor.  The ranking democrat just wanted what he called a postcard vote; a vote to send out postcards against legislators who voted no.  He denied it on the floor but he is recorded before the debate saying he had amendments for ‘postcards’.  The final bill passed the Senate 35 Yes to 2 No votes; the House 89 Yes and 28 No.  It passed by super majority in both chambers.  Now we wait to see what the Governor does; sign it to become law, allow it to become law without her signature, or veto?


Liability and Government Control  CCR 2054 was a measured response to your concerns on government overreach, especially during the pandemic.  The Governor ordered a second emergency declaration.  The Attorney General’s position is that the Governor does not have legal authority for the second emergency declaration.


CCR 2054 would clarify the Governor’s authority, establishing that the Governor can issue another state-of-emergency with the support of six of eight legislative leaders on the State Finance Council (the Governor is a member with legislative leadership).  CCR 2054 also gives county commissioners the authority to set their own parameters.  They may decide if more or less stringent orders need to be issued and provide oversight to local county health officers.  CCR 2054 establishes a process to get the $1.2 billion federal money where it is needed.  It establishes liability protection from frivolous COVID-19 lawsuits, codifies the Governor’s orders on tele-health, licensing, and other helpful provisions during the shutdown.  There will be an interim committee to study the need for all of these items long term, since the legislation expires in 2021.  It passed with 27 Yes votes and 11 No in the Senate.  I voted Yes.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.


Obituary of Susan Schnichels

Susan Kay Schnichels, age 68, resident of Ft. Scott, KS, died Saturday, May 23, 2020, at Yates Center Health and Rehab in Yates Center, KS.

She was born on September 18, 1951, in Ft. Scott, the daughter of Donald and Betty Powell Wiggans.

She married Paul Morris, Sr. in 1974. They later divorced. She married Mark Schnichels on January 4, 1980. He preceded her in death on February 6, 2007.

Susan worked for Tri-Valley Developmental Center for 10 years. She loved spending time with her grandchildren.

Survivors include a son, Paul Morris, Jr., Ft. Scott; 3 daughters, Brandi Johnson, Yates Center; Kayla Schnichels, Ft. Scott, and Kara Schnichels, Pittsburg, KS; a step son, Mark Schnichels, Ft. Scott; 3 step daughers, Annette Blevins, Colorado, Frankie Kimmel, Iowa, and Sara Schnichels, Ft. Scott; her mother, Betty Wiggans, Ft. Scott; a sister, Carla Fowler and husband Mike, Ft. Scott; one brother, William Wiggans and wife Amy, Ft. Scott; 17 grandchildren; 13 step grandchildren; and 1 great grandchild.

She was preceded in death by a son, Richard Wiggans; 2 sisters, Mary Sampson and Dawnie Sharp; a granddaughter, Mia Johnson; and her father.

Graveside services will be held at 11:30 Tuesday, June 2nd, in the Clarksburg Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Care to Share and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at

Antibody Testing For COVID 19 Available Through CHC/SEK

Sliding fee discounts and financial assistance is available to eligible patients, as stated on the front door of the CHC/SEK Clinic in Fort Scott.


Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas now offers COVID-19 antibody testing through QUEST Laboratories, according to Robert Poole, Communication and Marketing Director, in a press release.


Antibody testing is useful for research and specific virus investigations or epidemiologic studies. CHC/SEK shares testing results with its state and federal partners, according to the press release.


Put simply, the body makes antibodies to fend off germs and other harmful substances. And this process is part of the body’s immune response, according to


The antibody test requires a physician’s order and looks for antibodies in persons who may have had, and have recovered from COVID-19, according to the press release.


Individuals wanting this antibody testing should discuss their concerns and what their results might mean with their doctor.


Laboratory orders can be accepted from physicians outside of the organization for this test, for example, a college student might have a primary care physician in another city.


COVID-19 antibody tests require a blood draw.


Testing is available at either the CHC/SEK Walk in-In Care, 1624 S. National, or the medical clinic at 401 Woodland Hills Blvd.



A positive result does not guarantee immunity from the virus.  Whether you test positive or negative, you should still take preventative measures to protect yourself and others from the virus.



The cost of the COVID-19 antibody testing is being covered by the federal government, however, patients may incur an office visit fee depending on their insurance and income status.



Other points from the press release:


  • The science of COVID-19 testing is evolving, and test accuracy is not perfect. However, testing for antibodies can help identify people who have likely been exposed to the COVID-19 and have mounted an immune response to the virus.


  • The timing of the test is important. It typically takes 1 to 3 weeks after someone becomes infected with COVID-19 for their body to make antibodies; some people may take longer to develop antibodies.


  • It is unknown if people with antibodies have immunity and are protected from becoming sick with COVID-19 again. It is also not known how long those antibodies will last.


  • Antibody tests are not used to diagnose someone as being currently sick with COVID-19. To see if you have a current infection, you need a viral test that checks respiratory samples, such as a swab from inside your nose.


  • Whether you test positive or negative for COVID-19, you should still take preventative measures to protect yourself and others from the virus.

The CHC/SEK locations in Fort Scott

Walk-in Care, 1624 S. National Ave.:

Monday-Sunday: 7:00 am-7:00 pm
Phone Number: (620)223-8428
Fax Number: (620)223-5011


Fort Scott Medical Clinic, 403 Woodland Hills Blvd.:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Phone Number: (620)223-8040
Fax Number: (620)223-8002

Pharmacy at the medical clinic:

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-6:30 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am-12:30 pm







Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting for Old Fort Auto June 4

You are invited!
Grand Opening &
Ribbon Cutting for
Old Fort Auto!
Thursday, June 4th, 2020
5:15 to 6:30pm
(Remarks & Ribbon Cutting 5:30pm)
213 Scott Ave. in the
Downtown Historic District
Business partners Rich Aydelotte &
Matt Harvey will be eager
to meet everyone, and share their
business & community goals!
Featuring used cars, trucks & SUV’s!
Click here to visit them on Facebook,
Click here to visit their website!

SEK COVID 19 Update

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, and Woodson Counties

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

May 26, 2020

Allen County

Current Positive Cases 1
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 1
Deaths 0

Anderson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 1
Total Positives Since Testing 1
Deaths 0

Bourbon County

Current Positive Cases 1
Current Recovered Cases 5
Total Positives Since Testing 7
Deaths 1

Woodson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 6
Total Positives Since Testing 6
Deaths 0

Recovered cases are based on dates of onset of symptoms, not on day testing results are received.

Quarantine If You Traveled to Lake of the Ozarks

KDHE recommends self-quarantine for Kansans who traveled to Lake of the Ozarks


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is recommending voluntary 14-day self-quarantine for those Kansans who traveled to Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, over the Memorial Day weekend and did not use protective measures, such as social distancing and face masks. 


Over the holiday weekend, large crowds were reported at the Lake of the Ozarks with no protective practices being followed.


“The reckless behavior displayed during this weekend risks setting our community back substantially for the progress we’ve already made in slowing the spread of COVID-19,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. “If you traveled to Lake of the Ozarks over the weekend, we urge you to act responsibly and self-quarantine to protect your neighbors, co-workers and family.”


While Lake of the Ozarks is not currently on the mandated travel list, KDHE urges those who traveled over the Memorial Day weekend to self-quarantine for 14 days upon return to Kansas.


A list of states on the mandated travel advisory is available at

Farmers/Ranchers: USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Farmers and Ranchers in Kansas Can Now Apply for Financial Assistance through USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program

Online Tools and Toll-Free Number Available to Assist Producers

Manhattan, KS, May 26, 2020 – Agricultural producers can now apply for USDA’s Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), which provides direct payments to offset impacts from the coronavirus pandemic. The application and a payment calculator are now available online, and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) staff members are available via phone, fax and online tools to help producers complete applications. The agency set up a call center in order to simplify how they serve new customers across the nation.

We know Kansas producers are facing a tough time now, and we are making every effort to provide much needed support as quickly as possible,” said David Schemm, State Executive Director for FSA in Kansas. “FSA is available over the phone and virtually to walk you through the application process, whether it’s the first time you’ve worked with FSA, or if you know us quite well.”

Applications will be accepted through August 28, 2020. Through CFAP, USDA is making available $16 billion for vital financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have suffered a five-percent-or-greater price decline due to COVID-19 and face additional significant marketing costs as a result of lower demand, surplus production, and disruptions to shipping patterns and the orderly marketing of commodities.

We also want to remind producers that the program is structured to ensure the availability of funding for all eligible producers who apply,” SED Schemm said.

In order to do this, producers will receive 80 percent of their maximum total payment upon approval of the application. The remaining portion of the payment, not to exceed the payment limit, will be paid at a later date nationwide, as funds remain available.

Producers can download the CFAP application and other eligibility forms from Also, on that webpage, producers can find a payment calculator to help identify sales and inventory records needed to apply and calculate potential payments.

Additionally, producers in search of one-on-one support with the CFAP application process can call 877-508-8364 to speak directly with a USDA employee ready to offer assistance. This is a good first step before a producer engages the team at the FSA county office at their local USDA Service Center.

Applying for Assistance

Producers of all eligible commodities will apply through their local FSA office. Those who use the online calculator tool will be able to print off a pre-filled CFAP application, sign, and submit to your local FSA office either electronically or via hand delivery. Please contact your local office to determine the preferred method. Find contact information for your local office at

Documentation to support the producer’s application and certification may be requested after the application is filed. FSA has streamlined the signup process to not require an acreage report at the time of application and a USDA farm number may not be immediately needed.

Additional Commodities

USDA is also establishing a process for the public to identify additional commodities for potential inclusion in CFAP. Specifically, USDA is looking for data on agricultural commodities, that are not currently eligible for CFAP, that the public believes to have either:

  1. suffered a five percent-or-greater price decline between mid-January and mid-April as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,
  2. shipped but subsequently spoiled due to loss of marketing channel, or
  3. not left the farm or remained unharvested as mature crops.

More information about this process is available on

More Information

To find the latest information on CFAP, visit or call 877-508-8364.

USDA Service Centers are open for business by phone appointment only, and field work will continue with appropriate social distancing. While program delivery staff will continue to come into the office, they will be working with producers by phone and using online tools whenever possible. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or any other Service Center agency are required to call their Service Center to schedule a phone appointment. More information can be found at



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