Members of Community Christian Church, 1919 S. Horton, will be feeding families in need as a drive-by.
The first meal offering was last night.
“We served 159 people last night,” Gayle Sackett, a member of Community Christian Church said.

Names will be taken of anyone eating a meal, she said.

The church members believe there is a need for families currently, with many people losing jobs, she said.
“There is a greater need, right now,” Sackett said.
“It’s the same principle as the Feeding Families In His Name,” she said.
Feeding Families In His Name, a ministry of the First Methodist Church has been offering a free meal on Wednesday evenings for nine years, Jean Tucker, coordinator, said.

“When Gayle Sackett called me, the group wanted to go under Feeding Families umbrella,” Tucker said. “I am so excited they are doing this.”
FFIHN is a 501 3c organization that receives food commodities from the Department of Agriculture and goes through the Department of Children and Families.
“CCC is using our commodities, they will augment that with other donations,” Tucker said.
First Methodist Church is located at Third and National Avenue.
Access to the free Wednesday evening meal is behind the church in the alley between Main and National Avenue. That meal is from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
There, individuals and families will be served to-go boxes.
Tucker wanted to thank the volunteers that help.
“We have a very dedicated group of volunteers,” she said. “Just a few come to cook.”
The need for meals is increasing, as evidenced by the number of people who have received free meals in March at the Methodist Church.
“Two weeks ago it was 180 people, last week 210, this week we are planning for 230,” Tucker said.