FS Commission Updated Agenda For March 2 Meeting



MARCH 2, 2021
6:00 P.M.

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call:

K. Allen P. Allen R. Nichols L. Watts J. Jones

II. Flag Salute:

  1. Invocation: Led by: (To be Announced)

  2. Approval of Agenda:

  3. Proclamations/Recognitions:

  4. Consent Agenda:

  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 16th, 2021 and special meeting minutes of February 12th, 2021 and February 23rd, 2021.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1283-A totaling $335,76

  1. Request to Pay – HDR Engineering, Inc – $6,455.27 – River Intake Project

  1. Request to Pay – Bourbon County Clerk – $8,047.48 – Charter Ordinance No. 31 Election costs

  1. Public Comment:

(Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on agenda and limited to five (5) minutes per person, at Commission discretion)

  1. City Manager Reports and Comments

  1. Director Reports

  1. Old Business: None

  1. Appearances: None

  1. New Business:

  1. Resolution No. 5-2021 – Resolution in reference to the levying of a 1% Countywide Sales Tax allocation

  2. Consideration of Bids – Brush Blasting & Pool Repainting – Aquatic Center

  3. Consideration of move of Dispatch Center to 207 S. Judson (old Correctional facility)

  4. Consideration to Pay – Skitch’s Hauling & Excavation, Inc – $616.00 – January invoice

  5. Discussion of electric scooter company, Bird, establishing services in Fort Scott

  6. Discussion of Potential Cost Sharing Joint Venture between the City and Bourbon County for the joint purchase of materials and equipment

XII. Reports and Comments:

A. Commissioners Reports and Comments:

B. City Attorney Reports and Comments:

XIII. Executive Session – If requested, (please follow script in all motions for Executive Sessions)

XIV. Adjournment:

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran Newsletter March 1






To find further resources on how to protect you and your family, visit
coronavirus.gov or the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website here.

Vaccines in Kansas

Visit kansasvaccine.gov for information regarding COVID-19 vaccinations in Kansas, including availability and FAQs.

To find providers offering COVID-19 vaccinations, use KDHE’s Find My Vaccine map tool. Enter your zip code or address to find the providers nearest you.


If you are a Kansas resident and you or your family needs assistance with matters related to COVID-19, please click here.

If your employment situation has been impacted by COVID-19, including reduced work hours, please refer to these resources from the Kansas Department of Labor:

Response Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Unemployment Insurance Application

Helpful videos

Federal Informational Resources


Situation Summary

Prevention & Treatment

High-Risk Populations

Pregnant Women Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

Kansas Informational Resources

Please visit the Kansas Department of Health and Environment here.

U.S. Small Business Administration Resources

For information regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), including second draw loans, please visit the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website by clicking here.

For information regarding Economic Injury Disaster loans, please click here.

Veteran Resources

For information on veteran and VA related topics, resources and contact information, please click here.


Phone Calls to Kansans

Hon. Pat Proctor, Kansas House of Representatives, Leavenworth

Riley Scott, Scott Consulting, Lawrence

David Kensinger, Kensinger and Associates, Topeka

Stephonn Alcorn of Gardner

Jeff Seibel, Edward Jones, Hays

Mayor Peggy Dunn of Leawood

Russell and Cleo Fischer of Dodge City

Bill Hybl, The Garden City Company, Garden City

Hon. Mike and Susan Pompeo, Wichita

Deanna Munson, Munson Prime, Junction City

President Dr. Amy Carey, Friends University, Wichita

Bette Lessen, City Clerk, Arma

Lee Tafanelli, Kansas Electric Coops, Topeka

Hon. Chip Westfall, Harvey County Commissioner, Newton

Bill Cochran, Chief of Staff, City of Topeka

Brian Wheeles, Chief of Police, Topeka

Jared Suhn, Game Changer Strategies, Shawnee Mission

Gordon Ramsey, Chief of Police, Wichita






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COVID-19 Vaccination Centers and Resources in Kansas

As Kansas continues to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, please use my COVID- 19 Resources and Vaccine Information on my website for guidance.

Right now, we must focus on vaccines—it’s the most important objective we can undertake. More shots in more arms is the best thing that can happen for our country’s well-being, both from a health perspective and for our economy.

I encourage all Kansans to continue to take precautions to keep yourself and your families safe, including wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and frequently washing your hands. To get the most up-to-date recommendations from the federal government, please visit coronavirus.gov.


Calling on Governor Kelly to Improve Response Times to Kansans Filing for Unemployment

We are approaching nearly a year since COVID-19 arrived, but Kansans are still facing extreme difficulties receiving their unemployment benefits from the Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL). My office is fielding urgent pleas for assistance from constituents who, through no fault of their own, are finding themselves without the means to pay their bills. It is unacceptable to make Kansans wait weeks or months before finally receiving their unemployment benefits from the state. On Friday, I led the Kansas Republican Congressional Delegation along with Kansas Senate President Ty Masterson and Kansas Speaker Ron Ryckman in calling on Governor Kelly to utilize available resources already provided by Congress to improve KDOL’s response times to Kansans filing for unemployment insurance.

Governor Kelly continues to place the blame on Congress for lack of funding to assist in updating KDOL’s outdated technology. However, according to a House Oversight Committee report released on February 12, Kansas’ Executive Office still has $218 million unspent from the coronavirus relief packages passed last year, showing Kansas is not in imminent need of resources. It is not a solution to continue throwing money in a direction where the process is the problem. The fact of the matter is Kansans’ livelihoods have been put on the line during the upheaval caused by the department’s four different leaders over the past year, the false narrative that additional federal funding will solve the current issues, and playing politics rather than problem-solving. When Kansans are getting evicted from their homes or are unable to purchase groceries and are calling for help but receiving none, it is evident something must change immediately.

Read the full letter here.


Overseeing VA’s Vaccination Distribution Efforts

Pressing the Biden Administration to Prioritize Veteran Vaccinations
This week, I spoke with leaders from the Biden administration as the lead republican on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee (SVAC) to press them to prioritize veterans as the COVID-19 vaccine is distributed. Dr. David Kessler and General Gustave Perna, the two officials leading the administration’s vaccine rollout, provided valuable information to Sen. Tester and me regarding the vaccine distribution process. The efficient and effective distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine remains one of my top priorities, especially for high-risk veterans, and I will continue working with federal, state and local officials to streamline this process.

I am concerned that rural and underserved veterans will be left behind, so I received commitments from Dr. Kessler and General Perna to work with me to support rural veteran vaccine distribution.

Conducting a Hearing Evaluating VA’s Ongoing Vaccination Efforts
On Wednesday, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee conducted an oversight hearing for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ ongoing efforts to administer COVID-19 vaccinations to America’s veterans. Following my call with the Biden administration’s COVID-19 Response Team on Tuesday urging them to prioritize our nation’s heroes in the vaccination process, VA officials announced at the hearing several thousand extra doses will be distributed to veterans and the frontline staff who provide their care starting today.

Even with this announcement, I will continue to make certain that the VA is doing its best work at taking care of veterans and seeing that this vaccination rollout is working in the most efficient and expeditious manner possible. We ought to have smooth processes that make certain the most vulnerable veterans are able to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Currently, veterans who have existing health risks or are over 75 years of age, and some eligible caregivers, are able to receive the vaccine. The VA is reaching out to those individuals personally to notify them of their eligibility and coordinate their vaccines. If you are a veteran, you can click here for more information about the VA’s COVID-19 testing and treatment resources. You can also sign up for updates about vaccine availability here.

As the lead republican on the Senate VA Committee, I remain committed to making certain the VA provides the highest level of care and service to those who served in uniform. My work in Congress will continue to make certain that veterans, regardless of where they live, are able to access these vaccines.



Speaking with Veterans Receiving their COVID-19 Vaccine at Topeka’s VA Vaccine Clinic
This week, I visited the Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center vaccine clinic in Topeka. I appreciated hearing more about how VA facilities receive and distribute vaccinations as they continue to adapt to the rollout program and the opportunity to hear from Kansas veterans receiving their COVID-19 vaccine shot. The veterans I spoke with were happy to be receiving the vaccine and described their desire to be able to visit their family and loved ones again. I was encouraged that they were able to get the vaccine, however, we have a long way to go, and I will work to make certain that veterans in Kansas who want to be vaccinated get that opportunity.

I want to extend my thanks to Director Rudy Klopfer, Chief Nurse Shelby Bowen and Associate Chief Pharmacist TJ McCombs for the informative visit.



VA Announces Mobile Vet Center Deployments to Help Vaccinate Kansas Veterans
Last week, the VA announced it would be sending Mobile Vet Centers across Kansas to hold mass vaccination events. As part of the VA’s vaccination efforts, it is using the Mobile Vet Centers to extend its vaccination reach beyond brick and mortar VA facilities to provide additional vaccination capacity to Kansas veterans and VA employees. Beginning this week and running until March 27th, the VA will utilize Mobile Vet Centers at 13 mass vaccination events in locations like Hays, Salina, Dodge City, Ft. Leavenworth and Olathe—just to name a few. Due to the limited vaccine supply, local VA facilities will be reaching out to veterans to confirm eligibility and appointments for all Mobile Vet Center vaccination events. Sign up for updates about vaccine availability here.


Empowering Student Athletes While Maintaining College Sports Integrity

This week, I introduced the Amateur Athletes Protection and Compensation Act of 2021, to create a consistent, federal standard to allow student athletes greater control of their name, image and likeness (NIL). Over the years, college athletics have grown into an increasingly profitable, billion dollar industry, however the rules surrounding athlete compensation have not been modernized. In an attempt to fix this issue, nearly 30 states have introduced legislation on athlete compensation, which could lead to a confusing system of inconsistent state laws that would be cumbersome for schools and athletes to navigate. My legislation would create a national standard of guidelines to make certain student athletes can benefit from the use of their name, image and likeness without hurting their eligibility to compete as a student athlete while at the same time protecting the existing model of college athletics that has afforded so many young athletes an opportunity to pursue an education.

Athletics teach young men and women many valuable skills that serve them throughout their life, and Kansas has an unparalleled history of college athletics that includes several premier programs attracting student athletes from all over the nation and the world. I will continue to work with my congressional colleagues to ensure this NIL legislation strikes the appropriate balance of empowering amateur athletes while maintaining the integrity of college sports that we all know and love.

Read more about my legislation here in ESPN.




Welcoming Novacoast to Wichita

This week, I was pleased to announce that Novacoast, a national leader in cybersecurity development, has decided to make Wichita the location of its new Security Operations Center. This is an exciting move for many of the region’s leaders in cybersecurity technology research and development, including Wichita State University, Friends University, Butler Community College, and the 177th Information Aggressor Squadron at McConnell Air Force Base. Kansas is becoming an important leader in this field, and Wichita is now a pipeline for some of our nation’s most talented cybersecurity professionals. Novacoast’s presence in Wichita will create many rewarding partnerships, along with several well-paying technology industry jobs for our community.

The Greater Wichita Partnership announced this move on Thursday, and I offered remarks to express my support for the future of Novacoast and my eagerness to assist in their important mission of providing cybersecurity for American companies. Paul Anderson, CEO of Novacoast, announced that they will soon be advertising jobs on Kansas Works and the Wichita location would begin operations three or four months from now. He mentioned that he chose Wichita because it is a place where people would be happy to make a home, and I wholeheartedly agree.



Holding Big Tech Accountable

Social media platforms that promise to be free and open marketplaces of ideas should abide by these assurances. This week, I introduced the Promoting Responsibility Over Moderation In the Social Media Environment (PROMISE) Act with Senators Mike Lee and Mike Braun. This legislation would ensure social media companies are consistently following their own public statements and policies on censorship and hold them responsible when they display political bias that contradicts their own standards.

Unfortunately, we have seen recent examples of these social media companies exhibiting political bias when moderating content, making our bill more urgent than ever. Twitter, Facebook and other social media websites have permanently banned President Trump, while allowing despotic leaders like Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei to remain on their platforms and post violent and hateful rhetoric, despite having terms of service against such speech. Pro-life voices have also been restricted by Big Tech, while pro-abortion groups are allowed to continue to advertise their views. For example, Facebook has prohibited advertising from pro-life groups such as Life of America, Live Action and Choose Life Marketing from advertising on their platform. In addition, Twitter has prohibited Live Action from advertising as well. Simultaneously, Planned Parenthood is permitted by both companies to advertise on their websites.

I urge my colleagues to work with Senator Lee, Senator Braun and I to ensure that social media companies are being held accountable when they act on political bias that runs contrary to their public statements and policies.




Questioning HHS Nominee Attorney General Xavier Becerra

During my first Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) Committee hearing this week, I questioned President Biden’s U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary nominee, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, on several topics. First and foremost, I spoke to Attorney General Becerra about the current issues facing the 340B Drug Pricing program as certain drug manufacturers are refusing to live up to their end of the bargain. 340B has been an issue for as long as I have been in the Senate, but these recent developments are creating particularly dire circumstances for Kansas’ community health centers who are losing significant revenue due to the 340B program’s issues.

As the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted gaps in our health care infrastructure, telehealth has proved to be a powerful source of care. The recent coronavirus relief packages passed by Congress included provisions to reduce the regulations around telehealth, allowing it to be a more reliable, accessible source of care for both rural and urban Kansans. As I told Attorney General Becerra, creating permanent extensions of the emergency telehealth provisions should be a high priority moving forward.

Finally, I encouraged Attorney General Becerra, if he is confirmed, to look into the policies surrounding organ transplants. We live in a nation with the world’s leading transplant surgeons and hospitals, but thousands die every year because of scarcity of donated organs. HHS ought to be implementing policies to increase the number of kidney transplants nationwide and consequently, save hundreds of lives each year.



Keeping Skies Safe With The CONTRACT Act

This week, I introduced the Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training Required for ATC Contract Towers (CONTRACT) Act with a number of my Senate colleagues. Regional economies across Kansas rely on the aviation industry and our state’s eight contract towers, which play an important role in making certain air travel is safe. This legislation removes unnecessary hiring barriers and financial disincentive for air traffic controllers who have retired from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), providing a simple and sensible solution to ensuring we have highly-skilled and experienced controllers working at federal contract towers and keeping skies safe across the country.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, with jurisdiction over the FAA, I will advocate for contract towers in the state of Kansas and work to advance this legislation.




Securing Benefits for Combat-Wounded Veterans

This week, I introduced the Major Richard Star Act along with Chairman Jon Tester and Senator Mike Crapo. This bipartisan legislation will allow combat-injured veterans to receive the full benefits they deserve and will eliminate what is known as a Concurrent Receipt.

Under current law, only military veterans who retire with a full 20 years of service and who receive at least a 50 percent combat-related disability from the VA receive their full payments of both retirement pay and disability benefits from the DoD and VA. All other combat-injured retirees receive a single payment in which their retirement payments are offset from their disability compensation, which results in a lower average payment. The Major Richard Star Act would remedy this problem and make certain that veterans whose military careers ended due to combat injury receive the full benefits that they have earned. It would impact 42,000 veterans throughout the United States, including many who reside in Kansas.


Introducing The Kelsey Smith Act

This week, I introduced the Kelsey Smith Act to require wireless communication providers to provide call location information to law enforcement officials when responding to a call for emergency service or in an emergency situation that involves the risk of death or serious physical harm.

This legislation is named after Kelsey Smith, who was abducted in broad daylight from an Overland Park department store and murdered on June 2, 2007. The abduction was captured on the store’s security camera, leaving little doubt of the emergency nature of the circumstance. Four days after she disappeared, authorities were able to locate Kelsey’s body after her wireless provider released the “ping” or “call location” information from her cell phone.

Kelsey Smith’s tragic abduction sent shockwaves through the Overland Park community and the country, and this bill is named in her honor. Providing this information as fast as possible is critical to ensure law enforcement officials can rescue victims in imminent danger of death or serious harm when every second counts.

In honor of their daughter and to aid law enforcement in rescuing kidnap victims, Greg and Missey Smith have fought to successfully pass this legislation in 27 states and are continuing to work to make it federal law. This legislation will make certain first responders have the tools they need to quickly locate people who have been abducted, and I urge my colleagues to support this sensible bill to help save lives. I will continue to work with the Smith family and my Senate colleagues to ensure this critical legislation is passed into law.




Advancing Greater Job Opportunity for Women in the Trucking Industry

Over the past year, we have relied on the essential service of the trucking industry as it transports critical resources to Kansas and across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the trucking industry continues to face a driver shortage, we must find new ways to recruit and retain drivers, including supporting women pursuing careers in trucking.

This week, I introduced the Promoting Women in Trucking Workforce Act to support women pursuing trucking careers. The legislation would establish a Women of Trucking Advisory Board that would be responsible for working with organizations and companies to coordinate formal education and training programs and help identify and establish training and mentorship programs for women in the industry. This sensible and bipartisan legislation will lead to new job opportunities for women, combat the shortage of workers in the trucking industry, and promote equality for those who are currently working in the trucking industry.




Confirming Secretary Vilsack for the Department of Agriculture

On Tuesday, I voted to confirm Tom Vilsack to be the Secretary of Agriculture. Prior to his nomination vote, I met with Secretary Vilsack to discuss issues important to Kansas farmers and rural America. I believe the Secretary of Agriculture must be a voice for farmers, ranchers and rural communities both within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), as well as across the entire administration. When I met with Secretary Vilsack, I invited him to Kansas to see progress on the construction of the National Bio Agro-defense Facility in Manhattan. As a member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees funding for USDA, I look forward to working with Secretary Vilsack to support Kansas farmers and ranchers and to defend and protect our way of life in rural communities across the state.


Receiving the Sonny Montgomery Student Veteran Champion Award

This weekend, I received the Student Veterans of America’s Sonny Montgomery Student Veteran Champion Award during their annual national conference. I was joined by my colleague, Chairman Jon Tester in receiving the award for the bipartisan work we were able to accomplish last year to make certain student veterans and their education were protected during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Receiving this award, which was so aptly named after Sonny Montgomery, was an additional privilege due to Sonny’s work on behalf of our nation’s veterans. Sonny dedicated his life to this nation, both in and out of uniform, and pushed for a better GI Bill for veterans in his years in Congress.

Kansas is home to many student veterans and members of Student Veterans of America, so I want to extend my thanks to the Student Veterans of America for their tireless dedication to advocating and improving the lives of our nation’s student veterans and their families, and for honoring me with this


Meeting with Members of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association

This week, I met with members of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (KARA) to hear about issues that agriculture producers, retailers and rural communities are facing. We discussed agriculture’s role in climate discussions, including the importance of developing policies that are incentive based rather than harmful regulations. We also spoke about the strain recent extreme weather events have caused on our nation’s energy supply and concerns about consumer utility bills. I appreciate hearing from agriculture retailers from Kansas and across the country, and I look forward to working with them to advocate on behalf of the agriculture community in the future.


Accepting NWAG’s Wheat Leader of the Year Award

I joined the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) for their annual board meeting this week where I was presented the 2020 Wheat Leader of the Year award, the highest award given each year by NAWG. I appreciate NAWG President Dave Milligan and NAWG Board Member and Kansan Kyler Millershaski for presenting me with this honor. I also had the opportunity to speak with farmers from across the country about the importance of wheat to Kansas and the country. I look forward to continuing to work with NAWG to be a strong advocate for America’s wheat producers in Congress.


Protecting the Right to Life

I met virtually with Peter Northcott of Kansans for Life and Douglas Johnson of National Right to Life to discuss the Equal Rights Amendment this week. The amendment, if ratified, could adversely impact laws protecting the unborn from abortion. Passed in 1972, a year before Roe v. Wade was decided, Congress set a deadline of 1979 to secure the approval of the three-fourths of states required to add a new amendment to the Constitution. That deadline passed without adoption, but there is an effort to do away with the deadline and accept states that subsequently ratified the amendment. The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Legal Counsel last year issued an opinion saying that Congress cannot revive the amendment after the deadline, and the process must begin anew. The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg held a similar position. As the ranking member of the Appropriations subcommittee for the DOJ, I asked Attorney General Nominee Merrick Garland about his approach to this matter, and I intend to make sure the law, as it was written in 1972, is upheld.


Federal Resources to Assist Kansas

EDA to Invest $2.6 Million in Southeast Kansas
I was pleased to announce the U.S. Economic Development Administration is investing in the people and economy of southeast Kansas with a $2.6 million CARES Act Recovery Assistance grant, creating hundreds of jobs, improving telehealth services and providing important resources for workforce training.

Thank you to the Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center for leading the charge on this initiative and the many health care providers and local businesses willing to work in partnership to bring this project to a reality. As the lead republican on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, I will continue to support the ongoing and critical mission of the Economic Development Administration to assist the economic activity of our communities, especially during this pandemic.




Morton County Receives Resources to Bolster Area Telemedicine
I was also pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) awarded Morton County Health System with a Rural Development grant to assist in the further development of telemedicine in the area, serving the greater southwest Kansas region. Access to health care is a challenge in many rural communities and the COVID-19 pandemic has made that access even more limited. This grant will invest in new technology and resources to bring telemedicine to Morton county and the surrounding areas to help folks in rural communities receive the health care they need to make them feel secure and safe.

Newton City-County Airport Funds Received
In 2019, I announced that the Newton City-County Airport was awarded an Airport Improvement Program grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. This week, I received word that the survey and bid process has been completed and the $6.1 million needed to complete the project will be awarded. As I said upon its original announcement, this grant will allow for much-needed infrastructure improvements, enabling the airport to support the area’s aviation needs for years to come.


Honored to Serve You in Washington
It is an honor to serve you in Washington, D.C. Thank you to the many Kansans who have been calling and writing in to share their thoughts and opinions on the issues our state and country face. I appreciate the words of Kansans, whether in the form of a form of letter, a Facebook comment or a phone call, who wish to make their voice heard.


Please let me know how I can be of assistance. You can contact me by email by clicking here. You can also click here to contact me through one of my Kansas offices or my Washington, D.C. office.


Very truly yours,

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Spring Break Kid’s Camp At Uniontown Methodist Church March 15-19

The Uniontown and Hiattville United Methodist Churches are hosting a Spring Break Kid’s Camp “Mystery of the Messiah,” Monday, March 15 through Friday, March 19, 12 noon – 2:30 p.m. The camp starts with a free noon lunch, transportation will be provided if needed.

Children, in preschool through 6th grade, are invited to join us for a fun-filled mystery-themed week of games, crafts or science projects, music, and more. All this takes place at the Uniontown Methodist Church, 505 Sherman  Street, Uniontown.
Early registration is appreciated. Registration will be limited to 30 children. For more information contact Pastor Carl Ellis at the church phone 620-547-2469 or email [email protected]

FSCC Aggie Day is March 26

The Fort Scott Community College Agriculture Department will host the 44th Annual Aggie Day contest on Friday, March 26th.

“We are excited to host the event,” said Sara Sutton, FSCC Agriculture Instructor. “It is one of the largest contests of its type in the four state area, so we are expecting a large turnout of high school agricultural students and 4-H club members.”


This year will look different than years past, as we will be hosting 5 contests instead of the typical 12. Students will have the opportunity to compete in the following areas of agriculture which include; food science, livestock judging, meat evaluation, speech, and veterinary science.


Aggie Day is sponsored by ReproLogix of Fort Scott, Kansas. This event is the longest-running interscholastic competition in the region. “We are excited to have ReproLogix as our sponsor once again and look forward to exposing agriculture students to the embryology side of their industry. ReproLogix provides up-to-date technology and services on animal reproduction which is an area many of our students are interested in. It has been a great partnership and together we hope to inspire students that participate in the contest to look at animal reproduction as a possible career choice,” said Blake Davis, FSCC Agriculture Instructor.


Teams should pre-register online at http://www.fortscott.edu/AggieDay/registration by Friday, March 19th at 5:00 pm. Registration for the event will begin at 7:30 am-8:30 am on March 26that Arnold Arena, 2108 S. Horton St. Fort Scott, Kan. For more information, please contact Sara Sutton at 620-223-2700, ext. 3280 or Blake Davis at 620-223-2700, ext. 3290

To view the basic information regarding Aggie Days, please follow this link http://www.fortscott.edu/AggieDay


Tax Collections Up

February Total Tax Collections Outperform Estimate by $19.8 million

~ Governor Laura Kelly Calls for Equitable Distribution of Federal Aid ~

TOPEKA – Kansas’ total tax collections for February performed better than the estimate and better than the same month of Fiscal Year 2020. Total tax collections for the month were $455.9 million. That is $19.8 million, or 4.5%, more than the estimate and $7.6 million, or 1.7%, better than last February.

“Though tax receipt numbers continue to look encouraging, we must maintain fiscally-responsible, prudent practices as the economic impacts of the pandemic continue to take shape,” Governor Kelly said.

To assist states in COVID-19 recover efforts, over the weekend, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a stimulus bill that will provide $1,400 in direct payments to Kansans, increase the child tax credit, financial relief for schools and local governments, and further the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations.

The new proposal allocates aid based on a state’s unemployed population rather than its actual population. Governor Kelly was one of 22 governors who signed on to a letter opposing the move.

“I urge Congress to reconsider the current bill’s approach and distribute aid to states equitably, based on population,” Governor Kelly said. “Receiving our fair share of federal support will continue to be key to protecting Kansans’ health and safety, keeping businesses open, and getting our kids back in school as quickly as possible.”

Individual income tax collections were $193.7 million. That is up 7.6%, or $13.7 million, for the month. Those collections are $22.3 million, or 13.0%, more than the same month of last fiscal year. Corporate income tax collections were up $3.2 million, or 63.5%, for the month with a collection of $8.2 million. That is $1.0 million, or 14.3%, more than February of Fiscal Year 2020.

The state collected $4.3 million, or 2.4%, more than the estimate in retail sales taxes with $179.3 million collected. That is a 0.8%, or $1.4 million, increase from the previous February. Compensating use tax collections were down $3.3 million, or 7.9%, for the month with $38.7 million collected. Those collections are $215,168, or 0.6%, less than last February. The last time the state missed its compensating use tax estimate was August 2019.

Please find the revenue numbers here.

Additional UK variant cases identified in Sedgwick County

TOPEKA – Eight new cases of the United Kingdom, or UK, variant known as B.1.1.7, have been identified in Sedgwick County. These cases were identified in individuals all living in the same household and do not appear to be connected to earlier cases in Kansas. A case investigation is being conducted and close contacts notified. Further details concerning the patients, including demographics, will not be released.
The total of UK-identified variants in Kansas is now at 10. The first case was identified in February in Ellis County, followed by the second case in Sedgwick County. The initial two cases are believed to have been exposed through separate, out-of-state travel.
The variant was determined through the whole genome sequencing (WGS) conducted through the laboratories at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE).
“We continue to encourage people to take the appropriate precautions. This includes wearing a mask that fits snuggly around the nose and face and has multiple layers of fabric or layering thinner masks with an additional cloth face mask to improve the fit,” Dr. Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. “Kansans should also follow isolation and quarantine recommendations, practice physical distancing, good hygiene, staying home if ill and getting the vaccine if you are able to, once the supply is sufficient.”
“In addition to following these healthy behaviors, this finding also shows the importance of getting tested for COVID-19,” Adrienne Byrne, Sedgwick County Health Director, adds.
Testing is available and free for all Kansans. To find a location near you, visit: www.gogettested.com/kansas This variant was first reported in the U.S. at the end of December 2020.
Evidence from the UK indicates that this variant spreads much more quickly through the population and, given that fact, may rapidly increase the number of hospitalizations and deaths. More studies are needed to confirm this finding.

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson


February 26, 2021


Committee Work

All of the senate work was in committees last week.  It was the last week that committees meet before turnaround, the half-way point of session.  There were some good, bad, and ugly results for the week.


The Good

The Senate Tax Committee passed out several bills but most notably was Senate Bill (SB) 46 that would exempt your retirement accounts from state income tax.  The estimated decrease in taxes is $213 million.  The opponents will argue the state cannot afford such a large tax cut.  What they neglect to tell you is the state has collected $168.7 million over estimates since July 2020 (the start of Fiscal Year FY2021).  In 6 months, taxes collected are above estimates by almost $170 million so Kansas can afford it – we just have to make it a priority.


The Bad

The bad was some of the bills that passed out of committee or other bills that were stalled in committee.  One that was stalled is SB 213 that would block employers from mandating vaccinations.  The testimony during the hearing was compelling but the chairman decided not to work the bill.  Because the committee is non-exempt, the bill is basically dead for the year unless it is removed from Commerce and put in an exempt committee such as Federal & State Affairs.


The Ugly

There are too many ugly things to write about but one that stands out is the unemployment system.  Legislative Post-Audit, a non-partisan research group, reported an estimate of $600 million paid in fraudulent unemployment claims.  The Governor had reported over $300 million (which is the number I had in my update last week).  It is appalling that criminals are stealing the money, while Kansans who need the money cannot get it.  And to make matters worse, many Kansans have had their identity stolen and are getting 1099 forms saying they owe income tax on unemployment money they never received.


It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.




COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments At CHC

Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas is now offering COVID-19 vaccine appointments as part of Phase 2 of the Kansas Vaccine Prioritization Plan.
 The list can be found on the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website:
There is no out-of-pocket cost to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccinations will be available at all CHC/SEK clinic locations.
The vaccine appointment telephone number to call is 866-888-8650, which will be answered 7 a.m. -7 p.m. seven days a week. There is an additional line for Spanish speakers, available at 620-240-8940, answered from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
CHC/SEK is one of 250 health centers nationally selected to receive a direct supply of COVID-19 vaccine to ensure underserved communities are equitably vaccinated, according to a recent announcement from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and CDC.  A shipment of 4,000 doses of Moderna vaccine is expected to arrive the week of March 1.
CHC/SEK will follow the state priorities for what populations are eligible to receive the vaccine, however vaccine recipients will not be restricted by county residency, nor do they have to be a patient of CHC/SEK.
“This is a gift to the people of Southeast Kansas, the least healthy and most economically challenged region of the state,” said Krista Postai, President & CEO of CHC/SEK.  “With almost 20 percent of our population over 65, the ability to reach out to provide this potentially life-saving vaccine is probably one of the most important initiatives in our history.”
Vaccine appointments will be available at CHC/SEK locations.
In Pittsburg, CHC/SEK has established a vaccine center at 924 N. Broadway, with extended and weekend hours to make receiving a COVID-19 vaccination as convenient as possible. The health center has also formed special vaccination outreach teams to target special populations by taking the vaccine to them.
“Based on the calls we’ve been receiving, we know many people are eager to get vaccinated and so afraid they’ll be overlooked because they live in rural Kansas,” Postai said. “It is so wonderful to tell them they’ve actually been prioritized nationally.”
CHC/SEK and Grace Med Topeka/Wichita were the two Kansas health centers chosen for this program. Both serve a large population of individuals experiencing homelessness, public housing residents, migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, patients with limited English proficiency and serve a significant population of patients age 65 years and older.

“We know these vaccines are safe and highly effective against a very serious disease,” Postai said. “Now that they have become available to us, CHC/SEK is ready to get them delivered into the arms of our communities.”

Starlite FCE Minutes of Feb. 25

Starlite FCE

February 25, 2021


The February meeting of the Starlite FCE was held at the Yeager building at the Fairgrounds.  President Glenda Miller called the meeting to order and Joyce Allen led the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect.  Nine members were in attendance, they reported that they had volunteered for four hours and had recycled sixty pounds of cardboard.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Doris Ericson presented the treasurer report.  Glenda Miller passed out the new membership roll and informed us Sekan will accept cardboard on Mondays.

Jackie Warren reported that as of now we are planning to have an Open Class at the Fair this year and asked for a show of hands of those who would be able to help.

New Business consisted of planning an Easter party for Tri-Valley.  It was decided to make bunny bags and fill with treats and to has an egg hunt.  Everyone is to bring wrapped candy to place in eggs and bags.

Deb Lust moved that the meeting be adjourned, Doris Ericson seconded the motion, motion carried, meeting adjourned.  After the meeting, Deb Lust presented a program on Character Counts- Responsibility.  Doris Ericson and Deb Lust provided refreshments of cake, M&M, and water, which were enjoyed by all.


Prepared by

Terri Williams

High Electricity Bill Help Available

Governor Kelly Encourages Kansans to Apply for Low Income Energy Assistance Program Funding Available to Help Pay High Electricity Bills

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly encouraged Kansans to apply for funds available through the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) to help pay high electricity bills caused by extremely cold temperatures. Due to extreme cold, Kansans may see higher than usual utility costs.

“My administration is considering every tool at our disposal to ensure Kansans and communities are protected from price surges caused by the extreme weather,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “While LIEAP assistance is available to Kansans experiencing higher than usual utility costs, we continue to communicate with our local and federal partners to address this problem.”

LIEAP is a federally-funded program that helps eligible households pay a portion of their home energy costs by providing a one-time per-year benefit. The 2021 LIEAP application period is from Monday, January 4, 2021, through Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Applications must be received before 5:00 PM, March 31, 2021. To find additional information about the LIEAP program and applications, please click here.

In addition to promoting LIEAP assistance, the following actions are currently being taken to address higher than usual utility costs for Kansans:

  • The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has instructed utilities under its jurisdiction (Evergy, Liberty, Southern Pioneer, Kansas Gas Service, Black Hills, Atmos, and the City of Eskridge) to defer the extraordinary costs associated with cold weather.
  • Utility companies regulated by the KCC are now required to submit what costs they incurred because of the storm, along with a plan detailing what steps they are taking to mitigate the cost to consumers.
  • KCC is working on a plan to spread extra costs out over several months or more to soften the impact on customers.
  • Governor Kelly and the KCC asked the Federal Regulatory Commission to investigate the events that led to a utility shortage and aid the state in protecting consumers from high costs.

The following additional resources are available for Kansans who may struggle to pay their utility bills:

  • All KCC regulated utilities are offering payment plans to help customers spread out costs. Kansans should contact their utility provider to explore available options.
  • Kansans can find a complete list of agencies and organizations providing assistance in their area here.
  • Kansans with questions can contact the KCC’s Public Affairs and Consumer Protection Office at 800-662-0027 or 785-271-3140.

Obituary of Matthew Weddle

Matthew Wayne Weddle, age 33, died Saturday, February 27, 2021. He was born October 28, 1987, the son of Albert and Tawnja Beisley Weddle. Matt enjoyed operating heavy equipment in his work. He loved his dog Holly and his truck.

Survivors include his parents, Tawnja Smith and husband Raymond, Ft. Scott, KS, and Albert Weddle and wife Susan, Ft. Scott; 2 brothers, Dustin Beisley and Dalton Weddle and wife Codee, all of Ft. Scott; 3 sisters, Stephanie Weddle and Kevin George, Nevada, MO, Amber Hatfield and husband Nicholas, Bronson, KS, and Shiann Weddle, Ft. Scott; and several nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by great grandparents John and Kathryn Keating, an uncle, a niece, grandfather Russell Weddle, and 2 aunts, Marie Skaggs and Julie Walking.

There was cremation.

The family will receive friends from noon until 2 p.m. Friday afternoon March 5th at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Memorials are suggested to the Matt Weddle Memorial Fund and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main St., Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

Obituary of Teresa Davis

Teresa Diane Davis, age 66, a resident of Fort Scott, died Friday, February 26, 2021, at her home. She was born December 5, 1954 in Fort Scott, Kansas, the daughter of Marion Young and Lena Kerr Young.

After graduating high school, Teresa completed cosmetology school. She later worked for Mercy Hospital as a CNA.

She married Frank Davis and together they enjoyed fishing.

Teresa liked to crochet and talk on the phone.

She especially enjoyed her time with her family and friends.


She is survived by her husband Frank of the home; a son Adrian Young and wife Melanie of Wellington, Kansas, a daughter Tynessa Van Buren, of Grandview, Missouri; five grandchildren, Adrianna, Aidyn, and Aurora Young, Tanesa and Kyesha Van Buren ; four brothers, Floyd, Wade, Rodney and Waymon Young, two sisters, Nellie Stutterfield, and Rhonda Turner as well as many nieces and nephews.

She was preceded in death by her parents; two brothers, Junior and Goldie Young, and a sister, Janice Ray.


There was cremation. A celebration of life will take place at a later date. Arrangements are under the direction of the Cheney Witt Chapel, 201 S. Main, P.O. Box 347, Ft. Scott KS 66701.  Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at cheneywitt.com.

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