Young Entrepreneur Series: The Needham Brothers

Please nominate a Young Entrepreneur for this series, a youth under 18 years old.

The Needham brothers with their first customers of the day on May 25, Dad, Seth, is in the background middle.

Robert Needham, 10, and his brother, John, 6, with the guided help of their father, Seth, have developed homemade food products.

They started working on recipes  several weeks ago.

On May 25, they set up shop at Gunn Park, south of the first playground area, near where cars are leaving the park.

Robert and John Needham at their pop-up business in Gunn Park on May 25.

“They were open for about an hour and 45 minutes,” Seth said. “Around 2:45, I could tell they were getting worn out, so we shut down. They had been working on set-up, signs, and getting supplies loaded since about 10 AM that morning, so it was a long day for them. But they had around $75 in sales between the two of them.”


Robert is the creator of Robert’s Famous Lemonade.

The logo that Robert, with computer help from his Dad, made for his business.

Robert said he named his business “because it’s famous and also lemonade.”

Robert sells his lemonade in red Solo cup at Gunn Park at his pop-up shop.

With supervision, Robert buys the lemons, “juices them out” and then makes a simple syrup, then adds extra sugar, “because it was too sour,” he said.

“It’s super good, costs $2, and you get a red Solo cup with a straw,” Robert said. If you bring your own cup, you save 25 cents.”

Robert is saving up his money for something special.



John’s product is homemade popsicles.

John created the logo for his business with computer help from his father.

He explained how to make the product: “You take blue gelatin, sugar, a Kool-Aid packet, water and a secret ingredient, Blue Hawaiian Punch and heat it up.  You cool it. Then you pour it into popsicle molds. You put sticks in before juice. Then Dad puts it in the freezer. It takes 10 hours to freeze.”

They will be making different flavors through the summer, Seth said.

John shows his product Blue Raspberry Starburst Popsicles.

Seth said his boys always taste-test the products before selling them.

The best part of his business, for John, is “You get a bunch of money.”

Marketing Lessons

Their Dad helped them with the marketing of their product.

“We found an online design tool, and then they did all the work themselves,” Seth said. “The websites had some basic templates made up that they customized with their names, choice of colors, choice of fonts, and images.”

They have also learned how to make a marketing video, Seth said.



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