Early voting in Bourbon County has started on whether Uniontown’s school district will get new safety upgrades and expanded opportunities for students.
“The USD 235 bond issue prioritizes projects that were identified as the greatest needs through a 2021 facilities audit and through community feedback via 2022 survey work that went to all patrons,” USD 235 Superintendent Vance Eden said. “These items constitute safety upgrades and the expansion of educational opportunities for students.”
Vance Eden, superintendent for USD 235. Photo from the school district’s website.
Information about each specific component of the projects can be found on the website, uniontown235.org, under the label Bond Info, he said.
The two-question format on the ballot for a vote, “is responsive to the feedback we received regarding priorities and tax implications,” he said.
“In this format, Proposition 1 would need to pass for Proposition 2 to have the potential to pass,” he said.”
The tax implications can be found on the district’s website, he said. “Additionally, I’m happy to sit down with any patron who has a prior year’s tax bill and help them figure that out even more precisely,” Eden said. “The projects proposed do not represent all of the ideas and needs of the district, we have been extremely mindful to prioritize those most important and meaningful projects as parts of the bond.”
The list of those projects are below:
“New WBE Preschool- This would include programs for 3-year-old and 4-year-old students. This would also be a storm shelter all West Bourbon Elementary students and staff could use if needed.
Student Support Offices- We would add offices on both sides of the street for the (student support) providers who are working with students.
WBE Entrance- The aluminum doors are original to the building and are at the end of their life. This would also address some ADA compliance issues with the entrance.
Music Room- We would move around a couple of classes and make a music room that better fits the needs acoustically. This would also allow us to better address/ provide special education services in the prior music room.
Junior High, and High School Fire Alarm- A new fire alarm would include smoke detection and automatic calling of emergency services when triggered. Our current system does not do this.
HS Multipurpose Room- We would add a multi-purpose room at the HS that will also serve as the storm shelter for JH/HS students and staff. This will be a valuable space for all kinds of needs, including a room for wrestling practice.
New Agriculture Classroom, Metals Shop, and Construction Trades Shop- This building is at the end of its life and needs replacement for Ag and Metals to continue to be a part of our programming. We would also take the opportunity to add a construction trades program to this building to increase student programs.
6th Grade- 6th grade students would move across the street to become a part of the JH. This was the most efficient use of space and programming. It will increase opportunities for these students while creating the needed space at WBE to address their needs there without having to add on with additional new construction.”
‘The proposed USD 235 Bond Issue qualifies for State-Aide,” according to the district’s Facebook page on Nov.1. “If our bond is approved, the State will pay for 32% of the overall cost. If approved, the district will also apply for FEMA funding related to the storm shelters. If awarded, it would cover 50% of the cost of those storm shelters at WBE and UJH/HS.”
Other District Improvements, Not on the Bond Issue-The Community Walking Trail
Eden also provided an update on the walking trail around the school that is used by the community as well.
“The walking trail is currently with the architect to ensure ADA compliance and the project specifications,” he said.
“The layout will largely remain the same. There will be some ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) adjustments as well as considerations for better drainage in those locations where it is needed. The trail itself will be concrete construction at a width of 5 feet.”
“It is funded through a Recreational Trail Program Grant with the Department of Wildlife and Parks,” he said. Through this grant, they will pay 80% of the cost and the district will be responsible for the remaining 20%. That said, our 20% can be in-kind donations, which will be our preference.
Schultz Squared Architecture is doing this project for the district, he said. “They are the architect doing our pre-bond work and already had the planning materials needed to fulfill this quickly and efficiently.”