Local Author Tanya Glessner Completes Second Book

Tanya Glessner. Submitted photo.
Local author, Tanya Glessner, has written her second book Stand Up Eight.
“The book has personal testimonies of everyday people who have experienced a personal relationship with God through trials of adversity,” she said. “Their stories offer hope, encouragement, and inspiration to all believers.”
The book title was taken from a Bible verse:  Proverbs 24:16 “For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,” she said.
“No matter how many times we fall, we always get back up again.”
One may purchase Stand Up Eight on Amazon:
in paperback for $10 and on Kindle for $7.99.
Here is the link to purchase the book:
To view a prior story on Glessner:
*I plan on taking some books to Hedgehog Ink bookstore … mmid-February” she said. “I  also want to mention that Stephen Toal did the cover art.”
The book cover of Stand Up Eight by Tanya Glessner. Submitted graphic.
About the author:
Tanya Glessner was born in Kansas City.
She operates  Crooked Cactus Coffee Roasting Company with her husband from their home in Fort Scott.
She volunteers her time mentoring recovering addicts and men and women imprisoned.
Tanya says she finds joy in serving the Lord and also spending time with her grandchildren.

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