A local leadership class has taken on a project of creating a walking trail downtown with funding from Healthy Bourbon County Action Team.
Bourbon County Lead Class 2020 heard of the funding opportunity from Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lindsay Madison.
“Lindsay brought the opportunity up to the class of extra funds from Healthy Bourbon County Action Team that we could use for our class project and we came up with a healthy walk downtown with educational fun facts about downtown Fort Scott,” Rita Schoeder, LEAD Class member said. ” What it was and what it is now!”

“Our presentation proposed to Healthy Bourbon County Board for approval was held at the Empress Event Center, Thursday, February 6th,” Schoeder said. “I and one other class member, J.T. (Heckman), presented to the board for approval of the design of the signs.”
Also included in the presentation was an example of a fun facts sign with QR code for younger audiences to use cell phones while approaching the sign, then scanning on the phone. It will then show images, reading material and recorded audio of the fun fact, Schroeder said.
“Some signs will show how many feet you have walked as well.,” she said. “At the Feb. 6 meeting, the budget and project were approved.”
The definitive location of the downtown trail is not final but the starting place will be at the Fort Scott Chamber, 231 E.Wall Street, Schroeder said.
There the walkers will receive a brochure of the walking trail, and the statistics of how many feet the walking trail is from start to finish.
The brochure will show the fun fact markers and highlights of the downtown walking trail.
What is the benefit of having a walking trail downtown?
According to Schroeder:
- It’s a walk of downtown historic Fort Scott for people who work and live downtown, residents, and visitors of all ages.
- The walk promotes retailers, restaurants, and points of interest.
- Walkers will learn fun facts about Fort Scott’s history.
- The hope is to challenge the next generation of opportunities to continue Fort Scott’s growth.
- Small town hospitality will welcome visitors and share what Fort Scott represents and has to offer.
By mid-March/April, the project will be presented to the Fort Scott Design and Review Board and if approved will then go to the Fort Scott City Commission for final approval.
The completion date for the project is in June, Schroeder said.
“Before Good Ol’ Days, fingers crossed,” Schroeder said.
Members of the LEAD Bourbon County 2020 group have been divided into subgroups with the following tasks:
Naming the trail and gathering historical facts
based on the number of mile marker signs along the trail:
Matthew Chaplin, Devin Tally, Tony Tirri, JT Heckman.
Matthew Chaplin, Devin Tally, Tony Tirri, JT Heckman.
Marketing and design of brochures, flyers, and printed maps to be picked up at the Chamber and/or trailhead, designing a welcome sign and mile marker signs, and getting quotes on pricing and installation:
Rita Schroeder, Ashley Keylon, Katie Allison.
Rita Schroeder, Ashley Keylon, Katie Allison.
Mapping the route, identifying sign placement and number of mile marker signs needed:
Traci Reed, Amy Budy, Kyla Probasco
Traci Reed, Amy Budy, Kyla Probasco