Category Archives: Schools

FS High School Prom July 25, 2020

Fort Scott Prom  Walk-In 2017.

Fort Scott Junior/Senior Prom, July, 25, 2020

The Fort Scott High School Class of 2020 Parent Group will be hosting PROM 2020, held July 25 at The River Room in Fort Scott, KS.  The Walk-in will begin at 6:15 PM, with the dance to begin at 8:00 PM and end at 11:00 PM.

This is a free event and is open to all Fort Scott High School Junior and Senior students along with their dates. Nobody over the age of 21 will be allowed to attend the prom.

Due to COVID-19 concerns, all attendees will be required to turn in a signed waiver form in order to attend. Attendees over the age of 18 can sign the waiver themselves, while attendees under the age of 18 must have a parent/legal guardian signatures. The waiver can be picked up at the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, and Common Ground Coffee Shop. If you would like to print out the waiver yourself, please text or email Vanessa Poyner at (620) 719-6943, [email protected] to receive the link to the waiver. The waiver will not need to be returned before July 25th. The signed waiver will be the students “ticket” to enter the dance.

The Prom walk-in will be from 6:15 PM- 8:00 PM. The walk-in will start on the corner of Judson & Oak Street and will continue East up to the venue entrance. In order to ensure social distancing, we are requesting that only family attend the walk-in viewing, and abide by all State/County/City mandates and safety recommendations. The walk-in will also be streamed online live through City Link TV.

This years prom theme is “Hot Havana Nights”, and the Prom 2020 King & Queen candidates, are; Addison Lyons, Emma Martin, Lauren Madison, Caleb Briggs, David Milburn, and Gage Wilson.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Vanessa Poyner at [email protected] or (620) 719-6943.

The Senior students have had to miss out on so many important activities due to COVID-19. We are hoping that by allowing them the opportunity to have a prom will grant them a bit of closure to their senior year, and give them one last chance to celebrate with their classmates,” Vanessa Poyner said.


Here is the waiver the parents and students will be required to sign prior to entering the event.

Fort Scott Prom 2020 Student/Parent/Guardian Waiver


Parents or Legal Guardians:


The Fort Scott High School Class of 2020 Parent Group will be hosting PROM 2020, held July 25th at The River Room in Fort Scott, KS.  The Walk-in will begin at 6:15 PM, with the dance to begin at 8:00 PM.  By signing this form, you are agreeing to attend (students over 18), or giving permission for your child (the student is under the age of 18) to attend this year’s Junior-Senior Prom.  Furthermore, you, the student/parent/guardian, are waiving and releasing any liability on the FSHS Class of 2020 Parent Group, including any specific individuals associated with said Parent Group; The River Room (the venue); and any volunteers present, including but not limited to parents serving as chaperones at the event, helping with set-up or take-down, providing transportation, and/or assisting in any other way at or during the Walk-in or the Prom dance.


Any and all liabilities, injuries, illness, and/or damages that may occur to the student at or during the walk-in or Prom, including transportation to and from the event will be your (the parents or legal guardians) responsibility and not that of the named entities above.  By signing this release form, the student/parent/guardian  agree to abide by the following guidelines, especially with the current COVID-19 situation.


All persons in attendance will NOT be allowed to attend and enter the prom unless this release form is presented to the designated volunteers on the evening of July 25, 2020.(See back signature page for signatures needed)


Prom 2020 Guidelines


  • All temperatures will be taken prior to entering the prom venue.  Should your student have a temperature higher than 100.4 degrees, they will NOT be allowed to enter and will be asked to leave the premises.
  • All State/County/City orders will be followed. (ie. masks, social distancing, etc.)
  • All dates MUST be 21 years of age or younger.  If committee members deem necessary, they will ask for the ID of attendees present.  If not able to present ID’s as to their age, they will NOT be allowed to enter and will be asked to leave the premises.
  • No one may bring alcohol onto the premises, including inside the venue.  Failure to abide by this provision will result in your child being asked to leave the premises.
  • No one may bring controlled substances, illegal substances, vaping instruments, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, firearms, and the like on premises. Failure to abide by this provision will result in your child being asked to leave the premises.
  • We/I understand, by signing this release form, that it is possible that, due to COVID-19, sickness could possibly occur.  We, the undersigned, agree to release all parties and entities mentioned above as to any liability due to any resulting sickness or illness to the student, the student’s date, the student’s family, the student’s friends, and anyone else with whom the student may come into contact with after the walk-in and Prom dance.


Thank you for your understanding and support in this situation.  We know these are unusual times.  We want to assure that this year’s Prom will be an exciting and memorable time for you and your child.


Fort Scott High School Student Name (please print): 



Grade: __________


________________________________________                      _________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if student is under 18)                Date


________________________________________        ___________________

Signature of Fort Scott High School Student            Date


Guest Name (If not FSHS Student): _______________________________________


________________________________________                      _________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (if student is under 18)        Date


________________________________________        ___________________

Signature of Guest (If not FSHS Student)                Date


International Thespian Festival Attended Virtually By FSHS Students

Film and theatre star Tina Fey, assisted by International Thespian Officer Anna Hastings from Olathe, and interpreter Jeffrey Johnson speaks with Thespians at the International Thespian Festival. Submitted photo.

Fort Scott High School Thespians got the opportunity to attend an entire week of theatre performances, workshops, and livestream events at the first-ever Virtual International Thespian Festival.


The annual festival was held June 22-26, 2020. The students from FSHS who qualified to compete nationally in individual events attended this year’s event along with FSHS Thespian Director Angie Bin.

2020 senior Mesa Jones and sophomore Jenna Stockstill competed in Musical Solo and junior Ashanti Green competed in Monologues. Each student received an “Excellent” rating on her performance. They qualified for the Festival by receiving a “Superior” rating at the KS Thespian Festival in January.

International Thespian Festival qualifiers Ashanti Green, Jenna Stockstill, and Mesa Jones. Submitted photo.


Green said, “I loved how so many people were able to come together virtually even if we couldn’t be together in person!”


Although students missed being able to travel across the country and spend a week with fellow thespians, this year’s festival had unique benefits. All workshops were recorded throughout the week and all attendees will have access to all videos, performances, and interviews with theatre professionals for the next three months.


“ITF was great because even though it was online, we still got to do many workshops and listen to many stars talk, which is something that wouldn’t have happened if we didn’t have it online,” Jones said.


The festival included more than 2,400 Thespians from many countries. Guest speakers included Tina Fey, Dolly Parton, Stephen Swartz, Andrew Lloyd Webber and many other Tony, Oscar, and Emmy award winners and Broadway stars.


Governor Discusses Education With Kansas Teachers

Governor Laura Kelly Holds Virtual Distance Learning Discussion with Kansas Teachers

Kelly asks for ways to improve partnership between state and educators


TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today joined a zoom call with Kansas teachers, Lt. Governor Lynn Rogers, and Representative Cindy Holscher to discuss ways to improve education access and continuous learning during COVID-19.


“Kansas teachers stepped up when schools were closed, and continued to give our kids the education they deserve,” Governor Kelly said. “Today Lt. Gov. Rogers, Rep. Cindy Holscher, and I spoke with teachers about the challenges of distance learning and how this administration can support their work in the fall.”


On March 17 Governor Kelly took aggressive actions to save lives and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by closing school buildings for the duration of the school year. In just a few days a group of dedicated teachers and administrators from across the state came together to develop the continuous learning plan, which provided robust guidance on how schools can continue education safely.


“Our state’s educators are resilient, passionate, and dedicated to their students,” Lt. Gov. Rogers said. “I enjoyed our conversation this morning, and I look forward to future discussion and collaboration with educators from across the state.”


During the call, Governor Kelly asked educators how their districts met the challenges presented by the pandemic, and how her administration can support their work as the school year nears.


The below photo is available for media use:


Graduation For FSCH Was June 5

Submitted photos. Fort Scott Christian Heights 2020 graduates.

On Friday, June 5, the Class of 2020 graduated from Fort Scott Christian Heights.

The ceremony was held with immediate families of the graduates.

The five students in the graduating class were Kendra Bahr, Drake Garcia, Jessica Lancaster, Seth Lowery, and Marissa Meanor.

Kendra Bahr was the valedictorian; Drake Garcia, the salutatorian. Kendra Bahr was awarded Outstanding Senior.

Prayer was offered by Mr. Jeremy Budy.

Principal Terry Chance speaks at the Fort Scott Christian Heights 2020 Graduation. Submitted photo.

Principal Terry Chance delivered the address, and the graduation was finished in 19 minutes. This graduation also concluded Mr. Chance’s 32 years as principal of Fort Scott Christian Heights.

USD 234 BOE Minutes of June 8

Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met virtually on Monday, June 8, for their regular monthly meeting.

President David Stewart opened the meeting.  The board approved the official agenda.  The board also approved the consent agenda as follows:


A.    Minutes

B.    Bills and Claims

C.    Payroll – May 20, 2020 – $1,402,646.19

D.    Financial Report

E.     Activity Fund Accounts

F.     Gift Lists

G.    2020-21 Fundraisers

H.    2020-21 Extended Trips

I.      2020-21 Site Council Members


Administrators from each building gave individual school reports in addition to Site Council reports.

Superintendent Ted Hessong reported on the Return-to-School Committee, a book study on Breaking with Tradition, July 10 guidance from KSDE, Extended School Year (ESY), KSHSAA summer conditioning, installation of bleachers, and plans for high school graduation on August 1.

Gina Shelton, Business Manager, discussed property tax receipts, CARES money, remote work, and food service.

Board members reviewed the last day enrollment count.  In addition, the board approved the following items:

·       Roof payment

·       Property/Casualty/Boiler Insurance for the 2020-21 school year

·       Pre-Funding Early Retirement from the 2019-20 budget

·       Purchase of an activity bus

·       Summer Camps

Board members shared comments and then went into executive session to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel and returned to open meeting.  The board then went into executive session to discuss matters relating to employer-employee negotiations and returned to open meeting.

The board approved the following employment matters:

A.    Retirement of Billie Young, high school kitchen manager, effective June 20, 2020

B.    Resignation of Sandra Beth, middle school paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year

C.    Transfer of Cheryl Marsh, interim high school kitchen manager, to the position of high school kitchen manager for the 2020-21 school year

D.    Transfer of Brenda Hathaway, interim high school 6.5-hour ticket clerk, to the position of high school 6.5-hour ticket clerk for the 2020-21 school year

E.     Transfer of Ginger Hueston, Winfield Scott 6.5-hour cook, to high school 6.5 hour cook for the 2020-21 school year

F.     Employment of central office classified staff for the 2020-21 school year

G.    Employment of a technology classified employee for the 2020-21 school year

H.    Employment of food service classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

I.      Employment of transportation classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

J.      Employment of maintenance/custodial classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

K.    Employment of high school classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

L.     Employment of middle school classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

M.   Employment of Eugene Ware classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

N.    Employment of Winfield Scott classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

O.    Employment of Fort Scott Preschool Center classified employees for the 2020-21 school year

P.     Resignation of Stuart Troutman as high school freshman boys’ assistant basketball coach, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year

Q.    Resignation of Sara Jackman as a high school assistant girls’ softball coach, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year

R.    Resignation of Jeff Armstrong as high school boys’ head track coach, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year

S.     Employment of high school supplemental employees for the 2020-21 school year

T.     Employment of middle school supplemental employees for the 2020-21 school year

U.    Employment of Eugene Ware supplemental employees for the 2020-21 school year

V.    Employment of Winfield Scott supplemental employees for the 2020-21 school year


The board adjourned.

USD 235 Provides Meal Program in Summer 2020

USD 235 Driver Bill Marlow loads food to deliver to the district’s children on June 9.

The Uniontown School District is providing a meal program to its’ districts’ children through June 25.


The first day for meals was June 2.


In addition, summer school children receive activity packets.


“We usually have kids in the building for summer school,” Tara Gorman, third-grade teacher at West Bourbon Elementary School, said. “We couldn’t because of the pandemic. This is our alternative plan, if they signed up for activity packets.”


“This week is a book, they get a book once a week, a craft kit and a couple of games to work on with siblings,” Gorman said.  “This week they will be building paper airplanes and testing paper airplanes.”


Breakfast and lunch are available to children ages 1-18 in this program, with no eligibility or paperwork required to receive the food.


Multiple days breakfast and lunch will be provided to each child on Tuesday and Thursday of each week through June 25.


USD 235 Food Service Director Michelle DeMott said food is prepared on Mondays and Wednesdays and delivered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


USD 235 Food Service Director Michelle DeMott, left, checks lists of students that will be delivered food. In the back is Courtney Campbell, fifth-grade teacher; Hannah Hayes, social studies teacher and Tara Gorman, third-grade teacher. Teachers go on the route and deliver activity kits for students as well as the food.


Parents are asked to call  DeMott at 620-238-4968 to sign up.



DeMott will ask for some information of either a pickup point or a rural address for delivery.


Deliveries will be between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.


Driver Roxy Gregg, left and Food Service Director Michelle DeMott discuss the routes before leaving West Bourbon Elementary School.


Pickup points are the West Bourbon Elementary School on at the front of the building, Marmaton Community Church in Redfield, the city park in Mapleton, in front of the Bronson Meat Locker in Bronson.


Pickup points open from 11 to 11:20 a.m.


The meal schedule for USD 235 for June 2020.

UHS 2020 Graduation: July 11


Luke George is valedictorian for the class of UHS 2020.
Liberty Franks is salutatorian for the class of UHS 2020.
Uniontown High School personnel are working to provide an in-person graduation ceremony for its’ 2020 seniors.
The UHS Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 11 at 2:00 pm in the WBE gymnasium.
Mike Reith, Principal at Uniontown High School, recently posted a notice to the families of 2020 seniors on social media.


“When Governor Kelly modified the Reopen Kansas plan, it caused us to need to move our graduation date scheduled for June 21. The seniors who participated in the graduation ceremony discussion Zoom session with me wanted to set a date in each of the three summer months. The second date was originally set for Sunday, July 12, but I realized that for some families and situations, a Saturday graduation might be preferable. So I gave the seniors and families an option to vote for either July 11 or July 12.  The result of that vote was to have the ceremony on Saturday, July 11.”


Reith answered questions in an email interview with



Will there be a limit on how many family members can attend the ceremony?

“Currently, we are not planning to limit attendance. It is a small class, so we feel we can structure the gymnasium for proper social-distancing while still being able to accommodate for all who plan to attend.”



Will social distancing be maintained?

“We have been advised by Rebecca Johnson, SEK Multi-County Health Departments Administrator, to follow the ‘Phase Out’ recommendations of Governor Kelly’s Reopen Kansas plan, which we were planning to do already. Graduates will be spaced 6 feet apart. We will encourage all those who plan to attend to use proper hygiene and stay home if they feel sick. We will advise those who may be at a higher risk due to their health situation to strongly consider staying home, but we will leave that decision up to them. We will structure the facility so that families can sit together, but different family groups will be social-distanced. We will make hand-sanitizer readily available, and we will encourage attendees to wear masks if they choose.”



Who will be the speakers?

” Speakers are Valedictorian – Luke George, Salutatorian – Libby Franks, Inspirational Speaker – Mrs. Alicia Jackson (chosen by the Class of 2020).” Jackson is a teacher at UHS.

The Class of  Uniontown High School 2020 has 19 students”
Donavan Beerbower, Kord Bowen, Makenzie Brown, Alissa Button, Cheyanne Carpenter, Morgan Coulter, Ty Davidson, Colt Eck, Libby Franks, Luke George, Dalton.Graham, Jacquie Hampton, Matthew Harclerode, Breleigh Harris, Kolby Martinez, Sivanah McAnulty, Shelby Morillo, Gavin Ross, Lauren Shinn.

The following are photos of the class.

Donovan Beerbower
Kord Bowen
Makenzie Brown
Alissa Button
Cheyanne Carpenter
Morgan Coulter
Ty Davidson
Colt Eck
Liberty Franks
Luke George
Dalton Graham
Jacquelyn Hampton
Matthew Harclerode
Breleigh Harris
Kolby Martinez
Sivanah McAnulty
Shelby Morilla
Gavin Ross
Lauren Shinn


Fort Scott Preschool Taking Applications for New School Year

The Fort Scott Preschool Center is now taking applications for the 200-21 School year.
There are some qualifiers  for the program.

They are currently taking students that are 4 years old on or before August 31, 2020.

Preschool Roundup will take place July 17 by appointment only.

Once an app is received the office will contact the parent.

Link for online registration:
If parents or caregivers have questions they are free to call the preschool at 620-223-8965.
Additionally information is also listed on our Facebook page, Fort Scott Preschool Center and school district page.
Additionally, if parents have concerns about their child’s development and would like a screening for potential developmental delays they may also call the preschool.
The child must be between the ages of 3-5 years.

Reyna Valenzuela: New Fort Scott High School English Teacher

Reyna Valenzuela. Submitted photo.

Reyna Valenzuela, 21, was hired as a Fort Scott High School English Teacher for 2020-21.

She graduated from Pittsburg High School in 2016 and from Pittsburg State University with a Bachelor’s  Degree in English Education in May 2020 and will be starting a Master’s in English Literature in the fall.


“I worked at St. Mary’s Colgan as a YES Tutor for a year and a half, following that I worked for two years on campus as a writing center consultant,” she said.  “I also did my internship through PSU at Northeast High School as well as completed my student teaching at Northeast.”


Valenzuela was born in Fort Hood, Texas and has lived in Arma, KS since she was three-years-old.


Her interests include reading, Greek Mythology, British Literature, watching YouTube, and Netflix, her cat,  and hanging out with her family.


In addition, she loves softball, baseball, and football.


“So I look forward to cheering students on at their games in the future,” she said.


Becoming a teacher was a realization for Valenzuela.


” I wasn’t always sure what I wanted to do, I switched my dream career a lot when I was younger,” she said. “Eventually though, after watching my mom become a teacher and having an amazing AP Literature teacher during my senior year of high school, I realized that this was the field for me. I wanted to have the chance to make a difference in a student’s life as my mom, Tina Valenzuela, and my AP Literature teacher, Mrs. Johnson, did in mine. Because of this, I’ve worked hard through college to learn as much as I could so I could become a successful educator who makes a difference and helps her students in positive ways.”


“Seeing how much they both loved to teach and how they put everything they had into the classroom was incredibly inspiring and I don’t think I would have come this far without them,” she said.


The best part of teaching for her are the students, she said.


“Getting to know them, watching them grow, and succeed, they are the reason I want to teach so I guess it only makes sense they are the best part of teaching.”


Some of the challenges of teaching is continuing to learn and grow as a teacher “so that you are still providing students the most effective methods of learning is what I would consider one of the greatest challenges in teaching; because as humans we like routine, and so making sure that you’re constantly changing and evolving is something that can be a struggle, but it’s worth it, in the end, to watch students grow,” she said.

DaVolt Assumes Duties of Principal at Christian Heights School

Larry Davolt is the new principal of Fort Scott Christian Heights. Submitted photo

Larry Davolt, 53, will be the new principal at Fort Scott Christian Heights School, effective June 1.

“I have been the secondary science teacher at FSCH for 28 years,” Davolt said. ” I have also taught math and Bible classes.”

The principal position is responsible for the day to day operations of the school, he said.

In addition to 28 years of experience is in the classroom, Davolt also pastored a rural church for 15 years, he said.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Pittsburg State University and completed some graduate work through the Institute for Creation Research, and is currently working online for a master’s degree in school leadership.

Davolt’s hometown is Independence, KS.
He has been married for 32 years, has three grown children, and seven grandkids.

His hobbies are working on cars and houses.

In addition, for the last five years, he has worked part-time for Mercy/Bourbon County Emergency Medical Service.

For Davolt, seeing the way God uses former students to make a difference in society, is the greatest part of teaching.

His greatest challenge?

“Following a legend,” he said, referring to Terry Chance, who is retiring. ” I have worked with Mr. Chance for all of my teaching career, I know the excellent job he has done, and the difficulty of the position.”