Category Archives: Kansas

Kansas Department of Agriculture Issues Fuel Waiver



MANHATTAN, Kan. —   The Secretary of Agriculture has issued an order to waive enforcement of a specific fuel restriction to help fuel retailers with continuity of business and prevent potential future shortages.


Due to the worldwide outbreak of  COVID-19, many business sectors are experiencing significant reductions in demand for products, including a reduction in the demand for gasoline. This has resulted in many gasoline retailers still holding an excess amount of winter grade gasoline in storage, which is required by law to be sold or reformulated by April 1 each year. The time and pipeline capacity required for reformulation of winter grade gasoline could negatively impact fuel supply in the future.


According to the order, gasoline meeting current standards for winter grade gasoline are permitted until April 30, 2020. The full order can be accessed at the Kansas Department of Agriculture website at

KDHE Quarantine Notices and Testing Prioritization

KDHE updates the public on testing prioritization;

issues new quarantine notices

TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is issuing several updates today, including the addition of new states to the quarantine mandates as well as a prioritization for COVID-19 tests submitted to the Kansas Health and Environmental Laboratories.

Two states added to 14-day home quarantine

KDHE is now mandating 14-day home quarantine for Kansans who have:

  • Traveled to a state with known widespread community transmission (California, Florida, New York and Washington state) on or after March 15.
  • Traveled to Illinois or New Jersey on or after March 23.
  • Visited Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and Gunnison counties in Colorado in the week of March 8 or after.
  • Traveled on a cruise ship or river cruise on or after March 15.
    • People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their cruise ship travel should finish out their quarantine.
  • Traveled internationally on or after March 15.
    • People who have previously been told by Public Health to quarantine because of their international travel to China, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran should finish out their quarantine.
  • Received notification from public health officials (state or local) that you are a close contact of a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19. You should quarantine at home for 14 days since your last contact with the case.  (A close contact is defined as someone who has been closer than 6 feet for more than 10 minutes while the patient is symptomatic.)

Important Note: These mandates do not apply to critical infrastructure sectors needed to continue operations during this pandemic. Public health, including hospitals, clinics, etc. need to have the staffing resources to continue serving Kansans. While KDHE strongly recommends these quarantine restrictions for everyone, we do recognize that medical care needs to continue and no healthcare facility should ever be to a point where it would need to close due to staff being quarantined. We ask facilities to ensure they have updated their Emergency Preparedness Plans and implement protocols to ensure that no employee comes to work symptomatic. Other examples of critical infrastructures include pharmaceutical and food supply, along with others defined by the Department of Homeland Security.


Testing Prioritization Change

Due to widescale shortages of laboratory supplies and reagents, testing for COVID-19 at the state lab is being prioritized for public health purposes and urgent need. KDHE will be prioritizing specimens for COVID-19 testing based upon those who meet Kansas’ patient under investigation (PUI) criteria starting today, March 23.

Those include:

  • Healthcare workers and first responders who have COVID-19 symptoms
  • Potential clusters of unknown respiratory illness, with priority given to long-term care facilities and healthcare facilities
  • Hospitalized patients with no alternative diagnosis
  • Individuals over the age of 60 who have symptoms of COVID-19 with priority given to people who reside in a nursing home, long-term care facility, or other congregate setting, and
  • Individuals with underlying health conditions that would be treated differently if they were infected with COVID-19.

Specimens that were sent to KDHE prior to March 23, will still be tested. However, moving forward healthcare providers should:

  • Send specimens to a commercial reference laboratory.
  • Inform all patients who present with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (e.g., measured fever of 100.4 (F) or greater and lower respiratory symptoms including cough or shortness of breath) who are not a high priority for testing to:
    • Self-isolate at home or another appropriate location for 7 days after illness onset or for 72 hours after resolution of fever (without fever-reducing medication) and significant improvement in symptoms, whichever is longer.

“KDHE has been in contact with the CDC, FEMA, manufacturers and distributors of the testing supplies and reagents to find ones our laboratory needs to run the specimens collected for COVID-19 testing,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. “We are doing everything in our power to get supplies for our state. We are focusing testing in our lab on higher risk individuals at this time.”

For more information, please visit the KDHE website at KDHE has a phone bank that is staffed Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. The phone number is 1-866-534-3463 (1-866-KDHEINF). KDHE also has an email address for general inquiries, [email protected].  Please note these contacts are for general questions and cannot provide you with medical evaluations. If you are feeling ill, please stay home and call your healthcare provider.

Governor’s Executive Order Limits Mass Gatherings To 10

Governor Kelly announces Executive Order to further improve public safety regarding COVID-19 pandemic


Governor Kelly today announced new measures to protect Kansas families from the spread of  COVID-19, the novel coronavirus.


On Tuesday, Governor Kelly will issue an Executive Order limiting mass gatherings to 10 persons. The decision was based on updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and modeling from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) that projected cases of COVID-19 in Kansas to sharply rise to a range of 300 to 900 by the end of the month.


“This is an escalating crisis, and we must make sacrifices and adjustments to ensure the safety of our neighbors,” Kelly said. “We all need to do what we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19.”


The Executive Order to be issued Tuesday also includes a framework counties will be required to use if local officials determine it is necessary to issue stay-at-home orders. The guidance will provide information on how to include these orders for essential infrastructure and businesses.


With 89 Kansas counties without a confirmed case as of today, the Governor does not plan to issue a statewide stay-at-home order at this time.


“The crisis continues to evolve by the hour, and a statewide stay-at-home order may indeed become necessary at some point soon,” Kelly said. “For now, the actions we are taking will ensure as much consistency as possible for local communities.


The Governor also reiterated the need for Kansans to be proactive and work together.


“The most effective way we can slow down the virus is to stay home,” Kelly said. “Continue practicing good hygiene and take all of these orders seriously. These actions will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, save lives and help us all transition back to our normal routines.”

March 23, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

• This document is updated every afternoon and available on
• KDHE has created a toolkit of Kansas-specific guidance to help local public health departments engage with their community partners on COVID-19 planning. It can be found on the KDHE website: New information is added daily.

For more information:
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/23/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Johnson and Wyandotte
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases*
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Positive Case Information
County Number

Linn County
Butler County
Cherokee County
Mitchell County
Douglas County
Morris County
Jackson County
Reno County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
*Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents.
**The Pottawatomie case was labeled as Riley County’s yesterday. The person was determined to be a resident of Pottawatomie County and the chart is now reflective of that change.

Legislative Update by State Senator Caryn Tyson

Caryn Tyson

March 20, 2020


It was a busy week with the usual work in the legislature and because of issues arising as a result of the CODIV-19 virus.  One example, I had been working with a healthcare provider to get insurance payments for telemedicine and reached out to the Insurance Commissioner’s office.  They helped in solving the problem and the Governor’s latest Executive Order (EO) also addressed the issue.  Together we can and do make a difference.


To mitigate spread of the virus, the Governor has issued seven Executive Orders so far:

EO 20-03 declares a state of disaster, providing availability of additional resources.

EO 20-04 prohibits mass gatherings of 50 people or more and lists exclusions.

EO 20-05 directs and orders Kansas utility and internet providers to not disconnect services for non-payment and lists the types of services included.

EO 20-06 directs and orders all financial institutions to suspend initiating any mortgage foreclosures, evictions or judicial proceedings.

EO 20-07 closes all K-12 public and private schools until 5/29/2020, while continuing meal programs, childcare, online learning opportunities, and other exceptions.

EO 20-08 expands availability of telehealth medical services.

EO 20-09 removes or lessens certain motor carrier rules and regulations if participating in relief or restoration efforts as a result of the virus.


It is not unprecedented for the legislature to pass a resolution extending the Governor’s authority during a state of emergency while the legislature is not in session.  What appears to be unprecedented about House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 5025 was the authority and length of time that was proposed.  During senate debate, three amendments were offered and passed.  The first was to decrease the length of time turning over legislative authority to the Governor, changing the date from January 25, 2021 to May 1, 2020.  The second amendment was to protect the sale of ammunition (firearm sales are protected by statute).  I offered the third amendment to protect us from government overreach.  It had several provisions including but not limited to protecting private property and protecting local government funds from being swept.  The HCR passed the Senate 37 Yes to 2 No votes with the amendments.  I voted yes.  After conference committee negotiations, the final product changed the third amendment somewhat but it does help protect our freedoms with oversight by the Legislative Coordinating Council (LCC), a committee made up of legislative leadership and the Governor, reviewing governing actions when the legislature is not in session.  The CCR HCR 5025 passed unanimously.


As President Reagan one said, “Can we solve the problems confronting us? Well, the answer is an unequivocal and emphatic ‘yes’”.  Yes we can in a constitutional way that protects our freedom – that’s why you have me here.


Take ownership of your situation and actions.  When growing up, I said a person made me mad. My Mom responded, “they didn’t make you mad, you chose to be mad.”  Let’s choose to be optimistic and respectful of others.  Stay safe.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.



After School Reading Programs Matter Resolved at KDCF

Statement from the Department for Children and Families and Hysell & Wagner, LLC


Today, the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) and Hysell & Wagner, LLC, announced that they have entered into an agreement under which each party agrees that all issues with the 2014-15 draft audit are resolved.

In August of 2019, the Kansas Reading Roadmap grant to Hysell & Wagner, LLC was cancelled as allowed under the grant.

During announcement of the cancellation, certain preliminary findings from 2014-15 draft audit were shared.

After both parties conducted due diligence, DCF and Hysell & Wagner, LLC now agree that none of the audit issues warrant further action.

Hysell & Wagner, LLC appreciates the Agency’s efforts to resolve these matters and its decision to continue funding after-school reading programs directly with Kansas school districts.

DCF thanks Hysell & Wagner, LLC for its years of work helping Kansas children.

Neither party will have additional comment on the matter.


March 22, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

Situation Overview
• This document is updated every afternoon and available on
• KDHE has created a toolkit of Kansas-specific guidance to help local public health departments engage with their community partners on COVID-19 planning. It can be found on the KDHE website: New information is added daily.

For more information:
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/22/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab
Deaths (included in above numbers)
Johnson and Wyandotte
Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases
(not counted in Kansas numbers)

Positive Case Information
County Number

Butler County
Linn County
Cherokee County
Mitchell County
Douglas County
Morris County
Reno County
Jackson County
Riley County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
* Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents. Numbers included in cases home states. 2

Accessing Healthy, Safe Child Care

Guidance for Supporting Families in Accessing Healthy and Safe Child Care During the COVID-19 Outbreak

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is recommending continuity of operations for licensed child care facilities at this time (centers, preschools, day care homes and school age programs). Child care facilities may accept new enrollees in accordance with the terms of their license. However, depending on the unique and changing situations of each community, local public health officers may implement more restrictive guidance and provisions for child care facilities, up to and including closure within their authority and jurisdiction.


Child care providers should direct all questions to their local child care surveyor. Surveyors will coordinate efforts and communication with local public health officials to provide guidance based on the rapidly changing situation at the community level.


“We know this is a stressful time, and especially for families who rely on child care and those whose work circumstances are changing,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “There are a number of child care resources available to help you meet the needs of your family. We’re all in this together and will help families access the support they need.”


KDHE continues to accept and process applications for new child care facilities. Individuals interested in becoming a licensed provider are encouraged to contact their local licensing surveyor. Visit the KDHE Child Care Licensing website and click on Local County Contacts to find the surveyor in your area.



“Child care professionals provide a critical service in our state,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. “They allow parents who are our doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters and more to respond to this pandemic. Child care facilities have very strict regulations regarding the number of children in the facility as well as health and safety guidelines that must continue to be met.”


For FAQs and guidance regarding child care operations during the pandemic, please visit the KDHE COVID-19 Resource Center website.



Options for families in need of child care


Many working families are facing challenges related to accessing healthy and safe child care during this time. We encourage everyone to assist with supporting families and communities as they work to develop creative solutions to meet the needs of working families.


Child Care Aware of Kansas provides assistance to families searching for licensed child care. They can be reached toll free at 877.678.2548.

KDHE has an online information system that serves as a tool to support families in making informed child care choices and can be used to review compliance history of a current licensed provider. The online tool is an important step to verifying that a facility is licensed and provides compliance history for parents and guardians.

Families that need flexible options or irregular care might consider having someone come into the home. Relatives, older siblings, and friends or neighbors currently not working due to COVID-19 related business closures might be available to help.


Other options for families that need limited care include informal care arranged between friends/neighbors on an irregular basis or someone to provide care in their own home for no more than two children for not more than 20 hours week. None of these options require a license from KDHE.


Governor’s Executive Orders

Governor Kelly announces executive orders to assist Kansans amid COVID-19 pandemic


Governor Laura Kelly announced Executive Order #20-08 and Executive Order #20-09 as part of her administration’s ongoing efforts to protect Kansans’ health and safety during the current COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic.


“Kansans elected me to serve as Governor and their health and safety is my number one priority, I am committed to leading the state forward during what are truly unprecedented times,” Governor Kelly said. “While each of these orders has a specific purpose, together they will make sure Kansas families can access needed care and supplies until we have weathered this storm.”


To help prepare our healthcare system for an influx of patients caused by the COVID-19 virus and to ensure that Kansans continue to have access to the healthcare they need, Kelly signed E.O. #20-08. The order temporarily expands capacity in the healthcare system by:


  • Allowing doctors to prescribe medication after an appropriate telemedicine consultation.
  • Authorizing out-of-state doctors to provide telemedicine services to Kansans, provided they are licensed in another state.
  • Permitting temporary emergency licenses for healthcare professionals regulated by the Kansas Board of Healing Arts.


“By allowing more doctors to practice in Kansas – and more patients to be seen remotely – we can alleviate the increasing burden on our healthcare system,” Governor Kelly said. “Expanding the use of telemedicine for nonemergency-related assessments like routine checkups and prescribing medication frees up additional time, resources and physical space in our hospitals and clinics.”


In addition, Kelly signed E.O. #20-09, which provides conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations to allow for quick and efficient delivery of resources needed to address the COVID-19 pandemic.


 “Expediting the transport of resources into the state will enable us to meet the increasing demand for medical supplies, groceries – and yes, even toilet paper.” Kelly said.


The order specifically lifts certain weight restrictions and permitting requirements to allow needed supplies to get to Kansas or move through Kansas as quickly as possible. These exceptions apply only to motor carriers actively participating in COVID-19 response efforts.

To view the executive orders, click below:

E.O. 20-08

E.O. 20-09

KS Small Business Disaster Loan

Kansas small businesses eligible for disaster loans from the Small Business Administration


Topeka, Kan. – Governor Laura Kelly announced today that the U.S. Small Business Administration approved her request to make loans of up to $2 million available to small businesses disrupted by coronavirus. The disaster declaration extends to all 105 Kansas counties, making low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital available for Kansas small businesses suffering substantial economic injury.

“The COVID-19 outbreak and the uncertainty around its spread has had, and continues to have, a significant impact on Kansas businesses,” Governor Kelly said. “I’m grateful for the combined efforts of businesses, the Department of Commerce and the Kansas Division of Emergency Management to quickly pull together the data that made it possible for Kansas to receive this designation and begin getting support to the small Kansas businesses that need it during this emergency situation.”

Kansas small businesses can begin applying for disaster loan assistance through the SBA at SBA customer service representatives will be available to answer questions about SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program and explain the application process.

“SBA’s disaster loans are a powerful tool to help our state’s small businesses weather this temporary storm,” Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “The Department of Commerce is grateful for the SBA’s quick action to make these resources available and for their commitment to keeping Kansas businesses strong.”

SBA loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills because of the disaster’s impact.

Eligibility for Economic Injury Disaster Loans is based on the financial impact of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The interest rate is 3.75 percent for small businesses and 2.75 percent for private non-profit organizations.

Businesses may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at

For more information about the Kansas response to COVID-19, please visit:

March 21, 2020 Public Update COVID-19

Situation Overview
• This document is updated every afternoon and available on
• KDHE has created a toolkit of Kansas-specific guidance to help local public health departments engage with their community partners on COVID-19 planning. It can be found on the KDHE website: New information is added daily.

For more information:

2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kansas Test Results
Updated 3/21/20 at 10 a.m.

Total Positive Cases
Private Labs
Kansas Health and Environmental Lab

Deaths (included in above numbers)
Johnson and Wyandotte

Out-of-State Resident Positive Cases
(not counted in Kansas numbers)
Positive Case Information
County Number

Butler County
Linn County
Cherokee County
Mitchell County
Douglas County
Morris County
Reno County
Jackson County
Riley County
Johnson County
Leavenworth County
* Ford and Miami Counties reported positive cases in out-of-state residents. Numbers included in cases home states. 2

KDA Reduces Staff

Kansas Department of Agriculture Plans for Reduced Staff

MANHATTAN, Kan. —  At the direction of Governor Laura Kelly, the Kansas Department of Agriculture will be activating its Continuity of Operations Plan to work with a limited staff beginning March 23. The headquarters in Manhattan — as well as the field offices in Garden City, Parsons, Stafford, Stockton and Topeka — will all be closed to the public until further notice.


The agency’s primary mission areas and essential functions will continue, with a focus on maintaining the continuity of the food supply chain, protecting public health and safety, and protecting animal health.


“The farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses of Kansas are an integral part of the economic backbone of the state, as well as key to providing the food supply for the state and the nation,” said Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam. “We will continue to provide support for these critical services.”


Messages left at the KDA main phone line (785-564-6700) will be returned as quickly as possible. Contact information for key KDA program areas, as well as other resources and ag-related guidance documents, can be found at