Category Archives: Government

Bourbon County Commission Agenda April 28


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: April 28, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

9:00 – 9:30 Jim Harris

9:30 – 10:00 Financing bids for dump trucks

10:00 – 10:15 Commission to open fish food bids for Elm Creek Lake

10:15 – 10:30 Commissioners to open bids for title work for tax sale

10:45 – 11:00 Rachel Pruitt, Airport Runway Expansion

11:00 – 11:45 Jeff Fischer, MRI Global

11:45 – 12:00 Executive Session – Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch

To view the COVID-19 Surveillance,Diagnostic Testing and Population Monitoring Proposal and Project Agreement, click, below:



Agenda for Commission Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 (COVID-19 Surveillance, Diagnostic Testing and Population Monitoring

Governor Kelly’s administration resolves legal challenge



Today Governor Laura Kelly announced her administration had reached an agreement to resolve a challenge to actions she took to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Kansas.


“My highest priority has been, and will continue to be, keeping Kansans safe during this pandemic,” Kelly said. “While I am confident that we have the law on our side, the agreement with these two churches will allow us to move forward and focus our efforts on mitigating the spread of the disease and working to restart the economy.”


The settlement comes less than a week before Governor Kelly is expected to make a decision on whether to open the state back up or keep in place the mass gathering and disease mitigation restrictions. Under the agreement, the two churches agree to comply with safety protocols put in place by the court.


“Since this case was filed on April 16, Ford County has seen a spike in COVID-19 cases going from 51 positives to 419,” Kelly said. “I know this is a difficult time for everyone, but I want to take a moment and thank all of the first responders and medical staff for their sacrifice. They are on the front lines of this disease and they are true heroes.


“Our job is to not make theirs harder. And, our advice to all Kansans remains the same – stay home and stay safe. We are bending the curve, but we must continue to be vigilant in our mitigation efforts.”


KDOL announces launch of Spanish language website feature



TOPEKA – Kansas Secretary of Labor Delía García confirmed today that the Spanish language feature of the website officially launched this week.


Unemployed Kansans can file their weekly claims, check the status of their claims and view FAQs all in Spanish just by clicking the Español button at the top of the page. The first stage of the launch was late last week followed by additional translated content earlier this week. KDOL will continue to update the site to provide more Spanish language resources as they are developed.


“When I joined the Kansas Department of Labor as the new secretary last year, I wanted to increase availability of materials in Spanish,” García said. “With the launch of the Spanish language website, we should be able to help more Kansans get questions answered and apply for benefits online. That is even more important during this crisis when call volumes are at unprecedented levels.”


For more information, or to apply for unemployment benefits, go to

Get Out The Count Video Challenge: $30,000 Prize

Also, announcing VIDEO CONTEST…
Here is an opportunity to earn some CASH by using your creativity,
which could be especially useful during these times!
open to any individual, student, company, or group over the age of 13!
Creative videos to share the importance of the 2020 Census.
Deadline May 7, 2020
1st $30,000
Runner-up $10,000
Student Prize $10,000
Enter a 30 second to 3 minute creative video, click herefor all the details and FAQ’s!
2020 Census Counts,
Your response matters!
Please respond to the census today online,
by mail or by phone and encourage
your employees, co-workers, tenants,
customers and others to also.
The census determines important
factors for the next 10 years:
*population count
*funding for schools & meal programs
*funding for transportation
*funding for healthcare
*legislative apportionment
*housing & community grants
*and, more!
National 51.0%
State 55.7%
Bourbon County 49%
City of Fort Scott 50.6%
For more resources, answers to questions, and to fill form online,CLICK HERE!
We have a LOCAL CONTACT to assist anyone with
questions or those needing help filling out the census:
Becki Roberts, 620-224-6290
U.S. Census Bureau Modifies Operations for Capacity at Call Center for 2020 Census.
Read more here in English.
About 64 million households across America are receiving paper questionnaires in the coming days. What the Census will send you in the mail.
Download the SIS (Statistics in Schools)
Take Home Flyers, available in multiple
languages, for grades K-12.
Due to health and safety concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic, this will be the first-ever decennial census that has been delayed. The U.S. Commerce Department officially stated it is “seeking statutory relief from Congress for 120 additional calendar days to deliver final apportionment counts.”
Under this plan, which must receive congressional approval, field data collection and self response will be extended from the original July 31 date until October 31, 2020. Apportionment counts would then be delivered to the President on April 30, 2021, and the redistricting data to be delivered to the states by July 31, 2021.
Here’s a quick link to those Operational changes:

Kelly Commends Kansas Federal Delegation

Governor Kelly applauds federal coronavirus relief, conveys need for flexibility


Governor Laura Kelly sent a letter to members of Kansas’ federal delegation to commend them for supporting the latest coronavirus emergency relief package, which provides economic support for small businesses, hospitals and COVID-19 testing capacity. The letter also conveys the urgent need for additional federal support in the form of direct, flexible state aid.


“Although federal aid made available up to this point will enhance Kansas’ immediate coronavirus response efforts, it lacks the flexibility necessary to adequately meet the needs of Kansas communities for the duration of this pandemic,” Kelly said in the letter. “COVID-19 will continue to impose unprecedented economic and public health challenges for at least another 12 to 18 months, and I write to urge your support for additional relief in the form of direct state aid.”


Kelly said it is critical to understand that the $1 billion budget shortfall Kansas faces today as a result of the coronavirus is far different than what happened as a result of the Great Recession, which resulted in $1 billion worth of cuts.


“Although those cuts were brutal, they occurred gradually. This gave communities time to adapt and prioritize, so they could limit the damage to Kansas families as much as possible,” she said in the letter. “That is not the situation Kansas faces today. Never before has the state confronted such a rapid, steep fiscal drop due to unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances.”


Kelly thanked the federal delegation for its work on behalf of the people of Kansas, but expressed that she is gravely concerned that states are prohibited from using COVID-19 relief funds, such as those included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, to supplant lost general fund revenue.


“As we continue to navigate these uncharted waters, my administration will remain in close communication with you and your respective staffs,” the Governor said in the letter. “Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require additional information as you negotiate the next round of emergency relief.”

Fort Scott Street Advisory Board Committee Members Sought

Please see the following Board openings:

This is for the newly formed Fort Scott Street Advisory Board Committee:

  • Seven (7) openings (Six (6) City residents – One (1) County resident in the three mile limit)

The function of the Fort Scott Street Advisory Board Committee is to provide suggestions to the City Manager and Governing Body regarding road improvement projects throughout the City of Fort Scott. When submitting your letter/email of interest, please provide any specific knowledge or training you have that would compliment you being a member of this board. If you have already submitted a letter of interest, you will be contacted by the Clerk for more information.

If you have a desire to serve on this board and meet the above requirements, please submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk, Diane Clay, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701. These names will be submitted for consideration to the City Commission. All of the boards and commissions serve on a volunteer basis and are not compensated. If you would like more information on this board, please contact Diane Clay, City Clerk at 620-223-0550 or [email protected]. Please submit your letter of interest by May 1st, 2020.

CARES Act – Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Update

CARES Act – Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) now live


TOPEKA – Kansas Secretary of Labor Delía García today joined Governor Laura Kelly in announcing that Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC), which provides an additional $600 weekly payment for unemployment insurance claimants, went live starting today. FPUC is part of the federal CARES Act, which is focused on expanding unemployment benefits in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.


FPUC is a $600 payment made each week that is in addition to other unemployment benefits an eligible claimant may receive. FPUC is a limited time program. Individuals are eligible for the $600 payments from March 29, until July 25, 2020, if they are receiving Regular Benefits (State Unemployment), Shared Work, Trade Readjustment Assistance, Disaster Unemployment Assistance, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, or Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.


“If you are eligible, you will automatically receive the FPUC payment,” García said. “You do not need an additional application. We will also be paying the additional $600 to individuals who were eligible and filed their weekly claims. The retroactive payments for prior weeks after the law went into effect on March 29, 2020, will be following soon.”


“This is welcome news for unemployed Kansans who need assistance immediately,” Kelly said. “We also recently shared details on our push for regulation and possible legislation to ensure our emergency responders and healthcare workers have access to workers compensation coverage, and we also announced implementation of the Legislature’s expansion of benefits to up to 26 weeks. With the $600 additional payments from FPUC now live, we have made progress in a variety of ways needed to help many Kansans.”


For more information, or to apply for unemployment benefits, go to

National Emergency Triggers Disaster Food Distribution

DCF Partners with Local Agencies to Distribute Food to Local Communities

National emergency triggers disaster household distribution program

Editors note: see the story on this subject and where the local distribution sites are by clicking below:


The Department for Children and Families along with its community partners is distributing food to Kansans as part of the disaster household distribution program. The program is triggered when a national emergency is declared.


The program provides a variety of canned meats, vegetables, fruits, rice, dried beans, peanut butter and in some cases frozen meats and fresh milk. The food is being distributed to impacted households through DCF’s existing network of Emergency Food Assistance Program or TEFAP agencies.


There are no income restrictions for the disaster household program. Anyone in need due to the COVID-19 pandemic may receive a food package. The program is first come, first served. Quantities are limited.

Distributions are expected to last through May 6.


To find a distribution site nearest to your community see the list of sites at: 0County.pdf


SEK Multi-County Health Department Update April 23

SEK Multi-County Health Departments

Allen, Anderson, Bourbon, and Woodson Counties

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

April 23, 2020

Allen County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Anderson County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 0
Total Positives Since Testing 0
Deaths 0

Bourbon County

Current Positive Cases 0
Current Recovered Cases 5
Total Positives Since Testing 6
Deaths 1

Woodson County

Current Positive Cases 1
Current Recovered Cases 4
Total Positives Since Testing 5
Deaths 0

Recovered cases are based on dates of onset of symptoms, not on day testing results are received.

Total positive counts changed in Bourbon and Woodson, because one case was living in Bourbon County, but a resident of Woodson County. This person has recovered and was listed as so last week.

Kelly Waives Some Medical Requirements, Loosens Alcohol Carryout

Governor signs two Executive Orders as part of her administration’s ongoing COVID-19 response


Governor Laura Kelly today signed two new Executive Orders to help the state’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Executive Order #20-26 temporarily waives physician supervision or collaboration requirements for certain medical licensees, including advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants and licensed practical nurses.


“These are qualified health care professionals who provide safe, high-quality, routine care to Kansans on a daily basis,” Kelly said. “They diagnose illnesses, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications and work in numerous medical settings and fields. Temporarily easing some regulatory measures will help give doctors more capacity to focus on COVID-19 patients.”


The order permits registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, who hold a license that is exempt, inactive or has lapsed within the past five years to provide medical services appropriate to their qualifications.


The order also allows out-of-state health care providers to practice in Kansas, if necessary, without a Kansas license, but only if they are in good standing in their home state.


Through the order, health care providers assisting the state in its response as coordinated by the Kansas Division of Emergency Management will be covered by the liability protections of the Kansas Emergency Management Act.


“Addressing those broader challenges is not something I can, or should, do on my own through executive action,” Kelly said. “I encourage the Kansas Legislature to explore how we can adjust current statutes to better enable our doctors and nurses to adequately protect both their patients and protect themselves from liability as we adjust to a ‘new normal’ in the coronavirus era.”


Executive Order #20-27 allows the sale of alcoholic beverages for carryout consumption and permits the sale of liquor in a container that is not the original container for any establishment holding a class A club license, class B club license or drinking establishment license.


“I understand how many Kansas restaurants rely on the sale of alcoholic beverages,” Kelly said. “My administration is doing all it can to ease the burden on Kansas employees and their families who have lost income due to this crisis.”


The sale of alcoholic beverages for carryout consumption is subject to the following requirements:


  • It must be legal for the establishment (the licensee) to sell alcoholic liquor;
  • Each container of alcoholic liquor must have been purchased on the licensed premises;
  • The licensee or the licensee’s employee must provide the patron with a dated receipt for the unfinished container or containers of alcoholic liquor; and
  • Before the container of alcoholic liquor is removed from the licensed premises, the licensee or the licensee’s employee must place the container in a transparent bag sealed in a manner that makes it visibly apparent if the bag is subsequently tampered with or opened.


To view E.O. #20-26, click here.

To view E.O. #20-27, click here.