Category Archives: Government

Struggling To Pay Utilities?

Cold Weather Rule takes effect Sunday, November 1

TOPEKA – The Cold Weather Rule, designed to help Kansans who are behind on their utility payments avoid disconnection during the winter months, will begin on November 1 and remain in effect through March 31.

While the Cold Weather Rule is in effect, utility companies cannot disconnect a customer’s service when local temperatures are forecast to drop below 35 degrees within the following 48-hour period. The Kansas Corporation Commission, the agency that regulates public utilities in the state, implemented the rule in 1983 to prevent utility companies from disconnecting a customer’s natural gas or electric service during periods of extreme cold.

The Cold Weather Rule also requires utility companies to offer a 12-month payment plan to allow consumers to maintain or re-establish service. Any residential customer with a past due balance will qualify for payment arrangements; however, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact their gas or electric company to make those arrangements.

Payment plan terms to maintain or restore service require that customers agree to pay 1/12th of the total amount owed, 1/12th of the current bill, the full amount of any disconnection or reconnection fee, plus any applicable deposit to the utility. The remaining balance must be paid in equal payments over the next 11 months, in addition to the current monthly bill.

The Cold Weather Rule applies only to residential customers of electric and natural gas utility companies under the KCC’s jurisdiction. More information about the Cold Weather Rule is available on the Commission’s website ( Kansans may also contact their local utility company or the KCC’s Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at (800) 662-0027.



COVID-19 Protective Equipment Distribution Program

Governor Laura Kelly Announces New KCDHH, DCF Visible Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Distribution Program

~Visible PPE Available to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals, Their Family Members and Personal Caretakers~

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (KCDHH), in collaboration with the Kansas Department for Children and Families, is making visible personal protective equipment (PPE) available to deaf and hard of hearing individuals, their family members, and/or personal caretakers.

“Since the pandemic began, my administration has prioritized ensuring that all Kansans have access to the resources they need to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and stay healthy,” Governor Kelly said. “I commend the Department of Children and Families and the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for making this program available to those who need it, and I encourage all eligible Kansans to apply.”

This visible PPE program, made possible through funding provided by the federal CARES Act, offers each individual the option of obtaining face shields or clear/smile masks (either adult or child size). All visible PPE’s are made with see-through materials to allow for lip-reading and non-verbal facial expressions.

“This visible PPE program fulfills a need of deaf and hard of hearing Kansans,” DCF Secretary Laura Howard said. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, with masks being essential for all individuals, making visible PPE available, affordable and accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing community is imperative.”

“Deaf and hard of hearing individuals rely on full facial expression and especially lips movement to get the full meaning of other person’s expressed messages,” Robert Cooper, KCDHH executive director, said. “Visible PPE is crucial to ensure successful communication with deaf and hard of hearing individuals.”

Each individual may request two items, and each household is limited to four face shields and/or total 10 PPE items. Consideration is on a first-come, first serve basis, while supplies last.

This program is only available to Kansas residents.

Anyone interested in requesting Visible PPE should use the online request form found here:

KCDHH will use the email address listed on the request form (or phone if you do not have email) to contact you if there are further questions about eligibility or delivery information. Expect about two to four weeks for processing and/or distribution. If you have trouble using the form or have questions, please contact [email protected]​ or 785-368-8034; or VP 785-246-5077. ​

Halloween Guidelines In A Pandemic

KS Dept. of Health and Environment Guidance for Celebrating Halloween, September 2020

This document outlines guidance and considerations for celebrating Halloween during the COVID-19 pandemic. As typical Halloween celebrations do not allow for minimizing contact with non-household members, it is important to plan early and identify safer alternatives. Refer also to any specific city or county guidance in your community which may be more restrictive than what is outlined below.

Halloween Activities Not Recommended

• Gatherings, events, or parties with non-household members
• Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions
• Door to door trick or treating – It is very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure everyone (trick or treaters and residents of homes being visited) are properly wearing face coverings, and because food sharing is risky.
• “Trunk or treating” – It is difficult to avoid crowding and sharing food at such events.
• Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community if you live in an area with community spread of COVID-19.


• Online parties or contests (e.g., costume contests, pumpkin carving)
• Car parades
o Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate vehicles and drive by judges that are appropriately physically distanced
o Drive through events where individuals remain in vehicles and drive through an area with Halloween displays
o Drive in events where individuals receive a treat bag (with commercially packaged, non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in their vehicle
• Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters
• Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants, complying with restaurant protocol
• Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum, complying with museum protocol
• Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed decorations

Personal Protection Measures

Regardless of how you celebrate, there are important recommendations for how to keep yourself and your household members safe.

• Correctly wear a cloth face covering to prevent disease spread when outside your home and around others who are not part of your household.
• Avoid confined spaces, including indoor spaces that don’t allow for easy distancing of at least 6-feet between you and others.
• Practice physical distancing – place at least 6-feet between yourself and other people who are not part of your household.
• Practice routine hand hygiene – wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
• Clean frequently touched items regularly.

Safer Trick or Treating and “Trunk or Treating”
Although KDHE does not recommend trick or treating or “Trunk or Treat” events as ways to celebrate Halloween, there are some recommendations and guidance to consider if you make these choices for yourself or members of your household.

• Correctly wear a cloth face covering to prevent disease spread when outside your home.
o Incorporate face coverings into costumes.
o Face coverings should not be worn by children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is otherwise unable to remove their cloth face covering without assistance.
• Carry hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and use at regular intervals while outside your home.
• Consider carrying sanitizing wipes to disinfect candy or other items accepted from homes. Or, sanitize items individually when you get home before consumption. Remember to also examine treats for choking hazards or tampering before eating them.
• Accept only commercially packaged, non-perishable items.
• Practice physical distancing.
o Always leave at least 6-feet of space between yourself and people not in your household.
o Do not crowd sidewalks, driveways, or porches.
o Wait until a porch or doorway is empty before approaching a home.
o Move aside on sidewalks and driveways to allow space between yourself and other trick or treaters.
o Keep a safe distance from cars – do not walk in the street.

• For “Trunk or Treat” events, follow all guidelines above while also considering:
o Maintain at least 6-feet of distance between yourself and other attendees as you walk around.
o Wait for others to depart a car/trunk before approaching. Do not congregate at a car/trunk with other attendees unless they are members of your household.
Guidance for Homes Accepting Trick or Treaters
• When answering the door or coming into contact with trick or treaters, correctly wear a cloth face covering.

• Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at regular intervals; hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can be substituted if soap and water are not available.
• Regularly clean and sanitize frequently touched items such as door handles, door bells, and door knockers. Consider having sanitizing wipes by the door for quick access between trick or treaters.
• Distribute only commercially produced, non-perishable items to trick or treaters.
• Do not use “grab bowls”, where trick or treaters reach into a communal bowl to retrieve candy.
• Practice one-way trick or treating
o Consider spacing items 6-feet apart on your porch, in your yard or on a table in your driveway with a sign advising trick or treaters to “Take 1”. Watch from a safe distance and replenish items as needed.
o Alternatively, make individual goodie bags for trick or treaters to pick up as they walk by. If your home has a fence, consider hanging individual goodie bags on the fence for trick or treaters to take as they walk by.

• For “Trunk or Treat” events, also consider:
o Participating cars should be parked at least 6-feet apart.
o Make individual goodie bags and place them in your trunk so they are not touching. Maintain a distance of at least 6-feet from other attendees and replenish bags or items as needed.
o Carry hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and use at regular intervals.
o Sanitize high-touch areas at regular intervals. Consider having sanitizing wipes on hand.
Halloween Parties
Although KDHE does not recommend hosting or attending parties as a way to celebrate Halloween, there are some recommendations and guidance to consider if you make this choice for yourself or members of your household.
• Remind potential guests who are sick or waiting on results of a COVID-19 test to stay home.
• Host activities with only people from your local area as much as possible.
• Correctly wear a cloth face covering around others who are not part of your household.
• Practice routine hand hygiene – wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
• Consider only hosting or attending parties hosted in large, outdoor spaces that allow for physical distancing of at least 6-feet between attendees. If an event must be hosted indoors, make sure the space is well-ventilated (for example, open windows and doors).
• Maintain at least 6-feet between yourself and people who are not members of your household, especially when cloth face coverings are removed for eating and drinking.

• When setting up tables and chairs, create individual seating areas of various sizes spaced 6-feet apart to be utilized by individual family or household units. Encourage guests to sit only with those who are members of their household, especially for eating and drinking when cloth face coverings will be removed.
• Avoid activities that require guests to be in close contact or to share items, such as games or food.
• Encourage guests to bring their own food and drinks.
• Limit people going in and out of areas where food is being prepared, such as kitchens or grills.
• Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and any shared items between use when feasible.

General Halloween Health and Safety Tips

In addition to modifications to Halloween activities to reduce the spread of COVID-19, remember the following general Halloween health and safety tips to keep you and members of your household safe.
• Avoid trick or treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.
• Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you.
• Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.
• Hold a flashlight while trick or treating to help you see and others see you.
• Walk, don’t run, from house to house.
• Look both ways before crossing the street. Use crosswalks whenever possible.
• Only walk on sidewalks whenever possible. Avoid walking in streets and roadways. If there is no sidewalk, walk along the far edge of the road facing traffic in order to stay safe.
• Wear well-fitting costumes to avoid blocked vision, trips, and falls.
• Eat only commercially produced, non-perishable treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
• Do not enter homes unless you are with a trusted adult.
• Only visit well-lit homes.
• Never accept rides from strangers.
• Never walk near candles or luminaries. Wear flame-resistant costumes.

1. Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Guidance for Celebrating Halloween. Retrieved September 2020 from
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Halloween Health and Safety Tips. Retrieved September 2020 from
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Personal and Social Activities. Retrieved September 2020 from

4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Holiday Celebrations. Retrieved September 2020 from

Kelly’s Remarks on Unified COVID-19 Testing Strategy

Governor Laura Kelly Unified Testing Strategy Remarks

TOPEKA –  The following are Governor Laura Kelly’s full remarks from her COVID-19 Press Briefing on October 28, 2020, detailing the framework for the Unified Testing Strategy. Graphics from today’s press conference can be found here.

Good afternoon.

As you know, yesterday I brought together a bipartisan group of legislators to ask whether they would support my efforts to call a special session for emergency legislation to implement a statewide mask requirement.

I convened the meeting because, as we have discussed previously, case rates and hospitalizations are spiking in counties that opted out of my July mask order, and today Kansas surpassed 1,000 total COVID-19 deaths.

To put this into context: the state did not reach five hundred COVID deaths until September, roughly six months after the pandemic began. It took a little over six weeks for another 500 Kansans to die.

Yesterday’s call was productive, and I believe both sides were acting in what they felt were the best interests of the State of Kansas.

I began the conversation by asking Legislative leadership to reconvene in a special session to pass bi-partisan legislation to restore my ability to require mask wearing across Kansas.

In response, Republican leaders asked if – before calling a special session – I would consider a strategy of reaching out to local leaders to implement their own mask requirements.

I agreed, with the stipulation that Legislative leaders, in conjunction with their caucuses, reach out with me to county and city leadership, as well as stakeholder groups, and that we move as quickly as possible.

We can’t afford to wait another moment to begin this process.

I have directed my staff to put all our energy into this strategy.

However, if we are unable to convince communities to voluntarily implement a mask mandate, I will move expeditiously to find another way to implement a statewide mask requirement.

Now on to the numbers update.

Since Monday, Kansas has reported 3,369 positive COVID-19 cases and 31 new deaths.

This brings us to a total of 82,045 cases, 3,752 hospitalizations, and it is with deep sadness that I say we have reached 1,007 deaths.

I offer my sincere condolences to the family, friends, and loved ones of those who have succumbed to COVID-19.

In acknowledgement of their losses, today I ordered flags to be flown at half-staff statewide effective immediately until sundown, Friday, October 30, 2020.

Though case numbers I shared moments ago offer some insight into Kansas’ current pandemic response, they do not tell the full story of how the virus is moving through our state.

So, before I move into today’s announcement, I want to give a brief recap on what we have learned since my COVID update last Wednesday.

Last week, our state’s seven-day rolling average test positivity rate was 10.54% percent – which is just above the 10 percent threshold recommended to open schools and businesses.

On Monday, for the third week in a row, Kansas broke the record for the highest number of new cases of any reporting period at nearly 2,500 – which we broke again today at over 3,300.

Hospitals – particularly in our rural areas – continue to see increasing numbers of COVID-19 patients, putting a strain on bed capacity and staff.

Though case numbers in Kansas may be increasing, as always, there is still time to turn our virus response around.

We are learning more every day about the effectiveness of COVID-19 mitigation strategies and public health guidelines – especially mask use.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Kansas found that counties with mask mandates have effectively stopped virus transmission from increasing.

Counties with no mandate have seen infection rates climb.

A report from the institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington showed that strict adherence to mask orders could save 130,000 American lives by the end of February. If not, United States death toll could reach 500,000 in that time.

It’s clear that until a vaccine is available and widely deployed, mask usage is one our most important strategies for keeping Kansas schools and businesses open.

But masks are just one piece.

We must also increase testing capacity, isolate those who test positive, identify those who have been in close contact, and communicate the importance of quarantining to keep our communities safe.

This brings me to the framework for our new Unified Testing Strategy.

Over the last four weeks, a team at the Kansas Department of Health and Environment – under the direction of Special Advisor to the Governor Marci Nielsen, PhD – has been working diligently to develop this strategy in a way that fits Kansas.

Broadly speaking, the new strategy identifies where Kansas currently stands, and paints a picture of where we need to go – and how we can get there.

To give some background:

Since the pandemic began, local and state public health departments have largely focused their efforts on testing only those who have symptoms of COVID-19, or testing in areas where outbreaks are occurring.

We have made great strides in improving outbreak response over the past several months.

However, to effectively locate the virus in our communities, keep Kansans safe, keep kids in school, and keep our businesses open, we must do more.

We need to expand testing to include regular screening for the virus before it spreads.

That’s what the new Unified Testing Strategy will allow us to do.

It will coordinate both public and private COVID-19 testing efforts across Kansas to allow for broader routine screening in places like schools and nursing homes, to stop community spread before it starts.

With the investment of SPARK funding which was recently competitively bid and will soon be announced, we can nearly double the amount of testing we are doing in Kansas by years end.

That will move us from a total of 600,000 COVID-19 tests to date, to more than one million by the end of 2020. We will also expand beyond the types of testing we are conducting from just diagnostic to screening and surveillance.

KDHE will be working with our partners in the private sector to expand labs and supplies, enhance data and reporting, provide support for isolation and quarantine, and increase our public communications about controlling the virus’ spread.

This is especially important for populations at high risk, but also for businesses across the state worried about keeping their workforces safe and their doors open.

A unified testing strategy will be resource intensive, but will help us to save lives and rebuild our economy.

The graph behind me visually demonstrates how this will work.

For those populations at the highest risk, located in the green section, state and local public health officials will continue to investigate outbreaks, but also regularly screen for the virus and isolate those who test positive.

For populations at medium risk, in the blue band, health officials will once again continue to investigate outbreaks but also use surveillance testing – which uses methods like testing wastewater for signs of COVID-19.

Through the new strategy we have also cast a wider net when it comes to accessing information and resources for our COVID-19 response.

If you recall, I recently announced that Kansas had joined the Rockefeller Foundation COVID-19 Testing Solutions Group.

Today I am pleased to report that Kansas is now part of collaborative effort funded by the National Institutes of Health to improve COVID-19 testing for underserved and vulnerable populations.

The University of Kansas Medical Center is one of 32 institutions across the United States that will focus on increased testing in populations disproportionately affected by the pandemic.

Referred to as the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) initiative, 10 counties will be working with a KUMC research team to build a learning collaborative that will help support our most vulnerable populations and help inform the work of Kansas’ unified testing strategy.

I know that oftentimes when we think of testing, we may not consider the whole picture. We only think about the test itself and receiving the results on our phones afterward.

But there is so much more for our public health officials to consider.

We need comprehensive, accurate data that health officials can analyze to determine our most vulnerable populations or locations so that the state can respond accordingly.

We need access to labs that have sufficient testing capacity.

We need reliable transportation to move samples from health facilities to labs, where they can be tested for COVID-19.

The Unified Testing Strategy has all of that in mind, and more.

Through this approach we can work together with local health departments to analyze what we have, what we need, and how we can get it.

Last week I visited Salon Chemistry in Wichita to learn more about the owners’ COVID-19 mitigation strategies and commend them for their diligent efforts to keep Kansans safe.

While I was there, we talked about how hard it was for them when virus spread required my administration to close certain businesses last Spring.

At that time, our state did not have access to sufficient testing supplies or PPE to ensure customers and employees could stay safe.

We had little understanding of how the virus spreads, or how it manifested.

We have learned a lot over the past several months.

With that evolving knowledge and understanding, with a unified testing strategy, we can provide businesses like Salon Chemistry with absolute certainty that they will be able to continue operation this winter and beyond.

Adding the Unified Testing Strategy to our tool box, along with universal mask usage, social distancing, and avoidance of mass gatherings, we can contain this virus and give our scientists time to develop a vaccine that will allow us to resume our normal activities.

With that, I will take questions.

FS Special Meeting Oct. 29

There will be a Special Meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 29th, 2020. This meeting will be held to discuss the City’s insurance and the Interim City Manager position and City Manager search.

This meeting will be held at 123 S. Main Street in the City Commission meeting room. This meeting will be broadcast on the City’s You tube channel. This meeting is open to the public.


Flags At Half Mast for COVID 19 Deaths in Kansas

Governor Kelly Directs Flags be Flown at Half-staff to Honor 1,007 Kansans Who Lost their Lives to COVID-19

TOPEKA – Kansas surpassed 1,000 Kansas deaths due to COVID-19. In honor of the lives lost and the families they left behind, Governor Laura Kelly has directed that flags be lowered to half-staff throughout the state effective immediately to sundown, Friday, October 30, 2020.

“It is with deep sadness that I announce the passing of 1,007 Kansans who lost their lives to COVID-19,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “One of the many terrible impacts of this virus has been that families are unable to hold in-person services to mourn the passing of their loved ones. Each one of these Kansans was someone’s child, parent, or grandparent. They were part of a community. Today, I’m directing that flags be lowered to half-staff, so that we may honor and remember them.”

To receive email alerts when the governor orders flags to half-staff, please visit

City Of Bronson Receives SPARK Grant

Bronson City Hall. Submitted photo.

The City of Bronson received grant funds to better serve its’ community safely during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In mid-October, City Clerk Ellen Harper received a SPARK Grant in the amount of $1,200 for providing help to safely serve the town, located in western Bourbon County.

The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) program is charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19, according to its’ website.

SPARK Committees are distributing money from the U.S. Coronavirus Relief Fund.

The City of Bronson will use it to provide masks, sanitizers and cleaning products to mitigate the spread of the virus at city hall.

“We put a shield up in our office for when we interact with customers,” Harper said.  “And we sanitize.”

In addition, the city is recommending wearing masks and social distancing as part of the plan.

“This is for employees, city council members, or anybody that comes in and wants to use it for council meetings,” Harper said.

As in the rest of America, the way meetings are organized, or if held at all, have changed.

Bronson has already cancelled its annual town-wide event, Bronson Day, because of the virus and will probably cancell the annual Christmas fundraiser as well, Harper said.

Resident Death at Hutchinson Correction Facility


TOPEKA, Kansas – A Hutchinson Correctional Facility resident who died Tuesday, Oct. 27 had tested positive for COVID-19. This is the seventh resident death related to COVID-19.

The resident tested positive for the virus on Oct. 13 and was transferred to the hospital on Oct. 16.  The resident’s family has asked that his name not be released. He was a 66-year old while male with underlying medical concerns that contributed to his condition.


The resident was serving an indeterminate life sentence for aggravated sodomy. He had been imprisoned with the Kansas Department of Corrections (KDOC) since August 1988.


The Hutchinson Correctional Facility is Kansas’ second-oldest prison and houses 1,884 men.  Formerly known as the Kansas State Industrial Reformatory, the facility has three buildings including the Central (all custody levels), East (low-medium custody) and South (minimum) units.

For current information on COVID-19 in Kansas, and to sign up for updates, go to the KDHE COVID-19 Resource Center at For information on the KDOC’s response to COVID-19, visit

Bourbon County Commission Agenda for Oct. 28


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: October 28, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason



620-724-9910 USING CODE 677638. LIMITED ACCESS.


9:00 AM – Bill Martin, COVID19 Leave Pay

Bourbon County Ballot For Nov. 3




State of Kansas County of Bourbon


In compliance with K.S.A. 25-105, and the General Election Laws of the State of Kansas, I submit herewith the list of National, State and District Candidates certified to me by the Secretary of State, and the list of those filed as candidates in Bourbon County in the forthcoming General Election to be held, Tuesday, November 3, 2020.


And, I hereby give further notice that the election will be held in the voting places listed below in Bourbon County, Kansas, and that the polls will be opened and closed at the regular time specified by law for the conduct of elections.  All precincts in the county will open at 7:00 am and will close at 7:00 pm.


Sales Tax Question on the ballot:


To vote in favor of any question

submitted upon the ballot, darken

the oval to the left of the word


to vote against it, darken

the oval to the left of the word



Shall the following be adopted?

Shall Bourbon County, Kansas,

levy (renew) a one percent

countywide retailers’ sales tax to

take effect on July 1, 2021, and

expire on June 30, 2031, with the

allocated shares pursuant to

K.S.A. 2019 Supp. 12-192 to be

used as follows: (1) to Bourbon

County, for the purpose of

maintenance and construction of

hard surface roads, and (2) to

each city located in Bourbon

County, for the purpose of

providing funding for public



Residents living in the City of Fort Scott vote at the following locations:

1st Ward       Community Christian Church – 1919 S Horton, Fort Scott

2nd Ward       Grace Baptist Church – 502 S Margrave, Fort Scott

3rd Ward       Grace Baptist Church – 502 S Margrave, Fort Scott

4th Ward       Community Christian Church – 1919 S Horton, Fort Scott

5th Ward       Community Christian Church – 1919 S Horton, Fort Scott

6th Ward       Community Christian Church – 1919 S Horton, Fort Scott

7th Ward       Grace Baptist Church – 502 S Margrave, Fort Scott


Residents living out in the county vote at the following locations:

Drywood       Grace Baptist Church – 502 S Margrave, Fort Scott

Franklin        Mapleton Community Building – 565 Eldora, Mapleton, KS

Freedom      Fulton Community Building – 408 West Osage, Fulton, KS

East Marion  Uniontown City Hall – 206 Sherman Street, Uniontown, KS

West Marion Bronson Community Building – 504 Clay Street, Bronson, KS

Marmaton     Redfield City Hall – 312 N Pine, Redfield, KS

Millcreek       Redfield City Hall – 312 N Pine, Redfield, KS

Osage          Fulton Community Building – 408 West Osage, Fulton, KS

Pawnee       Redfield City Hall – 312 N Pine, Redfield, KS

North Scott   Community Christian Church – 1919 S Horton, Fort Scott

South Scott  Grace Baptist Church – 502 S Margrave, Fort Scott

Timberhill      Mapleton Community Building – 565 Eldora, Mapleton, KS

Walnut         Uniontown City Hall – 206 Sherman Street, Uniontown, KS


For President and Vice-President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris 1209 Barley Mill Road

Wilmington, DE 19807

Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence                     1100 S. Ocean Blvd.

Palm Beach, FL 33480

Jo Jorgensen / Jeremy “Spike” Cohen Greenville, SC Libertarian
For United States Senate
  Barbara Bollier 6910 Overhill Road

Mission Hills, KS 66208

  Roger Marshall PO Box 1588

Great Bend, KS 67530

  Jason Buckley 8828 Marty Ln

Overland Park, KS 66212

For US House of Representatives – District 2
Michelle De La Isla 3250 SW Briarwood Dr

Topeka, KS 66611

Jake LaTurner 2329 SW Ashworth Pl

Topeka, KS 66614

Robert Garrard 2287 N 300 Rd

Edgerton, KS 66021

Kansas Senate, District 12
Mike Bruner 1002 Pecan St.

Humboldt, KS 66748

Caryn Tyson PO Box 191

Parker, KS 66072

Kansas Senate, District 13
Nancy J. Ingle 511 E. 21st

Pittsburg, KS 66762

Richard Hilderbrand 240 Cleveland Ave

Baxter Springs, KS 66713

 Kansas House of Representatives, District 2
  Lynn D. Grant 202 S. Appleton

Frontenac, KS 66763

  Kenneth Collins 102 E First Street

Mulberry, KS 66756

Kansas House of Representatives, District 4
  Bill Meyer 14 Golfview Drive

Fort Scott, KS 66701

  Trevor Jacobs 1927 Locust Road

Fort Scott, KS 66701

For County Commissioner – District 2
  Jim Harris 2302 Jayhawk Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

For County Commissioner – District 3
  Clifton Beth 2236 215th,

Fort Scott, KS 66701

  Phillip G. Hoyt 2422 242nd Terrace

Fulton, KS 66738

For County Clerk
  Kendell Dawn Mason 2 S Eddy

Fort Scott, KS 66701

For County Treasurer
  Patty Love 901 Shepherd St

Fort Scott, KS 66701

For Register of Deeds
  Lora Holdridge 1814 Richards Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

For County Attorney
  Jacqie Spradling PO Box 576

Spring Hill, KS 66083

For County Sheriff
  Mike Feagins 1964 Justice Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

  Bill Martin 502 Meadow Ln

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Drywood Richard Cullison, Jr. 506 260th

Garland, KS 66741

Franklin Tony Bradbury 631 Soldier Rd.

Bronson, KS 66716

Freedom Janice Seested 2330 215th St.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Marion Steve Geiger 1121 Hwy 3

Uniontown, KS 66779

Marmaton David Duffey 1201 Locust Rd

Redfield, KS 66769

Millcreek Yvonne Beck 1821 159th Street

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Osage Brian Wade 2618 Soldier Rd.

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Pawnee Karen A. Endicott-Coyan 1635 Fern Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Scott Jim Sackett 2019 Maple Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Timberhill Dan Laughlin 2275 105th St.

Mapleton, KS 66754

Walnut No Republican or Democratic Candidates filed
Drywood No Republican or Democratic Candidates filed
Franklin No Republican or Democratic Candidates filed
Freedom Karen A. Paddock 608 W Cedar St.

Fulton, KS 66738

Marion Rex Wilson 905 Clay St.

Bronson, KS 66716

Marmaton Wilma K. Graham 102 W 4th

Redfield, KS 66769

Millcreek Betty L. Graham 1458 Tomahawk Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Osage Kathleen Valentine 2638 Tomahawk Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Pawnee Sharon Middleton 1374 Eagle Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Scott Harold Rogers 2189 Ironwood Rd

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Timberhill David Scharenberg 1045 Yale Rd

Mapleton, KS 66754

Walnut No Republican or Democratic Candidates filed
Supreme Court Justice, Court of Appeals Judges, District Court Judges and District Magistrate Judge
Question #1, Shall the following Supreme Court Justice be retained in office?
Eric S. Rosen 1928 S.W. Indian Woods Ln.

Topeka, KS 66611

Position 4
Question #2, Shall the following Court of Appeals Judges be retained in office?
Sarah E. Warner Kansas Judicial Center

301 SW 10th Ave

Topeka, KS 66612

Position 4
David E. Bruns Olathe Position 6
G. Gordon Atcheson 301 SW 10th Ave

Topeka, KS 66612

Position 8
Karen M. Arnold-Burger 301 SW 10th Ave

Topeka, KS 66612

Position 9
Kathryn Gardner 301 SW 10th Ave

Topeka, KS 66612

Position 14
Question #3, Shall the following Judges of the District Court be retained in office?
  Terri L Johnson PO Box 311

Pleasanton, KS 66075

District 6, Division 2
  Mark A. Ward 829 190th St

Fort Scott, KS 66701

District 6, Division 3


  Steven C. Montgomery 22404 S. Roosevelt St.

Spring Hill, KS 66083

District 6, Division 4
Question #4, Shall the following Judge of the District Magistrate be retained in office?
  Valorie R. Leblanc 210 S. National

Fort Scott, KS 66701

District 6
Shall the following be adopted?

Shall Bourbon County, Kansas,

levy (renew) a one percent

countywide retailers’ sales tax to

take effect on July 1, 2021, and

expire on June 30, 2031, with the

allocated shares pursuant to

K.S.A. 2019 Supp. 12-192 to be

used as follows: (1) to Bourbon

county, for the purpose of

maintenance and construction of

hard surface roads, and (2) to

each city located in Bourbon

county, for the purpose of

providing funding for public services?

Kendell Mason, County Clerk &

(SEAL)                                                              Bourbon County Election Officer

All In for Kansas Kids 🌟 Weekly Update!

Update | October 24, 2020

Hello Early Childhood Partners,

New support is available for Kansas renters and landlords via the Kansas Eviction Protection Program. Find out more, including how to apply, in the email update below. And with Halloween one week away, please take a minute to share this Halloween COVID guidance from the Department of Health and Environment with your families to help them stay safe and have fun.

Stay safe and be well. 

NEW – Kansas Eviction Prevention Program!

Home has never been more important.

Our homes have always provided shelter, but in the midst of the COVID pandemic, home has become so much more. The economic impact of the pandemic has left many Kansans unemployed or underemployed, uncertain how they will pay rent. While moratoriums provide temporary protection from eviction, rent continues to accrue each month, leaving tenants unsure how they will pay arrears, and leaving landlords without monthly income to pay bills and manage maintenance and upkeep.

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) has worked closely with the Kelly administration, the Office of Recovery, and the Department of Children and Families to create the Kansas Eviction Prevention Program (KEPP). KEPP is designed to decrease evictions and increase housing stability by assisting landlords and tenants experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID pandemic.

Through the KEPP program:

  • Landlords and tenants apply for up to $5000 per household to pay delinquent rental payments dating as far back as April 1, 2020.
  • Payments will be made directly to the landlord, who must agree not to evict the household for nonpayment of rent for the months of KEPP assistance received.
  • Landlords must also agree to waive any late fees accrued during the months for which assistance is received.

Follow the step-by-step application guide or visit the KEPP web page for more information!

Congratulations LaToya Mothershed – Early Childhood Champion!

Congratulations to LaToya Mothershed for receiving the Kansas Children’s Champion Award at the Region VII Head Start virtual conference this week!

LaToya is the first Head Start parent to be receive this award.

This is the most recent in a long line of early childhood accomplishments for Latoya that includes: parent leader, KSHA board president-elect, and keynote speaker. The entire early childhood system is better because of the investment and energy of this amazing, trailblazing woman. Latoya, we are grateful and appreciative of your generosity and commitment to the children and families of Kansas. What a great wrap up to Head Start Awareness Month!

Register by THIS FRIDAY for the Kindergarten Readiness Summit

The Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Transition Summit will expand and support the implementation of the Head Start – public school collaboration work! The goal is to bring together teams of school districts and Head Start programs from at least 10 school districts in Kansas. This collaboration will help to sustain and improve gains children make during Head Start through building strong, effective relationships between Head Start and receiving schools.

CARES Act Funding for Technology and Remote Learning
Still Available!

Remote Learning Support – CARES Act funding is available to support programs addressing the current need for alternative care and education for families adversely impacted by remote learning situations (schools in hybrid or remote learning modes).
Click HERE for more information and to apply.

Applications are now open with proposals accepted on a rolling basis. Grants must be awarded AND expended by December 30, 2020. Find out more information about all funding available through the CARES Act for early childhood by visiting

Technology for Families Program – CARES Act funding to support connectivity, equipment, and devices to support virtual access for families receiving home visiting services. If you partner with a state agency to deliver one of  seven home visiting models  – you are eligible!

Click HERE to apply before October 30th! 

If you have already received funding, and have enrolled new families with need since your initial award, you are eligible to submit an additional request. If you have any questions, technical assistance is available at [email protected]

Grants and Consulting Help for Child Care Providers

Child Care Aware of Kansas is teaming up with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to offer Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC). These consultants are available to help child care programs analyze the results of a Self-Assessment and identify ways to reduce the spread of illnesses within the program. Participating child care programs may then be eligible for a health and safety grant. Check out the Child Care Health Consultation Pathway for an overview of the program.
Eligibility: Child care programs who are licensed by and in good standing with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) to participate in the Child Care Health Consultant Network.

To get started, follow these steps:

  • Step One: Child Care Programs are asked to complete, to the extent possible, a Self-Assessment before scheduling a consultation with a Child Care Health Consultant.
  • Step Two: To schedule a coaching consultation, call or send an email to CCAKS.
  • Step Three: Child care programs that complete a Self-Assessment and receive a coaching consultation from a Child Care Health Consultant are eligible to apply for a health & safety grant.
  • Step Four: You will receive notification of grant decision from CCAKS.
For more information, please visit the Child Care Health Consultant Network website.

Early Childhood Resources 

Farm to Child Nutrition Program Sub Grants Available
Bringing the bounty of America’s farms into Child Nutrition Programs as a part of breakfast and lunch is one of the best ways we can ensure children are receiving nutritious and delicious meals at school or child care! 2020-2021 Farm to Child Nutrition Program Sub-Grant Applications are at, Farm to School, What’s New.  Child Nutrition sponsors can apply now to improve access to local foods in Child Nutrition Programs and increase agricultural education opportunities.  Sub Grant applications are due on or before December 1, 2020.  Contact Barb Depew at [email protected] or 786-296-0062 if you have questions.

Childhood lead poisoning prevention is a priority for KDHE. Even at low levels, lead can cause irreversible damage to hearing, growth and development. View resources in Spanish and English on the KDHE website.

2021-2022 AmeriCorps Kansas funding
AmeriCorps Kansas assists programs to recruit, train and supervise AmeriCorps members meeting critical community needs. Grant applicants must design service activities for a team of members serving full- or part-time throughout the year or during the summer. Initial grant applications are due on December 4, 2020, and final applications are due on January 29, 2021. Visit for more information.

Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition
90% of Kansas families choose to breastfeed. The KBC has helped many child care providers achieve the “Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider” designation from Child Care Aware of Kansas. For evidence-based breastfeeding resources, visit the KBC’s Child Care page. For local help, click HERE for a directory of local breastfeeding coalitions. For general assistance, including grant ideas, budgets, data and more, contact Brenda Bandy, IBCLC.

Join us for our next Kansas Early Childhood
Systems-Building Webinar on Wednesday, November 4th, at 12pm.
Click to Register

No Bourbon County Commission Meeting on Oct. 27


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: October 27, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason