Category Archives: Government

FS Commission Minutes of Dec. 15



Minutes of December 15th, 2020 Regular Meeting #23

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held December 15th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners P. Allen, K. Allen, J. Jones and L. Watts were present with Mayor R. Nichols presiding.

INVOCATION: Pastor Ian Johnson, Community Christian Church said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City, our Government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, Russell Lingerfelt, Dave Bruner, Michael Hoyt, Jeff Hancock, Rachel Pruitt, Bret Shogren, Stan Jones, Thomas Decker, Monalynn Decker, Ian Johnson, Lynette Westhoff, Scott Johnson, Michael Miles, Max Fanning, Anne Dare, and Michael Mix.


Mayor Nichols announced that the City Commission is getting closer to hiring a permanent City Manager. The Commission met on Monday, December 14th and reviewed resumes and selected some semi-finalists. The Commission will meet again on Saturday, January 9th, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. to interview these candidates.

There will be a work session next Monday, December 21st, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The proposed topic on the agenda is Charter Ordinance No. 31. A second item if time permits, is strategic planning for either streets or sewers.

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Mayor Nichols said that Item #8 under Consideration has been removed.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of December 1st, 2020, and special meeting minutes of November 30th, 2020

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1277-A totaling $428,332.67.

  1. Certificate of Appropriateness – Signage at 17 S. Main – Star Emporium Downtown General Store

  1. Schneider Electric – Final Payment – $176,049.20

  1. Request to Pay – Insituform #2 – $63,600.28

  1. Lauber Municipal Law Firm – November – $22,382.50

  1. HDR Engineering – River Intake Project – $7,906.99

  1. November financials

2021 Package Sales: (Copies on file in Clerk’s office)

Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #20 – 998 N. National

Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #27 – 605 S. National

Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #14 – 1902 S. Main

Pete’s of Erie, Inc. #28 – 1138 E. Wall

Hill’s Service, Inc. – 308 N. National

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. #39 – 2500 S. Main

Walgreen Company – 2229 S. Main

Casey’s General Store #3399 – 2216 S. Main

G & W 2, L.L.C., 911 E. 6th Street

Consumption on the Premises:

Debra Cagle DBA Fifthwheel Tavern – 206 Humboldt

Woodland Hills Golf Course – 2414 S. Horton

2021 Public Dance License: (Copies on file in Clerk’s office)

Elks Lodge #579 – 111 W. 19th

Sharky’s Pub & Grub – 16 N. National

Liberty Theatre – 113 S. Main

Holmtown Pub – 206 N. National

Buck Run Community Center – 735 Scott

Memorial Auditorium – 1 E. Third Street

Josh Jones asked for discussion on the Lauber Municipal Law Firm invoice. He said that he talked to Jeff Deane, City Attorney, earlier. He asked him to come to just one meeting a month to save on costs. He also asked that all City staff go through the City Manager before contacting the City Attorney and he can decide if he needs to be contacted. Josh asked that all City Commissioners also go through Jeff Hancock, City Manager, before contacting the City Attorney. He asked that any City advisory boards go through the City Manager also first.

Jeff Deane said that he can come to the first meeting of the month. He said that he can be on call for the second meeting and be available if needed.

Josh said that this can be reevaluated in a month and see how it is going.

Josh also asked about the Schneider Electric project. He asked if the Commission can see where we are on our prior bills and what they are now since this project is final.

Susan will find out how they calculate their savings and compare it to the last two years and bring this back to them.

L. Watts moved to approve the Consent Agenda. J. Jones seconded. J. Jones, L. Watts and R. Nichols voted aye. K. Allen and P. Allen voted no. Motion carried 3-2.


Public Comment:

(Sign up required. Comments on any topic not on the agenda and limited to 5 minutes per person, at Commission discretion)

Michael J. Hoyt – Mr. Hoyt said that you have heard this before, but he is going to bring it up again. He told them that their meeting yesterday was a K.O.M.A. violation. You used the personnel exception, and the personnel exception cannot have words added to it like reviewing resumes. He printed and handed out several Attorney General opinions. (He did not give the Clerk a copy). He referenced that Commissioner Allen once said that if we’re going to go down, you’re going to go down with us. The Attorney General doesn’t quite see it that way. He said that he highlighted a letter from Ms. Mendoza to him that states Mr. Deane is not a member of the public body and the meeting with K.O.M.A. cannot be found to have violated its provisions. If you want to accept bad advice and pay for it, he’s the one that is going to walk away. You’re the one going down. Page 2 he has highlighted and put in plain language and understanding, ordinary meaning says that personnel has been defined in Webster’s dictionary as a body of employees that employ some services. So, instead of trying to work around the law, how about trying to work in the law. If you want to have discussion of your resumes, just call them candidate 1 through candidate 100, if that’s what you’re trying to protect. What you should be showing to the voters is the process that you’re going through. You came in here, turned the cameras off and closed the doors and you could have been hiring Dr. Nichols’ brother. We don’t know whether you’re interested in education or experience. Maybe we would have some input on that. You don’t have to divulge anyone’s name. He’s sure the search firm would prefer to leave those things quiet, so they don’t get poached from them. You can speak in general terms and still go through the process of being open and transparent like K.O.M.A. would want you to do.

Ordinance No. 31 – He gave them notes as soon as he got certification of the petition. Now we are running up against an election. He thought they would do the right thing, and leave the money in one spot, and revoke Ordinance No. 31. He understands that we have spent $3,500 in ballots but why not spend another $10,000 and do the right thing. Think of the politics and objects of it. You drag all of the voters in on the 5th of January to vote on something that they may or may not understand. He hopes that they understand it and vote no. Then you will drag them in again on March 5th and try to get them to vote on a sales tax which will be even a harder sale as this is not a tax ordinance 31. We just want you to keep the money where it came into and spend it where it came into. He knows that Commissioner Allen has posted a couple of sewer failures. Let’s spend some money on the sewers instead of letting them go. Keep the money where it is – it’s not a tax. We probably need it for the streets and the parks. You might be standing there on March 5th with two $15,000 bills for special elections. Think about that.

Advisory Boards – He removed his name from the Airport Advisory Board for no other reason than he is coming up with an initiative with the County and he would like to with the City – to strengthen and give our advisory boards structure. The Airport Advisory Board met yesterday for the first time in a year. With all we have going on out there, and they haven’t met in a year. I would think that all boards should have five minutes before you with their Chairman. He said that he provided a 90 page booklet provided by the E.P.A. It is a generic book. Maybe you need an advisory board coordinator to get the agendas going in the right direction.

K. Allen said it would be nice, once a month, for a liaison from each board to report to them.

K. Allen asked Jeff Deane about interviewing candidates out in public.

Jeff Deane said that the Attorney General’s opinion specifically states that personnel matters, the hiring and firing and discipline of employees is covered. If you are trying to hire an employee that is specifically a personnel matter and that interpretation is covered by the Attorney General’s opinion. The Attorney General has the statutory and constitutional rights to interpret a law. It states that the hiring of employees falls under exception number 1.

Scott Johnson – Mr. Johnson said that he spoke with Frank Halsey today regarding the building at 10 N. National. He asked if the City has a LandBank in place?

Susan Bancroft said yes they do.

Scott that he handed them a paper regarding the urgent shape of the building. He said that Mr. Halsey is still on board. He understands the efforts in trying to sell the building, but it is his strong belief, that if we don’t do something right away, we won’t have a building to save or sell. He believes with extreme urgency, the building needs some structure work done immediately. It may be in the best interest of the building and Mr. Halsey to move forward on the transfer of ownership now, so we can all save this historic building.

Scott also asked that a port-a-potty be placed at the skate park as well as a bench.

Interim City Manager Report and Comments: Jeff Hancock stated that he moved his comments towards the top of the agenda. He provided a written report of all the things he has done in the last three weeks. The Commission and the public knows what he is doing. It’s not just a three day a week job as he is taking calls on Thursday and Friday. He appointed Allyson Turvey as the Acting Zoning Administrator to fill in for Nate. We developed a new street cut process. This puts some teeth into the process. He will send them out a copy of this new process. It will go before the Plumbing Board before it is implemented.

Kevin Allen said that he would like to look at this before it is implemented.

Lindsey Watts asked if they could look at it at the next work session.

Jeff Hancock said that we need to set priorities on what to look at for our work sessions.

Pete said that we have a good ordinance concerning street cuts in place. We’ve never enforced it or taught it to the workers. Pete thanked Jeff Hancock for his efforts since he has been here.

Old Business: None

Appearances: None

New Business:

  1. Municipal Advisory Services Agreement – Stifel – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, introduced Bret Shogren and Stan Jones of Stifel, Inc. This company replaced the previous company called George K. Baum, which is the City’s financial advisor.

Bret Shogren said that he is officed in Wichita and Stan Jones is officed in Kansas City. He hopes to assist with refinancing some of the General Obligation bonds that the City has. Last year when he was here he was with George K. Baum and Company. Last year, Stifel acquired their firm. They are operating under Stifel. This company asked them to renew the agreement under their new name. The terms and conditions are the same as well as the fees. This agreement asks for Stifel to be the financial advisor of record at a cost of $250.00 per hour and for bond issues at a $10,000 minimum fee.

J. Jones moved to approve the agreement with Stifel for the City’s financial advisor of record. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Refinancing of Bonds – Gilmore & Bell – Approval of Resolution and all supporting documentation for the Mayor to sign – Bret Shogren, informed the Commission that they are here to assist with the refinancing of the City General Obligation bonds. He shared the trend of interest rates. We are very near the lowest interest rates in 30 years. When rates are low it is an opportunity to sell bonds. The City currently has six General Obligation bonds which are from 2009, 2010-A, 2011-A, 2011-B, 2012-A, and 2012-B. Those have outstanding interest rates between 1.6% and 4.1%. Current market conditions show that we can pay off those loans with a 0.67% true interest cost which would reflect a gross savings of $77,465.17. This is roughly about $15,500 per year over the next five years. Industry standards show that the City would benefit by refinancing these bonds. The bond documents are drafted by Gilmore & Bell. The bond date bid would be February 2nd, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. He would appear again at the February 2nd, 2021 City Commission meeting and notify the Commission of the interest rates that were submitted in the bids. Approval of the Resolution is needed to proceed along with the sale documents.

L. Watts moved to approve Resolution No. 20-2020 authorizing the offering for sale of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021-A, of the City of Fort Scott, Kansas. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Sales Tax Resolution – Approval of either Option 1 or Option 2 and all supporting documentation for the Mayor to sign – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that they met on December 8th, 2020 for a work session regarding the renewal of the .5% sales tax. There were two options discussed and it was determined to move forward with a special election to be held on March 5th, 2021. Option 1 include the .5% sales tax renewal would be for five (5) years with 90% allocated for street improvements, sidewalks, bike lanes, and curb and gutter with these proceeds to be designated to a specific transportation sales tax fund, and 10% of the proceeds to be used for parks and community facilities with a designated community sales tax fund.

Option 2 could read 10% of the proceeds could be used for parks, community facilities, and health care services and improvements with proceeds designated to a community sales tax fund.

Discussion was held regarding the two options.

L. Watts moved to approve that Option 1 be approved and to approve Resolution No. 21-2020 authorizing and providing for the calling of a special election in the City of Fort Scott, Kansas, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City the question of imposing a one-half percent (0.5%) city-wide retailers’ sales tax and providing for the giving of notice of said election. The .5% sales tax renewal would be for five (5) years with 90% allocated for street improvements, sidewalks, bike lanes, and curb and gutter with these proceeds to be designated to a specific transportation sales tax fund, and 10% of the proceeds to be used for parks and community facilities with a designated community sales tax fund. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.

approved that Option 1 be approved and to approve Resolution No. 21-2020 authorizing and providing for the calling of a special election in the City of Fort Scott, Kansas, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City the question of imposing a one-half percent (0.5%) city-wide retailers’ sales tax and providing for the giving of notice of said election. The .5% sales tax renewal would be for five (5) years with 90% allocated for street improvements, sidewalks, bike lanes, and curb and gutter with these proceeds to be designated to a specific transportation sales tax fund, and 10% of the proceeds to be used for parks and community facilities with a designated community sales tax fund.

  1. Water Rate Increase – Approval of Ordinance No. 3570 – Susan Bancroft, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that this ordinance increases the water rates by 5% for 2021. This increase is due to the River Intake Project. There will also need to be an increase next year.

L. Watts moved to approve Ordinance No. 3570 setting new water rates and repealing Ordinance No. 3551 for the City of Fort Scott, Bourbon County, Kansas, pursuant to the Fort Scott Municipal Code, Chapter 13.04.030. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.

approved Ordinance No. 3570 setting new water rates and repealing Ordinance No. 3551 for the City of Fort Scott, Bourbon County, Kansas, pursuant to the Fort Scott Municipal Code, Chapter 13.04.030.

  1. Scope & Fee for Engineering Services for Phase 2 of the River Intake Project – Dam Improvements – Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, informed the Commission that before them is the agreement for engineering services for Phase 2 of the River Intake Project. The amount of the engineering for Phase 2 is $330,000. This amount is covered through the U.S.D.A. loan. The grand total of this project is $5,000,000.

P. Allen moved to approve the engineering services agreement with H.D.R. for Phase 2 of the River Intake Project. This agreement totals $330,000. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.

approved the engineering services agreement with H.D.R. for Phase 2 of the River Intake Project. This agreement totals $330,000.

  1. Timken Grant Application – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, informed the Commission that she is filling in for Ally tonight due to the inclement weather. The Fire Department received a Fort Scott Area Community Foundation Grant recently in the amount of $2,500 to go towards the rehab of the 20 year old fire safety trailer which is used at area schools to teach children about fire safety. This grant will fund part of this project, but more funds are needed. She asked for approval to apply for a Timken Foundation grant for the remainder of the required funding. Tinken grants require a minimum request of 10,000, so in addition to the safety trailer rehab, they are requesting $5,000 in CPR Training Program Materials, and $3,000 in ALICE Training Equipment. The total grant request for Timken Foundation is in the amount of $10,500.

L. Watts moved to approve to apply for the Timken Grant in the amount of $10,500. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Scooters Funding – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, informed the Commission that Culaccino Coffee development has constructed the new Scooter’s Coffeehouse at 2400 S. Main. The total cost of this project was $337,000. Verbal approval was given by City administration to assist with development costs in the amount of $6,000. This new coffeehouse will bring 15 new jobs to town.

J. Jones moved to approve the allocation of $6,000 for development costs for Culaccino Coffee located at 2400 S. Main Street. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.

approved the allocation of $6,000 for development costs for Culaccino Coffee located at 2400 S. Main Street.

  1. Fuel Flow Fee Agreement – AG Spraying Company – Approval for the Mayor to sign the agreement – This was removed from the agenda per the City Manager.

  1. Donation of Fire Truck – Michael Miles, Deputy Fire Chief, informed the Commission that before them tonight is approval to donate the 1991 pumper truck that is now out of service. This pumper truck was taken out of service after the delivery of our new pumper truck back in the beginning of 2020. A letter was sent out to all Bourbon County Fire Districts in August and we received letters of interest from all of the fire districts. This letter was sent to Garland Fire District, Scott Township Fire, and District 3 Fire. Garland Fire District can use this truck and immediately place it into service. They have the space to station this truck and have plans to build a future station to help their resident’s ISO ratings. That would lower the cost of insurance for residents of Garland. Garland also has mutual aid agreements with county fire departments including Scott Township. This truck would be available for them for to request assistance.

Scott Township would like this apparatus to potentially use around the area of Lake Fort Scott. They currently do not have an area established to house this truck if awarded. This would also reduce a major expense from having to purchase a truck to house at a future location.

District 3 is in dire need of replacing a 1978 Fire Engine and could use this apparatus as a major upgrade for their fleet and reduce a major expense of purchasing one.

Michael said that he and the Fire Chief met and believe that at this time Garland Fire would be best suited to be awarded this pumper truck. Garland can immediately use this truck. With upcoming future purchases, the other two districts will be possibly awarded other used trucks that the Fire Department has.

J. Jones moved to recommend that Garland Rural Fire District be awarded this pumper truck. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Board Appointments:

Planning Commission (6) – Diane Clay, City Clerk, said that letters of interests were received for the two open City positions and three open County positions on the Planning Commission. The two current City positions are held by Mark Lewis and Josh Jones. Mark Lewis has decided not to ask to be renewed. Josh Jones is now a City Commissioner which prohibits him from serving. There are three open County positions which are currently held by: Darcy Smith, Mark McCoy and Geoffrey Clark. Letters of interest were received by the current board members: Darcy Smith, Geoffrey Clark, and Mark McCoy for the County position and from Mitch Quick for the City position. Other letters received were from Denise Brezik (City), and from Anne Dare (County). The Planning Commission met on December 14th, 2020 and recommended to the City Commission that the reappointments of Darcy Smith, Mark McCoy, Geoffrey Clark, and Mitch Quick be approved, and the new appointment of Denise Brezik be approved.

L. Watts moved to approve the appointments of Darcy Smith, Mark McCoy, Geoffrey Clark, and Mitch Quick and Denise Brezik. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.

approved the appointments of Darcy Smith, Mark McCoy, Geoffrey Clark, and Mitch Quick and Denise Brezik to the planning commission.

Board of Zoning Appeals (1) – Diane Clay, City Clerk, said that letters of interests were received for the City position that will be expiring at the end of December. It is currently held by Brian Rhoades. Letters of interest were submitted, and the City received two. One was from Brian Rhoades and the other was from Denise Brezik.

L. Watts moved to approve the reappointment of Brian Rhoades to the Board of Zoning Appeals. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.


Airport Advisory Board (4) – Diane Clay, City Clerk, said that letters of interests were received for the six positions that are either expiring or have expired on the board. These positions are currently held by Greg Post, Bill Waldron, Mary Pemberton, and Jim Gladbach. The two previous members Carson Felt, and Matt McGehee chose not to renew their terms. Letters of interest were received from the following: Greg Post, Bill Waldron, Mary Pemberton, and Jim Gladbach, Kaitlyn Doherty, Larry Davenport, and Anne Dare. The Board met on Monday, 12/14/2020 and recommended the appointments of Greg Post, Bill Waldron, Mary Pemberton, Jim Gladbach, Kaitlyn Doherty, and Larry Davenport.

L. Watts moved to approve the Board’s recommendations. K. Allen seconded. All voted aye.


Design Review Board (2) – L. Watts asked that the Design Review Board review these letters of interest before they are brought before them to vote on. Diane will get a meeting scheduled of this board.

Reports and Comments:

  1. Director Reports: None

  1. Commissioner Reports and Comments:

J. Jones – Josh asked if the Commission can have an update on the First Source building. He asked where we are at. Are we going to keep the building? Sell the building?

Susan said that a walk through has been completed by City staff and all of the utilities have been changed into the City’s name.

Josh said that he has talked to the Fort Scott High School administration and he would like to see two student representatives appointed to the Commission. They would be non-voting members. The High School will give us a list of potential qualified students and the Commission will review those. This position could start at the second meeting in January.

Josh also asked for rotating director reports. He would like to see reports on economic development, streets, water, and the other departments about what has been done in the last month.

K. Allen – Kevin said that his report is on road repairs. He is glad to see Horton Street being repaired. He asked for the City Manager to look at all City entities to assist in street repairs so they can have some extra help during the winter hours.

He talked about recruiting employees for the City. Joplin does a commercial and shows all their incentives. He asked if the City of Fort Scott could do a commercial promoting the street openings. He said it’s not that expensive.

He asked what the clothing allowance for public works employees was.

He asked that signage be put up stating that their 1% sales tax is at work.

He also said that he had talked to the Bourbon County Commission and they came up with a date. January 14th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall.

P. Allen – Pete said that he had asked Jeff and Diane in an email on the status of the inspections of our sanitary sewers and our manholes and he would like to have a response and see where we stand on that.

Jeff said that he would check with Michael Mix and get him this report.

Pete said that the patches on Horton Street are very nice and commended Chad Brown and his crew.

L. Watts – Lindsey thanked Josh Jones for the research he has done for the meeting tonight.

She said that she is excited for the candidate interview on January 9th and moving forward with this selection.

She thanked Chad Brown and his crew for the street repairs on Horton Street also.

R. Nichols – Randy said that this Thursday is the Chamber Coffee hosted by the City and asked all those that attend to be COVID safe.

He thanked the crews that worked on the big water leak on Horton Street. He knows it took them four to six hours to repair and thanked them for their hard work.

City Attorney Report and Comments: Jeff Deane pointed out that the Attorney General’s report 96-61 considers some of the items he handed out to you. The AG’s office concludes that the public bodies subject to the Kansas Open Meetings Act may go into Executive Session to interview, discuss, and consider applicants or prospective employees of that body under the personnel matters exception to the act. He provided this to Mr. Hoyt also.


J. Jones moved that the City Commission recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1). The open meeting will resume in the Commission meeting room at City Hall at 8:50 p.m. L. Watts seconded. All voted aye. This included the City Commission, City Attorney, City Manager, and Director of Finance.

L. Watts moved that the City Commission come out of Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.

Josh announced that the City is looking into sharing some services with the County in relation to the Finance department. There will be more on that later to follow.


J. Jones moved that the City Commission recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing year end litigation review with the exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(2). The open meeting will resume in the Commission meeting room at City Hall at 9:06 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye. This included the City Commission and City Attorney.

L. Watts moved that the City Commission come out of Executive Session at 9:06 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.

Jeff Deane said back when the fire truck apparatus need was recognized, the previous Commission approved Resolution No. 4-2019 which found the need to pay for it with General Obligation Bonds. The people of the City filed a protest petition which was properly noted by the County but was not acted upon by the City. The City abandoned the plan to use General Obligation Bonds and the petition was filed by virtue of KSA 12-110-C, authorizing protest petitions when General Obligation Bonds. We did not formally rescind the resolution at that time and this needs to be done.

L. Watts made a motion to rescind or repeal Resolution 4-2019 – Resolution declaring it necessary to acquire firefighting equipment for use by the Fire Department of the City of Fort Scott, Kansas, and to issue General Obligation Bonds of said City to pay the costs thereof, and providing for the giving of notice of intention to acquire said equipment and to issue said General Obligation Bonds. J. Jones seconded. J. Jones, L. Watts, and R. Nichols voted aye. P. Allen voted no. K. Allen abstained. Motion carried.


L. Watts moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 p.m. R. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane K. Clay, MMC

City Clerk

Fort Scott Commission Special Meeting Minutes Dec. 14



Minutes of December 14, 2020 Special Meeting #18

A special meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held December 14th, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room, 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Pete Allen, and Josh Jones were present with Mayor Randy Nichols presiding. Lindsey Watts arrived at 4:32 p.m. Kevin Allen arrived at 4:35 p.m.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, Don Osenbaugh, John Deardoff and Russell Lingerfelt.


  1. Review submitted resumes for the City Manager position.


L. Watts moved that the City Commission recess into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel exception in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1). The open meeting will resume in the Commission meeting room at City Hall at 6:05 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye. This included the City Commission, Don Osenbaugh and John Deardoff.

L. Watts moved that the City Commission come out of Executive Session at 6:05 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.

The Commission look to hold a special meeting on a Saturday morning in January to interview candidates for the City Manager position.


L. Watts moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m. J. Jones seconded. All voted aye.


Respectfully submitted,

Diane K. Clay, M.M.C.

City Clerk

Governor Kelly’s Accomplishments 2020

Year in Review: Despite Pandemic, Kelly Administration Reaches Historic Accomplishments

~Kansas breaks record for new capital investment in 2020~

TOPEKA – As 2020 ends, the Kelly Administration highlights progress made in Kansas despite unprecedented challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As we enter 2021, it’s important that we do not let the events of the last year be exclusively defined by hardship,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Due to good public policymaking and fiscally responsible decisions my administration has made from day one, our state has been able to weather the worst of COVID and protect the foundation that will keep Kansas on the path forward.”

Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced 2020 is officially the most successful year for new capital investment in the State of Kansas since the creation of the Kansas Department of Commerce.

As of this week, in 2020 alone, Governor Kelly’s administration has:

  • closed 131 projects in 2020, worth more than $2.5 billion in capital investment and
  • created and retained a total of 13,871 jobs.

Since Governor Kelly has been in office, her administration has:

  • closed 224 projects worth more than $3.8 billion in capital investment
  • which promise to create and retain 26,661 jobs.

Economic Development: Governor Kelly’s administration remains committed to rebuilding Kansas’ economic foundation. In addition to reaching a historic, record breaking milestone, the Kelly administration has worked diligently to rebuild Kansas’ foundation:

  • SEPTEMBER: Governor Laura Kelly announced a new KANSASWORKS KanVet website to provide Kansas veterans specific resources and benefits on a one-stop webpage.
  • NOVEMBER: Governor Laura Kelly announced the creation of the Kansas Main Street Affiliate Community Program, an initiative designed to introduce more Kansas communities to the resources and technical assistance offered through Kansas Main Street.
  • NOVEMBER: Announced that nearly 2,000 Kansas small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic would receive a share of more than $130 million in Small Business Working Capital (SBWC) grants.
  • DECEMBER: In 2020, Governor Kelly distributed more than $34.7 million in Community Development Block Grants to projects across Kansas.

Transportation and Infrastructure: Governor Kelly has always prioritized transportation and infrastructure throughout her administration.

  • APRIL: Governor Laura Kelly signed bipartisan Senate Bill 173 into law, creating new 10-year Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program.
  • JULY: The Office of Rural Prosperity completed the 2020 virtual listening tour to continue the Kelly administration’s work towards solutions that will foster growth and prosperity in rural areas.
  • JULY: The Office of Rural Prosperity launched a partnership with the Kansas Sampler Foundation to engage, empower, retain and recruit young people in rural Kansas.
  • AUGUST: Governor Laura Kelly announces Grain Belt Express transmission line project with Invenergy to save up to $7 billion in electricity cost savings for Kansas and Missouri consumers by 2024.
  • OCTOBER: Established the Office of Broadband Development through EO #20-67, a step towards achieving the administration’s commitment of universal broadband coverage across Kansas.
  • NOVEMBER/OCTOBER: Secured $135 million in statewide funds and Connectivity Emergency Response Grant funds to expand broadband, specifically is underserved communities across Kansas.
  • NOVEMBER: Governor Laura Kelly announced more than $6 million in local transportation, technology projects statewide, marking the first-ever awards for KDOT’s Innovative Technology program made possible by the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program.
  • DECEMBER: Governor Laura Kelly announced more than $5.1 billion in grants as part of the Kansas Local Bridge Improvement Program.
  • DECEMBER: Governor Kelly announced First Statewide Housing Needs Assessment in 27 Years.

Education: Continuing her promise to fully fund public education and improve access and opportunity for our state’s children, Governor Kelly made significant headway for students and teachers this year despite the challenges posed by COVID-19.

  • Fully funded K-12 education in the 2020 budget.
  • Secured more than $57 million in early childhood grants.
    • FEBRUARY: Received a $26.8 million grant from the Administration for Children and Families to continue efforts to strengthen the early childhood system in Kansas.
    • APRIL: Awarded $8,943,000 as part of three-year federal Preschool Development Grant.
      • NOVEMBER: Secured more than $2.1 million in grant funding to fuel 59 ‘All in for Kansas Kids’ Quality Subgrants to help communities, service and child care providers, and other early childhood champions address needs and gaps in the early childhood care and education system through locally-driven ideas and approaches.
    • SEPTEMBER: Secured $21,700,000 in CARES Act funds for education.
  • JULY: Signed Executive Order #20-53, implementing Foster Care report cards to improve the transparency and function of Kansas’ foster care and public education systems.
  • AUGUST: In partnership with the DCF, Governor Kelly expanded the eligibility criteria for the Hero Relief Program and announced additional benefits for those receiving child care assistance to support families with delayed school openings.
  • NOVEMBER: Governor Kelly received the 5 of 5 Award from the National President of Jobs for America’s Graduates in recognition of Kansas meeting or exceeding national performance measures in five categories, including graduation rate and positive student outcomes.

Guide to Dec 2020 COVID Relief Bill

This new version focuses on businesses with 300 or fewer employees that can demonstrate a revenue loss of 25% or more in any quarter of2020 (vs. 2019).

The Loan amount is 2.5 times the average monthly payroll; restaurant and hospitality businesses receive 3.5 times. Additional expenses qualify and simplified the forgiveness process.


ACTION: Consult your lender

Here’s another reprise – SBA loan payments paid for you. Three additional P&I payments starting February 2021 for existing loans, 5 more months for smallest and hardest-hit businesses – capped at $9,000. New loans also eligible for the program.



ACTION: Payments are automatic, but consult your SBA lender

Actions You Can Take
Gig workers, self-employed and independent contractors receive extended benefits through march 14, 2021. Increased benefit period to 50 weeks.


ACTION: File for unemployment:

Yes, it’s back! But focused on businesses and non-profits in low-income communities. May also receive top-up to $10K on their previous EIDL Grant.

$10,000 EIDL GRANT


Extended and expanded Employee RetentionTax Credit (ERTC)
All forgiven PPP expenses are tax-deductible
EIDL grants no longer reduce PPP forgiveness amounts
Extended payroll tax credits for paid sick &family leave
Grants for entertainment venues (live events, movie theaters, cultural institutions
$600 direct payments to taxpayers


This summary information is based upon currently available information at the time of publication and is subject to interpretation at all levels of government.


Low-Income Energy Assistance Available For Heating Bills

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Low-Income Energy Assistance Program to Begin, Help Heat Kansas Homes

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that to help keep Kansans warm this winter, the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) will begin accepting applications for its Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) on Monday, Jan. 4.

“During the cold winter months, it is important that all Kansans have access to the resources they need to heat their homes and ensure their families can stay safe and healthy,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “I encourage all those who qualify to apply for this program. My administration is committed to protecting Kansas families now, throughout the pandemic, and into the future.”

LIEAP provides an annual benefit to help qualifying households pay winter heating bills. Persons with disabilities, older adults and families with children are the primary groups assisted. In 2020, about 34,000 households received an average benefit of $960.

“Winters in Kansas have the likelihood of bringing frigid temperatures, add in the financial pressures of the pandemic, it’s especially important this year that families have access to this important service to avoid financial concerns,” DCF Secretary Laura Howard said. “Our staff is prepared to begin processing LIEAP applications, so families have warm homes this winter season.”

To qualify, applicants must be responsible for direct payment of their heating bills. Income eligibility requirements are set at 130 percent of the federal poverty level. The level of benefit varies according to household income, number of people living in the home, type of residence, type of heating fuel and utility rates.

Applicants need to have made payments on their heating bill two out of the last three months. Those payments must be equal to or exceed $80 or the total balance due on their energy bills, whichever is less.

Applications for the program have been mailed to households that received energy assistance last year. LIEAP applications are also available at local DCF offices and through partnering agencies starting Jan. 4. They can be requested by calling 1-800-432-0043. To apply online, visit For more information, visit

Applications will be accepted from Jan. 4 to March 31.

Income eligibility determination:


Funding for the Low-Income Energy Assistance program is provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Service through the Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.


Bourbon County Commission Special Meeting Agenda Dec. 29


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: December 29, 2020

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason



2:00 Executive Session – Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

Comprehensive Statewide Housing Needs Assessment Announced

Governor Kelly Announces First Statewide Housing Needs Assessment in 27 Years

TOPEKA –Governor Laura Kelly today announced that a planning and design firm with extensive statewide experience will lead Kansas’ first comprehensive housing needs assessment in nearly 30 years. RDG Planning & Design, an Omaha-based consultancy, will conduct an in-depth discovery process, assess current housing opportunities and identify goals, and develop strategic initiatives to guide the state’s future housing development efforts.

“A shortage of quality, affordable housing is one of our state’s biggest barriers to growth and development, particularly in our rural communities,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “This statewide housing assessment will provide us with a starting point on how we can positively affect communities’ abilities to grow and provide the quality of life that every Kansan deserves regardless of their zip code.”

RDG has worked in Kansas communities ranging from Scott City to Chanute, De Soto to Dickinson County. The firm’s initiatives have included collaborating with Dodge City officials to pioneer developing some of the state’s first Rural Housing Incentive Districts (RHID), working with Salina leaders to encourage greater reinvestment in core neighborhoods, and helping Johnson County navigate tremendous new growth.

“Dodge City has put a major focus on addressing our housing shortage to provide essential homes for our workforce,” said Joann Knight, Executive Director of the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation. “RDG plays a vital role in our success, and their attention to detail makes understanding housing needs much easier.”

“RDG has had the pleasure to work in every corner of Kansas, from the state’s largest cities to its smallest communities,” said Amy Haase, RDG Principal. “We have developed a deep understanding of the wide breadth of housing opportunities and challenges facing Kansans, and we are proud that communities continue to seek us out both for the expertise we provide and the passion we bring for creating great places.”

Kansas has not conducted a significant housing study in decades, resulting in a shortage of data on existing housing resources and current and projected needs. The Office of Rural Prosperity’s Housing Work Group, an interagency team of state leaders led by KHRC Executive Director Ryan Vincent, identified a needs assessment as a crucial first step in addressing the state’s housing needs and priorities, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

“As I have discussed with Kansans across the state, housing is a barrier for communities to recruiting and retaining skilled workers,” Lt. Governor Lynn Rogers said. “This statewide assessment will allow us to determine what our current housing needs are and how best to address them.”

The state’s Office of Rural Prosperity, in conjunction with Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC), the state’s housing finance agency, selected the firm through a competitive RFP process and will manage the project. The assessment process is expected to extend throughout 2021, with the final report’s delivery anticipated in December 2021.


Governor Laura Kelly and Lieutenant Governor Lynn Rogers created the Office of Rural Prosperity (ORP), a nonpartisan initiative established in part to ensure that rural Kansas is heard and represented in the statehouse. The ORP aims to streamline rural policy while focusing on the issues that matter to rural Kansans. During the ORP’s 2019 and 2020 statewide listening and action tours, housing was brought up by leaders in every region of the state as a vital component of recruiting and retaining workers, families, and entrepreneurs to help rural Kansas thrive.

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) helps Kansans access the quality, affordable housing they need and the dignity they deserve.  Codified at K.S.A. 74-8901 et. seq., KHRC is a public corporation and independent instrumentality of the state. KHRC serves as the state’s housing finance agency (HFA), administering essential housing and community programs to serve Kansans. Learn more about KHRC’s core values, programs, and services online.

Unemployment Waiting Week Waived

Governor Laura Kelly Issues Executive Order Waiving Waiting Week for Unemployment Benefits

TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today announced that she has signed Executive Order #20-71, providing temporarily relief from the waiting week requirement for Kansans applying for unemployment benefits.

“Kansans who have a lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19 cannot afford to wait a week to receive the unemployment benefits they need to make rent payments or feed their families,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “This executive order will be crucial in our state’s ongoing response to the pandemic and to ensuring unemployed Kansans can access their benefits as soon as possible.”

The “waiting week” is a required non-payable week that typically needs to be served on new benefit years. E.O. #20-71 temporarily waives the waiting week requirement for all claimants. For states that have temporarily waived the waiting week requirement, Congress will federally fund 50% of the first week of compensable regular unemployment until March 14, 2021.

The Order is currently in effect and remains in force until rescinded or until the current statewide State of Disaster emergency expires, whichever is earlier.

View E.O. #20-71 here.

FS Commission Special Meeting Dec. 29

The City Commission will meet for a special meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 at City Hall in the City Commission meeting room at 123 South Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. The City Commission will consider to accept two Quit Claim Deeds from Flint Hills Holdings to the City of Fort Scott for the Union Lofts Project and pass a resolution of acceptance and recording for these deeds.

This meeting will be broadcast on the City’s You tube channel. This meeting is open to the public.

FS City Offices Closed Jan. 1

The City of Fort Scott Administrative offices will be closed on Friday, January 1st, 2021 in observance of the New Year’s Day Holiday. The regular offices will reopen on Monday, January 4th, 2021.

The City’s tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Thursday, December 31st, 2020, and Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 for the New Year’s holiday. It will be open again on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

SPARK Recipients Working To Complete Spending

The north wing of the Bourbon County Courthouse houses the county clerk, treasurer and commission offices.

The SPARK recipients are working to complete COVID-19 related projects by the end of 2020, as required by the grant program.

SPARK is responsible for the statewide distribution of the U.S. Coronavirus Relief Fund.

The total amount of grants disbursed in Bourbon County to over 100 entities was $2,835,212.86 on October 21, 2020, according to Bourbon County Economic Director Jody Hoener.

To see the list of recipients:

The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) taskforce is leading the state through recovery from the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, according to its’ website.


“Congress recently passed the new COVID bill that gave an extension to states and cities on spending this money for a year,” said Jody Hoener, the Bourbon County Economic Development Director. “The State of Kansas Recovery Office indicated there will be an extension on our spending plans, but unknown at this time how much of an extension we will receive.”


Jody Hoenor, Bourbon County Economic Development Director. Submitted photo.


Locally, SPARK recipients have been balancing and reconciling expenses.


“At the county level we gathered the department heads who have been awarded funds for programs,” Hoener said. ” We went through every single dollar amount from the department and made sure it matched exactly what the County Clerks Office cut for a check and what Greenbush have in their reports.  Any errors are caught and quickly corrected.  From there, we subtract the total amount spent from the total amount allocated and have a final amount left to spend.”


The other recipients are also required to submit receipts and invoices of SPARK money, she said.


“For the community’s grant/award expenses( they) need to submit receipts and invoices to show dollars spent,” she said. “Greenbush is going through every single receipt and invoice with a fine-tooth comb.  It is very time-consuming as you can imagine.  From this, we have a very clear understanding of the amount spent and how much is left to be spent.”


The Southeast Kansas Educational Service Center (also known as Greenbush) was hired by the county commission to administer the SPARK distribution and oversight.


“Greenbush was contracted to administer the county SPARK funds,” Hoener said.



Bourbon County Commission Minutes of Dec. 18 Special Meeting

December 18, 2020                                         Friday 9:00 am

The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with Lynne present and Jeff and Clifton present by telephone.  The County Counselor and the County Clerk were also present.

Lynne made a motion to go into a 30 minute executive session for personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel to protect their privacy (the Commissioners plan to discuss two non-elected individuals), the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room, Jeff seconded and all approved, (the session included the 3 Commissioners).  No action was taken.


Lynne made a motion to go into a 20 minute executive session for confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room, Clifton seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).


At 9:48, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jeff seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jeff Fischer, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

December 22, 2020, Approved Date