Category Archives: Government

Chamber Coffee at Common Ground Coffee Hosted by NRMC

Chamber Coffee to be hosted by Nevada Regional Medical Center

The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces that this week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Chamber member Nevada Regional Medical Center. The event will be held at 8am in the Loading Dock area of Common Ground Coffee Co., 12 E. Wall St.

Coffee, juice, and light refreshments will be served, and attendees may register to win special drawing from NRMC.

Attendees are strongly encouraged wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines.

Chamber members and guests are invited to Chamber Coffee events each Thursday at 8 a.m. to network, make announcements, hear about happenings in the community as well as learn about the host business or organization.


Kansas Council To Establish Coordination Between Education and Business Announced

Governor Laura Kelly Signs Advantage Kansas Executive Order to Improve Kansas’s Workforce

~Executive order establishes a coordinating council to establish cooperation and coordination between education and business communities~

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order 21-08 to establish the Advantage Kansas Coordinating Council (AKCC) to improve Kansas’s workforce. Comprised of education and business leaders across the state, the AKCC will align education with state agencies and business needs to develop, retain, and attract talented Kansans into the workforce.

“As we recover from the pandemic, we must rebuild a stronger, healthier workforce that can meet the demands of our growing economy,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “The Advantage Kansas Coordinating Council will empower education and industry leaders to collaborate on long-term solutions, develop the most skilled workforce in the Midwestern region, and recruit new businesses to our state.”

“A well-trained workforce that meets the current and future needs of the state’s many industries is one of the top challenges the Kansas business community faces,” Alan Cobb, President and CEO of the Kansas Chamber said. “Creating “Advantage Kansas” is a significant step forward to addressing these hiring needs, but perhaps more importantly, this effort will provide more economic and professional opportunities for Kansas students graduating from Kansas high-schools, community colleges, technical colleges, four-year institutions or anyone attaining professional certifications. This public-private partnership will be key in ensuring our state’s education system is in sync with the future growth of our state’s economy, the workforce needs of employers, and our collective desire to keep Kansas students in Kansas.”

As outlined in E.O. #21.08, the AKCC will consist of members from the Governor’s office, State Board of Education, Kansas Department of Education, Kansas Board of Regents, Kansas Chamber, and others to create synergy between education, economic systems, and the Framework for Growth.

“This collaboration is strategically aimed at ensuring our state is future-focused, and future-ready,” Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland said. “Through efforts to align our workforce development efforts more closely with industry demand—and also our ability to support entrepreneurs and build a strong ecosystem for innovative companies to succeed in our state—we can make sure the future is built right here in Kansas.”

Goals outlined for the AKCC include:

  • Preparing workers for high-wage, high-demand, high skilled, critical need occupations;
  • Expanding public-private partnerships and strategies focused on access and equity to dual and concurrent enrollment;
  • Expanding industry driven youth and registered apprenticeship opportunities;
  • Conducting a comprehensive assessment of, and recommend targeted improvements in, the use of state and federal resources tied to workforce development, education, and training.

To read E.O. #21.08, click here.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda for March 23

Bourbon County Commission Room
1st Floor, County Courthouse
210 S. National Avenue
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Tuesdays starting at 9:00
Date: March 23, 2021
1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________
2ndDistrict-Jim Harris Corrected: _______________________
3rdDistrict-Clifton Beth Adjourned at: _______________
County Clerk-Kendell Mason
Call to Order
Flag Salute
Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
Eric Bailey/Will Wallis – Road and Bridge Report/Disaster 4449-KS Project Details and Total
Lora Holdridge – 1989 Reappraisal Map
Resolution 15-21: Sewer District Bond Refinance
County Counselor
Public comment
Commission comment

Kansas Tax Filings Extended to May 17

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Extensions for Certain 2020 Kansas Tax Filings

TOPEKA – Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced that Kansas 2020 individual income tax, fiduciary income tax, and Homestead or Property tax relief refund claim filings are extended to May 17, 2021, bringing our state in line with the Internal Revenue Service tax-filing and payment deadline extension.

If a balance due is paid on or before May 17, 2021, penalty and fees will not be imposed. These extensions are outlined and executed through Kansas Department of Revenue Notice 21-01.

“Though COVID-19 cases continue to decline, signaling our return to normalcy, Kansas families are still assessing the full scope of the economic challenges brought on by the pandemic,” Governor Kelly said. “Extending the deadline gives needed relief for Kansans to fully account for the pandemic’s impact and complete their state returns accurately.”

No additional forms are required to benefit from the extension. The due dates for Kansas individual estimated tax payments has not changed.

For specific questions about a state tax filing, taxpayers can contact the Kansas Taxpayer Assistance Center at 785-368-8222, Monday through Friday, 8 am-4:45 pm, or by email at [email protected].

See Notice 21-01 here.

FS Commission Special Meeting March 23 to Approve Hiring New City Attorney

The City Commission will meet for a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at City Hall in the City Commission meeting room at 123 South Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. The City Commission will meet to approve an ordinance to hire Robert L. Farmer as City Attorney. They will also hear a request for the use of Gunn Park on April 9th.

This meeting will be broadcast on the City’s You tube channel. This meeting is open to the public.

FS Commission Meets March 23 For Work Session

The Fort Scott City Commission will meet on Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Commission Meeting Room at 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas to hold a work session to discuss the relocation of the offices at City Hall to the Bourbon County Courthouse. This meeting is open to the public, but no action will be taken.

The work session will also be available on the City’s YouTube channel.

Senator Marshall’s 117th Congress Assignments

Sen. Marshall Announces Agriculture, HELP, Small Business, and Energy Subcommittee Assignments for 117th Congress


(Washington, D.C., March 19, 2021) – Today, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D., announced his subcommittee assignments for the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee; the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee; the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee; and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee for the 117th Congress.

“I am honored to be named to these important subcommittees as they give our state a seat at the table when it comes to protecting the Kansas way of life and tackling the many issues facing our nation,” said Senator Marshall. “As a fifth generation farm kid, someone who has spent many years leading businesses in a variety of fields, and as a physician, I look forward to adding the Kansas perspective to each of these subcommittees.”

The Senator’s subcommittee assignments are as follows. You may click on each subcommittee for more information.

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee

Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee

BO CO Commission Minutes of Special Meeting On March 12

March 12, 2021                                              Friday 2:30 pm (Special Meeting)


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, (Clifton Beth via phone), Eric Bailey, the County Counselor and the Deputy County Clerk present.


Also present were the following: Mr. & Mrs. Clint Walker and Kim Simons.


Eric Bailey received a call from Jayhawk Wind requesting a representative from the Commission attend a meeting with Eric on Monday, March 15, 2021 @ 10am. Eric stated this would be a meeting with introductions from both parties, questions from both parties and discussing a final set of plans. Eric stated that previous meetings held by Jayhawk Wind with other counties had been attended by the Chairman of the Commission. Jim Harris asked if the Chairman would be making decisions or just gathering information. Lynne stated there could be no decisions made at the meeting and would be information only.

Jim made a motion to approve Lynne Oharah attend the Jayhawk Wind meeting on Monday, March 12, 2021 @ 10am as a representative and share the information with the other commissioners. Clifton seconded the motion and the motion passed.


At 2:40 pm, Jim made a motion to adjourn, Clifton seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

March 16, 2021, Approved Date

BO CO Commission Minutes of March 9

March 9, 2021                                                 Tuesday 9:00 am


The Bourbon County Commission met in open session with all three Commissioners, the County Counselor and the County Clerk present.


Also present were the following; (some were present for a portion of the meeting and some were present for the entire meeting) Jason Silvers with the Fort Scott Tribune, Susan Bancroft, Anne Dare, Mr. & Mrs. Clint Walker and Mark McCoy.


Clifton made a motion to approve the minutes from the prior two meetings, Jim seconded and all approved.


Road & Bridge supervisor Eric Bailey met with the Commissioners; the Commissioners signed a completed culvert permit for Kyle Brown.


Eric received an estimate for a project from Frank Young for $185,000 to install box culverts at a low water crossing at 250th & Deere Road; Jim said there had been a request from the property owner in this area to address this issue, Jim suggested that either he or Eric visit with the property owner and inform them that the County can’t do this work since it costs so much.


Eric presented the Commissioners with a report from Agricultural Engineering regarding the report of findings for the leak at Elm Creek Lake; Eric gave a copy of this to the Commissioners for their review.


Eric said they would be doing a blast at the Beth Quarry on 3/16/2021.


Eric discussed the rock crusher; he said springs had broken on the screen and it had been down for a day, but is now repaired and producing road rock.  He said all of the dump trucks are in service and working well.  He said they are doing roadside mowing in the north central part of the County.


Jim asked Eric if he was planning on replacing the Ford Tractor that was previously purchased from KDOT; Eric said R&R was going to see if it can be repaired.


Eric said they will be cleaning brush around a bridge near 130th & Xavier and 215th & Xavier.  They will be putting rock down for the bridge at 260th & Indian Road.


Eric said the City needed asphalt for patching so the County has the asphalt plant running today.


Eric had a meeting with Jayhawk Wind; he said they presented the County with a road plan; he is reviewing this and will meet with Frank Young for Frank to review it as well.  Justin said that February 26th started the 45 day window for them to have the money to the County.


Clifton made a motion that Jim and Eric meet with T&C regarding roads in their area, Lynne seconded and all approved.


Eric said that crossroad culverts near Garland had been added to the list.


Lynne discussed a bridge near 115th & Unity; he said this is an open road, Eric said they will get the debris cleaned out underneath the bridge.


Lynne reported that the road was muddy at 120th & Kansas Road (possibly from where the road was cut for a cable to be installed); Eric said they had recently rocked that road.


Jim told Eric that he had drove the roads last week and said the roads look good.


Matt & Taylor with SEKRPC met with the Commissioners; Matt said they have been working with the new meat packing company and with Ace Hardware.  He said they had assisted with a project in Uniontown in 2020.  SEKRPC received a CARES Act grant and Taylor will be getting out to the smaller communities to help work on smaller grants.  Taylor gave the Commissioners documentation regarding a revolving loan fund and said there are still funds available.  They announced a small business seminar on April 7th in Chanute.


Jim made a motion to advertise to take hay bids for Elm Creek Lake and the old Landfill site, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Clifton made a motion to take bids for the County health insurance for the 2022 year, Jim seconded and all approved.  Bill Martin said quotes were provided in 2018 and Wallstreet Group had provided a quote that if accepted would have saved the County $130,000 (Bill handed the Commissioners the 2018 quote).  Bill said when a wage study was done, employees were surveyed if wages or benefits were more important to them, he said the majority of employees said wages.  Jim asked Bill if he thought that decision was made because they have never experienced bad health insurance.  Susan Bancroft briefly discussed the City of Fort Scott’s health insurance; she said the County’s policy covers a lot more than the City’s; she suggested that the County research the brokers offering the policies and said insurance is not apples to apples.


Jim made a motion to allow Lynne to attend a tour with Fort Scott City Manager Jeremy Frazier of the proposed dispatch area in the old jail, Clifton seconded and all approved.  Susan Bancroft said the City had approved moving the dispatch to the Courthouse.


Register of Deeds Lora Holdridge met with the Commissioners; Lynne said she had been looking at road maps from 1950 on to determine what roads are open or closed.  Lora showed the Commissioners a 1983 reappraisal map that showed one road open and one road closed regarding two roads they have been questioning.  Lora said there was a road closure in 2013 that was never put on record in her office, she questioned if the adopted resolution regarding this road could now be put of record, Justin said he would check with the State to verify this.  Lora suggested that they have a road work session with she, Eric and at least one Commissioner, Lora said she would meet with Eric to review the maps.  Lora said the 1983 reappraisal map lines up with the 911 map.  Justin suggested that there are roads in the County that should be vacated and said the Commissioners should reach out to landowners to see if they would want their roads vacated.


Lynne said that Lora had taken on the responsibility of doing the road records, he said the Clerk and the Treasurer has an annual salary of $47,248.24 vs. the Register of Deeds salary of $44,821.66, he felt the Register of Deeds pay should be raised to be comparable to the Clerk & Treasurer.  Jim made a motion to raise the Register of Deeds pay to $47,248.24, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Justin said the Commissioners needed to have a meeting regarding the Multi-County Health Board, Lynne made a motion for Clifton to be the liaison for the Bourbon County Commissioners to discuss the future plans for the Health Board, Lynne seconded and all approved.


Jim said he, Justin and a City of Fort Scott employee would be touring a meat packing plant in Springhill on Friday.


Clifton made a motion to go into a 15 minute executive session regarding KSA 75-4319(b)(2) for consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship with possible litigation, the Commissioners will meet in another location and reconvene in the Commission room at 10:08 am, Jim seconded and all approved, (the session included the Commissioners and Justin Meeks).  At 10:08, Lynne made a motion to come out of executive session back into open session and said no action, Clifton seconded and all approved.


Clint Walker gave the Commissioners a copy of the Fort Scott Tribune with an article in there discussing the KDOT Cost Share (90/10% grant) program.  He said there is a webinar on this beginning at 11:00 am Friday.  Lynne later said he appreciated Clint bringing up the KDOT grants, Susan said the City had applied the last three times, but hadn’t gotten any funding.  Clint briefly discussed the LEAP program; he said in some instances LEAP will help with a new roof on a house, he suggested the County have a go-to person that could help with LEAP applications.


Anne Dare met with the Commissioners; she apologized for her attitude on how she came across at the last Commission meeting, she said she wants to be heard, but knows she needs to keep her emotions under control, she said she was sorry for her unprofessional behavior.  She said she sees good things for the City and County and realized they are trying.  Lynne and Clifton both later said they didn’t take any offense to Anne’s actions at the last meeting.


Mark McCoy said he was the vice-chairman for the SEK Multi County Health Board and offered to work with Clifton regarding the Health Board.


Mark said as a former business owner he felt it was important to bid contracts every year or every other year, but said there can be a big difference in the bidding rates; he encouraged the County do their due diligence in getting insurance quotes, but said to make sure they were comparing apples to apples.


The March 2 election canvass will be held on Thursday, March 11th at 10:00 am, Lynne and Clifton plan to be at the canvass; Jim requested that Ashley Shelton represent him at the election canvass.


Jim Harris said he felt there was a need to have another school resource officer for the Fort Scott schools.


At 10:16, Clifton made a motion to adjourn, Jim seconded and all approved.




(ss) Lynne Oharah, Chairman

(ss) Jim Harris, Commissioner

(ss) Clifton Beth, Commissioner


Kendell Mason, Bourbon County Clerk

March 16, 2021, Approved Date