Category Archives: Fort Scott

Minutes Of Fort Scott City Commission For Feb. 6

The following is the Fort Scott City Commission minutes for Feb. 6.



Minutes of February 6, 2018 Regular Meeting #3

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held February 6th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Adamson, Bartelsmeyer, Nichols and Parker were present with Mayor Mitchell presiding.

INVOCATION: Pastor Jason Shackleford, Margrave Church of Christ, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the city and all government and city officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Travis Shelton, James Charlesworth, Venita Ballweber, Kenny Howard, Chad Brown, Jason Shackleford, Janet Braun, Shannon O’Neil, Jerry Morgan, Rachel Pruitt, Lindsay Madison, James Birket, Kevin Davidson, Clayton Miller, Darrell Parker, Frank Adamson, Paul Ballou, Rhonda Dunn, Deb Needleman, and Jason Silvers, representing the Fort Scott Tribune.

PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS: Introduction of new City employee – Deb Needleman, Human Resource Director introduced a new Police Officer: Kevin Davidson. He started on January 29th, 2018.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of January 16th, 2018

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1208-A totaling $639,873.81.

  1. Resolution 4-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure and Accessory Structure located at 1523 E. Wall Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 5-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure and Accessory Structure located at 1601 E. Wall Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 6-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure and Accessory Structure located at 13 N. Holbrook Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 7-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure located at 523 S. Main Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 8-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure located at 108 W. Oak Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Resolution 9-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Dangerous and Unsafe Structure and Accessory Structure located at 309 S. Lowman Street – Public Hearing Date – 3/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.




B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen) – None



  1. Consideration of appointment to Fort Scott Planning Commission – one City resident – Diane Clay, City Clerk, informed the Commission that there was an opening on the Planning Commission for a City resident. There were two letters of interest received: Josh Jones and Frank Adamson. The Planning Commission met on January 22nd, 2018 and their recommendation was to approve the appointment of Josh Jones.

Parker moved to approve the appointment of Josh Jones to the Planning Commission board for a three year term. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Assignment of Charlesworth Contract – James Charlesworth appeared before the Commission and informed them that his company, Charlesworth & Associates has been in existence since 1977. On November 1st, 2017, the company sold to an insurance brokerage firm. He started Charlesworth Consulting, LLC combining the insurance consulting business and their employee benefit business into a new company. He asked for approval to change the name to Charlesworth Consulting, LLC. He will remain the City’s insurance broker. This is just an organizational name change.

Mitchell moved to approve the change of name from Charlesworth & Associates to Charlesworth Consulting, LLC. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of 2017 Audit Contract with Diehl, Banwart, Bolton – Jon Garrison, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that he is requesting approval of the 2017 Audit Contract with Diehl, Banwart, Bolton, CPA’s. The cost of the audit remains the same as the previous year which is $18,300.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the 2017 Audit Contract in the amount of $18,300 with Diehl, Banwart, Bolton, CPA’s. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration to approve KDOT Form TRF 3 – Closeout of Downtown Brick Street and Sidewalk Replacement Project in 2010 – Jon Garrison, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that he is needing the KDOT Form TRF 3 signed by the Mayor which will close out the Downtown Brick Street and Sidewalk Replacement Project from 2010.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the signature of the KDOT Form TRF 3 closing out the Downtown Brick Street and Sidewalk Replacement Project from 2010. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.

approved the signature of the KDOT Form TRF 3 closing out the Downtown Brick Street and Sidewalk Replacement Project from 2010.

  1. Consideration of increase in Woodland Hills Golf Course fees and change in membership renewal dates – Jon Garrison, Director of Finance, informed the Commission that the Golf Course Advisory Board recently met on February 1st, 2018 and discussed the fees at Woodland Hills Golf Course. Shannon O’Neil, Golf Pro Manager, had surveyed the area courses and their fees and shared them with the board. The Golf Course Advisory Board voted to recommend raising the fees to the following:

Weekday Weekend

9 hole green fees $10 to $11 $12 to $13

18 hole green fees $12 to $13 $14 to $15

Memberships: Single $400 to $440

Family (4) $550 to $595

Season Golf Cart $350 to $425

It was also recommended by the Golf Course Advisory Board to have all memberships renew on May 1st of each year. All memberships would need to be prorated this first year, and then next May all memberships would have the same renewal date.

Nichols moved to approve the increase in rates at Woodland Hills Golf Course and the change in membership renewal dates. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


Shannon O’Neil, Golf Pro Manager, gave the Commission an update on this last year and the course. There were 9,069 golfers who played the course. There were 127 memberships sold with 90 of the memberships being single, 27 family, 6 junior and 4 with the family recreation pass. The course is listed as one of the top ten courses to play in the State of Kansas.

  1. Consideration to reject demolition bids for 1837 E. 1st – Rhonda Dunn, Community Development Director, asked the Commission to reject the demolition bids for 1837 E. 1st Street. This property has recently sold and the new owner plans to demolish the structure that is there and place a new modular home there.

Parker moved to reject the demolition bids at 1837 E. 1st Street. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Consideration of Tourism Center remodel bids – Dave Martin, City Manager asked the Commission to reject the two bids for remodeling the Tourism Center at 231 E. Wall. There were five contractors who attended a pre-bid meeting, but due to the big difference in the bids, it was determined that a bid specification sheet be created by Ag Engineering. This project will be re-bid after the bid specifications are created.

Bartelsmeyer moved to reject the two bids for the remodeling of the Tourism Center to be rebid at a later date. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Discussion of Utility Office hours – Deb Needleman, Human Resource Director, informed the Commission that back in September of 2017 the hours in the Utility Office were altered to 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Friday and the office was closed on Friday afternoons. There is quite a lot of people who want to come into City Hall and pay their utility bills on Friday afternoons and the telephone also rings a lot. She asked the Commission to allow the hours to return back to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday effective February 26th, 2018.

Mitchell moved to move the Utility Office hours back to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday effective February 26th, 2018. Parker seconded. All voted aye.

Approved to move the Utility office hours back to 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday effective February 26th, 2018.

  1. Consideration of tree removal from the west and south end of runway – Fort Scott Municipal Airport – Rachel Pruitt and Kenny Howard appeared before the Commission to request permission for tree removal from the west side and the south end of the Airport runway. This would be done by an in-kind donation and the City would not be out any money or time. If the Airport expansion project is approved and funded, these trees would need to be removed as part of the project. If the trees are removed at the present time, it would be before any environmentals would be needed. This is City property where the trees would be removed.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the removal of the trees from the west and south end of the runway. Parker seconded. All voted aye.



  1. Director Updates: Paul Ballou, Fire Chief, gave the Commission an end of the year end update from 2017. They had almost 1,600 calls. There were more EMS calls and more transfers to area hospitals due to the closure of the ICU unit at Mercy. January 2018 has been very busy so far and more than 40 calls over 2017 have already occurred.

He also gave an update on the Dispatch enter and that the 1st week of March the Next Generation 911 will be installed. There are 60 to 70 centers in Kansas that are hosted through a system in Topeka. Texting to 911 will be offered also and 911 calls will be much easier to trace and follow.

Rhonda Dunn – Stout Building update – Rhonda updated the Commission and shared photos of the Stout building and the condition it is in. There are two large holes in the roof and the building is open to the elements. She received an estimate to have the roof repaired and the building boarded up and it was about $32,000. There could be some possible interest in the building and she is looking into that. Another option is demolition of the building. It is owned by the Rosalee Stout Trust. More information will be forthcoming.

Chad Brown – Chad shared photos of the City’s bucket truck. The City has two bucket trucks, one of which was donated from the County. The smaller bucket truck is used on a daily basis but is having issues with the aerial lift unit. It is costing quite a bit to repair it. He found a 2010 International C4900 truck with 176,000 on Purple Wave for $12,500 currently for bid. They actually have two of these trucks – one is a 2009 and one is a 2010 and they are both at $12,500. He asked for approval to spend up to $25,000 to purchase one of these trucks to replace the bucket truck the City currently has. The City’s current bucket truck, which is having issues with the aerial lift, will have the lift removed and the truck will be used on a daily basis as the truck is still in good condition. He and Tom Coffman, the City’s mechanic, will travel to Edmond, Oklahoma to look at the bucket truck tomorrow, February 7th, 2018.

Nichols moved to authorize up to $25,000 to be bid on the 2009 International or 2010 International bucket truck on Purple Wave. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.


B. City Commission:

Adamson Nothing to report.

Bartelsmeyer Nothing to report.

Nichols Remarked that he likes the Director updates.

Parker – Asked about the stop lights at 3rd and National and if they can be changed to a four way stop.

Chad will check into this. He was waiting for warmer weather to change the intersection and 3rd at National.

Mitchell Nothing to report.

C. City Attorney: Nothing to report.

  1. Director of Finance: Remarked that he is looking at changes in the Utility billing system. The billing used to be broke out into five different billings and the City was split into four quadrants. He would like to merge all the billing into one billing group. There will be some changes made to the current ordinances before this can take place.

Jon also remarked that he and the City Manager have been having meetings with the City’s software company, Tyler Technologies, on issues we have been having.

  1. City Manager: Nothing to report.


Bartelsmeyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Adamson seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on February 20th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.





Fort Scott City Commission Meeting Agenda Feb. 20

The following is the agenda for the Fort Scott City Commission which will meet 6 p.m. Tuesday,  Feb. 20 at city hall, 123 S. Main.

The public is welcome.




III. INVOCATION: Pastor Ian Johnson, Youth Minister, Community Christian Church


Recognition of Fort Scott High School Girls Wrestling Team

Introduction of new City employees


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of February 6th, 2018.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1209-A totaling $320,132.82.

  1. Approval of Archer Daniels Midland Agreement – purchase of treated wastewater from City of Fort Scott

  1. Certificate of Appropriateness – Installation of Bicycle Racks in downtown area

  1. Certificate of Appropriateness – Approval of final Gordon Parks sign to be installed on Iron Star Building



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen) –



  1. Consideration of zoning change – A change of zoning from R-2 (Medium Density Residential District) to MU (Mixed Use District) – For Tract #1 at 1907 S. Horton – Approval of Ordinance No. 3530

  1. Consideration of Zoning change – A change of zoning from R-2 (Medium Density Residential District) to R-3 (High Density Residential District) for Tract #2 at 1920 S. Huntington – Approval of Ordinance No. 3531

  1. Consideration of playhouse placement

  1. Consideration of Fitness Equipment purchase – Buck Run Community Center

  1. Consideration of Natural Gas Supply Agreement with Constellation for Memorial Hall and the Public Works building


  1. Director Updates:
  1. Commission:
  1. City Attorney:
  1. Director of Finance:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


Lt. Governor Mann Visits Ft. Scott Munitions

Fort Scott Munitions President Robbie Forester, left, along with City of Fort Scott Community Development Director Rhonda Dunn greet Lt. Governor Tracey Mann Thursday morning in front of the business.. In the background from left is Office of the Governor’s Communication and Policy Specialist Daniel Seitz, and Kansas Director of Legislative Affairs Tim Shallenger. Behind Mann is David Soffer, special assistant to the Governor.

Lt. Governor Tracey Mann began his day in Fort Scott Thursday morning.

The newly appointed Kansas Lt. Governor went on a statewide tour, including two stops in Southeast Kansas.

Mann met with employees of Fort Scott Munitions, 523 E. Wall, for a tour of the business.

Fort Scott Munitions President Robbie Forester told FortScott.Biz the governor’s office requested the meeting with the business.

Fort Scott city officials Dave Martin,  Rhonda Dunn, and Rachel Pruitt came to greet the lt. governor’s entourage.

To the employees of the business and the city officials, Mann said the focus of the newly formed team of Governor Jeff Colyer is “reform, jobs, and education.”

Communication and Policy Specialist Daniel Seitz said the tour is to visit small businesses and some community colleges to talk about Governor Colyer’s vision for Kansas’ future.

Following a short tour of the business, the entourage headed south to Columbus to view Crossland Construction Co.

Fort Scott City Manager Dave Martin, right, walks with Lt. Governor Tracey Mann into Fort Scott Munitions Thursday morning.
Lt. Governor Tracey Mann listens to Ryan Kraft during a tour of Fort Scott Munitions Thursday morning. Kraft created the business.

To learn more about Fort Scott Munitions:

Velocity Tactics holds Grand Opening of Wall Street storefront

Fort Scott Munitions Consolidating Name

About Mann

Mann was selected Feb. 13 to be Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer’s Lt. Governor.

Tracey Mann is the managing director and principal of Newmark Grubb Zimmer, a commercial real estate company headquartered in Kansas City. Prior to this, Mann served as senior program director for the National Student Leadership Forum on Faith and Values, according to a press release.

Mann has previously served on the board of directors for the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL) program and the Kansas Chamber of Commerce.  He is also a board member of the City Teen Center, a non-profit educational facility serving children in Salina.

Tracey Mann is a fifth-generation Kansan from Quinter, Kansas.  He regularly returns to work on the family farm.

He earned a degree in Agricultural Economics from Kansas State University in 2000, where he also served as Student Body President. In 1997, Tracey served as Jerry Moran’s first intern in Washington, DC.

Tracey, his wife, Audrey and their four children live in Salina, Kansas.

Fort Scott High School Performs “Alice vs. Wonderland” Feb. 22 and 24

Alice and  the Caterpillars are: Madi Toth with Noah Martin and Alex Gorman.

The Fort Scott High School Thespians present “Alice vs. Wonderland” adapted by Brendan Shea on Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. and Feb. 24 at 2 and 7 p.m. at the FSHS Auditorium.

“Lewis Carroll meets Lady Gaga in this psychedelic update of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Angst-ridden adolescent Alice unwittingly trades places with Mary Ann, the Wonderland version of herself. Now Alice must travel through a fantastical teenage dreamscape, challenged by Carroll’s canonical characters every step of the way. Transforming every time she eats or drinks, Alice is played by six different actresses, each evoking a different aspect of adolescence. Together, they paint an entrancingly surreal portrait of a teenage identity crisis,” according to publishing company Playscripts.

The show involves an ensemble cast of 16 with most students playing multiple characters. Actresses playing the Alice characters analyzed the playwright’s work to pinpoint the aspects of Alice’s personality that each represents.

“My director pushed me to really analyze the script and delve into the right way to inflect the words to reflect my character,” said junior Daniela Belcuore who plays Alice #3, the Alice who embodies the “childlike” portion of her personality.

Alice and White Knight played by Daniela Belcuore and Jakob Slinkard.

Audiences will enjoy a “mix-up” of pop-culture references and songs with the traditional Wonderland characters we all know. The show includes music and dance numbers including a duet between junior Mary Gladbach (Alice #2) and sophomore Carlee Studyvin (Mary Ann), a solo by sophomore Addy Labbe (Queen of Hearts), and a jazz routine choreographed by Labbe and sophomore Mesa Jones.

Stand out performances include ihigh school senior Alex Gorman as the Mad Hatter, Gladbach also as the March Hare, and high school  junior Hunter Adamson as the White Rabbit. Also noteworthy is the creative lighting design my junior Alyx Brooks.

The production is directed by FSHS Drama and Thespian Director Angie Bin with choreography assistance from FSHS alum Kevin Miller, Jr.

Tickets are $5 and are on sale now at the FSHS office, 1005 S. Main and at Common Ground, 116 S. Main in Fort Scott.

Proceeds will assist students attending the International Thespian Festival at the University of Nebraska in June. Seating is limited, so audience members are encouraged to buy tickets in advance.

Doors open thirty minutes before showtime.

For more information contact:  Angie Bin, 620-719-9622, [email protected]


“Tiny Houses” Ready To Rent April 1

A sign posted on the property of the rental homes. There were no more applications in the provided application box, Tuesday when this photo was taken.

The “Tiny Houses” at 6th and Lowman streets are available for rent April 1.

Tuesday, Paint Creek Painting of Redfield workers were painting the outside of the four units. Cabinets were scheduled for this week, one of the painters said.

3RK, LLC are the property owners.

The two-bedroom one bath houses have less than 800 square feet each.

Each unit has off street parking, 36-inch wide doorways,  with lawn and trash service provided.

All appliances are also provided.

For more information:  620-223-5598.


FSCC Deere Tech Program Unveiled

The sign atop the new John Deere Tech Program building at the intersection of Horton and 23rd Streets. The building is located on the easternmost segment of the main campus of Fort Scott Community College..

The public opening of the new John Deere Tech Program at Fort Scott Community College was held at the site Feb. 9.

A hamburger lunch was provided by the college.

Attending were prospective students, local residents, business corporations, FSCC staff and Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce members.

Attendees of the Fort Scott Community College John Deere Tech Program grand opening eat in the largest building of the tech complex. This building is the old National Guard Armory at Horton and 23rd streets.
The college provided a hamburger lunch for attendees of the John Deere Tech Program official opening.

Following the lunch were speeches and a ribbon cutting sponsored by the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce.

FSCC President Alysia Johnston speaks to the crowd at the public opening of the new John Deere Tech Program building, completed in December 2017.

Tours were given prior to the event for those interested.

FSCC President Alysia Johnston left, gives a tour of the renovated welding shop located north of the new tech program building. At right is FSCC Board of Trustees Member Dana McKenney.

A building north of the new John Deere Tech Program building was renovated for welding classes instruction. The program began in August, with Brandon McAdam, as the instructor.

The John Deere corporation supplies new and used tractors for training the students,  said Dale Griffiths, tech program instructor.

Additional old tractors are supplied by dealers and individuals, he said.

Currently, there are 23 students in the program, mostly from Kansas and Missouri, Griffiths said.

“Ninety-five percent of the students will have a job waiting for them,” Griffiths said. “Technicians are the most demanded field in the ag. equipment business.”

Classes are in session from Monday through Thursday, Griffiths said.

“Most kids will travel back to work at their dealers,” he said.

In this program, students are required to work through a qualified dealership that provides paid internships throughout the program’s two years, according to information provided by FSCC.

After completing the program, students receive an associate of applied science degree and can transfer to Pittsburg State University to complete a four-year management option.

Many students choose to stay with their sponsoring dealerships to begin their career as a technician.

Federal loan and grant programs are available to students who qualify. For more information contact the financial aid office at 620-223-2700 or visit




Banker Sentenced To 36 Months Probation

District Court is located on the third floor of the Bourbon County Courthouse. Public records are available of court documents.

Joseph Banker, a former youth pastor at a Fort Scott church, was sentenced Feb. 2 for sexual exploitation of a child.

“The judge granted our request for probation,” Chris Meek, Banker’s defense attorney said in an interview.

“There were victims who made statements (during the sentencing) and their parents,” Meek said.

“My client’s wife and my client made statements to the court.”

“It was emotional,” he said.

“I absolutely think that the judge made the correct decision,” Meek said.

Following the Feb. 2 sentencing, Judge Amy Harth requested the court have another meeting, Bourbon County Prosecuting Attorney Jackie Spradling said in an interview.

Meek, Spradling, and Harth have been corresponding via email since the sentencing, Meek said.

“Judge Harth gave the wrong probation during the sentencing (Feb.2),” Meek said Monday. “It should have been 36 months for probation and the post-release supervision is 60 months.”

“Judge Harth inadvertently put 60, it should’ve been 36 months,” Spradling said. “We’ll have to redo that….there is no date for undoing that (yet).”

Banker pleaded No Contest to:

Sexual exploitation of a child to promote performance with a child less than 18 years old,  with a violation date of Aug. 1, 2009.

Sexual exploitation of a child to promote performance with a child less than 18 years of age, with a violation date of Nov. 1, 2009.

Both of these charges are Severity Level 5 Person Felony.

The following charges were dismissed:

Electronic sexual exploitation of a child 14 to less than 16 years of age, violation date Sept. 21, 2009.

Sexual battery, violation date Nov. 1, 2009.

Click here to see previous stories:

Court Hears From Mental Health Professionals in Banker Case

The public often is uninformed about what the sexual offender must do following sentencing.

Here are some of the highlights from the Kansas Public Offender Registry. To see the full duties of the offender:

The offender must register with each registering law enforcement agency in the county or location of jurisdiction. Each time the offender must be photographed, pay a registration fee of $20, and complete the registration form with all information and updated information required for registration as provided in K.S.A. 22-4907.

The offender is required to report four times a year in person to the registering law enforcement agency in the county or location of the jurisdiction where they reside, maintain employment, or attend school. After initial registration, they must report in their birth month and every third, sixth, and ninth month occurring before and after.

The offender must register in person upon any commencement, change or termination of residence location, employment status, school attendance or other information within three days to the registering law enforcement agency or agencies where last registered and provide a written notice to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.

The offender’s driver’s license and identification card shall indicate that they are a registered offender. If maintaining a primary residence in Kansas, they must surrender all other driver’s licenses and identification cards from other states, territories, and the District of Columbia, except if they or an immediate family member is maintaining active duty in any branch of the United States military.

If this is the offenders first adult conviction, they must register for fifteen (15) years unless a longer term is specified or present term limits are amended by statute for any of the following:

Sexual battery, Adultery if one party is less than 18 years of age, Patronizing a prostitute if one party is less than 18 years of age, Lewd and lascivious behavior if one party is less than 18 years of age, Capital murder, Murder in the first degree, Murder in the second degree, Voluntary manslaughter, Involuntary manslaughter, Criminal restraint if the victim is less than 18 years of age, Any act which has been determined beyond a reasonable doubt to have been sexually motivated, Conviction of any person felony and the court makes a finding on the record that a deadly weapon was used in the commission of such person felony, Unlawful manufacture or attempting such of any controlled substance or controlled substance analog, Possession of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, red phosphorus, lithium metal, sodium metal, iodine, anhydrous ammonia, pressurized ammonia or phenylpropanolamine, or their salts, isomers or salts of isomers with intent to use the product to manufacture a controlled substance, Unlawful sale of or distribution of a controlled substance. This time period does not include any time incarcerated in any jail or correctional facility or any period of non-compliance with the requirements of the Act.

If convicted as an adult of a second or subsequent offense(s) covered by the Act, they are required to register for life. Any conviction for an attempt, conspiracy or solicitation requires registration for the same term as the underlying offense.

If this is a first adult conviction, they must register for twenty-five (25) years unless a longer term is specified or present term limits are amended by statute for any of the following:

Criminal sodomy if victim is 16 or more years of age but less than 18 years of age and a member of the same sex or an animal, Indecent solicitation of a child, Electronic solicitation, Aggravated incest, Indecent liberties with a child, Unlawful sexual relations, Sexual exploitation of a child if the victim is 14 or more years of age but less than 18 years of age, Aggravated sexual battery, Promoting prostitution if the prostitute is 14 or more years of age but less than 18 years of age. This time period does not include any time incarcerated in any jail or correctional facility or any period of non-compliance with the requirements of the Act.

If convicted as an adult of a second or subsequent offense(s) covered by the Act, they will be required to register for life. Any conviction for an attempt, conspiracy or solicitation requires registration for the same term as the underlying offense.

The offender must register for life if  convicted of any of the following crimes:

Rape, Aggravated indecent solicitation of a child, Aggravated indecent liberties with a child, Criminal sodomy if the victim is 14 or more years of age but less than 16 years of age or animal, Aggravated criminal sodomy, Aggravated human trafficking, Sexual exploitation of a child if the victim is less than 14 years of age, Promoting prostitution if the prostitute is less than 14 years of age, Kidnapping, Aggravated kidnapping, Any person who has been declared a sexually violent predator pursuant to K.S.A. 59-29a01 et seq. Any conviction for an attempt, conspiracy or solicitation requires registration for the same term as the underlying offense.

If the offender travels outside of the United States, they will report in person to the registering law enforcement agency and provide written notice to the Kansas bureau of investigation 21 days prior to any such travel. They will provide an itinerary including, but not limited to, destination, means of transport and duration of travel.

If the offender uses the internet, they are required to report to the registering law enforcement agency any and all: email addresses; online identities; information relating to membership in any and all personal web pages or online social networks; and internet screen names.

Pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2250, if a sex offender fails to register or fails to report a change in residence, employment, or student status, and travels in or moves across state lines, the offender can be charged with a federal crime and punished by up to ten (10) years imprisonment.

If the offender receives an expungement for the crime that required registration, the registration obligation does not terminate.











Chamber Seeking Nominations


The Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, 231 E. Wall


Thursday, March 15, 2018
Liberty Theatre

It is a great honor to recognize deserving businesses, individuals, and organizations each year at the
Chamber Annual Dinner & Awards Celebration.
Your input is highly valued as those
recipients are selected.
Please click the survey link below to make your nominations for any or all of the following categories:
Business of the Year
New Business of the Year
Agri-Business of the Year
Business Person of the Year
Young Professional of the Year
Community Spirit Award
Please mark your calendars to attend the event
Thursday, March 15th.
Guest speaker will be Marci Penner of the
Kansas Sampler Foundation.
If you prefer to print the survey and mail or drop off your nominations to the Chamber that is great too.  Click here for a printable copy.  You may also email your nominations directly to the Chamber at [email protected].
Please call us with any questions at (620) 223-3566.

Fort Scott Design Review Board Will Meet Feb. 15

The Design Review Board will meet on Thursday, February 15th, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Commission Meeting room at 123 S. Main Street, Fort Scott, Kansas. This meeting will be held to discuss a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of bicycle racks in the downtown area, discussion of fencing in the downtown area, and review of the Gordon Parks sign on the Iron Star Building. This meeting is open to the public.

Fort Scott City Offices Closed Feb. 19

The City of Fort Scott City Offices will be closed on Monday, February 19th, 2018 in observance of the President’s Day holiday. The offices will reopen on Tuesday, February 20th, 2018.

The City’s tree and brush dump site located on North Hill will also be closed on Saturday, February 17th, 2018 for the President’s Day holiday. It will be open again on Tuesday, February 20th, 2018 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.