Category Archives: Fort Scott

The Fort Scott City Commission Agenda for Oct. 16

The Fort Scott City Commission meets Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 6 p.m. at city hall, 123 S. Main.




III. INVOCATION: Ian Johnson, Student Minister, Community Christian Church



  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of October 2nd, 2018.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1225-A totaling $276,478.78.

  1. Street Closing Request – Community Christian Church – October 31st, 2018 – Annual Trunk or Treat Event



B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute limit per citizen)


6:15 p.m. Resolution directing the repair or removal of an unsafe and dangerous structure and accessory structure located at 15 S. Crawford Street


  1. Update on 523 S. Main Street

  1. Consideration of demolition bid – 1601 E. Wall Street


  1. Director Updates: Rachel Pruitt

Robert Uhler

  1. Commission:
  1. City Attorney:
  1. City Manager:



SESSION FOR ________________________________ IN ORDER TO

(see below justification)

DISCUSS ______________________________________. THE


MEETING TO RESUME AT ________________.

Justifications for Executive Sessions:

  • Personnel matters of non-elected personnel

  • Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

  • Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative or representatives of the body or agency

  • Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

  • Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property


The Fort Scott City Commission Minutes of Oct. 2



Minutes of October 2, 2018 Regular Meeting #19

The regular meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission was held October 2nd, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission Room, 123 S. Main, Fort Scott, Kansas.


Commissioners Bartelsmeyer, Nichols, and Parker were present with Mayor Mitchell presiding. Commissioner Adamson was absent.

INVOCATION: Michael Mix, Public Utilities Director, said a prayer asking God for guidance for the City and all government and City officials.

AUDIENCE IN ATTENDANCE: Janet Braun, Travis Shelton, Rhonda Dunn, Bob Guilfoyle, Craig Wilbert, Carl Jowers, Myra Jowers, Justin Meeks, Glen Pearson, Deb Morter, Lindsay Madison, Rachel Pruitt, Jim Runkman, Michael Mix, Dave Bruner, Connie Tidd, Chris Sather, Denise Duncan, Diana Morriss, Deb McCoy, Jerald Mitchell, Rebecca Stufflebeam, Penny Pollock-Barnes, Lindsay Watts, Mark McKenney, Deb Needleman, and Clayton Miller, and representing the press, Jason Silvers, Fort Scott Tribune.

PROCLAMATIONS/RECOGNITIONS: Presentation of Certificate of Support to the City of Fort Scott from the American Legion – Carl and Myra Jowers presented a Certificate of Support to the City Commission last night on behalf of the American Legion. Mr. Jowers said he and his wife moved here about a year and a half ago and have been extremely busy growing the local American Legion group. They have 100% renewed membership and currently hosted a Chamber Coffee in the basement of Memorial Hall. He thanked the City for their assistance in relocating their office at Memorial Hall while their room is being renovated. He also thanked Rhonda Dunn for all her assistance with Memorial Hall.

Myra Jowers said that she has office hours every Tuesday at Memorial Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to assist veterans with paperwork for the Veteran’s Administration.

2018 Outstanding Court Clerk of the Year Award – City Manager announced that Diane Clay, City Clerk, Court Clerk, attended the Kansas Association for Court Management Fall Conference last week and was awarded the 2018 Outstanding Court Clerk of the Year Award for the State of Kansas. He stated that he has been City Manager for eight years and came to the City with no government experience and Diane has helped him greatly. She helps citizens with their needs and helps hold City Hall together. He presented her with the plaque she was given.


  1. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of September 18th, 2018.

  1. Approval of Appropriation Ordinance 1224-A totaling $284,542.13.

  1. Resolution 40-2018 – Notice of Hearing with Reference to Alleged Unsafe and Dangerous Structure located at 14 S. Margrave – Public Hearing Date – 11/20/2018 – 6:15 p.m.

  1. Parade Permit – Pioneer Harvest Fiesta – October 18th, 2018

Bartelsmeyer moved the Consent Agenda. Parker seconded. All voted aye.




Penny Pollock Barnes – Tri-Yak-A-Thon – Gunn Park – Ms. Pollock-Barnes appeared before the Commission to request the use of Gunn Park for the 6th Annual Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the event will start at 10:00 a.m. The event will include running, kayaking and biking the river and the trails. It is a great way to show off our wonderful park to all the participants.

City Manager asked the Commission to approve this request and he and City Staff will work with her on the sections of the park that will need to be closed off.

Nichols moved to approve the use of Gunn Park for the Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held at Gunn Park on Saturday, October 13th, 2018 and for City Staff to work with her on closing sections of the park. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.

approveD the use of Gunn Park for the Tri-Yak-A-Thon to be held at Gunn Park on Saturday, October 13th, 2018 and for City Staff to work with her on closing sections of the park.

Chris Sather – Tigers on the Move Event at Riverfront Trails – 10/12/2018 – 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Ms. Sather appeared before the Commission to inform them about the Color Run Event which will be held on Friday, October 12th, 2018. She is requesting the use of both Riverfront Trails from 3:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on that date. Last year they had over 500 participants and look for more this year.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the Color Run Event at both Riverfront Trails to be held on October 12th, 2018. Parker seconded. All voted aye.

approveD the Color RUN Event at Riverfront Trails to be held on OCTOBER 12th, 2018.

Bob Guilfoyle and Craig Wilbert – Craw-Kan – Installation and Building plans for Fort Scott – Craig Wilbert informed the Commission that about a year ago CrawKan began to work with the City on the installation of fiber. They are finishing up in Pittsburg and will be having multiple teams in Fort Scott doing installation of underground fiber.

Bob Guilfoyle updated the Commission on areas of the City where the fiber has been installed and the areas that it will be installed soon. More crews will be brought into town very soon and more installation of fiber will occur. He said that there will be a lot of locates needed for the installation. They are excited to be in Fort Scott and providing high speed internet.

City Manager thanked them for their commitment to Fort Scott. We are excited you are here to provide this service for our residents.

B. CITIZEN COMMENTS (Concerning Items Not on Agenda – 3 minute

limit per citizen) – Diana Morriss – Ms. Morriss appeared before the Commission and requested answers to the recent article in the local newspaper regarding Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Inc. (Bedco). She asked if Bedco received funding from the City. She asked what funds are used to purchase land.

City Manager said that Bedco receives $33,000 a year from the City and $20,000 from Bourbon County. This money helps fund the grants they give each year.

Rachel Pruitt also pointed out they receive revenue from land they sell in the Industrial Park.

City Manager said that Bedco does a lot for the City of Fort Scott and Bourbon County.

Ms. Morriss said that she wanted to make sure that it was as transparent as possible.



  1. Discussion of 523 S. Main Street – Rhonda Dunn, Finance/Codes Director, informed the Commission that she took pictures today of this building. She had asked that the windows be secured which has happened. She said that Mark McKenney, a co-owner of this building was present to answer questions.

Mark McKenney said that this is a structurally sound building. It does need a roof and there are some windows that need replaced. He said that the north side of this building has been tuck pointed and repaired. He said that he could have the broken windows replaced in two weeks and a roof put on within a month.

Rhonda Dunn said that she will have this on the agenda in two weeks to see if the windows have been repaired and the progress made.

  1. Masonry Repairs – Water Treatment Plant and Wastewater Treatment Plant – Michael Mix, Water Utilities Director, informed the Commission that there are several miscellaneous masonry repairs that need done at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities. The Commission requested at their July 3rd meeting that he obtain quotes from local contractors rather than hiring an engineer and utilizing the sealed bid process. The low bid for the miscellaneous masonry repair projects at the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants was from Midland Restoration for a total of $57,100. The flooring project at the Water Treatment Plant low bid was from R-II Concrete for a total of $8,665.00. The total of all the projects is $65,765.00 and is a budgeted item.

Nichols moved to approve the low bids for the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant facilities for a total of $65,765.00. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Use of Riverfront Park – Boos & Brews Haunted Trolley Tour – Rachel Pruitt, Economic Development Director, appeared before the Commission on behalf of Larry Gazaway, who is away at a conference. She asked approval for the use of Riverfront Park for the “Boos and Brews” Haunted Trolley Tours to be held on October 26th, 27th, and 28th. The Fort Scott High School Thespians will be showcasing scary scenes for visitors the Trolley takes to the park. The Thespians will be using this as a fundraiser for their upcoming trip to Scotland. The tours will leave the Boil Room Brewhaus each evening at 7 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9 p.m. and tickets are $25.00 each.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the use of the Riverfront Park for the Boos & Brews Haunted Trolley Tours. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Approval of plaque for Heritage Park in memory of Dola Cress – Lindsay Madison, Director of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, informed the Commission that Geneva & Son Monument Company has designed a sign in memory of Dola Cress to be erected at Heritage Park to honor Dola for all she did for our community. It is a 12 X 18 bronze plaque that will be mounted to the brick wall at Heritage Park. Rebecca Stufflebeam, Dola’s daughter, was present also. The family is paying for the plaque. The plaque reads as follows: “In Honor of Pride and Community, Dola’s Rose Garden – Dedicated 2007 – Dola Rose Cress – Aug 9, 1933 – Nov 19, 2017”.

Mitchell moved to approve the plaque at Heritage Park honoring Dola Cress be put up. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


Lindsay also handed out to the Commission invitations to upcoming ribbon cutting events that will be held:

Hole in the Wall Liquor Store Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting will be held on October 12th, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Hedgehog.Ink Book Store Grand opening will be held on October 30th, 2018 from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with the ribbon cutting held at 5:45 p.m.


  1. Director Updates:

Rachel Pruitt – Economic Development update – Rachel updated the Commission on several items:

St. Martin’s Academy – She said that this academy opened this fall and has 18 students and 12 faculty members. The students are active in soccer and were active in the recent Art in the Yard event that was held.

If I Were Mayor” contest – The City is sponsoring a “If I Were Mayor” contest with 7th graders this year. Their report is due by November 18th. There is a $125 prize at the State level and there will also be a local winner who will win lunch with our Mayor. She is excited to see the entries.

Airport Traffic – She updated the Commission with a few airport facts on airport traffic. From 2011 to 2017 there was over a 70% increase in jet fuel sold. From 2016 to 2018 has generated the most significant grown with nearly a 75% increase in jet fuel. The 440 X 75 foot current runway services approximately 20 transient flights a week.

2019 Kansas Association of Airports Conference – She announced that Fort Scott has been chosen as the site for the 2019 K.A.A.C conference. It will be held in June of 2019. There will be approximately 150 people here with 50 hotel rooms. It has previously been held in larger cities like Salina, Manhattan, and Lawrence.

She left them with a quote from Kenny Howard, Airport Manager: “One mile on Highway 69 gets you one mile further to your destination. One mile on Fort Scott Airport runway gets you everywhere you need and want to be.”

Rhonda Dunn – US Cellular Tower & Flag Pole – Rhonda informed the Commission that on special events the City uses a big boom ladder truck to fly the large flag at the edge of Skubitz Plaza. She checked into seeing what the costs of putting a big flag pole at that location and it was between $10,000 to $20,000. She was recently contacted by U.S. Cellular and they would like to put in a cellular tower at the Fort. She submitted two locations to them. It would be an 80’ tower and they were willing to put their tower inside a flag pole so the flag can be hung at all times. This will require Kansas State Historical Association approval and could be a long process. This will save the City money with U.S. Cellular putting in the tower and the flag pole.

Utility Billing Changes – Rhonda informed the Commission that the City is consolidating all water utility billing cycles into one monthly billing cycle. Effective November 2018, all water utility bills will be due on the 22nd day of each month. The new bills will also reflect a one-time change in the amount of days included on the bill, which may be more or less days of usage than your previous bills. After this initial billing, all future bills should reflect approximately one month’s usage. For customers on automated bank draft, the date when your bank drafts funds from your account will change to the due date specified on your bill, or the next business day. If you have online bill pay set up through your bank, you may need to change your payment date to reflect the new due date.

B. City Commission:

Adamson Not present.

Bartelsmeyer Nothing to report.

Parker – Congratulated Diane Clay on her award. She said that she is a very important part of the City and has been here for many years. She also said that she is glad to have the Jower’s working with the American Legion and promoting it.

Nichols He seconded Commission Parker’s comments.

Mitchell Nothing to report.

C. City Attorney: Remarked that he had two items:

He congratulated Diane Clay on her recent award. He said that he has worked with many City Clerks and she is the only City Clerk for Fort Scott who has earned the Master Municipal Clerk status which means she took many education classes when she started.

City Attorney asked for a 15 minute executive session with just the City Commission present to discuss non-elected personnel. There is no action anticipated.

  1. City Manager:

  1. Zombie Chase – City Manager asked the Commission to consider lifting the curfew violation on Friday, October 26th, 2018 until 1:30 a.m. The race starts at 11:00 p.m. and will not be over until after midnight, which is when the curfew time is.

Parker moved to change the curfew time to 1:30 a.m. on Friday, October 26th, 2018 for the Zombie Race. Nichols seconded. All voted aye.


  1. Mercy Hospital Closing – City Manager said that the City released a press release today on the closing of the hospital. The City appreciates the many years of service the hospital has given our community. The City does have a lot of good things happening in our community and it is unfortunate that this has happened. We need to look forward to the future and determine how we can keep health care here. Reta Baker is committed to working with the City and County.

City Manager informed the Commission that the County is responsible for ambulance service. They were served a letter notifying them they have 180 days to secure another ambulance service for the County. The City is currently looking over the financial costs of this service and may take over the ambulance service. There is a lot of facts to consider first before this is done. The City pledges to work with the County on this service.


Parker moved to move into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel to include City Commission and City Attorney. There is no action anticipated. Mitchell seconded. All voted aye.


Parker moved to adjourn from Executive Session at 7:16 p.m. Bartelsmeyer seconded. All voted aye.



Mitchell informed the public that the City Manager’s Employment Agreement is before them. She asked each Commissioner to say something to the City Manager about his evaluation.

Commissioner Bartelsmeyer thanked him for all the work he has done with the City and his leadership. She said that there is more that needs to be done especially with the streets. With the sales tax sun-setting on the pool and Buck Run, hopefully this will be renewed and applied to streets. She thanked him for his hard work this last year.

Commissioner Parker said she was on the Commission when he was hired. She can’t remember a person who has taken such great strides with the City. It was in dire needs of someone like him. She said he has done a terrific job.

Commissioner Nichols said that the City Manager is very forward thinking and helps move this City forward. He has a great staff that works with him and is very positive.

Mayor Mitchell said she thinks he does a tremendous job. She said that they sometimes don’t speak the same language but they get along great. She hopes that he recognizes that he has a great City Commission behind him.

The City Commission recommended the following items:

3% increase in salary bringing his salary to $107,462.78.

One year added to his contract which will take his employment through August 21, 2023.

If the City Manager should leave, he would be paid for his sick leave and vacation time.

Bartelsmeyer moved to approve the City Manager Employment Agreement with the above stipulations. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


City Manager thanked the Commission and said that he appreciates the opportunity to serve the City and the City Commission. He said he couldn’t do this job without his good team of employees.


Mitchell moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Parker seconded. All voted aye.


The next regularly scheduled meeting is to be held on October 16th, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.





From Linderhof’s Kitchen by Martha Meinsen Scott


When we were in the city, sometimes we’d stop at Mimi’s Cafe for I loved their bleu cheese dressing and their muffins and carrot bread.      They’ve been generous by publishing their recipes on line and I make the carrot bread — sometimes for a breakfast bread basket when I have company, sometimes because I like a little sweet bread for our breakfast, and sometimes to be eaten as a dessert or for tea.     But it’s really carrot cake minus the cream cheese frosting!     However, whether you call it bread or cake, it’s a good recipe!




1 ½ c. flour
1 t. Baking soda
2 t. Baking powder
2 t. Cinnamon
½ t. Salt
1 c. vegetable oil
1 ½ c. brown sugar, firmly packed
3 eggs
½ c. chopped pecans (or you can use walnuts)
½ c. canned crushed pineapple, drained
½ c. raisins
1 c. shredded carrots


Mix first five ingredients in a mixing bowl.


In another bowl, whisk together the oil, sugar and eggs


Stir the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and stir until combined.


Add pineapple, nuts, raisins and carrots and stir until it’s all incorporated


Grease and flour a 9 inch square pan and bake in a preheated 350 oven for about 40 minutes.
NOTE:   You can also bake this recipe in four mini-loaves — baking time for these is about 30 minutes, however.
Martha Meinsen Scott is a Fort Scott foodie who creates from her home, called Linderhof.

Fort Scott Public Library Upcoming Events

Storytime continues on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., at Fort Scott Public Library, with the notable exception of NO storytime on November 6 due to Miss Val’s training meeting that day in Iola.
Teen Advisory Group has the following upcoming events:
October 10 at 4:15 p.m.: Teen Craft Night (pumpkin painting)
October 17 at 4 – 6 p.m.: Teen Games & Snacks Night (with a fall & Halloween twist)
October 24 at 4:15 p.m.: American Idiots Teen Book Club at Common Ground Coffee Co.
October 31 at 4:15 p.m.: Teen Halloween Party (come in costume if desired)
November 7 at 4:15 p.m.: Teen Community Service 
November 14 at 4:15 p.m.: Teen Craft Night 
November 20 (due to Thanksgiving) from 4 – 6 p.m.: Teen Game Night
November 28 at 4:15 p.m.: American Idiots Teen Book Club at Common Ground Coffee Co.
Maker Monday:  At our second Maker Monday on October 15, 4 – 5 p.m., we will make seasonal crafts using pinecones, faux leaves,  pumpkins, and various other craft supplies (attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks as well), and add stickers to our sticker mosaic poster. All ages are welcome to attend, but children 2nd grade and below must have an adult with them at all times.
Marvelous Monday is a family program for all ages, with the primary goal of serving local homeschool families by offering educational activities, special guest speakers, and collaborative projects. The second meeting will be held on October 22, 2 – 3 p.m. in the library event room. The theme will be a Field Trips and Scavenger Hunts with special guest speaker, retired educator Vickie Shead speaking to adults on field trip ideas and the group taking a scavenger hunt nature walk together. Scavenger hunts will vary in difficulty based on age. Snacks will be served.
Join millions of readers worldwide in reading the book Maybe Something Beautiful by F. Isabel Campoy as part of Jumpstart’s Read for the Record program on October 25 at 10 a.m. with Miss Val! We will take photos of the group to share the event with fellow readers on social media. Like the child in the story, we will create beautiful artwork and then enjoy a colorful treat. According to Jumpstart’s website, “Read for the Record brings much-needed attention to inequities in early childhood education, inspires adults to read with children, spurs policymakers and organizations to take action towards transformative change in early education, and puts books in the hands of children across the country.” Since its inception 13 years ago, more than 19 million people have participated in the program. Go here to learn more:
Library programs are offered free of charge. If you would like to volunteer or donate snacks or supplies, please contact Miss Val at [email protected], call 223-2882, or visit the library. Follow Fort Scott Public Library on Facebook or visit our website at to view upcoming events.

Power Outage Causes Loss of Some Perishables at Walmart

Empty shelves at Walmart following the power outage Oct. 7.  This photo was taken at 8 p.m. that day.


Customers faced some empty shelves when shopping at Walmart on Sunday, Oct. 7.

“We had a power outage yesterday,” Kayla, a manager at the store said. “We lost dairy products and meat products.”

“We are restocking the shelves, ” she said.

The power outage was confined to the Walmart Store, 2500 S. Main,  said Gina Penzig, Westar Media Communication Manager.

“It lasted about six hours,” she said. “It was most likely caused by a lightning strike.”

Walmart, 2500 S. Main, Fort Scott.

Veterans Day Parade Entries are now being accepted.

The 1st Annual Veterans Day Parade will be held on Saturday, November 10, beginning at 5:00 pm through downtown Fort Scott.

Entries for the parade are now being accepted at the Fort Scott Regional Tourism Center at 231 E. Wall Street in Fort Scott.

Parade entries should honor our veterans, showcase patriotism, and celebrate Veterans Day.

Entries are being accepted for floats, marching bands, foot units, antique or classic cars, horse units, or anything fitting for a Veterans Day Celebration.

Volunteers are also being sought to provide trucks and trailers for older veterans to ride.

Grand Marshalls will be the oldest male and female veteran living in Bourbon County.

The parade route will follow the normal parade route through Fort Scott, beginning on Main Street at 6th, traveling north to Wall, east on Wall Street to National, and south on National to 6th.

The parade staging area will be at Fort Scott High School.

For more information, or to volunteer, contact the Fort Scott Convention & Visitors Bureau at 620.670.2750 or online at

Contact: Larry Gazaway
Phone: (620) 670.2750
Email:[email protected]


What’s Ahead in Medicare?


Presbyterian Village to host free program

FORT SCOTT, Kan. – Each year, there are changes that affect Medicare coverage. Find out what’s changing for 2019 and prepare for Medicare Open Enrollment. That’s the theme of Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s “Just Ask” session October 16.

Joy Miller, Southwind District extension agent and local Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SCHICK) program volunteer, will talk about upcoming changes and answer your questions about Medicare Part D. Open enrollment for Medicare Part D is October 15 through December 7.

“Medicare Boot Camp” will begin at 2 p.m. October 16 at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village, 2401 S. Horton. It is part of Presbyterian Village’s Just Ask series, a free, ongoing lifelong learning program featuring information from local, regional and national experts on topics of interest to older adults and their families.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Marketing Director Becky Kellum at 620-223-5550 or email her at [email protected].


What’s Happening In Fort Scott by the Chamber of Commerce

5-6 15th Annual Gordon Parks Celebration

Click here to view more information about the event.

Manufacturing Day in Fort Scott including tours of Labconco, Niece and Peerless as well as FSCC John Deere & Welding Schools. 8am-1pm. Complimentary breakfast and/or lunch.

Click here  for more information about this event.
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays.
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls.
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
50-min. narrated Trolley Tours of Historic Fort Scott – on the hour: Fridays 11am-4pm, Saturdays 10am-4pm. Last tour leaves at 3pm. Departs from the Convention & Visitors Bureau at 231 E. Wall St., $6 adults, $4 children 12 and under.
YPL First Friday Luncheon – Young Professional’s League of Bourbon Co – Papa Don’s, 12-1pm. Open to YPL members or anyone interested in the organization.
Friday Night Concert in the Park – Heritage Park Pavilion, 1st and Main St. in downtown
Fort Scott, 7-8pm. This week’s featured artist: Blues guitarist Lem Sheppard @ 6 pm.
Elks Christmas Baskets Golf Tournament – 4 Person Scramble – Woodland Hills Golf Course, 2414 Horton St., 10:30am registration, 11:00am Shotgun start.

Lunch will be provided and you may call the lodge to sign up at 620-223-5821
Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort, 8am-12pm. You will find homegrown and freshly picked fruits, vegetables, herbs & more in addition to baked goods and some craft items.
Fall Festival hosted by Care to Share – Simmons Farm, 2484 Limestone Rd, 10am-4pm

Pumpkin Patch, Pumpkin Pictures, Train Ride, Face Painting, Bounce House, Beautiful mums, and more.

This year, featuring: “Devon Masonic Lodge #92”,  in conjunction with the “Kansas Masonic Foundation” and “KU Med Center”, who will be sponsoring a “Free Cancer Screening Clinic” at  this year’s 12th annual Care To Share Fall Festival on October 6th, 2018!!

Plan to join us there and let us care and share with YOU too!!
FSHS Royal Tea for Young Princes and Princesses – Fort Scott High School Commons, 1005 S. Main St., 4-6pm

You may click here  for more information about the event.
Medicare Medicaid Advisors to advise Kansas and Missouri Residents about plan selection and insurance benefit eligibility – Mondays through Dec. 3rd -Price Chopper, 9am-6pm (Free).
USD 234 Board of Education Meeting – Board of Education, 5:30-6:30pm.
Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 10-11am.

9 Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12-1pm. (Hedges Administrative Building).
T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center, 3-4pm (weekly).
Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort, 4-6pm. You will find homegrown and freshly picked fruits, vegetables, herbs & more in addition to baked goods and some craft items.

Historic Preservation Association of Bourbon Co Meeting – Old Congregational Church, 7-8pm.
Breakfast Bingo – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 9-10am, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month. Bingo cards, the caller and coffee provided. Prizes by Fort Scott Recreation Commission. (Free)
Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 10-11am.
Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church, 308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm.
 Living with Alzheimer’s Early Stage – For Individuals with Alzheimer’s – Mercy Hospital, 12:30-1:30pm.
10 Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm. Coloring pages, pens/pencils, snacks provided.
10 TAG – Teen Advisory Group – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National St., 4-5pm. Weekly meetings, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and craft night. Meetings include food/drinks.
11 Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee be hosted by Labconco celebrating 30 years in Fort Scott.

Location: 2500 Liberty Bell Rd.

11 Bereavement Support Group – Mercy Hospice, 11am-12pm (Open to the community)

This event is for any one who has experienced a loss and is in need of some support. You may call Melissa George at 620-223-8533 for more information.

11 Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
11 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm. Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize.
11 Bourbon County Republican Meeting – Fort Scott Livestock Market, 2131 Maple Rd., 7-8pm.
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays.
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls.
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
12-13 50-min. narrated Trolley Tours of Historic Fort Scott – on the hour: Fridays 11am-4pm, Saturdays 10am-4pm. Last tour leaves at 3pm. Departs from the Convention & Visitors Bureau at 231 E. Wall St., $6 adults, $4 children 12 and under.
12 Tigers on the Move Color Run at Riverfront Park – Riverfront Park, 5-6:30pm

Contact Chris Sather at Winfield Scott School for more information about the event.

12 Hole in the Wall Liquor Store Grand Opening – 124 E. Wall St., 5:30-7pm

Ribbon Cutting & Remarks at 6pm. There will be samples, snacks, and door prize giveaways.

Friday Night Concert in the Park – Heritage Park Pavilion, 1st and Main St. in downtown
Fort Scott, 7-8pm.
“Kansas Fins & Feathers 2018” at Timber Hills Lake Ranch, FREE hunting activities for youth and adults.  See flyer below for more details!

Harveyfest Ag Alumni Event – Bourbon Co. Fairgrounds.

Tri-Yak-A-Thon Race – Kayak, Canoe, Bike – Gunn Park Trails, 1010 Park Ave., 9am-2pm.
Get your team of 3 together, or do the race alone or with a partner.
13 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort, 8am-12pm. You will find homegrown and freshly picked fruits, vegetables, herbs & more in addition to baked goods and some craft items.
13 Jazz Night at Crooner’s Lounge with the Gary Thompson Band – Crooner’s Lounge, 117 S. Main St., 6-9pm

Call 620-224-9787 to make a reservation.

14 Community Book Club – Nevada, MO, time TBA.
Medicare Medicaid Advisors to advise Kansas and Missouri Residents about plan selection and insurance benefit eligibility – Mondays through Dec. 3rd -Price Chopper, 9am-6pm (Free).
15 Chamber Board Meeting – Papa Don’s, 12-1pm.
15 FSCC Board of Trustees Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 5:30-6:30pm.
16 Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 10-11am.
16 Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room, 12-1pm. (Hedges Administrative Building).
16 Community Bingo – Country Place Senior Living, 820 S. Horton St., 2-4pm. Residents and the public are invited to attend.
16 T.O.P.S Meeting – Buck Run Community Center, 3-4pm.
16 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza in front of the Fort, 4-6pm. You will find homegrown and freshly picked fruits, vegetables, herbs & more in addition to baked goods and some craft items.
City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 6-7pm.
Story Time – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 10-11am.

Holiday Google Live Stream Holiday Party hosted by the Chamber – “Drive A Holiday Shopping Rush For Your Business” – Papa Don’s, 11am-12pm

You may click here for more information or to register for the event.
Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church, 308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm. Coloring pages, pens/pencils, snacks provided.

TAG – Teen Advisory Group – Fort Scott Public Library, 201 S. National St., 4-5pm. Weekly meetings, including a games & snack night, a community service project, a book club meeting, and craft night. Meetings include food/drinks.
Ty Evans Horsemanship/Mulemanship Clinic – Uniontown Saddle Club Arena, 20 miles W. of Fort Scott on Highway 54.  Level one clinic at 9am-12pm, Level two clinic at 1pm-4pm.
Contact Cassie Lawrence: 620-719-6829 for information.
Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee be hosted by Pioneer Harvest Fiesta.

Location: Bourbon Co. Fairgrounds in the 4-H Building.
Bereavement Support Group – Mercy Hospice, 11am-12pm (Open to the community)

This event is for any one who has experienced a loss and is in need of some support. You may call Melissa George at 620-223-8533 for more information.

Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm. Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize.
Save the Date:
October 19th-21st – Pioneer Harvest Fiesta 2018
October 19th – Friendship Soup Lunch
October 20th – Alumni Rodeo at Fort Scott
Community College
October 22nd – Election Candidates Forum
October 26th – Boos & Brews Haunted Trolley Tour
Click here for full events listing on our website.

Hole In The Wall Opens Oct. 12

The Hole in the Wall Liquor Store, at Wall and Scott Street September 2018..


FORT SCOTT – The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce announces a Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Celebration for Hole in the Wall Liquor Store in their new location of 124 E. Wall St. in Downtown Fort Scott. The event will take place Friday, October 12th from 5:30 to 7 pm with the Ribbon Cutting & Remarks at 6 pm. There will be samples, snacks, and door prize giveaways.

Owners Roy & Jody Hoener sought a new location for their liquor store in Fort Scott’s Downtown Historic District and after receiving a CDBG Grant (Community Development Block Grant) renovated the dilapidated building at the corner of Wall and Scott streets.

Hole in the Wall Liquor Store originally opened on Oak Street in the mid-1980’s by Roy’s mother Connie Hoener and her father Roy Louderman. Roy Hoener has since taken ownership of the business and he and Jody look to a successful future with the new location and loyal customers.

The Hoener’s would like to recognize those who completed the building redevelopment including:
Exterior: Hofer & Hofer & Associates, Inc., Ag Engineering, R II Concrete, Casper Enterprises, LLC, Peerless Products, Tanner Beckham & Dennis Speer, Murphy Roofing; Interior: Great Expectations, Geiger Plumbing, KTK Electric, Miles Woodworking, Ruddick’s Furniture, Terry Kirby, Perry Cannon.

For more information please contact the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at (620) 223-3566.

Former Gov. Carlin Will Speak On Rural Health in Fort Scott

Former Gov. John W Carlin will make a stop in Fort Scott on Tuesday, October 9. 
He has been speaking with Kansans about the future of rural health care. His visit comes just days after Mercy Hospital announced it will be closing its doors in Fort Scott.
Carlin was elected Governor of Kansas in 1978 and served two terms. Prior to that, he was Speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives. He currently teaches at Kansas State University in Manhattan and is not running for office.
Jeff Sweetser and Kate Emmett-Sweetser will host a reception for Carlin at 10:30 a.m. at 116 South Main Street. The public is invited. 

City and County: A Collective Force For Future Healthcare

The city of Fort Scott and Bourbon County officials urgently join forces after the announcement of Mercy Hospital’s closure in Fort Scott Kansas.

October 4, 2018

City and County officials continue to meet to strategize a collaborative approach to the future of healthcare in Bourbon County.

Officials remain optimistic about the quality of life, access to health care, and continued economic growth.

The joint effort’s immediate next steps are to form a task force comprised of representatives from the City, County, Chamber of Commerce, USD 234, USD 235, Fort Scott Community College, businesses, Bourbon County Economic Development Council, Inc. and the financial community.

The task force will be led by Robert Uhler, City of Fort Scott Director of Community Development.

Mercy’s local leadership has taken steps to safeguard emergency services beyond their closure to ensure access to critical healthcare services.

The intention of this task force is to identify the next model of sustainable healthcare in this community.

With resilient citizens and ongoing legislative support, Bourbon County expects to be a representation of future healthcare in rural Kansas.

Rachel Pruitt                                      Jody Hoener

Economic Development                Economic Development Director

City of Fort Scott                              Bourbon County

123 S Main                                          210 S National Ave

Fort Scott, KS 66701                        Fort Scott, KS 66701

Mobile:  913-488-8176                    1-620-223-3800

Office:  620-644-7114                      1-620-215-5728 Mobile