Calling All Creatives! Bourbon County Community Theatre Seeking New Members


Bourbon County Community Theatre was formed in late June of 2023 and has been working since to get up and running so the people of Bourbon County can soon have the opportunity to participate in and enjoy community theatre again.

This organization is not just for those wanting to act (although plenty of that is needed!). If you are interested in the technical side of theatre, the advertising, the construction, the script reading, the… you name it; if you have an artistic bone in your body, no matter how that looks, BCCT is looking for YOU.

Bourbon County Community Theatre is having their year-end meeting on Wednesday, May 22nd, 6:00pm, at the Ellis Fine Arts Center and they would like to invite anyone with any interest in any aspect of community theatre to come see what they are all about.

There will be discussion about upcoming performances, voting on board positions, and talk about and clearing up odds and ends for the upcoming months. Any current members or those who become members that night will be allowed to vote on board positions for the upcoming season.

Attendance at this meeting will not commit you to anything! Come see the benefits of becoming a BCCT member!

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