All posts by Submitted Story

Notice of City Commission of Fort Scott Budget Work Sessions


Thursday, July 11th, 2019 – 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Thursday July 11th, 2019 – 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Friday, July 12th, 2019 – 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Friday, July 12th, 2019 – 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

There will be a work session of the Fort Scott City Commission held on Thursday, July 11th, 2019 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and then again from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Friday, July 12th, 2019 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and again from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the City Commission meeting room at 123 S. Main Street. This work session will be held to discuss the 2020 budget. No action will be taken at this work session. This meeting is open to the public.

Bourbon County Commission Agenda July 9


Bourbon County Commission Room

1st Floor, County Courthouse

210 S. National Avenue

Fort Scott, KS 66701

Tuesdays starting at 9:00

Date: July 9th, 2019

1st District-Lynne Oharah Minutes: Approved: _______________

2nd District-Jeff Fischer Corrected: _______________

3rd District-Nick Ruhl Adjourned at: _______________

County Clerk-Kendell Mason

9:00-9:45- Jim Harris


10:00-10:15-John Hill, City State Bank-3 Sheriff’s Vehicles

10:30-10:45-Tony Hanks-EMS

11:00-12:00-Justin Meeks

11:00-11:20-Executive Session-Privileged in the attorney-client relationship

12:00-1:30-Commissioners gone to lunch

Justifications for Executive Session:

          Personnel matters of individual non-elected personnel

          Consultation with an attorney for the body or agency which would be deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship

          Matters relating to employer-employee negotiations whether or not in consultation with the representative(s) of the body or agency

          Confidential data relating to financial affairs or trade secrets of corporations, partnerships, trusts and individual proprietorships

          Preliminary discussions relating to the acquisition of real property

          Matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, public building or facility or the information system of a public body or agency, if the discussion of such matters at an open meeting would jeopardize the security of such public body, agency, building, facility or information system

Ribbon Cutting For Express Employment Professionals July 9

Join the Chamber of Commerce for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at
Express Employment Professionals
on Tuesday, July 9th
The Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
celebrating the opening of
Express Employment Professionals’
new Fort Scott location at 119 S. Main St.
The event will take place Tuesday, July 9th
at 5:15 p.m., with remarks and ribbon cutting at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
In April 2019, Express opened an office in Fort Scott at 119 S. Main St. The franchise has been based out of Independence since 2004. The company provides businesses with their workforce needs by acquiring and supplying temporary or contract staff and also does temp-to-hire staffing. Express also provides a free service to job seekers by interviewing them and matching their skills with the appropriate employer.
Kai Rannells is the business developer and local representative, and can be reached at 620-644-5050. Visit Express’ website
by clicking HERE.
Contact the Chamber for more information at 620-223-3566
or visit

Legion Hot Dog Giveaway

Our Fort Scott American Legion Post 25 held a hot dog give away at the Fort Scott Wal-Mart on July 4th. Shoppers were offered a free hot dog, bag of chips and drink as they left Wal-Mart.
Post members donated the food items, cooked the dogs and greeted the shoppers. The weather cooperated until 1 pm when we closed down early to avoid an incoming rain storm. However, we were able to hand out 86 hot dogs, chips and drinks from 11 am – 1 pm.
In addition to reminding the community of the existence of an American Legion Post in Fort Scott, we had several shoppers show an interest in the joining the Legion, Ladies Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion Squadron.
We also received $300 in donations, half of which was designated for the Post’s Legion baseball team and the other half will be used for next year’s Boys or Girls State program.
Legion family members in the event were Legionnaires Marvin Taylor, Marilyn Matthews, Skipper  Brown, Carl Jowers, Deb Lust, Earl Adams and Darrell Spencer who also served as grillmeister extraordinaire. Auxiliary members Sylvia Norris and Tanya Lowe and SAL Squadron members Mike Johnson and Scott Norris were also present handing out the dogs and chips.
Incoming VFW Post 1165 Commander Deb Lust also assisted us with the hot dog give away, making this truly a combined organizational Veterans event.
A good time was had by all.
Submitted by Carl Jowers, Post 25 Commander.

One Lump or Two? by Pastor Jimmy Tucker

The Bottom Line

Jimmy Tucker

One Lump or Two?

The phrase “one lump or two” usually refers to how many cubes of sugar you want in your coffee. But in Ecclesiastes 7:9 The Message reads, “Don’t be quick to fly off the handle. Anger boomerangs. You can spot a fool by the lumps on his head.” This verse strikes me as funny, but uncontrolled anger is no laughing matter. Relationships have been destroyed, lives have been lost, and individuals have left the church as a result of anger. The Bible teaches us to control ourselves by being slow to anger and quick to forgive.

Anger has been around since Adam and Eve. When their sons Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to the Lord, God respected Abel’s offering of a lamb, but not Cain’s offering of produce from his crops. Cain became jealous of Abel and his anger led him to murder his own brother.

God teaches us to rule over our attitudes, emotions, and actions. “Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper — it only leads to harm” (Psalm 37:8 NLT). Choose to humble yourself and forgive — we should know how to do this if we’ve been disciplined and taught these things from childhood. If you don’t have the discipline of self-control, your attitude will take you down a path of misery and prevent you from enjoying God’s blessings.

Believers are supposed to live peaceful and quiet lives that are full of love for one another; if we don‘t, then we‘re no different from the world. When we gather into the church to worship, we are to be “… free from anger and controversy” (1 Timothy 2:8 NLT). The only way to do that is to forgive perceived offenses quickly: “…do not let the sun go down while you are still angry” (Ephesians 4:26 NLT). If you hold a grudge, you cut off your fellowship with God and the person you think offended you. If there’s an undercurrent of anger in your attitude, you need to get rid of it like a gunnysack full of rattlesnakes because it’s just as deadly to your spirit.

Just one act of anger by Moses, the leader of God’s people, cost him dearly. Instead of trusting Moses and God to take care of them until they reached the promised land, the Israelites were complaining. Because Moses was angry with the people, he disobeyed God’s instructions to speak to the rock to get water. Instead, Moses struck the rock and because of his disobedience, God did not allow him to enter the promised land.

The Bottom Line: Don’t let pride and anger put a lump on your head.

Pastor Jimmy Tucker

(620) 223-1483

Diamond Community Church

10:45 a.m. Worship

Skeeters by Pastor James Collins

Pastor James Collins


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11

The mosquitos were terrible at our house last summer. We don’t call them mosquitos. We call them skeeters.

I don’t know why, but skeeters love me. I guess it is because I’m so sweet. Skeeters buzz, swarm, attack, and bite me. Anytime, I go outside it’s like they have a skeeter spotter flying around that says, “Hey guys, the all you can eat preacher buffet is open at the Collins house. Come on!”

When I work out in the yard, my wife, Amanda, likes to come out and supervise me. She supervises my work. She says things like, “You’re mowing the grass wrong.” She says things like, “You need to fertilize.” She says things like, “I know you worked all day putting in the flower bed, but I really don’t like it there. I want you to dig it up and move it over there.” She supervises me.

Last summer, I was working in the yard. Amanda was outside supervising me. Suddenly, “WHAP!” Something hit me across the back of the head. I saw stars.

I turned around and my wife was standing there with an open hand. She had hit me upside the back of my head. She hit me hard too. I thought I might lose consciousness. I thought I had a concussion. I couldn’t believe it.

I caught my breath and said, “What are you doing?”

There was a skeeter on your head.” she said.

Did you get it?”

No. I don’t think so.”

Amanda started yelling, “There he is! There he is!” The skeeter was buzzing around me. As she was screaming, Amanda started slapping me. She was about to beat me to death. I don’t know what was worse, getting stung by the skeeter or getting slapped around.

Despite Amanda’s assault, the skeeter kept on buzzing around me. He kept dive bombing me. Before long, he found some friends and they swarmed me. I had to go inside to escape their onslaught.

That was a silly story, but it is a picture of the demon dive bombers that come at us every day. Like those skeeters, the devil’s demons are dive bombing us. They are trying to tear your marriage and family apart. They are trying to stop you from raising your children with Christian values. They are trying to keep you from serving Jesus. They are trying to destroy your Christian walk. They are trying to keep you from going to church.

Fortunately, God has given us protection from the devil and his demons. We have the full armor of God. The full armor of God is found in Ephesians 6. It is the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth, and the sword of the Spirit. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, the Bible. When the demonic forces attack, you should use Scripture to slap back at them.

The point is: You need protection from the devil’s assault. Are you under attack? Are you being dive bombed? Are you in a situation that seems hopeless? God has made a way for you to deal with whatever the devil throws at you. Turn to the Father through Jesus, His Son.

The Lord Jesus Christ can squash your problems like a bug.

Pastor James Collins serves at Fort Scott’s First Southern Baptist Church. Find out more about his ministry or purchase his latest books at

National Recognition For FSCC Athletes

FSCC Athletes are even more awesome in the classroom!

Fort Scott, Ks.—Fort Scott Community College athletes don’t just put in the work on the court/field, they put even more effort in the classroom. FSCC athletes were recognized across the nation for their high GPA’s by the NJCAA.

“At Fort Scott Community College, academics are the top priority for our student-athletes. Our students and coaches work extremely hard throughout the year to ensure that we are succeeding in the classroom as well as on the field/court. I am very proud of this class as they exceeded expectations and have been recognized as 2018-19 NJCAA Academic Teams of the Year. Congratulations to all of these Greyhounds for their hard work and dedication” says Tom Havron, VP of Student Life and Athletic Director.

Each team was recognized based on team cumulative GPA and also individually. The NJCAA categorizes each team and individual in three different ways; First Team (4.0GPA), Second Team (3.8-3.99GPA), and Third Team (3.6-3.79GPA). The following team cumulative GPA’s have been finalized and calculated:

  • Volleyball @ 3.66 GPA
  • Baseball @ 3.5 GPA
  • Golf @ 3.36 GPA
  • Softball @ 3.28 GPA

For the full list of team and individual recognition, please follow this links below. FSCC is extremely proud of all of our students and look forward to what the centennial class has to offer!



What’s Happening In Fort Scott July 5

2019 Chamber Golf Classic 4-Person Scramble – Woodland Hills Golf Course, 2414 S. Horton, July 26th, Registration: 11am, Tee-Off 12pm  (See flyer below)

For more information or to register, click HERE

Google Livestream: Get Productive with Google’s Digital Tools – hosted by the Chamber of Commerce- Lowell Milken Center, 1 S. Main, Tuesday, July 17th from
This workshop will be good information for literally anyone – from teachers, to business owners, to a DIY’er who likes to stay organized!
What’s to be expected:
– How Google’s office productivity tools-including Gmail, Calendar, Drive and other apps-can boost productivity
– Tips and tricks for getting more out of the tools, and how to use them most efficiently.
– Creative ways to accomplish a variety of tasks for your professional and personal projects in your everyday life
Kids Eat Free Lunch At The Keyhole, noon to 1pm,
Mon.-Fri., now through July 26th!! 10th & Main St., across from the Fort Scott High School

Sack lunches will be provided to those under 18. Children check in, no need to give names, and then pick up a lunch of shelf-stable meals. Open to all kids, regardless of income; no need to reside in Fort Scott

Hedgehog.INK will be open on Sundays and Mondays from 1:00-5:00pm starting Sunday, July 7th. The bookstore will also be open on the 4th of July holiday from 10am-4pm. During the month of July, children’s gently used books are buy 2 get 1 free. During the month of August, adult fiction gently used books will be buy 2 get 1 free

Benefit Bass Fishing Tournaments & Raffles for Class of ’91 Grad Chad Elmer – Entry fees will go toward’s Chad’s upcoming expenses and prize money. Raffles include fishing and outdoor gear, ammo, an AR15 gun, and more! (See flyer below for complete details)

Horticulture Services in Fort Scott – Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday.
In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions? Call 620-223-3720
Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at
10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
5-7 Patriots Classic Baseball Tournament, hosted by FSHS

For more info, contact Josh Regan at: [email protected]

5 Friday Night Concert in the Park – Heritage Park Pavillion, 1st & Main St., 7-8pm

This week’s concert features three of the regular contributors to the Friday Night Concert Series. First, Marilyn Adcock (on vocal, guitar and autoharp), who does a mix of classic folk, gospel and traditional music. Second, David Pricket (vocal and guitar), doing classic country, gospel hymns and traditional music. Third, The Sekanaires Gospel Quartet with Ray Mauck (singing & bass), Curtis Ramsey (singing/lead tenor), Steve Bell (singing lead, harmony, occasional guitar), and Ralph Carlson (singing baritone, guitar). The Sekanaires have existed since the 1960’s and have a mixed repertoire of gospel, hymns and folk gospel

The concerts are organized by Ralph Carlson. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, contact Ralph at [email protected]

Bring your lawn chair as seating is limited. In the event of bad weather, the concert will move to Common Ground Coffee Co., 116 S. Main St.

Sights & Sounds of 1840’s Military Fireworks! – Fort Scott National Historic Site
The Independence Day celebration continues on July 6 and 7 as you discover the rich history and significance of the fort.  Experience frontier cooking demonstrations, play period games, see mock artillery and weapons drills, and explore the prairie grass as the fort comes to life before your eyes
Saturday, July 6
10:00 am – Prairie Walk
12:00 pm – An Arm and a Leg: 1840s Medical Program
1:00-3:00 pm – Let the Games Begin-Historic Games station
3:00-4:30 pm – Going Green: Historic Gardens station
4:00 – Flag Retreat

Sunday July 7
11:00 am – Guided Tour of the Fort
12:00 pm – A Hearty Grip
1:00 pm – Guided Tour
2:00 pm – Democracy Run Wild
3:00 pm – The Price of War
4:00 pm – Flag Retreat

Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Saturday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products
Cinema Saturdays at the Gordon Parks Museum – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 12-2pm

The Gordon Parks Museum will show the films of Gordon Parks on Saturdays this summer starting on June 8 at 12:00 p.m. in the museum on the FSCC campus.  This free event will feature Mr. Parks’ films and one of Kevin Willmott’s films
7 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus –
10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of
8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team)

$5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

7 Fort Scott Chamber Music Series, sponsored by
BB County Arts Council and Key Charitable Trust

This concert will include flute, harp, cello, bass and voice. Soprano Vanessa Thomas (who will appear in this concert) was featured by The Kansas City Symphony last December during their series of holiday concerts

Featured Musicians: Rebecca Dunnell – Flute; Jim Palmer – Harp; Vanessa Thomas – Soprano; Ben Clinesmith – Cello; Kathleen Clinesmith – Bass

8 2019 Youth Theater Camp starts (4 weeks) – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center,
2018 S. Horton, 9am-12pm

The camp is free to all area youth ages 6 to 17 and runs from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday beginning with introductions and auditions July 8. Speaking roles are available for 26 young actors, but everyone attending the camp will be utilized. Enrollment is open by attending the first day of camp July 8. Late enrollees also will be accepted the first week of camp only

A 40-minute play, “To Be A Star”, will be presented August 1st & 2nd at the Ellis Fine Arts Center. In addition to rehearsing the play, camp participants will receive instruction in theater basics and the chance to engage in theater exercises

Contact Allen Twitchell at 620-218-2147 or [email protected]

8 Forget Me Not Fellowship at Integrity Home Care
& Hospice- 902 S. Horton, 2-pm

Forget Me Not Fellowship – Hope and Healing One Day at a Time:
Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month. At Integrity, we know the passage through grief is tough and can lead to a time of intense soul searching. That’s why we’re here for you when it matters most. You don’t have to bear the burden of doing it all alone. We provide care that never stops – for our clients, and for their families. As you continue your journey, join us for fellowship and support

For more info, contact 620-223-1191 ext. 17805 (See flyer below)

8 USD-234 Board of Education Meeting – 424 S. Main St., 5:30-6:30pm
9-10 Summer Reading Program – FS Public Library,
201 S. National, 10-11am

“Animal Tales” with guest Jan Hedges

9 T.O.P.S Meetings held weekly on Tuesdays at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 10:30am
9 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
9 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Tuesday evenings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

9 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Express Employment Professionals, hosted by the Chamber of Commerce – 119 S. Main St., 5:15pm (See flyer below)

Ceremony begins at 5:15pm, with remarks and ribbon cutting at 5:30pm. Light refreshments will be served

9 Historic Preservation Association of BB County Meeting – Old Congregational Church, 502 S. National Ave., 7-8pm

Great fellowship, refreshments, and a door prize – hope you can attend!

10 Breakfast Bingo at Buck Run Community Center (2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month) – 735 Scott Ave., 9-10am

Come drink some coffee and play some bingo at Buck Run.  Staff will provide the bingo cards, the caller, and coffee.  Prizes provided by the Fort Scott Recreation Commission

10 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,  308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library,
201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm
Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
10 Summer Reading Program for Middle & High School Students – FS Public Library, 201 S. National, 4-6pm – “Crafts & Creative Writing”
11-14 2019 FSCC Summer Showcase Baseball Tournament

For more info, CLICK HERE  or contact John Hill: [email protected]

Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Hedgehog.INK
Location: 16 S. Main St.
11 Horticultural services at the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday – 210 S. National, 9am-3:30pm

Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday. In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions?
Call 620-223-3720

11 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
11 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

Rotary Social – Trivia Night at Boiler Room Brewhaus – 2 S. National Ave., 6-8pm

Rotarians, Guests, and Potential Rotarians:

Join us for a Rotary Social and Trivia!
Come whether you want to play trivia or not! Boiler Room Brewhaus offers a variety of both alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages. They also sell light snacks, or you may order from a nearby restaurant and bring in food, including Papa Don’s which delivers to the Brewhaus. Cost is $5 per person

11 A Star is Born, or Died – Boiler Room Brewhaus,
2 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm for karaoke fun. Cheer on your favorite local star!

Weekly Livestock Sale at Fort Scott Livestock Market. Starting at 10am on both Fridays & Saturdays
Fridays:  Cows, Pairs, Big Bulls
Saturdays:  Stocker & Feeder Cattle, followed by any cows & bulls that come in late Friday & Saturday. Cafe open both sale days. You don’t have to be a buyer, just to come watch the sale and visit the cafe!
12-13 2019 Bourbon County Fair ACRA/IPRA Rodeo

For a full schedule of Fair and Rodeo events, click

To visit the rodeo website, click

To visit Bourbon County Fair’s website, click

12 YPL First Friday Luncheon (Young Professional’s League of Bourbon County) – Papa Don’s, 10 N. Main St., 12-1pm

Join us for the YPL First Friday Luncheon, open to YPL members or anyone interested in the organization

12 Friday Night Concert in the Park – Heritage Park Pavillion, 1st & Main St., 7-8pm

The concerts are organized by Ralph Carlson. If you or someone you know is interested in performing, contact Ralph at [email protected]

Bring your lawn chair as seating is limited. In the event of bad weather, the concert will be moved to Common Ground Coffee at 116 S. Main St.

13-14 Marmaton Massacre Festival – Gunn Park Trails, Fort Scott

Saturday: 12pm-10pm, Sunday: 9am-3pm

This is a great weekend of riding, racing, free camping, food, live entertainment, etc. Once again, our event sponsor, Erik’s Bike & Board, will be onsite for tune-ups and demo bikes available

Online registration is open at


13 Woodland Hills Golf Course 2-Person Scramble – 2414
S. Horton, 8am-2pm

2-Person 18 hole flighted scramble, 8am shotgun start

For more information, contact Shannon O’Neil:
620-223-5060 or visit:

Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Saturday Mornings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds

We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products
13 Storytime at Hedgehog.INK – 16 S. Main, 10:30am

Storytime and special activity with an author. “The Wonky Donky”
Contact Jan Hedges: 620-670-2752

Cinema Saturdays at the Gordon Parks Museum – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108 S. Horton, 12-2pm

The Gordon Parks Museum will show the films of Gordon Parks on Saturdays this summer starting on June 8 at 12:00 p.m. in the museum on the FSCC campus.  This free event will feature Mr. Parks’ films and one of Kevin Willmott’s films
13 Book Signing Event, co-hosted by Books & Grannies and Hedgehog.INK – 11 N. Main St., 1pm

Join Books & Grannies and Hedgehog.Ink for a book signing with Eric T. Reynolds. Eric is Editor/Publisher with Hadley Rille Books ( He was born in the Flint Hills town Eureka, Kansas, has lived elsewhere in Kansas and on the U.S. East Coast. His fiction has appeared in the magazines: Mythic Circle, Galaxy’s Edge, and Sci Phi Journal, and in several indie press publications. He is a member of the Historical Novel Society. “The Artifacts” is his first novel

Contact him at [email protected] and on Facebook as Eric T. Reynolds or his occasional blogging at

14 Team Trivia at the Boiler Room Brewhaus –
10 S. National, 3-5pm

Exciting, fun and challenging team trivia. Put your team together (maximum of 8 teams, maximum of 5 members on a team)

$5 per person. Cash prizes for winning team. Pre-register at the tap room

15 Chamber Board Meeting – Papa Don’s, 10 N. Main,
15 Community Book Club – 7-8pm

July’s Book: The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir, by Jennifer Ryan

Contact Sara Coon: [email protected] for location

16 Summer Reading Performer: Rare Jewels of the Rainforest Bird Show – FSCC Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2108
S. Horton, 10am
16 T.O.P.S Meetings held weekly on Tuesdays at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 10:30am
16 Fort Scott Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
2108 S. Horton, 12-1pm
16 Community Bingo at Country Place Senior Living, 3rd Tuesday of Each Month – 820 S. Horton St., 2-4pm

Residents and the public are invited the 3rd Tuesday of each month for Community Bingo at Country Place Senior Living, 820 S. Horton St.

16 Farmer’s Market – Skubitz Plaza (in front of the historic fort)

Tuesday evenings, 8:00am – 12:00pm

Fort Scott Farmers’ Market is a farmer driven and run market. The farmers work hard to produce the very finest produce available. We also provide a great venue for community organizations to promote their mission and raise funds. We are focused on fresh locally produce farm products

16 City Commission Meeting – City Hall, 123 S. Main, 6-7pm
16 Bourbon County Fair Draft Horse Pull – Fairgrounds, 2102 S. Huntington Blvd., 7:30pm
17 Google Livestream: Get Productive With Google’s Digital Tools – Lowell Milken Center, 1 S. Main St., 11am-12pm

This FREE workshop will be good information for literally anyone – from teachers, to business owners, to a DIY’er who likes to stay organized!

What’s to be expected:
– How Google’s office productivity tools-including Gmail, Calendar, Drive and other apps-can boost productivity.
– Tips and tricks for getting more out of the tools, and how to use them most efficiently.
– Creative ways to accomplish a variety of tasks for your professional and personal projects in your everyday life
17 Rotary Meeting – Presbyterian Church,  308 S. Crawford St., 12-1pm
Adult Coloring Program – Fort Scott Public Library,
201 S. National Ave., 2-4pm
Join us in the library events room for a relaxing afternoon of coloring and conversation. Library provides coloring pages, pens and pencils, and snacks. Bring your own beverage of choice (no alcohol, please)
Join us for the weekly Chamber Coffee of the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce at 8am. This week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Bourbon County Fair
Location: Bourbon County Fairgrounds,
2102 S. Huntington Blvd.
18 Horticultural services at the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday – 210 S. National, 9am-3:30pm

Krista Harding, Horticulture Agent for the Southwind Extension District, has office hours at the Extension office inside the Bourbon County Courthouse every Thursday. In an effort to better serve residents of Fort Scott and the surrounding communities, Krista is there weekly to answer questions and offer advice on lawn and gardens, trees and shrubs, flowers and insect. Bring your spotted leaves, strange looking insects or wilted flowers and let her help you! This a free service and is available to all community members. Questions? Call 620-223-3720

18 Pioneer Kiwanis Meeting – FSCC Heritage Room,
18 Thursday Card Players – Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave., 6-9pm

Free weekly event to anyone that wants to play cards, drink coffee, eat snacks, and socialize

18 Bourbon County Republicans Meeting – FSCC, 2108 S. Horton, 6-8pm (room to be announced later)
18 A Star is Born, or Died – Boiler Room Brewhaus,
2 S. National Ave., 7-9pm

Join Boiler Room Brewhaus on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm for karaoke fun. Cheer on your favorite local star!

Save the Date:
– July 19-21 – Midwest Nationals Baseball Tournament
– July 19 – Flicks on the Bricks (Sgt. Stubby)
– July 19 – Blackwood Brothers in Concert
– July 19 – Friday Night Concert in the Park
– July 19 – BB County Fair Junior Livestock Sale
– July 20 – Farmers’ Market
– July 20 – LibraryCon Community Event
– July 20 – Cinema Saturdays
– July 20 – BB County Fair EKTEC Rodeo
– July 20 – Sally Stuckey in Concert
Click here for full events listing on our website.

Obituary of Joyce True

Joyce Ilene True, resident of Ft. Scott, KS, died Wednesday, July 3, 2019, at Country Place Living in Ft. Scott.

She was born December 28, 1946, in Kansas City, KS, the daughter of Lynn and Pearl Childs Haller. She graduated from Shawnee Mission North high school then obtained her bachelor’s in education from Emporia State University.

She married Michael True on June 15, 1968, in Shawnee, KS. He preceded her in death on February 16, 2018.

Joyce taught elementary school wherever Michael was stationed until her children were born.

Later, she worked as a substitute teacher. Joyce enjoyed crafts, sewing, painting, flower gardening, and traveling. She was a member of the Midwest MGA Club, D.A.R., and Pioneer Kiwanis.

Survivors include a son, Steve True and wife Victoria, Ottawa, KS; a daughter, Julie True, Joplin, MO; and four grandchildren.

Besides her husband Michael, she was preceded in death by her parents.

There was cremation.

A memorial visitation will be held at 3:00 PM Friday, July 26th, at the Cheney Witt Chapel.

Private burial will take place at a later date in the U. S. National Cemetery, Ft. Scott.

Memorials are suggested to Pioneer Kiwanis Children’s Activity Fund and may be left in care of the Cheney Witt Chapel, PO Box 347, 201 S. Main, Ft. Scott, KS 66701. Words of remembrance may be submitted to the online guestbook at