Old Settlers Picnic Contests/Raffle Results

The following were bike winners at the Old Settler’s Picnic in Uniontown yesterday afternoon, as submitted by Mary Pillion, one of the organizers of the event.

The Assault Rifle raffle winner was  Heath Lord. Not pictured

Winners of bikes: (Submitted photos)

(Names were not provided to fortscott.biz)

Longest Beard Contest

Longest beard contest winner is Ray Taylor, middle. Submitted photos.
Longest married couple Coach and Mrs. Walker. Submitted photos.
Becky Shinn won for the longest resident with a Uniontown address. Submitted photos.
Oldest women was Babe Goodbody, 80 years old. Submitted photos.
Oldest man was Leo Hartman, 95.
Longest mullet, unknown winner. Submitted photos.
Even the young enjoyed the bingo game on Sunday afternoon. Submitted photo.

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