Minutes of the Bourbon County Commission on July 8

July 8 2024                                                                              Monday, 5:30 p.m.




The Board of Bourbon County Commissioners met in open session with all three Commissioners and Deputy County Clerk Amber Page present.



Clint Walker, Rachel Walker, Cory Bryars, Michael Hoyt, Anne Dare, Brent M. Smith, Mike Wunderly, Pete Owenby, Leroy Kruger, Kyle Parks, Sheena Parks, and Tim Emerson were present for some or all of the meeting.



Jim opened the meeting with the flag salute.



Clifton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes approval of minutes from 7-1-2024. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.



Cory Bryars, representative of Care to Share Cancer Support Group, stated the group operates in Bourbon, Crawford, and Linn Counties and that anybody who would like to volunteer can reach out to them on Facebook or at (620) 644-9090. Mr. Bryars stated they are currently at the medical facility building and the space has been working well for them and he thanked the Sheriff’s Office for their regular support. Care to Share supports individuals with cancer, their caregivers, and families and since 2009 they have given 1.5 million dollars to those primarily in Bourbon County. Mr. Bryars stated that they raise money at events, individuals donate in honor of people’s loved ones, and in the past three months they’ve had two people anonymously donate $5,000. Teresa Davenport is the President of the organization and he thanked her, the board members, and volunteers working behind the scenes to help care for those in need. On July 27th there will be a golf tournament that will benefit Care to Share with free will donation lunch and dinner as well as free music from 6:00-9:00. Care to Share volunteers will be serving breakfast and lunch at the Bourbon County Fair next Tuesday through Thursday. The third annual Fort Fest will be held on September 27-28 and they are currently working on a family event to be held on September 29 with more details to come soon. The Timken Foundation granted Care to Share $70,000 which they will receive in September. Mr. Bryars discussed a community stage idea that would be able to be transported to any site in the county and stated they haven’t made anything official and are working on the logistics of it now.



Anne Dare referenced the recent audit and stated that an elected official gave themselves a raise without the Commission’s approval and that there is a statute that outlines the county elected and appointed official’s compensation is fixed by the Commission. Anne asked if the Commission has put any sort of policies or guidelines in place, so all elected officials are aware and that you don’t forget. Jim asked Justin if once we establish a budget for an elected official, they can give themselves a pay raise as long as they stay under budget. Justin said once you approve the budget it is theirs to spend, that you can’t control that, and you can’t go in and cut their budget without doing a lot of special consideration. Justin discussed how the County Attorney and Sheriff’s Office must be adequately funded but there is nothing saying what adequate funding is. Anne discussed having detailed credit card receipts and asked if the Commission were going to set any policies going forward. Jim said if elected officials such as the County Attorney or Sheriff have credit cards, we have no jurisdiction over them. Justin said it is a gray area and if the elected officials stay within their budget how do you hold their feet to the fire. Anne said as a community member wanting her tax dollars spent as appropriately as possible and if there is no documentation, I don’t get to make a judgement on that. Anne discussed Jim speaking to Baker Tilly regarding the county budgets to see if our numbers were in line and said that in the past when Clifton has been asked to speak to a department or organization that the Commission have voted on that to allow him to do that. Anne said she doesn’t remember any such conversation happening like that in a public setting for you to be able to do that. Jim said he talked to them as a Bourbon County citizen not a Commissioner. Anne discussed items brought up in the budget work session such as repairs to the elevator, dispatch funds, and money for election equipment that is already having issues even though it is new, and the IT budget reduced even though offices in the Courthouse are having problems with the current system. Anne said the biggest issue she sees is on the general equipment fund which is $394,863 that will be given as a startup to Freeman and that is in addition to a tax the citizens will start paying in October. Anne asked when that $394,000 was approved and Clifton said it was $500,000 and that the City also approved it six or seven months ago.



Kyle Parks asked that the Commission meeting and the Industrial Development Research Committee not meet at the same time as the research committee isn’t being recorded so that others can go back and watch later. Jim said that we do not have anything to do with the committee that they are completely separate. Mr. Parks asked for clarification as to the decision to give USD 235 $200,000 over the next four years contingent on the money from solar panels coming in and asked what happens if the money doesn’t come in. The Commissioners agreed it is contingent on the money coming in. Mr. Parks asked what happens if the school district starts construction expecting $50,000 per year. Jim said Mr. Eden knows.



Pete Owenby asked if the Commissioners heard of the major solar panel fire in Olathe or the on in Lees Summitt that put off black smoke and asked if that smoke would be toxic. Mr. Owenby asked if the Commissioners could get paperwork from KDHE that says solar is safe. Jim said they are trying to do everything that is being asked and questioned why Mr. Owenby keeps coming back. Mr. Owenby said that he keeps coming back because they are being put 275 from his house and asked if there will be any solar panels near any of the Commissioner’s houses. Mr. Owenby stated the Commissioners are the first and last line of defense for the community. Mr. Owenby said that Olathe has plans in place to protect their citizens and firefighters and plans outlining how to put of solar panel fires and asked if the Commissioners have any such plans. Clifton said there aren’t any panels here yet. Jim said he has talked to the Fire Chief for the City of Fort Scott who is reviewing the possibility of solar panel fires.


Amber Page, Deputy Clerk, said that the last day to register to vote for the Primary election is July 16th. We will have early voting available July 29th through August 2nd from 8:30-4:30 in the Commission Room. On Saturday, August 3rd early voting will be from 8:00-noon and on Monday, August 5, early voting will be from 8:30-noon. The polling places will be open on August 6th from 7:00-7:00. Jim made a motion to not hold a meeting on August 5th due to the election. Clifton seconded the motion and all approved.



Brandon said any questions for the Industrial Development Research Committee should be submitted to the Clerk by the end of the day Thursday and she will distribute them to the committee members. Brandon said he doesn’t know when the committee will hold their next meeting as it is up to them to set the times and place, but they are currently in the lobby for anybody who wants to go listen. Jim said he received a letter from a gentleman who thanked them for the ER and stated the gentleman had to move when we didn’t have an ER and now he is able to move back home. Clifton told Anne Dare that the Commissioners haven’t been asked about dispatch funds. Jim said he talked to the City Manager today and he thinks the City will be going a different way for funding. Clifton said the amount to switch to Tyler Technologies is way more than $20,000. Clifton said Eric, Dustin, and the public works department have done a lot of work relating to the FEMA disaster gathering information and said they have driven the roads multiple times. Clifton said with all the rain the roads could be fixed and then washed out again and the graders have a lot of pictures of all the damage and the total of the damage was over $10,000,000. Clifton said we have different software now and Eric and Dustin have the documentation and we done everything needed to be reimbursed. Brandon stated the County has done their part and the Governor declared and now they are waiting for the President to declare before any reimbursement can be made. Brandon said that it will take a long time to get all the damage fixed.



Clifton made a motion to adjourn at 6:08. Brandon seconded the motion and all approved.




___________________, Chairman


ATTEST:                                                                                                    ___________________, Commissioner

Jennifer Hawkins, Bourbon County Clerk

7-15-2024                            Approved Date

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