Republicans Give No-Confidence Vote to Commissioners Harris and Beth

Bourbon County Republican Central Committee met on Thursday, June 20,  at Fort Scott Livestock Market, 2131 Maple Rd and after a lengthy discussion, those present gave votes of no-confidence to Bourbon County Commissioners Clifton Beth and Jim Harris.

The no-confidence vote was for violating the Bourbon County Commission Ordinance on a Code of Conduct, Resolution 22-20, signed on June 30, 2020 by those sitting on the commission at the time: Jeff Fischer, Lynn Ohara and Nick Ruhl.

Twenty-nine of those present voted yes to no-confidence in these two commissioners, 6 abstained and,  0 voted no, according to C.J. Robison, a member of the committee who spoke during the county commission meeting on June 24.

C.J. Robinson reads the vote of no confidence to commissioners on June 2—screenshot from the commission video.

To view the resolution:

Resolution 22-20(2)

Highlights of the resolution of the code of conduct for county officials:

  • honesty, openness, and accountability  involving county government
  • respect for others, civility in all public relationships
  • stewardship of county human, fiscal, and physical resources
  • excellence in continuous learning in personal development and county government operations
  • fairness and impartiality
  • no accepting of gratuities, etc. from contractors or other agents
  • violations of this code shall be prosecuted

Commission Meeting Discussion on Solar Continues

The vote of no-confidence was not related to the solar farm issues that have been discussed at recent commission meetings, according to a Republican Party member, who wished to remain anonymous.

At the commission meeting on Monday, the discussion centered around the handling of the current solar energy projects coming into Bourbon County.

At the commission meeting, Commissioner Harris said “We have no zoning or any other tool to say they can’t come in…without zoning we have no legal action.”

“The solar companies are here,” Commissioner Beth said. “They have spent money and signed contracts with people. We can’t use inverse condemnation to take away those property rights. I wouldn’t do it and it’s not covered under our insurance for it.”

Inverse condemnation is the taking of property by a government agency which so greatly damages the use of a parcel of real property that it is the equivalent of condemnation of the entire property, according to

To view the commission meeting:







3 thoughts on “Republicans Give No-Confidence Vote to Commissioners Harris and Beth”

  1. I’ve been wanting to give Beth and Harris a no-confidence vote myself for 3 years! Way to go, Bourbon County Republicans. You did something right! I’m not in your party, but I appreciate any one bringing in sunshine and fresh air to the County Commission in general.

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