Union State Bank, the Fort Scott Branch, is in the final stages of an addition of 1,200 square feet to its building.
“We were running into problems with space,” CEO and President Bryan Holt said. “We looked at every way possible to not expand the foot print.”
But the bank administration decided to add a 20 by 60 foot addition for its growing support staff and also to upgrade security.
The lobby was shortened and reconfigured to have more space for employee work stations, and the addition added five new offices and two new bathrooms.
In October 2021 the project was started.
“It will be 99 percent completed in 30 days,” Vice President of Information Technology Dustin McClure said on June 23. McClure was also the project manager of the expansion.
“We’ve got pods, like cubicles, to build,” McClure said. “This will seat a total of eight people.”
“This will improve accessibility and privacy needs of our customers,” Senior Loan Officer Katie Casper said.
“New offerings with debit card capabilities, improved customer experience and improved card experience are on the horizon for the bank,” Holt said.
The bank building, located at 1009 S. Clark, was completed in 1992, when Union State Bank opened the branch in Fort Scott.
The headquarters of the two banks is in Uniontown, where the business started in 1901.
The bank listed the following businesses who have provided services/products for the expansion:
Project General Manager: Bo Casper (owner of Casper Enterprises)
Casper Enterprises LLC
Alpha Roofing
Big Sugar Lumber and Home Center
Craw-Kan Telephone
Davis Drywall
Geiger Plumbing
Greenwood Plaster Company
Jeff Allen Electric
LACO Guttering
Norris Heating & Air
Peerless Products Inc.
Phillips Flooring
Redbud Farms and Nursery
Ruddick’s Furniture
Stoughton Inc
Thomas Concrete & Construction