Black History Speaker Lunch And Learn Feb. 18



February is Black History Month.

The Gordon Parks Museum is bringing an author and entrepreneur to speak on how to choose one’s weapons in the face of adversity on Tuesday, February 18 at 11 a.m. with a “Lunch and Learn” presentation. The museum is located on the campus of Fort Scott Community College in the Ellis Fine Arts Center, 2401 S. Horton.


The guest speaker will be Frank Clay, Jr., author and a member of The National Speaker’s Association.


“We chose to bring Frank Clay as author, business coach, entrepreneur and veteran for his perspective on important figures like Gordon Parks, who helped shaped African American history and inspired others,” Kirk Sharp, director of the Gordon Parks Museum , said.


The presentation titled “Find the Right Weapons and Success is Yours”.

Participants are encouraged to bring their lunch and drinks with them.


Dessert will be provided.


“Find the Right Weapons and Success is Yours” is the presentation reflecting on lessons learned from Gordon Parks and how Gordon chose the right weapons to bring about change in his life and the world, according to a press release.


Clay will also speak on how Gordon’s book The Choice of Weapons, helped to inspire others such as Frank to find the right weapons in life.


Frank Clay, Jr. is also  the founder and principal of 2020 Solutions Inc.


Clay  holds a bachelor’s in business administration and a master’s in business management.


For more information about “Find the Right Weapons and Success is Your” presentation at the Gordon Parks Museum call 223-2700, ext. 5850 or email

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