Lisa Dillon: New FS Housing and Community Development Coordinator

Lisa Dillon, The City of Fort Scott Housing and Community Development Coordinator
Lisa Dillon started as the new City of Fort Scott Housing and Community Development Coordinator on September 23.
Her wages will be split over a couple of different funds including economic development, FS City Manager Brad Matkin said.
“I graduated from high school in 1986 and later attended Fort Scott Community College.  I have gained valuable insights into community development and social issues with prior employment and volunteering ventures with different communities through the years,” Dillon said.
She has experience in real estate, residential lending, and community programs that assisted families.
The following was provided by Matkin about the roles that Dillon and her department head, Mary Wyatt, play.

Planning, Housing, and Business Development Department

The Planning, Housing, and Business Development Department plays a vital role in shaping the future growth and sustainability of a community. It focuses on urban planning, housing initiatives, and business development strategies, ensuring they are integrated to create a vibrant and resilient community. This includes planning, implementing, and evaluating programs that foster economic growth, improve public infrastructure, enhance housing options, and strengthen community ties.

Director of Planning, Housing, and Business Development: Mary Wyatt

  • Oversee the Housing and Community Development Coordinator, Tourism and Public Relations Coordinator, Codes Department, and Woodland Hills Golf Course.
  • Work closely with the Kansas Department of Commerce on promoting Fort Scott to entice businesses to come to our community.
  • Ensure the City of Fort Scott is competitive regionally attracting prospective companies to the City.
  • Work with the area Chamber of Commerce to strengthen relationships with existing businesses.
  • In partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and local realtors, develops, and maintains a comprehensive inventory of available buildings and sites in the community.
  • Provide education to possible new businesses for grants, funding, and locations.
  • Report to the commission quarterly on findings, wins, and expectations of the Planning, Housing, and Business Development Department.
  • Develop short- and long-range economic development plans.
  • Lead efforts to attract new businesses to the City of Fort Scott or Bourbon County.
  • Develop incentive programs to encourage business investment in the community.
  • Represent the City of Fort Scott at regional and national economic development conferences and trade shows.
  • Study and monitor the up-to-date market statistics and demographics for existing businesses, labor shed, and market data for businesses interested in relocating or locating in Fort Scott.

Housing and Community Development Manager: Lisa Dillon

  • City liaison for the City of Fort Scott Land Bank
  • Educate investors on housing incentives
  • Legislative liaison working with Kansas League of Municipalities to influence state and federal legislation.
  • Develop, implement, and manage housing and community development programs.
  • Oversee the administration of grants and funding for housing and community development projects.
  • Ensure that all housing and development projects comply with local, state, and federal regulations.
  • Collaborate with the Codes Department to provide support and assistance
  • Prepare and submit required reports and documentation to regulatory bodies.
  • Continued education in housing, codes, and community development regulations.
  • Identify and secure funding sources for housing and community development
  • Report quarterly on housing developments and community activities to the City Commission
  • Help the Director of Planning, Housing, and Business Development with incentive programs to encourage business investment in the community.
  • Promote the development of affordable housing and improve existing housing stock with the assistance of the Codes department.
  • Work with the City of Fort Scott’s bond counselor to promote and execute the city’s RHID program.
  • Foster a collaborative and innovative work environment


Her office is located at City Hall, 123 S. Main Street Fort Scott, and her phone number is 620.223.0550.
Fort Scott City Hall.

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