Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative, Girard, is giving several area high school students and staff who may not have internet connectivity at home, a place where they can connect for free.
This is an effort to help with aiding students and staff in online school work as physical access to schools has been shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Zach Adams, Craw-Kan Marketing Manager said.
As of March 30, Craw-Kan has hotspots located at LaRoche Baseball Complex in Fort Scott’s Industrial Park, south of the city and the new Fort Scott Central office building, located south of Family Video on National Avenue and in Uniontownon on the north side of the town square.
“We have plans to add additional wifi hotspots to other rural Bourbon county communities this week as wifi equipment becomes available,” he said. “The SSID (name) of the wifi connection that you will see on your device will be ‘Craw-Kan Free WIFI’ .”
To view a map of the free hot spots click below:
“This map is the go-to,” Adams said. More hot spots will be added.
“Craw-Kan deployed a large number of our staff last week to bring as many wifi hotspots online across our very large service area,” Adams said. “As of March 30, 2020, we had 24 different hotspots available in about 10 or so school districts across Southeast Kansas and a couple in Southwest Missouri.”
“They are fully open public wifi hotspots and no password is required,” he said.
One has to be near the hot spot to use it.
“While we are using high power outdoor wifi transmitters, you must still be within range to use the internet at one of these hotspots,” Adams said. “The range of these radios differs by locations, however, most reach a 150 – 300 ft radius around the hotspot. Basically they are designed to be drive-up/walk-up access and we do ask that anyone using the hot spot exercises proper caution and maintains social distancing guidelines recommended by the State of Kansas. “
“While we implemented this program to assist in online education, the general public would be allowed to access these wifi hotspots for other uses,” he said. “However, we do reserve the right to block traffic that would be considered abuse at our discretion. This is not designed for people to sit in their cars and watch Tiger King on Netflix or stream all the Star Wars movies on Disney +. We will be monitoring traffic/bandwidth usage and can block usage by service (or individual device) if needed to maintain the integrity of the connection for student educational usage.”