Fort Scott Biz

Introducing the Candidates: Rob Hodgkinson

Vote Here sign at the Bourbon County Courthouse.

This part of a series on the candidates for the November 6 election.

Secretary of State (vote for one)                              

Brian “BAM” McClendon1200 Oread Avenue #703 Lawrence 66044 Democratic

Scott Schwab 14953 W 140th Terr. Olathe 66062 Republican

Rob Hodgkinson 7111 W 151st St #104 Overland Park 66223 Libertarian

Jordan Photography 913-814-7740

Name:  Rob Hodgkinson

Age:  59

Candidate for the position of Kansas Secretary of State

Place of residence: Stilwell Kansas

Current occupation: Realtor

Community involvement: Immediate past State Chair for the Libertarian Party of Kansas

Party affiliation: Libertarian

1) What is the biggest issue, if elected, and how do you plan to address it?

Improve transparency of the office.

Making elections accessible, accountable and secure.

I see this in three parts for elections – voter registration, voter participation and numbers of candidates. Voter registration needs to be much simpler/easier than in the past. Voter participation needs to increase candidates: I love the fact we have five candidates in the governor’s race this year – I will work to have many candidates all the way through the ballot. When we have many candidates, rather than throwing mud and being negative, we get the chance to hear about issues.

Strengthen the new regulations for audits in elections (effective 1/2019). The current wording of the audit requirements leaves a lot of wiggle room as to how they will be done.

Ending Crosscheck, this program is faulty and not used by all 50 states making its intended purpose useless
Lobbying to have the election commissioner of the four big counties election offices locally elected rather than being appointed by the Secretary of State.

Updating the KSSoS website, today it is not mobile friendly, the navigation is awkward, and is hard to read due to too much legal language being used rather than plain tone it should use.


I believe the KSSoS can do a similar thing to what the State Treasurer does with the 529 college savings plans to help improve voter registrations and voter turnout, that is to make public announcements about voting: Here is how you register to vote, here are the important dates, remember that there is an early voting option that can be used, etc.

2)Give your views on food sales tax:


As Secretary of State, I cannot affect this issue


3) Give your views on legalizing marijuana:


As Secretary of State, I cannot affect this issue


4) Give your views on health care for our state, including Medicaid:


As Secretary of State, I cannot affect this issue


5) Give views on abortion and Planned Parenthood:

As Secretary of State, I cannot affect this issue

6). Why should voters consider you the most qualified candidate? What in your background most prepares you to serve in this office?

I have an IT background with experience being responsible for a company’s entire IT/IS enterprise. I also have small business experience and an exterior remodeling company I was a partner/owner in; tripled in size during the recession. I have election experience from a third party “Outsider” perspective. I will not be wearing the uniform of one of the 2 big political parties We need the KSSoS office to be fair in its election dispute settlements to Kansans, not parties.

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