Fort Scott Biz

USD234 Board Meeting Met On Sept. 11

USD 234 Board of Education Building, 424 S. Main

Unified School District 234

424 South Main

Fort Scott, KS 66701-2697

620-223-0800   Fax 620-223-2760



DESTRY BROWN                                                                                                                                                        








Monday, September 11, 2023


Members of the USD 234 Board of Education met at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, September 11, 2023, for their regular monthly meeting at the board office.


President David Stewart opened the meeting.


The board approved the official agenda, and the consent agenda as follows:


The Fort Scott High School Performing Arts Department was recognized as the Certified Tiger Team members of the month. The Department was selected as a finalist in KSHSAA Performing Arts School of Excellence Award. Justin Robinson, FSHS/FSMS Band Teacher, Carson Felt, FSHS/FSMS Orchestra Teacher, Angie Bin, FSHS Drama/Thespian Teacher, and Tyler Slinkard, FSHS Debate & Forensics Teacher attended, and the board recognized them. Each gave an update on their programs.

Jon Barnes, FSHS Social Studies Teacher, was recognized for being nominated for the Kansas Horizon Award by USD 234. Mr. Barnes is in his second year of teaching.


Jessica Phillips, Fort Scott Middle School Kitchen Manager, was recognized by Superintendent Brown as the Classified Tiger Team member of the month. Mrs. Phillips has worked for the district for over 10 years. She was recognized for a well-run kitchen and creating a fun atmosphere.


Assistant Superintendent Dalaina Smith updated the board on the food service program where students eat free this school year, After-School Child Care program, iReady professional development and the required annual staff training. Mrs. Smith discussed a more formalized process for 504 plans.


Tonya Barnes, Special Education Director, provided a written report to the board.


Gina Shelton, Finance Director, updated the board on the financial audit, Household Surveys which allow for waiver of fees, bond payments, and credit card rebate. Mrs. Shelton provided the current balance in ESSER funds.


David Stewart recognized Gina Shelton for her service to the district.


Superintendent Destry Brown discussed the options for fulfilling the open board vacancy. There was discussion among the board with no action, but consensus to wait to fill the opening until after the board elections in November.


The board approved the following items:


The board went into an executive session for personnel matters.


President Stewart adjourned the meeting.




September 11, 2023







Classified Recommendations for the 2023-24 school year:


Goals & Evaluation Schedule for Superintendent Destry Brown

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