Fort Scott Biz

USD234 Board Agenda for Nov. 8

USD 234 Board of Education Building, 424 S. Main

Unified School District 234 Board Agenda

November 8, 2021

5:30 p.m.

Fort Scott Middle School Commons

Live Stream on youtube channel:

  1. Open the meeting
  2. Flag Salute
  3. Consider official agenda
  4. Consider consent agenda
  5. Winfield Scott presentation
  6. Audit Report from Terry Sercer
  7. Public Forum
  8. Fort Scott KNEA Report
  9. Administrators’ Reports
  10. Academic Director’s Report
  11. Superintendent’s Report
  12. Business Manager’s Report
  13. ESSER Update
  14. Review and update USD 234 Areas of Focus
  15. Consider roof consulting proposal from Benchmark, Inc.
  16. Consider Resolution 21-09 for Withdrawal from Kansas Educational Risk Management Pool
  17. Consider RPS Broker Agreement
  18. Consider Benefits Committee Recommendation – Health Insurance
  19. Consider Erate Application Funding Year 2022 Contract
  20. Consider Employee Safety Manual
  21. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with CHC for COVID-19 testing
  22. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with Fort Scott KNEA
  23. Fort Scott Middle School VIP Fall Extravaganza – November 22, 2021 – 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
  24. Board member comments
  25. Executive session – to discuss personnel matters for nonelected personnel
  26. Consider Employment
  27. Adjourn
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