Fort Scott Biz

U235 Receives SPARK Funds To Clean Schools, Technology, Extra Staff and Help Bring Health Clinic to Town

Uniontown High School.
USD 235, Uniontown’s school district, is the recipient of two SPARK grants.
The Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce is charged with leading Kansas forward in recovery from the far-reaching effects of COVID-19, with funds distributed from the U.S. Federal Government.

The first USD235  grant is a collaborative project to bring a medical clinic to Uniontown.
“The collaborative project in the amount of $88,000 was for the rural health clinic in our old board of education building,” USD235 Superintendent Brett Howard said.  “The collaboration is between Girard Hospital, the Uniontown Ruritan Club, and USD 235.  The $88,000 will be used for remodeling the building into a rural health clinic.  The Uniontown Ruritan Club and Girard Hospital are working together and USD 235 is leasing the building to Girard Hospital for the Health Clinic.”
The building for the medical clinic is south of the Uniontown High School Football Field.
USD 235 also received $102,000 in SPARK funds, for a heating/air conditioning purification system, technology, and an extra custodian.
 “Those funds are being used to install an IWave purification system in our HVAC system,” Howard said. “IWave kills mold, bacteria, viruses, reduces odors, and even reduces allergens and static electricity. It requires no maintenance and has no harmful byproducts, safely cleaning the air in schools.”
“We are also purchasing technology for our teachers to help them work with our students who have chosen the remote learning option or who are quarantining and working from home during their quarantine,” he said.
Rose Gauthier’s kindergarten class could view each other on Zoom during lesson time in spring 2020 when the district was closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Submitted photo.
“The money will also be used to purchase cleaning supplies and help pay for an extra custodian to clean buses and transportation vehicles,” Howard said.
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