Vaccine has arrived! Please note the time, date and location of vaccine clinics.
COVID-19 vaccinations clinics open Wednesday, Saturday
A shipment of 4,000 doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine has arrived at Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas clinics as part of a national effort to ensure underserved communities are equitably vaccinated.
Phase 2 includes people aged 65 and up, high-contact critical workers and congregate settings. High-contact critical workers include: higher education staff; first responders; judicial/court system participants; childcare workers; food processing including meat processing; grocery stores; food service to include restaurants; transportation organizations/suppliers; city/county public works; Dept. Motor Vehicles; U.S. Postal Service, home care providers, and supplier of critical infrastructure service/supplies.
Vaccines are already going into arms. On Wednesday, vaccines will be distributed from 1 to 4 PM at 924 N. Broadway, Pittsburg.