Fort Scott Biz

Understanding Poverty: Poverty Paradigm, August 12

 CORE Community Bourbon County is sponsoring a poverty simulation event  on August 12 at 4 p.m. at the Fort Scott Middle School.
The Poverty Paradigm’s purpose: helping the community understand poverty.

“The mission of CORE Community Bourbon County is to overcome poverty in Bourbon County,” Jennifer Michaud, one of the advisory board members said. “Decreasing poverty will result in a better quality of life for our citizens and a healthier and more vibrant community.”

Jennifer Michaud. Submitted photo.

“We are bringing the Poverty Paradigm to town because we can’t begin to help our citizens overcome poverty if we do not understand it,” Michaud said.  “The Poverty Paradigm is a simulation that will allow the participants to understand what it is like to live in poverty.  By understanding poverty, we can then work with those who live it to empower them to overcome it as a community.”

“The target audience is ANYONE who would like to learn more about poverty in Bourbon County and how to overcome it,” Michaud said.  “This includes business leaders, educators, social workers, civic-minded individuals, faith communities, health care workers. In addition, this is for anyone who currently lives in poverty who is interested in overcoming it.”
Michaud is an educator herself, who teaches Spanish at  Fort Scott High School.
  ALL are invited and welcome.

The cost is $10 to participate.

“However, if individuals want to participate, but cannot afford the $10, then they can contact me directly.  We do NOT want cost to be prohibitive!” she said.

To contact Michaud: phone:  785-230-7010 or email
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