Fort Scott Biz

Outdoor Rink Attracts 365 Skaters During Opening Weekend

The rink named Glide is located at the Gathering Pavilion on North National Avenue.
The new outdoor skating rink in Fort Scott had approximately 365 people skate the opening weekend during the Christmas on the Bricks Festival on December 6-8.
The Glide is a synthetic ice skating rink that is located at the Gathering Pavilion on North National Avenue.
“Everyone that has visited the rink seems to be enjoying it,” Diane Striler, the event organizer said. “One of the best things we overheard was a little girl who told her mom that now they don’t have to go up to Kansas City to skate.”
Diane Striler and her husband Dean at last year’s Christmas on the Bricks. Submitted photo.
Free tickets to skate now available
“We have three groups that have purchased tickets so kids can skate for free.
1. anonymous donor – 100 tickets
2. Farmer Philanthropy/Carla Farmer – 100 tickets
3. Fort Scott Kiwanis – 50 tickets
    Kiwanis Pioneers- 50 tickets
“Skate aides are available for $2 per skater-free for those with disabilities,” Striler said.
Tickets can be picked up at the Fort Scott Chamber – 231 E Wall St- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“All workers at the rink are coordinated through The Fort Scott Area Chamber Foundation,” she said.
Appreciation For Those Who Helped Bring Rink To Fruition
 “We would like to recognize the donors of the rink,” said Striler. “We especially wanted to thank Al  and Luanna Niece for their amazing contribution of $25,000.”
Skating rink donors are listed on the skate storage/payment room at the rink site.
“The ones below the Nieces donated  $5,000 and down to $500,” Striler said.
“The graphic (below) is all the individuals that donated their time  toward the contruction for the rink and set up,” she said.
The list of those who helped with getting the set up completed at the skating rink.
Donors graphic submitted.
“The list (above) includes everyone that monetarily donated at all levels toward the rink, helped with fundraisers and we also wanted to thank the bakers that helped with the Pumpkin Roll Fundraiser – Taira Williams, Jamie Beckham, Joyce Davenport and Jolynne Mitchell and Fort Scott Broadcasting for helping us get out all the information.  We want to thank these people and everyone that contributed in any way,” Striler said.
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