Fort Scott Biz

Old, New, Borrowed, Blue by Carolyn Tucker

Keys to the Kingdom

By Carolyn Tucker


I suppose I had a weird mindset about my wedding in 1980. Most young girls dream about their wedding and wedding gown for years. Although I wanted to marry, have children, and a loving home, I wasn’t the least bit interested in the wedding dress. To me, they all looked alike because they were all white. I like color, especially turquoise. I know wedding gowns come in all different hues now, but back then they didn’t. Jennifer, my bridesmaid, graciously offered her pretty wedding dress and I accepted. Her thoughtfulness spared me from the agony of looking at racks of colorless gowns. I very much enjoyed planning the details of the ceremony. For communion, we used the shot glasses Dad brought from Germany in WWII for “something old.” My high heels were new (and uncomfortable), the wedding gown was borrowed, and the garter was blue.


The Bible is old, but it has never lost its relevance. Very often I will discover a new jaw-dropping revelation on an issue I’ve been wondering about. Although the Word of God has been borrowed from generation to generation, no one has ever improved on its battered (but still working) content. And if you’ve ever experienced a blue season, your faith and belief in His Word has surely pulled you through.


We find the words “old paths” in the Old Testament. The “old paths” are described as “the good way” and the Hebrews were under obligation to walk in these paths. When they strayed, they always found themselves in dire straits. “This is what the Lord says: ‘Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls’” (Jeremiah 6:16 NLT). When we go our own way (like the Fleetwood Mac song) we never find the peace we’re searching for. God’s way works because He designed it to be the only way to have rest. Living in an obedient and loving relationship with Jesus works. Not because it’s old, but because it’s the good way, the right way, and God’s way.


“Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence” (2 Corinthians 5:17 GW). This scripture is a powerful reminder that when an individual makes the decision to follow Christ, a life-giving transformation takes place. The old lifestyle of sin, brokenness and unrest is replaced by a new clean start as a forgiven and redeemed life in Christ. Spiritual newness becomes ours when we surrender everything and follow Him.


The price of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection is too high for us to borrow. To “borrow” means to take and use with an agreement to pay it back later. A believer’s new life now and eternal life later is a marvelous gift. The only thing we can do to show our appreciation is to accept Christ, love Him, and be exemplary ambassadors for Him.


I enjoy the Blues music on Beale Street in Memphis, but living with the blues is not cool. The best way I’ve found to escape the moody blues is Psalm 42:5 MSG: “Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? I fix my eyes on God and soon I’ll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.” 


The Key: The Word of God is old, yet new, borrowed, but never blue.

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