Fort Scott Biz

Seventeen New Teachers, 3 New Administrators in Bourbon County Schools Next Year

There will be many new faces in school districts in Bourbon County for the upcoming school year.
St. Mary’s Catholic School
For St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School there are no resignations, according to Principal Josh Regan.
USD 234 Board of Education Building, 424 S. Main
USD 234 has received 10 resignations thus far.
Connie Billionis, U234 Board Clerk sent the following:
From Fort Scott High School:
Math Teacher – William Hall
Math Teacher – Jeff Armstrong
Social Science Teacher – Tami Campbell and the district has hired Jonathon Barnes to fill the position.
English Teacher – Jennifer Hartman
From Fort Scott Middle School:
Science Teacher – Kelly Toll
Special Education Teacher – Shelly Sanborn
From Eugene Ware Elementary School:
5th Grade Teacher – Mary Mauer
Music Teacher – Mary Jo Harper
5th Grade Teacher – Kristin Duffy
3rd Grade Teacher – Carrie Southwell
“We have hired an elementary Instructional Coach, Suzan Durnell,” Billionis said .  “This position was vacant this year.”
Uniontown High School.
USD 235 202122 Resignations and New Hires for 202223
Three administrative positions will have new people in the Uniontown School District, U235, according to the school superintendent. In addition there will be five teachers for current vacancies and  two more added because of COVID-19 funding.
Bret Howard resigned as Superintendent and will be replaced by Vance Eden, who is currently the elementary school principal.
Eden,  West Bourbon Elementary Principal, resigned and will be replaced by Tema Gilion.
Jim Lambert,  UJH/HS Principal, resigned and will be replaced by Dalaina Smith
Five teachers have resigned in this school district.
Neva Rowland, Uniontown High School Band and Choir teacher will be replaced by  Morgan Egidy.

Johnathan Stark, Uniontown Junior High and UHS Physical Education Teacher will be replaced by Zach Mason. Mason will also be the new head high school football coach.

Andrew Ables, UHS Science, resigned and the district is  taking applications

Mike Durnell, UJH/UHS Math, resigned and the district is taking applications.
Linda Rogers resigned from first/second grade and the ESSER 2 Funded position will not be refilled.
There are two newly created teaching positions, funded by ESSER Funds.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted on March 27, 2020, and included Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds for K-12 schools, according to the Kansas Department of Education website:
These ESSER grants provide school districts with emergency relief funds to address the impact COVID-19 has had elementary and secondary schools.

 A UJH/UHS Language Arts Teacher position is filled by Brianna (Hampton) Taylor. This is a n
ew position using ESSER 3 Funding.

In 4th/5th Grade, Kaitlyn Bradbury
is a new 4th/5th grade teacher, using ESSER 3 Funding.

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