Fort Scott Biz

New School Administrator Series: Tema Gilion

Tema Gilion. Submitted photo.

This is part of a series helping the public get to know the new school administrators in Bourbon County.


Tema Gilion, is the new West Bourbon Elementary School Principal, Uniontown. She is replacing Vance Eden, who is the new USD 235 Superintendent.
West Bourbon Elementary School, Uniontown.
Gilion completed her administrative preparation program at Pittsburg State University.
She has experience in elementary, middle and high school teaching-1st and 3rd general education, 5th grade math, high school Spanish and English as a Second Language and a sub-director and teacher at a private bilingual school.
When not teaching she loves traveling, reading, gardening, and time with family.
Her hometown is Carthage, MO.
Why did you become an educator?
“I was privileged to have some amazing teachers in the Carthage school system who inspired me to become a teacher. I’ve always loved school and learning, so becoming an educator was a very natural path for me to follow.”
I enjoy seeing students learn and grow academically as well as in character. Inspiring students to be life-long learners is something for which I strive as an educator.
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