Fort Scott Biz

New First-Grade Teacher at Winfield Scott: Lindsey Davis


This is part of a series of features on new teachers in our community.

Lindsey Davis is a new first-grade teacher at Winfield Scott Elementary School.

Name: Lindsey Davis
Title: 1st Grade Teacher at Winfield Scott
Education: Graduated from Pitt State with a BS in elementary education.
Experience: First-year teacher.
Age: 25 years old.
Family:  Married to husband, Cal, for two weeks.
Why did you choose education as a career?
“I love to see students learn, change and grow and I want to be a part of it.
I want to make an impact on my students and help them enjoy life and give them a chance to dream about life. “
What is the first on your list of priorities for the position?

“To be a good educator by making a difference in my student’s lives. And to make learning a fun enjoyable experience for each and every student that I get the opportunity to teach.”

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