The Fort Scott Recreation offers events throughout the year to help individuals stay physically fit.
This month, January 2025, the following classes are offered: yoga/pilates, Get Fit Stay Fit, Soul Fusion, Stretch Class, youth indoor soccer, Tiger Kids Cheer, Taekwondo, and The Biggest Loser Competition.
To view the current program calendar:

Recreation Director Lucas Kelley provided a list of all the new programs coming this year:
Youth Track (starts in March) Pre-K-6th Grade
Stretch Class: January 13th – February 28th 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Yoga/Pilates January 13th – February 28th 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
All-Star Weekend Challenge: Contestants pick winners for the three National Basketball Association All-Star Events.
Saturday 8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. May through September, and
Sunday from noon to 5 P.M.
Recreation office hours are 8 A.M. – 5 P.M
For successful programs, it is critical for
participants to sign up by the deadline, according to the website.
Classes may be canceled if there are not enough
registrants and the decision to cancel programs will
be made shortly after the deadline.
There are fee assistance and scholarship programs available for those who need them.
“Everyone should be able to enjoy our programs! according to the website. “Based on the needs of the individual or family size,
collected from the information that is provided,
scholarships may be available. Just ask our staff
for additional information.”
“Our policy is to provide customer satisfaction and to
refund payment for services which do not meet
customer’s expectations. If by the second program
day, you are not happy with a program or have
conflicts, a credit will be issued,” according to the website.
“In the case of inclement weather and program
cancellations, register for Textcaster, listen to
KOMB FM (103.9), visit our website at or call (620)-223-0386.
Managers will be notified if games are canceled, according to the website.
Lucas Kelley is the Recreation Director, Dave Fly is the Program Supervisor and Katie Chipman is the Office Manager at Buck Run Community Center, 735 S, Scott Avenue, Fort Scott.
The Mission of the Fort Scott Recreation Commission (FSRC) is to promote the development of a healthy and productive life for the citizens who reside in the USD #234 School District through broad-based recreational opportunities, according to its website.
This is done by:
- Providing a positive atmosphere for people and children that is fun and enjoyable.
- Encouraging participation, not the winning and losing aspect of activities.
- Providing a variety of programs for all ages, stages and abilities.
- Remaining cooperative and open to all community input for additional recreational programming.
- Recognizing the valuable contributions of community volunteerism.
- Offering training to coaches and officials so that they are better prepared.
- Encouraging positive reinforcement from coaches, officials, parents and to all that participate.
The Fort Scott Recreation Commission is comprised of Tammy Hill, Susan Marbery, Stewart Gulager, Adam Lancaster, and Dillon Duffy.
The following opportunities are provided to the community:
Buck Run Community Center/ Fisher Park , Located at 735 Scott Ave.
Which has the following: Fitness Rooms, Gymnasium, Kitchen, Indoor Basketball Court, Shuffle Board, Baseball Fields, Softball Fields, Tennis Courts, Outdoor Basketball Court, Swimming, Facility Rentals for Meetings, Parties, etc., Bathrooms and Playground Area. For Information Contact Buck Run at 620-223-0386.
Gunn Park
Located at Park Avenue 2
Lakes, Fishing, Shelter Houses, Tent & RV Camping, Bathrooms, Picnic Tables, Disc Golf and Playground Area. For Rental Information Contact City Hall at 620-223– 0550.
Lake Fort Scott
Located at Rt. 5 South of Fort Scott
Boating, Fishing, Swimming, Shelter Houses, Picnic Tables. For Information contact City Hall at 620-223-0550.
Bridal Veil Park
Located at West 2nd Street
Shelter House, Picnic Tables, Soccer Field, and Playground Area.
Lions Park
Located at West 18th Street
Baseball Field and Bathrooms.
Lincoln School Walking Trail
Located at West 18th Street
Walking, Running, Fishing, Picnic Tables.
Kiwanis Soccer Field
Located at 2108 Horton
Soccer Fields.
Betty Ruth Willard Fields/Ty Cullor Field
Located at 2108 Horton
Softball Fields, Baseball Field, Bathrooms, Picnic Tables and Playground Area.
Fort Scott Community College
Located at 2108 Horton
Gymnasium, Indoor Basketball, Tennis Courts, Volleyball, and Racquetball Court.
Ellis Park
Located at 12th & Williams
Softball Fields, Baseball Fields, Soccer Fields, Sand Volleyball, Basketball Court, Walking Trail, Shelter House, Picnic Tables, and Bathrooms.
3rd Street Park
Located at 3rd & Hill
Softball & Baseball Field, Shelter House, Bathrooms, Picnic Tables, Outdoor Basketball Court and Playground Area.
Nelson Park
Located at the corner of Grant & Elm Street
Playground Area and Walking Trail.
James Tedesco Memorial Skate Park
Located at 4th & Scott Street Skate Park
The park is for public use by skateboarders, rollerblades, scooters and more. Helmets are not required but suggested and benches and trashcans are provided for anyone who would like to enjoy watching the skaters perform.