Fort Scott Biz

Kansas August Primary Election Candidates: Kansas House of Representatives

Voters in a prior election vote at the Bourbon County Courthouse.

This is part of a series on the candidates on the August Primary Election ballot.
There are two candi dates for District 4 Kansas House of Representatives on the Bourbon County ballot.
Josh Jones.
Joshua Jones, 43, lives in Bourbon County.
He has three experience years as a  Fort Scott City Commissioner and 20+ years as a small business owner.
Jones has been involved in his community in the following ways: Kiwanis, Chair of Healthy Bourbon County Action Team, Advance Bourbon County, previous city commissioner, Christmas in the Park/Bricks committee, Bourbon County Core Communities
“The primary role of any elected official is to represent the people in their jurisdiction, as citizens are the ultimate authority. Unfortunately, many candidates make promises during election campaigns but fail to follow through once elected. When I served as a city commissioner, I was the only one to hold public forums while in office. Transparency and communication are essential.”
“The Kansas House of Representatives faces many pressing issues, with two major concerns being taxes and government overreach into our freedoms and liberties. Often, the government assumes it knows what’s best for us and enacts laws that infringe on our freedoms. The more this happens, the closer our government comes to resembling a dictatorship and less of a government for the people.”
Rick James. Submitted photo.
 Rick James, 61, lives outside of LaCygne.
He earned a  Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree and has
30 years of experience in the United States Marine Corps.
He has served two full terms as a County Commissioner (Linn County, Ks.); served 7 years on the Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services, and 4 years on the Ks. Area on Aging for SE (Ottawa). He is a local business owner of Semper Fi Auction Services (2013) and Bravo Realty (2019).
His community involvement:  a member of Lady of our Lord’s Catholic Church, member of Rotary 2010-2024,  and has “Helped out doing benefit auctions for our non-profits locally. I’m a conservative and proud Republican. Semper Fi.”
The primary role of a Kansas House Representative to James is:
“Introducing good legislation that benefits our constituents. Reduce government where possible—serving as the voice to our constituents in legislative matters, advocating for their interests and concerns in Topeka. I will be fiscally responsible and work to lower taxes. By engaging with community groups, attending local events, and staying informed about local issues;  I can be the sounding board for the 4th District.”
The most pressing issue in the Kansas House of Representatives is
“Taxes… first and foremost.  We as local and state governments have got to work harder at being good stewards to our citizens when spending their money. Another issue is the recent attacks on rural America with green energy wanting to take 10’s of thousands of acres away from our landowners here in Bourbon and Linn County. Other bad ideas like Pikes Reservoir (10,000 acre lake proposed in Bourbon County) which was known in Topeka before land owners knew.  There are many things our state can improve on so lets start where it hurts citizens the most (TAXES).  We have a great district and I would appreciate your vote in August. “
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