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Introducing the Candidates: Trevor Jacob

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This is part of a series featuring candidates in the Nov. 6 election.

State Representatives, 4th District (vote for one)

Lawrence Forbach 305 Dement Street Mound City 66056 Democratic

Trevor Jacobs 1927 Locust Rd Fort Scott 66701 Republican

Name: Trevor Jacobs

Age: 42

Candidate for the position of 4th District Kansas House of Representatives

Place of residence: Fort Scott Ks

Current occupation: BNSF Railway

Community involvement:

Preach on KMDO 1600 AM, KOMB 103.9 FM, Sunday mornings, for the radio broadcast Jesus Saves Ministries, preach at Linn County, Mound City Jail, Fort Scott Country Place, Fort Scott Guest Home Estates, Fort Scott Medical Lodge, and have a Bible outreach program, with Jesus Saves Ministries.

Party affiliation: Republican

1) What is the biggest issue, if elected, and how do you plan to address it?

To stand for our God-given rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” I stand to protect our constitutional freedoms. To stand for true American and Kansas traditional values that have made this nation and state great. I stand for the life of the preborn and the protection of the elderly. I stand unashamedly for Biblical morality. I stand for our God-given right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property from government intrusion.

2) Give your views on food sales tax:

I oppose sales tax on food. I voted every time to abolish the sales tax on food. This issue had been introduced and debated multiple times, in the Kansas House Chamber and was voted down everytime by the liberal fringes of both parties. If it wasn’t for partisan politics this issue would have already been resolved.

3) Give your views on legalizing marijuana:

I oppose legalizing marijuana.

4) Give your views on health care for our state, including Medicaid:

This is a very important topic and issue and when considering the future of our healthcare system, the state has put itself in obligation to provide a safety net of healthcare to the elderly, disabled, and the poor. This program is taxpayer funded. It is extremely important to maintain the mindset that there must be serious checks and balances and a degree of accountability with the healthcare programs. Healthcare is not about the quantity of recipients on a particular plan, but of the quality of healthcare that the recipients are receiving.

5) Give views on abortion and Planned Parenthood:

I oppose the murder of children in the womb and I strongly believe it is contrary to the traditional values of the Founding Fathers and documents of this nation. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” God has formed and created every person for a purpose and a plan.

As for Planned Parenthood, I believe they do not deserve any taxpayer money…given the chance, I would vote to defund Planned Parenthood.

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