Fort Scott Biz

Horton Street Repair Begins In July

18th and Horton Street, June 2024.


Sixth and Horton, June 2024.

Starting in July,  Fort Scott residents will begin to see workers repairing Horton Street between Sixth and 18th Streets, according to Ben Wicker, Heck and Wicker, Inc. Project Estimator, the contractor.

The project will include new roadway pavement, new sidewalks, and new Americans with Disabilities Act ramps.

The start date for the project is July 8, 2024, with some traffic control setup beginning the week prior, according to Jason Dick, PE, Project Manager/Junior Partner, Earles Engineering and Inspection, Inc.

“The project goal is two-fold:

  1. Improve pedestrian/bicycle access from 6th  and National Avenue to and along Horton Street to Fort Scott Community College.
  2. Improve the roadway conditions with full-depth pavement replacement on Horton from 8th to 6th Streets and a 3” mill & overlay on Horton from 18th to 8th Streets,” said Dickman.

“The project will be funded through the Kansas Department of Transportation’s (KDOT’s) Cost Share program for a grant of $949,000 to assist with participating roadway construction costs. Remaining project costs through construction will come from City (of Fort Scott) funds,” Dickman said.

The estimated cost to complete is just over $2 million, Dickman said.

The anticipated construction completion date is currently based on 230 calendar days or the end of February 2025.

“The plan is to maintain local access as much as possible on Horton Street, but some work will require detouring to Burke and Crawford Streets primarily to travel from 18th Street and to the north. An alternate route may also include Osbun, Lowman, and Holbrook Streets to access areas between 18th and 6th Streets,” Dickman said.

Heck and Wicker, Inc., Parsons will be the contractor, and subcontractors are Emery Sapp & Sons, Cornerstone, Heartland Traffic, Dustrol, Wicker said.

Heck and Wicker’s contract with the city of Fort Scott is in the amount of $1,875,681.17, Wicker said.


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