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Hannah Reel Is FSCC’s Outstanding Sophomore 2020

Fort Scott Community College

Hannah Reel, FSCC’s Outstanding Sophomore 2020. Submitted photo.
Hannah René Reel, 20, is the Fort Scott Community College Outstanding Sophomore for 2020.
She is the daughter of Jeff and Andrea Scott and Jon Reel, and hales from Fort Scott.
While at the college, Reel was involved as Presidents Ambassador, Vice President of Greyhound Student Government, Christians on Campus, TRiO, TRiO tutor, Phi Theta Kappa and in addition she is involved as a Make-A-Wish Ambassador, American Heart Association Ambassador and children’s teacher for Fort Scott Church of the Nazarene and its’ Vacation Bible School.

What are the most important things you have learned while at FSCC?

“How to be a good leader, learn how to prioritize, and that relationships with people are everything.”

Any life lessons learned?

“Not be afraid to be who I am..found my passion in teaching.. faith is the greatest path you can find.”


What is your major?

“Associates of Science  at  (FSCC) and gain a Bachelors in Communication with an emphasis in Communication Education for Secondary Education at Pittsburg State University.”


What is your ultimate career goal?

“Get my masters to become a Speech teacher at a community college.”



Tell about your experience getting your education online during the pandemic.

“My experience of education online was very difficult, but it taught me to rely on my knowledge and understand I had teachers and staff that were there for me to help in any way possible.”

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