Fort Scott Biz

FSCC receives grant from Community Foundation

Fort Scott Community College


A grant from the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas enables Fort Scott Community College to add at least one, possibly two, additional automated electronic defibrillators (AEDs) on campus.

The total funding, $2,750, was provided for FSCC’s Public Safety Project from the 2023 Fort Scott Area Community Foundation (FSACF) Grant Process, said the college’s grant-writer Ralph Beacham in announcing the award.

“(We are) excited to have received funding from the Community Foundation to purchase at least one AED machine,” said Jason Kegler, FSCC president. “We are aware that time is of the essence when medical emergencies occur. The use of an AED machine has been proven to increase survival rates when used appropriately. We are pleased with the prospect of adding additional machine(s) for use in specific situations.”

The location of the new AED(s) has yet to be determined, Kegler noted.

“At this time, it is unclear exactly where the machine(s) will be housed,” he said. “FSCC administrators will evaluate specific locations and be in contact with medical professionals to determine the appropriate location for the machine(s). We are appreciative of the assistance and the donation from the Community Foundation.”

The Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas hosts individual charitable funds created by donors with a passion for giving back to their community. Grants from these funds assist people throughout southeast Kansas and beyond. For information about the foundation, call (620) 231-8897.

FSCC is to receive the grant money during the FSACF’s annual grant celebration at 8 a.m. Oct. 12 at Landmark Bank, 200 S. Main St.



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