Fort Scott Biz

Elected Officials for the New Year Will be Sworn-In This Month

Voters in a prior election vote at the Bourbon County Courthouse.

The Bourbon County Courthouse.

Those elected in the last November election will be sworn in sometime in December, because of their duties starting in January, said Bourbon County Clerk Jennifer Hawkins.

Also in January, the Bourbon County Commission will choose a chairman for the year amongst themselves, she said.

This year the county elections were done on newly purchased election equipment, Hawkins said, with few glitches.

“We had a representative from the company on site, Clear Ballot, of Boston, Massachusetts,” she said.

The prior county clerk purchased all new equipment before she resigned, Hawkins said.

The following are the newly elected officials from the November 7, 2023 election:

For the City of Fort Scott Commission:  Tracy Dancer, Matthew Wells, and Dyllon Olson.

For the Bronson City Council:  Michael Stewart, Christy O’Brien, and Kayla Greenway.

As Mayor of Fulton: Misty Adams

On the Fulton City Council:  Lawrence Paddock, Ronald Marsh, and Stephanie Smith.

On the Uniontown City Council: Danea Esslinger, Bradley Stewart, and Mary Pemberton.

On the the Redfield Council: L.D. Morrison, Brandy Corriston and Mel Hunt.

On the Mapleton Council, Michael Hueston, Tayler Northcutt* and Woody Brown*.

*These candidates were chosen by lot  on November 20, 2023
to break a three-way tie, with the Bourbon County Chairman Jim Harris pulling a name out of a hat, supervised by the county clerk, she said.

For the Fort Scott USD 234 Board of Education:

Position 1: James Wood

Position 2: Mike Miles

Position 3: Doug Hurd

At-large: Stewart Gulager

For the Uniontown USD235 Board of Education:

Position 1: Troy Couchman

Position 2: Rhonda Hoener

Position 3: Seth Martin

At-Large: Matt Kelly


For the  Southwind Extension District: Trent Johnson and Deb Lust.

For the Fort Scott Community College  Board of Trustees:  Ronda Bailey, Douglas Ropp, and Chad McKinnis.


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